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In Spore, there are 42,010 stars that can be visited. All stars in the game have at least one planet (even if it is one moonless gas giant), and exist in one of three different colors. A star's color has nothing to do with the number of planets orbiting a star, but it does seem to have an effect on where the planets are and what type of spice they produce. Sol can be found somewhere in the Spore Galaxy. Stars are not evenly placed in the galaxy. Some areas are devoid of stars while others are grouped in clusters, particularly near the Galactic Core. Some areas have a lot of the rare Blue Giants, while others are just huge groups of Red Dwarfs.

Issia system

A typical star with planets


  • Red dwarf — Small reddish-orange stars. The most common stars in the Galaxy.
  • Yellow star — The yellowish or creamy stars.
  • Blue giant — Large blue-white stars. The rarest stars in the Galaxy.

Related objects[]

  • Supernovae are a rare event that occurs in the galaxy. No stars are actually destroyed, as this is just an effect.
  • Compact stars such as pulsars and white dwarfs sometimes appear in nebulae, however, they are just effects, and disappear when travelled to.
  • A Proto-Planetary Disk is a young star that some believe will form new stars, as most do in real life.


  • Stars never get closer than 1 Parsec to each other (excluding binary systems).
  • Stars will occasionally group into clusters. Star clusters are great places to colonize, because there are a lot of planets situated in a small area, and the probabilities of finding planets with high-value spice are higher.
  • Occasionally two stars are in a single system. In this case one is labeled "system name"-A and "system name"-B.
  • There is no such thing as super-giants, white dwarfs and brown dwarfs in the Spore galaxy.
  • Unlike in space where stars can distend to a larger size, stars in the Spore galaxy remain in their original form for eternity.