
Stabber is a Maxis-made cell, present in the Cell Stage at Level 3. Stabber, as his name implies, has many spikes around his body, giving him a good defense.


A good strategy to defeat him is having a spike attached near the back of your cell, and simply standing motionless, facing away from him. He will try attacking, but get hit by the spike. After repeating this process, stabber will still try to attack you, even if one more hit will result in his death - which often happens. There is no point in assaulting him from a side, and even his tail can be quite dangerous, as he might turn around, stabbing the player in the process.

Stabber may be related to stabbella, since they are visually similar, and if noticed, stabbers never attack stabbellas, while they always attack noseys.


The following parts can be harvested from this creature by killing one:



  • Judging by its appearance, Stabber is the male version of Stabbella.
  • If you look closely, you can see that Stabber's spikes are hidden parts, being shorter than most other cell's spikes.

See also[]
