Spore 2008-12-05 16-41-41

Rocky Planets are planets which are devoid of an atmosphere, but have a temperature which is neither too hot nor too cold. Rocky planets either have no water on the surface or occasional small bodies. They are found on green orbits and are very easy to terraform. One Atmosphere Generator is enough to achieve a T-1 score on the planet.

In one of your Homeworld's mission, you are sent to a Rocky Planet to colonize. If you later choose to terraform, your empire will send you to that planet to terraform.


Threats Minor Damage Medium Damage Major Damage
Meteor Showers X O X
Rock Geysers O O X

Meteor Showers[]

Many meteors will fall from the sky and hit the planet after breaking into many pieces. They mainly appear when the player is increasing the atmosphere. They also usually fall when the player stays in one place for too long.

Rock Geysers[]

A fast geyser that can randomly appear on the planet, doing damage to the player's ship.
