Tips and Tricks[]
- To get this achievement more efficiently, attempt this on Easy difficulty.
- Don't mate often.
- If you are about to mate, keep pressing escape key in every cutscene to skip them and edit as quickly as possible. Color does not matter.
- Focus on speed. Try to have as many Flagella/Cilia/Jets as possible.
- If you are a Carnivore, do not attempt to attack cells that are bigger than you.
- It is good to start as an herbivore with two rows of eyes, so you can get 5 easy DNA points if you mate.
- Once you have 25 points, add an omnivore mouth so that you can eat plants and kill cells. However, the omnivore mouth doesn't allow you to eat meat chunks, as it has to be won from another cell.
- If you happen to get Cilia, they are somewhat better than Flagella. Consider using them and one flagella.
- Placing herbivore mouths slightly off center gives you two mouths which make it easier to gobble plant buds while moving quickly and without having to face them, increasing the speed of feeding.
- The achievement isn't earned until the evolution button is pressed at the end of the stage, so press it quickly.
- Don't bother to earn other achievements.