My Precious is an achievement present in Spore Galactic Adventures.
This achievement is earned for collecting 3,000 targets marked as Collect goal in adventures while during the gameplay of Space Stage, assigned with adventure missions by alien races.
Tips and Tricks[]
- The way this achievement records the collected items is confusing (and possibly unintentionally broken). It does not count the individual item, but rather the collect item tasks. For example, if the adventure has the goal to collect 1000 coins for one goal, the achievement will still only count that as one item collected. This means there can be only 24 items collected total towards this achievement per adventure (eight acts of three goals each). It is recommended to stockpile adventures specifically made for this achievement to make the grind less gradual.
- The name of the achievement is a reference to Gollum from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.