
A creature trying to impress a Knot the Grawx by singing.

SporeSing Sing is one of the social abilities available in the Creature Stage, used to impress other creatures. All creatures are capable of using the Sing ability (with the exception of some robotic creatures; see below), and a high Sing is considered absolutely essential for an effective social or balanced creature, simply because a creature with no other social skills (such as a well-developed, predatory Carnivore) will still have Sing. Note, however, that the Social Creature Stage trait can still be acquired with a low Sing level, but with much more difficulty.

Sing can only be acquired from mouths, in the same way that SporeCharm Charm can only be gained through Details, SporeDance Dance through Feet, and SporePose Pose through Hands. All of the mouths in the basic parts set feature the Sing ability, with ability levels ranging from 1-5. The Carnivore mouths range from Sing 1-3, while the Herbivore mouths range from 1-5. The Omnivore mouths are the most versatile, with both Sing and Bite ranging from 1-5.

In the Spore Creepy and Cute Parts Pack, many new head styles became available. These heads also offer Sing at various levels, with the 'Cute' heads offering higher levels of sing.

The Spore Bot Parts Pack, on the other hand, offers two heads, called Cantop and Clamps, which have no Sing level, making it possible to create a creature with no social abilities. This is highly discouraged, as trying to socialize as or with such a creature will cause your game to crash.

Parts granting Sing[]

List of parts granting sing
Name Type SporeSing Sing DNA DNA
Filter Mouth Cell 1 15
Jaw Cell 1 15
Proboscis Cell 1 25
D'orca Mouth 1 25
Terrorpin Mouth 1 75
CrocKisser Mouth 2 150
Shortensnout Mouth 3 250
Gobsterclaw Mouth 1 25
Handibles Mouth 1 75
Handtennae Mouth 1 150
Pincernaut Mouth 1 250
Manglerfish Mouth 1 25
Slagjawed Mouth 1 75
Barracutie Mouth 1 150
Carcharebear Mouth 1 250
Toucan't Mouth 1 25
Buzzbeak Mouth 2 75
Buzzmuzzle Mouth 3 150
Skexybeast Mouth 4 250
Sauroclod Mouth 1 25
Grinnace Mouth 2 75
Vermillips Mouth 3 150
S'gnarly Mouth 4 250
Simperton Mouth 2 25
Rostrum Mouth 3 75
Worrybeak Mouth 4 150
Amphibitude Mouth 5 250
Leeyotch Mouth 1 25
Gnathognasher Mouth 1 75
Saginaughty Mouth 1 150
Dietrap Mouth 1 250
Mollratt Mouth 2 25
Laardvaark Mouth 3 75
Ruminanteater Mouth 4 150
Whalephant Mouth 5 250
Swillson Mouth 2 25
Ungulot Mouth 3 75
Soundersnout Mouth 4 150
Haunchface Mouth 5 250
Cantovis Mouth 2 25
Splatypus Mouth 3 75
Snapgator Mouth 4 150
Grubblemaw Mouth 5 250
Masticator Mouth 1 25
Chompasaurus Mouth 1 75
Beefteef Mouth 2 150
Maccobjaw Mouth 2 250
Muzzletuff Mouth 1 25
Grindah Mouth 1 75
Gnasha Mouth 2 150
Tuskaloosa Mouth 3 250
MumblyJoe Mouth 2 25
Buttonmaw Mouth 3 75
Gnawly Mouth 4 150
Bucky Buckerson Mouth 5 250

Creature Stage abilities