
Scrolls of Faith are a set of rare artifacts that can be found throughout the galaxy in the Space Stage of Spore.

The combined value of the Scrolls of Faith is 450,000 Sporebucks and doubles with Zealot empires. Having all of them in the cargo hold simultaneously will sell for 4,500,000 Sporebucks.


Name Image Description Value
Scroll of Faith 1 Scroll of Faith 1 The questions of a million years oppress us. Who am I? Why was I made? What is my purpose? What is the purpose of the universe? Shall I survive after death? Can I be happy? Scientists can only tell us about forces and matter. Philosophers chase each other in circles. None of them can really answer the questions that we really care about. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 2 Scroll of Faith 2 Only Spode has the answers. Follow the Law of Spode, and all shall be clear. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 3 Scroll of Faith 3 Faith in Spode quiets all doubt. Spode tells you why you exist, assures you that you have a purpose, tells you how to behave, and assures you of eternal happiness. Those opposed to Spode say that there is no evidence for any of these assertions. But what evidence is needed, beyond the joy in the hearts of those who follow Spode? 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 4 Scroll of Faith 4 It is natural for the followers of Spode to wish to spread this joy. This is why we engage in missionary work and in conquest, so that more of Spode's creatures can be brought to Spode's Truth. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 5 Scroll of Faith 5 That is why we are vigilant against those who do not accept the Truth. If false doctrine causes a follower to doubt, that person's eternal happiness is in jeopardy! In order to free ourselves from doubt, we strive to eliminate all who reject Spode's Word. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 6 Scroll of Faith 6 Spode's greatest enemies are the Grox and those who believe in the False God That Will Come. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 7 Scroll of Faith 7 The Grox are a machine race incapable of understanding the Word of Spode. They are a blasphemy in machine form. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 8 Scroll of Faith 8 The Grox prevent us from shining the light of Spode on the center of the galaxy. On the Day of Reckoning, we shall destroy them in Spode's holy name! 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 9 Scroll of Faith 9 The God That Will Come is a false deity. If this god exists at all, it is a demon bent on perverting Spode's worship. Whenever you encounter his followers, you should know you have encountered an enemy! 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

Scroll of Faith 10 Scroll of Faith 10 Love Spode and follow his Truth! Otherwise, your life is meaningless. 45,000§

(90,000§ for Zealot empires)

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