Sporepedia in Final Game

An in-game image of the Sporepedia.


An in-game image of the Sporepedia in Spore Creature Creator.

The Sporepedia is a database of creations for both the Spore game and website. It has the look and feel of a pack of cards, with the name of the content at the top, an image and general stats for the represented content, and the creator's name at the bottom. The player can ban any content they deem unsuitable, preventing them from appearing in the game again.



  • Everything - Shows every creation from Maxis' to the player(s).
  • Maxis - Shows any creation created by Maxis, including
  • Recent Downloads - Catalogs any creations downloaded and loaded into the game.
  • Search Online - Allows to search player-made creations through servers of Sporepedia. It features a search bar with toggleable buttons. The secondary section is the Browse tab, with single buttons to toggle type of creation before proceeding Next.

My Stuff[]

Sections that are relevant to the players themselves. My Creation works offline, though the rest are only accessible if logged in.

  • My Creations - Shows any creations that the player has created.
  • MySpore Page - Shows the logged-in player's profile page. It displays the player's avatar icon with username, slogan, subscribers, Sporecasts, creations, and account creation date in a row beneath it. To the right, it sports the Featured tab of creatures that were featured and the side of the screen Creator's choice. Below, it has rows of sections such as "Latest Spore News" showing the recent news from moderators, "Events" of 3 incidents happening with or subscribed users, and "Comments" of other users commenting on the player's creation.
  • Achievements - Shows the list of achievements being earned or yet to be earned/in secret associated with the account.
  • Spore Catalog - Shows the products of Spore. Currently, there are 4.


For every subscribed user (becoming a Buddy on the player's account), it adds new tabs of that Buddy's name, which downloads creation from that Buddy in number.

  • Find Buddy: Allows to search for other players via their usernames. When searching for exact keywords, it loads the list of usernames entered and shows their avatar, username and count of creations they made which clicking on will pop up their account page, and "Add" text with confirmation to add them as Buddy upon clicking.


Sporecasts allow for the creation of curated content collections. Subscribing to a Sporecast, or creating one, will make Spore download creations featured in it automatically.


In an in-progress game, it catalogs all stars/star systems, planets, creatures, buildings, vehicles and flora the player has discovered. Outside of the five stages, it catalogs all creations, such as creatures, vehicles, buildings, adventures, and music currently stored on the computer.

In the first 4 stages, cards can be obtained by clicking on the content. In the Space Stage, a tool called Scan must be used to gain the Sporepedia in-game information on all content except planets, which are added to the Sporepedia as soon as entering them. Plants and animals can also be added to the Sporepedia via the Abduction Beam.

There are several types of cards, each representing a different kind of content.

Sporepedia card[]

This is the top card, which does not hold any information by itself, but provides access to all the content currently in the database. For example, it is possible to list all planets the player has encountered or all the creatures in the database.

Planet Card[]

Clicking on the three-dotted button below the planet's image reveals a 3D rotating image of the planet. There is a button in the corner resembling a compass. Pressing this button will put a tracking marker on the planet and its star. In the place on the card where the creator's name usually is, the name of the star can be seen. Searching for an empire will also show all planets in systems they own.

Creature Card[]

The information shown in the creature card are icons to represent the stats being imaged and numbers next to the icon to show the level of the abilities.

The card displays the right row of information for its diet, whether being carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. There are stats for its attack abilities, social abilities, general abilities along with speed and health levels. The shown stats vary depending on if it is an un-outfitted creature, a tribal creature, a civilization or empire creature, or a captain. Tribal creatures show a modified stats list including gathering, combat, social, speed, and health levels. Civilized and empire creatures display the lack of stats for redundancy.

In the Spore Galactic Adventures expansion pack, introducing captain creature type, it displays stats of the animal creature, in addition to four new stats, shielding abilities, energy maximum and regeneration, and health regeneration. Captains that the player uses in adventures also show the level of the captain, and a separate window that appears when clicked showing the gameplay stats of the captain.

Flora Card[]

Flora Card displays the lack of any stats. During the game, it can be added to the in-game database through scanning in the Space Stage.

Vehicle Card[]

The vehicle card displays the count as health, strength, and speed in a percentage bar in the upper corner of the card, and what type it is.

Building Card[]

Shows an image of the building, and what type it is.

Song Card[]

Shows a representation of a song.

Adventure Card[]

Shows information about an adventure, including up to four pictures, a description imposed on the center of the picture gallery, tags, and players who beaten the adventure ("Adventure Leaders").


A tag is a descriptor added to a creature to help differentiate it in searches on Sporepedia. In addition, tags are expected to play a major role in the full Spore game's filtering process.

When a creature is created, it can be given a name, a description, and tags which should be separated by a comma. Only the name is mandatory for the creature to be saved.

Prior to the release of the full Spore game, tagging only affects Sporepedia searches. However, it is expected users will be able to set their game to filter imported creatures by checking for specific tags. As such, it is important to include relevant tags so that creatures can be properly identified.

Note when tagging that currently the Sporepedia search function cannot search for phrases (i.e. "under the bed"); rather, it searches individual words (the query "under the bed" would return all creatures with "under," "the," and "bed" in the tags, name, and description).

There are also special tags that can be put on your creature, such as the "gaprop" tag, and the archetypes listed on this page: http://www.spore.com/comm/tutorials/archetypes

By inserting the tags on the Spore Archetypes page, you could set your creatures (for Tribal and Creature stages) to spawn as something more specific as long as they follow the criteria of those archetypes.
