
Scrolls of Order are a set of rare artifacts that can be found throughout the galaxy in the Space Stage of Spore.

The combined value of the Scrolls of Order is 450,000 Sporebucks and doubles with Diplomat empires. Having all of them in the cargo hold simultaneously will sell for 4,500,000 Sporebucks.


Name Image Description Value
Scroll of Order I Scroll of Order 1 We have made every imaginable mistake. We've fought unnecessary wars, we've abused the environment, we've squandered resources, and furthermore we've wasted a lot of time discussing what to do about all these problems. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order II Scroll of Order 2 We would like to think we have learned from all our mistakes. And what we have learned is this: Every sentient being matters. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order III Scroll of Order 3 Because every sentient being matters, it is incumbent on us to provide every sentient being with peace, security, opportunity, health, and education. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order IV Scroll of Order 4 Because every sentient being matters, we provide every with a voice. Each is allowed to express opinions and participate in government as they see fit. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order V Scroll of Order 5 We are a representative democracy, with sovereignty placed in an elected council. The process of government is slow and sometimes inefficient, but we can be certain that each act of government is supported by a majority of our citizens. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order VI Scroll of Order 6 A functioning democracy acts to prevent civil war. Those who lose an election do not raise a rebellion, instead they just prepare for the next election. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order VII Scroll of Order 7 As for meaning, the Grand Council takes no position on matters of theology, and we permit each citizen to discover its own purpose, as long as the rights of other citizens are not violated. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order VIII Scroll of Order 8 Those other species willing to abide by these principles are welcome to join us in our efforts to provide peace and security to the galaxy. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order IX Scroll of Order 9 The Grox are a machine race that have blockaded the center of the galaxy. They are extremely dangerous. We have not managed to establish a working relationship with them. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Scroll of Order X Scroll of Order 10 It is widely believed that the Grox are guarding some form of treasure at the center of the galaxy. There is no evidence for this, but we cannot discount the possibility. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Diplomat empires)

Other Rares