Animalia (Linnaeus, 1758) is the kingdom consisting of all animals. All creatures created in Spore belong to this kingdom, unless they are unambiguously meant to be anything other than an animal.
Chordata(bilateral animals with backbones or at least a notochord and a tail which continues past the anus)
Echinodermata(animals with five-point radial symmetry in their adulthood)
Cnidaria(soft-bodied aquatic animals with bodies made primarily of non-living jelly)
Cryptia(animals that resemble non-living matter, especially anthropomorphized versions of inanimate objects)
Cytota(animals that resemble members of other kingdoms, especially anthropomorphized versions of such)
Annelida(invertebrate animals with long segmented bodies)
Arthropoda(invertebrate animals with chitinous segmented bodies and legs on at least one of those segments, which are usually jointed)
Mollusca(soft-bodied invertebrate animals best known for the shells present in many of them, which are commonly formed from nacre)
Unsorted Animalia
Porifera(animals that lack organs and filter feed through holes in their bodies called oscula)