
"The home of our people and empire. Any Arken would gladly sacrifice their life to see Ark stand for another day."

- Unknown Arken

Ark is the homeworld of the Arken race and the capital of the Arken Alliance. In the past, the world was covered by massive deserts and plains containing basic desert grasses and shrubs. Ark is a hospitable, if not warm world with habitable temperatures to most life. Almost 11 billion Arken and their allied races live on Ark.


Individual History Page is coming soon.


As stated above, most of Ark is covered large, sandy deserts. The coolest climates were in the highly mountainous polar regions, although they were While never cold enough for water ice to form and it was hottest in the deep deserts. habitable for most sentient forms of life, the temperatures at the equator can go to levels that not even Arken can tolerate.

In the northern areas of the planet, small patches of jungle exist. It was theorized by Arken Toiler Broodsmen that their ancestors used these areas to gather food and water. Unfortunately, large, reptilian predators exist that could easily break a sentient being into pieces and eat the remains. Most of the jungles are ignored in modern times, but occasionally a report comes along that some foolhardy soul ventured into the jungles and nerver returned...

Notable Features[]

Main Oceans/Seas[]

Ark'dai and Ark'bal are the two largest oceans on Ark. Both are large, but their total size only overs about 30% of Ark's surface. They have similar pH levels to the kind found on Earth and are similar in salt content.

Ark'bal contains the Ni'am Ko'ni Trench, the largest trench on Ark. While some of it was explored by deep-sea probes, about 70% is still unknown.


No'kal is the largest mountain on Ark, reaching a little over 8 kilometers. At the top, many have taken the chance of climbing to the peak of the mountain. May tried, yet very few have succeeded in recorded Arken history.


The Great Furnace (in Arkines, "R'suu) is the harshest desert on Ark. Located on the equator, the temperatures can soar up to 150°F during the summer solstice. In the winter, the temperature will go down by about 10 degrees. Not even the Arken can stand it for long, but it contains enormous mineral deposits as well as precious minerals and metals. Wind speeds have been recorded to reach up to 400 kilometers per hour.
