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Vehicles are fully customizable and controllable objects in Spore. Vehicles are divided into land, sea and air vehicles in the Civilization Stage, as well as spaceships in the Space Stage. In the Civilization stage, the majority of the interactions, such as War, setting up trade routes to buy other cities and religious conversions are conducted by vehicles. In the Space Stage, they can still be customized in the City editor and seen roaming planets throughout the Spore Galaxy. Vehicles are made in the Vehicle editor and can be viewed in the Vehicle section in the Sporepedia.
There are three categories of vehicles: Land, Sea and Air, with each having different terrains they can get to, and are also divided and split into Economic, Religious and Military, depending on the specialty of the city they were created in. There is a limit to the amount of vehicles built, which is based on the amount of housing in the city of its specialty. See the vehicle editor for more details.
Ground vehicles are moved by wheels, tracks, jets, mechanical legs or float. These are the first method of interaction for civilizations on the continent and start the civilization stage with the vehicle you have designed. They are the only way of claiming Spice nodes on land. If creatures ever get in the way of a land vehicle they get run over and killed.
Ocean-going vessels are available from any coastal city, and in essence, identical to ground vehicles with the major exception of the terrain they travel over. Sea vehicles are the only vehicle type able to claim aquatic spice nodes. Also, military sea vehicles fire homing missiles at their targets instead of a land vehicle's 'energy ball' - like shells.
Air vehicles are unlocked in the civilization stage once player have been captured fourth city from any nation. Air vehicles are unable to claim spice nodes, but can cross any terrain unlike Land and Sea vehicles.
Military air vehicles preform run when attacking; using a laser, the aircraft swoops over the target while firing one continuous beam. Also, if an air vehicle attempts to attack a creature, the creature will try and attack the air vehicle back by spitting at it if possible.
Note: Not purchasing a single aircraft in a game in the civilization stage will result in obtaining the Fear of Flying achievement.
It is only built once player captured all cities from all other nations, and it opens up the Space stage. These vehicles may be seen in Creature and Tribal stages as well, but they will only abduct random creatures, including any of the player's pack/tribe members.
- At the very beginning of the civilization stage, it can be useful to create vehicles with 100% speed to capture as many spice derricks as possible before other nations are formed, then switch them out for more powerful vehicles when the need to capture cities arises.
- Military sea vehicles have very long range, which lets them attack cities without taking turret fire until they have to destroy buildings on the far side. As such, it is generally more useful to focus on damage instead of health when building them.