A devastating attack that can damage multiple targets in close range.
Spore 2010-11-23 15-16-21

Two creatures attacking each other with strike.

SporeStrike Strike is an attack available to creatures. It is granted by certain Hand and Weapon parts.

This attack can be activated by either pressing the corresponding button on the attack UI or by pressing 3 during combat. The GA replacements are Lightning Strike and Freeze Blast.

It is the strongest of the four attack options available, dealing a high level of damage to multiple targets in melee combat. The attack animation differs depending on where the strike weapon is; if it is near, or is, the hands, it will slash with its graspers. A strike weapon mounted on the head will cause the creature to headbutt, while one on the tail will make the creature whirl and spin, attacking with its tail. If a creature has a combination of these types, the animation will be selected at random. This has no effect on the attack's functionality and is purely cosmetic.

Although Strike is capable of hitting multiple targets, the one specifically targeted by the player (shown by a ring of red triangles) will receive the full brunt of the damage. Any other creature hit will receive a reduced amount of damage, and creatures hit by this secondary strike will not be counted for the 'extinct' objectives in the Creature Stage.


Strike is a melee attack that strikes in a cone around the user, which is centered on the target. All strike attacks, regardless of level, have a 5 second cooldown time between uses. As the level increases, damage and cone size increase respectively. For example, a level 5 strike has a cone in front of and to the sides of the user, deals 9 damage to the primary target, and 1-2 damage to nearby creatures. Level 1 only deals 3 damage and has a smaller cone.

Level Damage
1 3
2 4.5
3 6
4 8
5 9

In Galactic Adventures, strike has a 1/4 damage multiplier when used against vehicles and buildings.

Parts granting Strike[]

List of parts granting strike
Name Type SporeStrike Strike DNA DNA
Roto-knots Limb 2 70
Mechstensions Limb 2 70
Setaetarsal Hand 1 25
Amphibigrab Hand 1 75
Amphibigrip Hand 1 150
Croak Masseur Hand 1 250
Nubknuckle Hand 1 25
Lockpicker Hand 1 75
Opposabubba Hand 2 150
Monstrumtalon Hand 3 250
Trapfist Hand 1 25
Succulenders Hand 2 75
Snatchengrabben Hand 3 150
Dexterrorous Hand 4 250
Bonestickler Hand 1 25
Torsionwrencher Hand 2 75
Prongripper Hand 3 150
Tearerwrist Hand 3 250
Phatlanges Hand 1 25
Badgerbear Hand 2 75
Ultrarolfer Hand 3 150
Metacarnal Hand 4 250
Grubbygrabber Hand 2 25
Velocigrasper Hand 3 75
Hookencrook Hand 4 150
Horrorthumbs Hand 5 250
Mittenfist Hand 1 25
Nubby Hand 1 75
Pointer Hand 2 150
Clownfingers Hand 3 250
Evildigit Hand 2 25
Deathclaw Hand 3 75
Fembones Hand 4 150
Extractor Hand 5 250
Claspers Hand 2 25
Sockems Hand 2 25
Maceball Weapon 1 25
Stessball Weapon 2 75
The Tauntlet Weapon 3 150
SlimSlam Kablam Weapon 4 250
Scimitard Weapon 2 25
Toxic Telson Weapon 3 75
Reapermantis Weapon 4 150
Spurprise! Weapon 5 250


  • If a creature has a strike part on its head, the creature may headbutt instead of slashing with its claws. If the creature has a strike part on its tail, it will spin around to attack. Level 1 tail strike is a single blow delivered from the left, level 2 adds a blow delivered from the right, and so on until strike 5, where the attack is preceded by a flip.
  • In the standalone Spore Creature Creator, certain mouths can also give creatures the ability to strike. This was removed, however, in the full version of Spore.
Creature Stage abilities