
Weapons are a type of creature parts that grant offensive abilities, and they are the only parts that can grant the Spit ability.

Weapons can be used in combination with mouths, hands, and feet with high-level social abilities to make a relatively simple creature that can excel in any situation, perfect for the Adaptable trait.

Available weapons[]


Only Tier 1 is available in the free Creature Creator Demo.

Style Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Antlers Pediculous DNA 25
SporeCharge Charge 2
Fawninatrix DNA 75
SporeCharge Charge 3
Ultramegadeer DNA 150
SporeCharge Charge 4
Elkegent DNA 250
SporeCharge Charge 5
Horns Keratinhorn DNA 25
SporeCharge Charge 1
HealthIcon Health 1
Narwhalicorn DNA 75
SporeCharge Charge 2
HealthIcon Health 2
Cornutopia DNA 150
SporeCharge Charge 3
HealthIcon Health 3
Rammer DNA 250
SporeCharge Charge 4
HealthIcon Health 4
Spit bulb Gobstalker DNA 25
SporeSpit Spit 1
HealthIcon Health 1
Phlegmthrower DNA 75
SporeSpit Spit 2
HealthIcon Health 2
Problem-Solvent DNA 150
SporeSpit Spit 3
HealthIcon Health 3
Spraypalm DNA 250
SporeSpit Spit 4
HealthIcon Health 4
Spitter Hockitlaucher DNA 25
SporeSpit Spit 2
Spraybuchet DNA 75
SporeSpit Spit 3
Ziggurhat DNA 150
SporeSpit Spit 4
Porcupain DNA 250
SporeSpit Spit 5
Club Maceball DNA 25
SporeStrike Strike 1
HealthIcon Health 1
Stessball DNA 75
SporeStrike Strike 2
HealthIcon Health 2
The Tauntlet DNA 150
SporeStrike Strike 3
HealthIcon Health 3
SlimSlam Kablam DNA 250
SporeStrike Strike 4
HealthIcon Health 4
Cutter Scimitard DNA 25
SporeStrike Strike 2
Toxic Telson DNA 75
SporeStrike Strike 3
Reapermantis DNA 150
SporeStrike Strike 4
Spurprise! DNA 250
SporeStrike Strike 5


Following is a list of the abilities and complexities of all available weapons.

Weapon Comparison Table
Name DNA DNA SporeCharge Charge SporeStrike Strike SporeSpit Spit HealthIcon Health Complexity
Pediculous 25 2 - - - 1
Fawninatrix 75 3 - - - 1
Ultramegadeer 150 4 - - - 1
Elkegent 250 5 - - - 1
Keratinhorn 25 1 - - 1 1
Narwhalicorn 75 2 - - 2 1
Cornutopia 150 3 - - 3 1
Rammer 250 4 - - 4 1
Gobstalker 25 - - 1 1 7
Phlegmthrower 75 - - 2 2 4
Problem-Solvent 150 - - 3 3 2
Spraypalm 250 - - 4 4 9
Hockitlaucher 25 - - 2 - 5
Spraybuchet 75 - - 3 - 5
Ziggurhat 150 - - 4 - 6
Porcupain 250 - - 5 - 3
Maceball 25 - 1 - 1 1
Stessball 75 - 2 - 2 1
The Tauntlet 150 - 3 - 3 1
SlimSlam Kablam 250 - 4 - 4 1
Scimitard 25 - 2 - - 3
Toxic Telson 75 - 3 - - 3
Reapermantis 150 - 4 - - 3
Spurprise! 250 - 5 - - 3


The Spor-o-mega is a unique weapon in Spore Hero. It resembles a round disk with several crystals in it. When used, it fires several missile-like crystals. In normal combat, it works like a normal Tier 4 spit weapon, but when used against Zarkhator, it is a weapon of mass destruction, which must be charged gradually over the course of the battle before it can be used. It is given to your character by the Ancient Guardian.


In Spore Hero, the "Club" set of weapons (normally a dual function strike/health part) are also spit parts. They shoot spikes at opponents.
