

Cyrannian Soviet Minor

The Cyrannian Soviet Minor building in Stator. The building itself is a lot younger then Kevalve's gouvernment building, which is clearly visible in it's architecture and esthetic.

Klagrad Missile Defence System HQ

Klagrad Missile Defence System HQ. Directly under the control of the Iron Navy, the building contains all the equipment required for the missiles' targeting systems and the firing sequences.

Iron Navy Cyrannian HQ

The headquarters of the APR's military, the Iron Navy, in the Algolurn Cyrannian Settlement Space. Still answers only to the Supreme Council Chairman. Also a way younger building than the ones of the Red Quarter and therefor with a more modern look.

Klagrad was the first planned settled by the Algolurn colonists outside the Milky Way. Therefor, it was decided that Klagrad would fall under a new kind of gouvernance by the APR known as the Republican Colonial Measures or more simply the Measures. The Measures greatly changes the gouvernance for Algolurn colonies, with the Supreme Council delegating the majority of it's normal attributions to a new institution known as the Soviet Minor. The Soviet Minor Chairman is still under the direct orders of the Supreme Council, but benefits from a much larger "liberties". The Assembly of the Executive answer to both the Supreme Council and the Minor, while the Major Assembly of the Algolurn Cyrannian Settlement Space (MAACSS) answer almost exclusively to the Soviet Minor.

Soviet Minor[]

The direct consequence of the Republican Colonial Measures was the creation and the empowering of the Soviet Minor. With it's seige on Klagrad, the Soviet Minor is assuming most responsibilities that the Supreme Council usually take cares of. That said, the Supreme can easily step in at any time and force the hand of the Minor when it's decisions do not concord to the Chairman's directions.

Algolurn Cyrannian Settelment Space ACSS Flag

Flag of the ACSS. Similar symbols are found on it and the Main APR Flag. The part inside the "gear" is similar to the Soviet Minor's shape.


Klagrad is a medium-sized rock planet. The surface is mostly dominated by it's vast ocean and before the colonization by the Algolurns, the emerged lands were dominated by three large mountains and the Black Plains.

Black Plains[]

The relatively flat terrain of the eastern continent, combined with the volcanic activity of Mount Sarassel and the Soriak Mounts created a unique condition on the continent. The black ashes spited by the volcanoe, rich in carbon, are nuturing a unique vegetal wildlife. Adapting to the ashes depot and the local atmosphere of Klagrad, the vegetation became grey-black and turned the whole landscape of the plains black.


Contrary to what the local population seems to think, Stator isn't the fist city founded on Klagrad. This honour goes to Bestreva. However, Stator grew to the point of eventually overpass Bestreva. The carbon-rich soils of the Black Plains allowed Stator to feed a very fast growing population and the arrival of the pharmaceutical industry in the Lendera Scientifical Sector further propelled Stator to the rank of most important city of Klagrad and the whole Algolurn Cyrannian Settlement Space. Today, Stator is both the most populous city on Klagrad (and the ACSS) and the capital of it.

Stator's economy rely on two main axis: the highly productive farming made in the Black Plains and the pharmaceutical laboratories and facilities of the Lendera Zone. There is also a very important influx of resources coming from the presence of the local colonial government in the Governemental Square.


Bestreva City is the site where the first Algolurn colonists made landfall on Klagrad. The very rich mineral deposit on site, coupled with the influx of raw resources provided by the stellar mining, turned Bestreva into the most important industrial city on the planet. It however felt from it's rank of most populous city in favour of Stator. Still, Bestreva's industries are vital to the whole Algolurn Cyrannian Settlement Space. The largest spaceport in the ACSS is situated in Bestreva, as well as the largest military facilities in the Space.


Away from the glory and competitive spirit of Stator and Bestreva, Volen is more "quiet" city, lacking major attraction centers. Klagrad Missile Defence Systems (KMDS) based most of the their hyperspatial missile silos in Volen and the nearby islands.


A even smaller industrial city to the extreme east of Klagrad. Nothing major to report.

Klagrad Planetary Map (blank)

Blank planetary map of Klagrad with the districts divisions.

Klagrad Planetary map completed

Klagrad planetary map with the major locations on the planet.
