Animalia Chordata

Chordata (Bateson, 1885) or chordates are bilateral animals with backbones or at least a notochord and a tail which continues past the anus.

Bipoda (vertebrates with only two non-fin limbs)

  • Trippondix (chordates with two limbs and an additional appendage, usually a tail)


  • Leptocardii (primitive-looking, somewhat fish-like aquatic chordates)

Chimerochordata (chordates which possess features of animals from other phyla)


  • Actinopterygii (bony fish with webbed fins supported by bony or horny spines)
  • Chondrichthyes (fish with cartilaginous skeletons and often tooth-like scales)
  • Cyclostomata (jawless fish)
  • Placodermi (early jawed fish best known for their armored heads)
  • Sarcopterygii (fish with thick, limb-like fins, including the ancestors of tetrapods)

Tetrapoda (vertebrates with four non-fin limbs)

  • Amphibia (chordates with smooth skin and usually webbed hands and feet)
  • Aves (birds and bird-like creatures)
  • Dinosauria (chordates with features intermediate between reptiles and birds)
  • Draconia (mythical reptile-like creatures, usually capable of flight making use of wings or magic)
  • Mammalia (warm-blooded chordates with hair or fur, mammary glands, and usually well-defined ears)
  • Pterosauria (warm-blooded typically quadrupedal chordates which are covered in fur-like structures called pycnofibers and have membrane wings on their forelimbs)
  • Reptilia (generally cold-blooded chordates which have scales and breathe air)
  • Synapsida (reptile-like proto-mammals)


  • Lagnodactylia (chordate-like creatures which generally have 4 limbs in a diamond arrangement, one of which is modified into a tail)
  • Tamarania (tamaran-inspired chordates with three limbs, many of which also have three eyes and a grasping appendage on the end of their tail)

CRE Pseudo-Eared Dragon-19c0d1a2 ful

Pseudo-Eared Dragon (Pogona pseudolotus)

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