
Radar is a main tool in the Space Stage of Spore.

The tool aids the player to find Spice crates, Sporebuck sacks, Rares and Planet Sculpting or Planet Coloring tools, along with flora and fauna for Gopher missions and Eco disasters. If a planet has one of the items listed, that planet will have yellow radio waves coming from it, similar to the SETI. Clicking on a species slot on the Terra score menu will turn yellow and the radar will switch on, leading to the target even if it is unscanned.

Rares, Sporebuck sacks, flora/fauna required for missions, and Planet Sculpting and Coloring tools will activate the radar from a great distance (approximately 1/3rd of the way around the planet), but plants and animals can only be detected from a very short range. Epic animals, however, can be detected from a much longer range.
