

Aqatic stage is a galactic adventure in Spore Galactic Adventures.


The Gars are fishes that have evolved very fast, and is showing major signs of victory. It was only a year when the planet received a technological advancement and rose to power. As a result, creatures kept changing and showing no signs of stopping. But one Creature must evolve to land.


The primary focus of this mission is to go to land to evolve. This mission is similar to The origional aqatic stage, only there is some new areas with plenty of enemies and allies. The player must kill a willosaur , go to the deep, kill some creatures and escape the sea while trying to have his/her gar alive. Many of the Creatures are hostile (especially the Main creatures) so it would be advisable to be smart. Note that ALL hostile forces respawn, so be prepared for a long battle.


The one and only way to win this adventure is to do all the above. (excluding the notes.)

Units == Gar - Protagonist (Also the selected captain)

Deep sea gar - Antagonist

Aqatic Willosaur - Advanced Antagonist

Willosaur - Easter egg

Crocodillian - Antagonist

Sea monster - Huge antagonist , also the creature in creature stage that lurks in the sea (see sea monster)

NOTE: there are much more creatures, but i was trying to save time.

Trivia ==

  • Crocodiles exist in this adventure.
  • The willosaur appears in this adventure, And , apparently, a simaler creature called common willosaur.