
Hominidae, otherwise known as the "humanoids" or "giantspawn", is an umbrella term for the largest collective of species on Narazen, including the dream-like (or nightmarish) elves, the stone-born dwarves, the towering, ancient giants, humanity and its myriad polities across the world, and the often misunderstood goblin-kin. Men and goblin-kin, with their indomitable spirits and drive to make the most of their brief lives, are the most common hominids in the current age of the world.

Nevertheless, despite differences in appearance, culture, and disposition, all hominids share a profound bond that ties them together. Shrouded in the mists of antiquity, when the majestic Star Giants walked the earth, it is believed that they breathed life into the various races, bestowing on them unique gifts and purposes. Thus, every hominid (for better or worse) carries a spark of the ancient Star Giants within them, a testament to their shared lineage.


The earliest records of the first hominids are known to be cave-paintings located across the globe dating from long before the arrival and departure of the gods. The most commonly-held theory of the origin of hominids is the influence of the Star Giants. Hailing from the luminous expanses beyond the firmament, the Star Giants descended upon the world, with heaven's starry glimmers in their eyes and strides as vast as the cosmos. In their dreams the first seeds of the elven race took root, ethereal and delicate. The Star Giants then turned to the robust materials of the deep earth – rock and stone – and sculpted beings of incredible resilience. Thus, they forged the first dwarves and set them apart as the lords and princes of this world. Observing the great apes of the forests and savannahs, the Star Giants enhanced their features, refined their instincts. And so the first men and goblin-kin, diverse and ambitious, came to walk the earth. And they turned their creations against their enemies, the first drakons.

The late Prearchaedian saw the end of the wars between giants and drakon-kind. Narazen was then a world teeming with hominids; most organized themselves through kinship into bands which followed seasonal prey migrations and searched for fertile lands to forage. Then came Lord Vaerahsiilos, the unconquered sun and sovereign of the Empyrean. Resplendent and holy, Vaerahsiilos and His fellow Celestials descended onto the face of Narazen to illuminate mortals, and with their blessings the nomadic clans began to settle, leading to the birth of the first cities and organized societies.


  • Alavyra Elves
  • Baehnir Elves
  • Inithaeli Elves
  • Kazlamari Elves
  • Laanai Elves
  • Naraether Elves

Elves stand out in a crowd with their graceful builds and tall stature. Their heights range typically between seven and a half to eight feet tall, making them tower over most other races. With a spectrum of hair, skin, and eye colors rivaling a rainbow's vividness and variety, every elf is a sight to behold. From shimmering shades of cerulean to fiery reds and tranquil greens, their physical attributes reflect many colors. The longevity of elves is another feature that sets them apart. On average, they have lifespans that span two to three centuries, and the memories of ages past live on through them.

While elves are sometimes mistakenly identified as fae, their origins tell a different story. Legend has it that their ancestors emerged from the vivid dreams and the haunting nightmares of the enigmatic Star Giants during the Prearchaedian era. This association has led many to believe that the very essence of elves is entwined with magic. Their beings resonate with the numinous as if sculpted out of magic itself.

Myth paints a picture of a world where elves were the predominant race, reigning supreme in all corners of Narazen before classical antiquity, during ages of myth when the gods walked among mortals and warred among themselves. Their advanced civilizations and influential dynasties shaped the world's nascent eras. However, the march of time has seen a decline in their superiority. In the modern era, once widespread and numerous, elvish cultures are now sparse. Their once-thriving cities and civilizations have dwindled, and only a few remnants of their former glory remain.


Humanity, in its myriad forms, paints a diverse tapestry that spans the globe. Human faces vary across regions; a glance might reveal high, regal cheekbones or a broad, prominent nose, slender lips, or voluptuously full ones. Generally, skin tones darken near the equator (e.g., Prymirans, Nagan Zhai) and lighten near the poles (e.g., Heidrici). However, not just nature plays a part in this vibrant mosaic. Culture, deeply entwined with human identity, has crafted its own set of distinguishing markers. Humans showcase their heritage through an array of adornments. Intricate clothing, unique piercings that denote rites of passage, tattoos inscribed with ancient symbols, and even the art of scarification, which chronicles life's journeys on the canvas of skin, all reveal tales of ancestry. Elves, with their slender, elongated features and ethereal grace, present a marked contrast to the robustness of human appearance. While the elven peoples are often recognized by their characteristic pointed ears, extending in varying lengths, humans sport rounder ears that sit close against their heads. While more compact and sturdy than elves, their stature is neither as stout as the dwarves nor as formidable as the orcs, with most adult humans standing between five and six and a half feet tall.

In the annals of time, nestled amidst tales of old and epochs forgotten, lies the story of humanity's birth during the Prearchaedian era. This epoch witnessed the intervention of the Star Giants, With a purpose known only to them, they looked upon the great apes of Narazen's forests and savannahs and saw potential. Harnessing miraculous techniques long since forgotten, they elevated these beings from mere existence to conscious life, instilling within them not just intellect but a vibrant spirit. This newfound essence allowed humans to dream and desire.

Nevertheless, the gift of life came with a bitter twist for humans. While elves, with their enduring grace, and dwarves, with their steadfast resilience, experience the ebb and flow of time over centuries, humans lead a far more transient existence, many not even making it a century. However, rather than being a limitation, this brevity is a powerful motivator to seize the day. Knowledge of their limited time compels many among humanity to chase dreams with fervor, build legacies that will endure beyond their fleeting lifespans, and etch their stories in the annals of history. Each heartbeat, each tick of the clock, becomes a precious commodity, urging humans onward in their relentless pursuit of meaning, purpose, and legacy.


Birthed from the marrow of the world, the dwarves stand as a testament to the land's rugged resilience and enduring spirit. Though short in stature at an average height between four and five feet, dwarves possess a gravity that belies their size. Their skin, reminiscent of the land's raw elements, is earthen, stony, or metallic. While not all dwarves sport the iconic beard often associated with their kind, there is no denying their generally hirsute nature. This usually thick body hair provides an added layer of protection against the harsh environments they tend to inhabit. In many dwarf cultures, it is seen as a sign of high status or virility and is subsequently well-groomed.

Like all hominids, dwarves owe their existence to the celestial craftsmanship of the Star Giants. It has been said that in the shadowed recesses of the Worldspine, the first of their kind, known as the Vykaeri, were meticulously chiseled from stone and metal. The mountains were silent witnesses to their creation and became their first home. The Sublime Domain of the Vykaeri, often reverently referred to as "Old Vykaeria," stands as a golden chapter in dwarven history during the legendary Archaedian Age. However, this glorious era met a tumultuous end. With the departure of the gods from the face of Narazen following the wounding of the world, the cohesive fabric of Old Vykaeria unraveled.

This profound shift did not spell the end for the dwarves, however. Instead of succumbing to despair, many among them, holding onto their inherent resilience, retreated. They sought solace in embracing the mountains and the world's profound depths. Here, amidst the heartbeats of Narazen, they established formidable kingdoms and strongholds. While the unity of Old Vykaeria might have been lost, its spirit lived on in these new dominions. Graennarune in the east is more generously dotted with dwarven lands than Maelathor in the west. Nevertheless, seeing a dwarf on either continent is not an anomaly, and their enduring presence speaks to an adventurous spirit.


  • Astral Giants
  • Cave Titans
  • Hill Giants
  • Mountain Giants
  • Storvarung Giants
  • Thunder Giants

A familiar aphorism is that to see a Giant is to witness a mountain walk. Their sheer size is the stuff of legends. Even the most diminutive among them towers at an astonishing three yards in height. However, one must not believe their grandeur is only in their height. A closer look reveals a spectacle of physical prowess. Their bodies, sculpted with layers of muscles, showcase raw strength that can move boulders and reshape landscapes. This immense power, however, does not come at the cost of agility. Their well-defined musculature is not just for brute force; it lends them the agility to gracefully traverse rugged terrains, climb sheer cliffs, and navigate dense forests.

Their illustrious past aptly reveals their most profound attribute: their mastery over magic. Most giants, barring a rare few, wield magic with a finesse that many races can only aspire to achieve. Their magic isn't just for show; it's transformative. The Thunder Giants, for instance, harness the power of storms and the vast oceans, making the very depths of the seas their dwelling. Their magic not only allows them to live beneath the waves but also to command and influence the marine realm. Similarly, the Cave Titans, another subset of the giant race, have carved out their niche quite literally. They reside within vast cave systems, their magic allowing them to shape and manipulate the rocky terrain to their liking. These caverns, while dark and deep, are alive with the energy and presence of the Cave Titans.


  • Frost Orc
  • Kagar Orc
  • Tak Orcs

The twin races of Goblin-kin– goblins and orcs– share a deep-rooted familial lineage. Nevertheless, as nature often dictates, they have branched out, each race carving out a unique identity like two trees rooted in the same earth but reaching up to different parts of the sky.

Goblin stature, generally relatively diminutive, might lead some to draw parallels between them and dwarves. However, the similarities end here; the wiry physique of goblins, combined with their often bald visages, sharply distinguishes them from the bearded and stocky dwarves known to inhabit mountainous regions. Like will-o'-the-wisps, they flit through the world, their swift, unpredictable maneuvers embodying an almost ephemeral grace. This dexterity offers them distinct advantages, from sneaking through the densest underbrush to navigating the labyrinthine alleys of bustling cities.

If goblins are the shadows that flit silently across a moonlit night, orcs are the thunderous storms that command attention. Their presence is immediately impactful, with a stature rivaling or surpassing humans and boasting a breadth and muscularity that makes them stand apart. To witness an orc is to witness every sinew and muscle speaking of a lineage of strength. Their skin, a canvas of earthy grays and vibrant greens, hints at their deep-rooted connection to the world and its ancient mysteries. However, the most iconic feature of orcs is the boar-like tusks that frame their faces.

Nevertheless, it is a cruel twist of fate that such beings, born from the mystical touch of the Star Giants alongside humanity, are often relegated to the margins of the world, with some even considering goblins proper to be pests rather than people. Their feelings, ranging from the fiercest passions to the most delicate dreams, not only match the human emotional range but, in many instances, transcend it.
