
A place of extremes Alastor is a place where light and dark, fire and ice dominate one side against another. On the extremes nothing lives. Only in the liminal spaces between does life thrive at all.

- Unknown



Alastor is a tidally-locked world meaning that one side of the planet is always facing the sun while the other is always in the dark with a thin band of habitable twilight in between. The sunlight side of the planet is a bone dry volcanic wasteland covered by a massive perpetual storm called Jurathrax's eye while the dark side of the planet is perpetually locked in never ending ice. The twilight zone of the planet is filled with forests, swamps, fern plains, bluffs, and vast stretches of beach. The seas of Alastor are shallow, warm, and filled with life. Sea levels are high with much of the landmasses in the twilight zone being large islands often connected by isthmuses, formed from sunken continents.


The isles of Alastor's twilight zone are mildly mountainous with many rolling hills and bluffs running their way through these isles. Rivers cut their way through these landscapes creating many valleys and flood plains. The low lands of Alastor are dominated by massive prairies of ferns, with grass having not evolved on the planet, and dry swamplands that flood seasonally when the rains come and the rivers rise. The highlands of Alastor meanwhile are dominated by vast stretches of forest. These forests are variable but tend to be divided between hardwood forests and redwood forests, as well as mixed forests where their environments overlap. The sea shores tend to be dominate by vast stretches of beaches that can be almost desert-like.



Quotes From Others[]

