This taxon and its descendants can only contain fictional creatures and other fictional taxa. Do not classify any creatures or taxa based in real life into this taxon or any of its descendants.
Gryphoformes (Ghelæ, 2011) or gryphons are chimeric birds with distinct non-wing forelimbs and hindlimbs, based on mythological gryphons and similar creatures. Wingless gryphons exist and one may be referred to as an alce.
Kouticephalidae(alces with an object or non-head body part in place of the head, which cannot be definitively placed in other alce families)
Minoanidae(slender, earless gryphons or alces with elaborate feather crests on their heads and necks, which do not have any kind of tuft or knot on their tails)
Rachimytidae(earless, short-tailed or tailless alces with large heads which often have ridges along the top of the beak and little if any other ornamentation)
Zerdalcidae(fox-like alces with ears and tufted tails)
Axexidae(slender earless gryphons with long knotted tails and long curled feathers emerging from the back of the head)
Carrionogryphidae(owl-faced gryphons with prominent horns and reduced forearms)
Chirogryphidae(gryphons with membranous, bat- or dragon-like wings)
Gryphonidae(gryphons with the head, forelegs/talons, and wings of a bird of prey, usually an eagle; and the hindquarters, tail, and ears of a feline, usually a lion)
Hippogryphidae(often herbivorous gryphons with hooves and horse-like tails)
Cochavidae(snail-like gryphoformes with large wings compared their body)
Meejeidae(bipedal gryphoformes with mammalian feet, feline ears, tiny membranous wings, and opposable thumbs which are also confused for being carnivorous and herbivorous)
Ourogryphidae(raptor-like gryphoformes that has the living tail of a reptile)