
Puffish is a Maxis-made cell present in Spore. It can be found in the Cell stage at level 4, being initially epic-sized.

It possesses the Jaw, Spike, Poison, Flagella, and Beady Eye cell parts.

It is the last cell that possesses the Poison part. Puffish is relatively difficult to hurt for possessing many spikes on its body. Going from the front will get the cell bitten, and going from behind will get them poisoned. Its only weak spot is on its sides in between the two clusters of spikes and front if the cell has spikes. When epic or predator-sized, Puffishes will never eat live predator/peer Jawheads and will not be killed by the spikes or poison of Puffish's. However, Puffish may eat prey-sized Jawheads.


  • The name and appearance seem to be a reference to the real-world pufferfish.
  • Puffish makes the same sounds as Squirty, the only other poisonous cell.


See also[]
