
Nosey is a Maxis-made cell present in Spore.

It possesses the Proboscis, Jet, and Beady Eye cell parts.

It is first introduced at level 3 as a predator-sized cell, as well as being the first cells to possess the Proboscis mouth. In easy difficulty, it has less likelihood to attack the player's cell compared to higher difficulty.


  • Nosey has secret earlier jets that were not available in the final game but can still be accessed in the hidden cell editor.
  • Nosey says "ow!" or "dangit!" when you attack it. Goldy, Paa, Maa and Junior all say "ow!" when attacked. Bloato makes a loud gulping sound when sucking on a cell. These are some of the many cells in Spore that happen to speak like humans.
  • Nosey originally had a slightly different design before being redesigned into its final 2008 design.


See also[]
