Water is a liquid in Spore series that occurs commonly throughout the Galaxy. It occurs in various different colors.

Water in Spore.
Cell Stage[]
The entire Cell Stage takes place underwater. Ocean currents in the water will speed up and carry cells and objects within its influence, but slows down cells opposing the direction of flow. Strangely, if the water is red or anything other than blue, it will still look blue in Cell Stage.
Creature Stage[]

The Sea Monster devours a creature
At the beginning of the Creature Stage, the player's species emerges from the water. The player's creature is capable of swimming, but swimming too far from land is dangerous; the Sea Monster will instantly devour the creature.
Tribal Stage[]
In the Tribal Stage, the water offers supplies of food in certain locations along the coast, indicated by a fish symbol on the minimap.
The Sea Monster also appears in the Tribal Stage when the Flying Fish consequence ability is used while the Chieftain is fishing in the fishing spot.
Civilization Stage[]
Water in the Civilization Stage is an expanse that can only be traversed by sea vehicles and aircraft. Spice geysers exist in the ocean.
Space Stage[]
Water is fairly unimportant in the Space Stage. It does not serve any useful purpose besides as eye candy and decoration; similar to the in the Civilization Stage, spice geysers can also be present within a planet's ocean. Oceans of water can be created and colored using Terraforming tools. Water can harm the player in the form of Whirlwinds which only exists on planets with a very dense atmosphere. Water planets are covered in water with very little solid ground.
Galactic Adventures[]
Water can be put into adventures and is very customizable. The color of the water can be changed, along with its height. Increasing the water's temperature will turn it to lava (which can damage creatures, in fact, it kills them within 2 seconds), while decreasing the temperature will turn it to ice (which can be walked on).
Spore Creatures[]
In Spore Creatures, deep water is a hindrance for the creatures. Creatures without water resistance from the creature parts will take half of their health. Oppositely, if the creature has a water-resisting part on their body, they will be able to safely walk through the water, although the creature's energy will deplete every second within it.
- In the cut stages, it is unknown what role water would have played in the Molecular Stage. Water would have surrounded the player in the Aquatic Stage. In the City Stage, water would have played the same role as in the Civilization Stage.