
Ethadon is the homeworld of both the Ostindons and the Orinian Gerontocracy. It has one moon: Chren, and is located at Angle 72.28°, Distance 8,181.94 (pc). It was believed to be formed between 4.9 and 5.1 billion years ago. It holds the second position in the Orinia System.


Main article: Creature:Ostindons

There are two theories pertaining to the evolution of life on Ethadon.

  • The Theory of Evolution
    • This theory states life began as a cell that fathered many different species on the planet. They transferred from the kingdom Monera to the kingdom Animalia. From there, many phylum's were constructed, but most fit under phylum Chordata. Then evolution took the chordates to many classes. First, the class Actinopterygii evolved to Amphibia, then they evolved to Sauropsida, then to Aveussauropsida, then Avoidia, then Aves, then to Mammalia. From mammals, we got many orders, then from those we got many families, then various species, most related.
  • The Theory of Terraforming
    • This theory states another space-faring empire came and terraformed Ethadon. It was said that it was a molten planet with temperatures over 600°F. Natural cycles began to take the planet into a period of "global cooling", and new plants were bred. Creatures came of this, and Ostindons formed from them during another period of global cooling.

It is believed that the Oumindons were once early Ostindons, but taken by an early space empire and spread to places like Parake and Forraandy in the OR.
