
Archival is organizing past discussions (usually on talk pages) so that they are easily accessible to anyone looking for them.

How to archive a talk page[]

When archiving a talk page, ensure that no discussions are still going on by examining timestamps. If there are sections which are still under discussion then leave those on the page while you archive the rest. Find the dates the discussions have been occuring by finding the oldest and most recent dates that you plan to archive.

If there isn't already an archives box on your page, create one using {{talkarchives|archivelinks}}. The archive links should be a bulleted list with the dates the discussions being archived had taken place. For example, this is the current archives of the Main Page:

*[[/7 March 2006 - 3 April 2006]]

A backslash ("/") is included to have the link go to a subpage of the talk page. The dates show the time period of that archives discussions, the next archive should go from 3 April 2006 to some future date. Once the archives are made, all the discussions which are being archived can be cut from the main talk page and pasted in the archived page, and the {{archivedpage}} template can be placed at the top of the page. If the page involves a vote or other information that needs to be protected, a sysop should be contacted to protect the archived page.

When to archive a talk page[]

Talk pages should be archived when they are getting fairly large or they have very old, or obsolete discussions.
