
Maa is a Maxis-made cell appearing near the end of the Cell Stage.

Maas first appear at the beginning of level 5 as a predator-sized cell and subsequently a peer-sized cell. Maas are also the largest and last herbivorous opposing cells with an exclusive ability to lay eggs, which eventually hatch into Juniors. Maas also drop eggs when it dies and bursts. Maas' eggs are edible regardless of the player cell's diet once the player grows large enough to eat them.

It possesses the Filter Mouth, Flagella, as well as Beady Eye and Stalk Eye cell parts.


  • Maa was originally called "Eggmom" in the beta version of Spore.
  • Maa originally had a slightly different design before it received its final 2008 design.
  • When hurt, she makes a "Oww" sound.


See also[]
