Pirate fleet

A pirate fleet

A pirate is a type of enemy spaceship that is not aligned with any empire. Pirates may attack colonies or steal their spice or artifacts. In the case of invasion, pirates come in groups of one mothership (250 health) and five smaller gunner ships (50 health). Pirates may put up fake artifact signals to the player, and attack the player in groups of two or three once they visit the planet.

Warriors have the consequence ability Raider Rally, which summons pirates to attack a planet.

When the player destroys an empire, its ships become listed as pirate ships by the game.


  • These groups can be easily destroyed with an Anti-Matter Missile or Mega Proton Missiles.
  • They are very easy to defeat, and usually pose no threat if there is an Uber Turret on the planet.
  • When Pirates are stealing spice, you can abduct the spice crate and the Pirates will leave the planet, since there is no spice to steal.


  • The types of spaceship that Pirates use are different between saved games, with no pattern between them. Sometimes pirates will even use the same ship as the player.
  • If the player destroys an empire while under attack by the same empire, the attack fleet will become pirates and attempt to loot spice from the planet. After the pirates leave, a message will appear with a checkmark image, but the text will warn of pirates raiding your spice.
  • Sometimes, spice-stealing pirates will leave the planet as soon as you enter it.
  • When Warrior allies ask for your help in fending off Pirates, they call the mission "Target practice".