“Warriors take what they want and never ask for permission. The galaxy is a prize to be claimed by the strongest.”
- - In-game description
Warrior's communication background. Details' colors change with creature's coat color.
Warrior is one of several philosophies present in the Space Stage of Spore. NPC empires with this archetype are considered fierce, robust, sometimes cruel.
Warrior Unique Power[]
The Warriors acquire the Raider Rally unique ability. Raider Rally can be used to instantly create a pirate raid event on a colonized planet.
Interactions with Player[]
Often times warrior AI empires are hostile toward the player and other empires. The most notable belligerent act warriors do is demand tribute to avoid military conflict. Warriors start out with -15 relationship points if the game is played easy and -30 relationship points if played medium or hard difficulty.
Unlike other NPC archetypes, if the Player is a Warrior Empire, instead of a +10 "We think alike" relationship bonus, they will have a -10 "Your presence disturbs us" relationship penalty.
Gaining The Warrior Archetype[]
Through Evolution[]
The Warrior archetype is awarded to species that gain a majority of red cards, or reach Space from creature with the last stage finishing on red.
The recommended path could either be red-red-green-red or red-red-red-blue, depending on whether one wants extra spice or a relationship bonus in the Space Stage.
Behavior in the Cell Stage | Behavior in the Creature Stage | Behavior in the Tribal Stage | Behavior in the Civilization Stage | Resulting archetype |
Herbivore | Predator | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Omnivore | Predator | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Carnivore | Social | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Carnivore | Adaptable | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Carnivore | Predator | Friendly | Military | Warrior |
Carnivore | Predator | Industrious | Military | Warrior |
Carnivore | Predator | Aggressive | Religious | Warrior |
Carnivore | Predator | Aggressive | Economic | Warrior |
Carnivore | Predator | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Skipped | Social | Industrious | Military | Warrior |
Skipped | Adaptable | Friendly | Military | Warrior |
Skipped | Predator | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Skipped | Skipped | Aggressive | Military | Warrior |
Skipped | Skipped | Skipped | Military | Warrior |
Through Mission[]
First you must ally with an empire following this philosophy with a strength factor of 4 or 5, then you may request to become 'like' them from the mission interface. After paying §2,500,000, the mission given is to conquer 20 systems. Upon completion return to claim your reward and you will change your philosophy and associated archetype, losing your old superpower and gaining the Warrior's Raider Rally power.
Note that player may not conquer 20 systems and then automatically complete the mission upon its acceptance. Player must accept and pay for the mission first, then conquer 20 systems.
Warrior's Philosophy[]
"The Warrior Empire is strong and powerful. The Philosophy of Force is the only choice. All other philosophies are weak.
Those that are strong enough to follow the Philosophy of Force will have the added power to call in a fighting force to attack their enemies."
Although Warriors and Knights both prefer to use force to interact with other Empires, it is obvious that Warriors would rather fight for their own intentions, unlike Knights who fight to 'clean' the galaxy from evil.
Warriors likely believe in the mindset of "Might makes right," as they believe that violent conflict is as inevitable as death and taxes. Thusly, it would make sense that the strongest member of a warrior empire is also their current emperor.
Galactic Adventures[]

Warrior tools in Galactic Adventures.
- - Thug
- - Fighter
- - Mercenary
- - Sergeant
- - Lieutenant
- - Officer
- - Major
- - Colonel
- - General
- - Warlord
Campaign Adventure[]
The Warrior campaign adventure is Infestation, where the player defends a helpless planet under attack from a Grox-caused infestation that wants to convert it.
Captain Weapons[]
- Bladed Knuckles-A close-range melee weapon that can damage multiple targets.
- Plasma Pulser-A projectile weapon with an extremely long range.
- Lightning Striker-A melee weapon that stuns any of its victims.
- Missile Flinger-A projectile weapon that can cause heavy damage to multiple targets.
Part | Damage | Cooldown | Energy cost |
Bladed Knuckles 1 | 30 | 1.44 | 55 |
Bladed Knuckles 2 | 50 | 1.5 | 70 |
Bladed Knuckles 3 | 90 | 1.75 | 90 |
Plasma Pulser 1 | 20 | 1.55 | 80 |
Plasma Pulser 2 | 35 | 1.9 | 100 |
Plasma Pulser 3 | 55 | 2.5 | 125 |
Lightning Striker 1 | 35 | 1.5 | 80 |
Lightning Striker 2 | 70 | 1.75 | 110 |
Lightning Striker 3 | 115 | 2.1 | 135 |
Missile Flinger 1 | 35 | 3 | 150 |
Missile Flinger 2 | 60 | 3.5 | 180 |
Missile Flinger 3 | 90 | 4.5 | 220 |
In-game dialogue[]
- Sometimes, after a "Destroy all Turrets" mission, the warrior empire will mention and speak fondly of their pet Oogie, notably in a non-aggressive way. They will state that the targeted empire stole their Oogie. "Little Oogie" is the animal you save in the Spore Creatures game for the Nintendo DS.
- If you ask them about their philosophy, they will think it's because you're scared of them.
- Their philosophy and voice is similar to the Klingons from Star Trek.
- They often mention that their empire could defeat any other empire, but one, which obviously means the Grox.
- Sometimes if you meet a Warrior empire, they will act like a grumpy, old man. For example, they might say, "Stay off of our lawns! And "Any frisbees we find we're keeping!"
- Sometimes, if you fail a destroy turrets mission by hurting citizens or buildings, they will yell at you for hurting their friend that was captured.
- Warriors dislike the Grox, and see them as the ultimate military challenge. They also believe the Grox have 'no warrior spirit'.
- When a Warrior ally requests your help in fending off pirates, they call the mission "Target practice".
- The background of the Warrior's Communication Pannel is similiar in design to the Interior of Klingon Warships from Star Trek.