Tips and Tricks[]
- To get this achievement more efficiently, attempt this on Easy difficulty.
- If you have trouble, you can skip going to your home and mating (but you have to go to your nest and get the new parts and keep an eye on your DNA and it's a good thing to know that how much every parts cost so you can pack up a bunch of DNA and buy them all/ most with ti only once visiting your nest).
- Making allies is good in this achievement because if a person in your posse dies, an ally can just take their place and you don't have to go all the way back to your nest.
- Do not seek out bone piles. Digging them up will only slow you down.
- Get high-level social abilities, form a pack from your species, and ally with as many species as possible.
- If you have a large pack and come across a Rogue Creature, ally with it for an easy boost to DNA points.
- When looking at another species, search for the alphas. The number in the shield next to their name should give you a rough estimate of how much DNA points you can get by allying with that species. As you advance to Tribal stage, once you collect enough DNA points, it's a good idea to collect as many DNA points as possible in one event.
- If you're lucky, you may stumble across a group of creatures with high-level combat, but low-level social abilities, or vice-versa. Go for whichever angle they're weakest at, it will make the job much easier.
- Focus on obtaining parts with a high level for Speed and Jump, as they make navigation easier.
- Skip every cinematics, and spend as little time as possible in the creature editor.
- Try to befriend rogue creatures.
- The achievement's picture is a reference to the cheetah, the fastest animal on land (though not the fastest on Earth).
- Speed Demon is also a song by Michael Jackson.