
Nests are structures appearing in the Spore franchise.


Creature Stage[]


Nests are major objects in the Creature Stage that a group of creatures are homed to. The player's home nest serves as a place to interact with their nest mates, heal themselves at their nest, and find a mate. The player can also find NPC nests to meet other foreign species with set relationships and levels to socialize with or hunt them. Socializing them is the step to allying with them which will allow the player to heal on their nest, meanwhile killing the specified amount of creatures in the nest will make them extinct and for the player to heal as well. Using "Mating Call" will aid in finding the home nest.

As the player advances through the stage, their species will begin migration far away from the old nest, adding a new mission to complete, and marking on the minimap to guide to the migrated nest. After migration, the occurring nest will be mostly empty, with only a teacher after evolving or an infatuated nest member after using "Mating Call". After the player successfully migrates to the new nest, their species will expand the nest size and award 50 DNA points. 2 migrations will happen throughout the gameplay.

Tribal Stage[]

After the player's species advanced to the Tribal Stage, nests were replaced with tribes as a primary establishment. However, outside tribes, there are wild creatures that are found surrounded by their nest.

Spore Creatures[]

In Spore Creatures, nests are the access to evolving the player's creature.

Spore Hero[]

In Spore Hero, nests are also structures that allow the player to evolve their species. From the beginning of the game, Meejee teaches Sporeling to eat the fruit but realizing that it cannot eat the fruit, the young Meejee moves over the nest for the player to use it.


  • There is a glitch where the home nest will spawn in the water at the beginning of the Creature Stage. The player will be unable to play because when trying to go on land, they'll be eaten by the Sea Monster.