
Thadus 0002 3.2 is the second moon of the third planet orbiting the binary pair at the center of the Thadus 0002 System, 2.28 light-years from the Nivenia System. It is an icy moon, but contains a core made of metallic aluminum and transition metals, allowing for the potential exploitation of its large resource deposits when the Thadus 0002 System is colonized. Its proximity to Thadus 0002 3 amplifies its economic value as well, making it a medium-priority colonization target for entities like the Nivenian Empire.

Other moons of Thadus 0002 3:

General Information
Nivenian History after Dekemurios 32, 20 NE
Nivenia Space Core Systems (within 3.2 light-years)
Nivenia Space Rouge Planets