
The Spirits are Restless is a Maxis-made adventure present in Spore Galactic Adventures. It is an unlockable adventure, which can be given to the player by empires with the Shaman archetype in the Space Stage,


The captain beams down to the small town of Whaales which is being attacked by Shabbols from the hill. The player must talk to the Town Leader who explains the aforementioned situation and alleges that the Druid who wanders around outside their village is responsible for this. However, they don't know anything about Shabbols. Walking across the bridge, Old Druid is found and must be talked with. Hearing the townsfolk are in a panic, he explains something evil is stirring up on the hill and senses that the captain has the inner harmony needed to restore the balance. He asks them to follow him to the Circle for further detail and upon arriving, he obligates them to walk the Spirit Path and take his Staff of Spirit to channel inner energy to keep them safe.

The captain follows the trail of Spirit Path, being surrounded in fog and wandering, aggressive Shabbols that will attack them in sight. At the end of the Spirit Path through the gate, the Ancient Horror is found awoken and disrupting the natural harmony of the forest, causing the madness of Shabbols. The captain must place the staff on the Altar of Horror to destroy it and banish the Ancient Horror, After the staff is placed and the Ancient Horror is banished, the altar explodes in seconds. Harmony is restored and Shabbols returned to their senses, ceasing attacks on the town of Whaales, as well as opening a short path to the Circles. The captain must talk to the Druid. He praises them for cleansing the forest, mentioning their inner sprit is strong. He farewells the captain, encouraging them to keep their faith, follow the path, and find their one true way.


Act Name Description Time Limit Goals Music
I: A Town in Whaales Gather more information about the recent disturbances. None
  • Talk To Town Leader
  • Talk To Old Druid
II: Sacred Stones Follow the Druid to the Circle of Harmony. None Move To 1 Fire Pit None
III: The Circle of Harmony! Ask, and listen...you shall find out what to do... None Talk To Old Druid None
IV: Walk the Line! Stay on the path and don't drop the Staff. None Give Wolf Staff to Altar of Horror None
V: Banish! The Altar has been destroyed! 00:06 None None
VI: Harmony Restored The Horror has been banished. Return to the Druid. 00:06 None None
VII: Harmony Restored The Horror has been banished. Return to the Druid. None Talk To Old Druid Peaceful Universe

Introduction & Exit Adventure[]

Introduction Winning Text Losing Text
Last night the small town of Whaales was attacked by vicious Shabbols. Find out why the Shabbols are attacking and put an end to it. Harmony has been restored! The Shabbols will no longer attack the town of Whaales. You've fallen off the one true path. But don't let the harmony go. Take a deep breath, relax, and try again!


  • The Old Druid may not give the player the Wolf Staff if they are sneaking due to an AI oversight (perceived) in which AI with the "hand item to player" AI package being unable to see/find the player. Returning to visibility will cause him to hand you the staff as normal.
  • If the player takes the correct turns, the player can find a Spoffit hidden on a remote part of the path.
  • It is possible to complete this mission without even walking the Spirit Path. Captains with a high enough Glide or Jump skill can simply go over the rock wall directly behind the statue heads. It is also possible to get around the rock wall by flying or jumping to the top of a building to the left of the leftmost statue head, then to a low section of the rock wall directly right of the building. Sneaking is recommended because the Ancient Horror can shoot fireballs through the rock wall.
  • The Ancient Horror may be a reference to "He Who Walks Behind the Rows" from "Children of the Corn".