- 3D Printer Service
- 42
- AOE Repair
- Aawkwaard
- Abduction Beam
- Ace
- Ace of Space
- Achievements
- Acid Shell
- Ad Blitz
- Adamant
- Adamantium Civilization
- Adaptable
- Adventure
- Adventure Creator
- Adventure Objects
- Adventure Town
- Adventurer
- Aeoli
- Aeschylus
- Aggressive
- Air Conditioning
- Airmer
- Al Otts
- Al Packa
- Alabyew
- Alderbrook
- Aleelia
- Algernon
- Alien 1
- Alien 2
- Alien 3
- Alien 5
- Alien Didi
- Alien Skin
- Alizarinite
- Alliance
- Allied Attack
- Allonysian Surveyor
- Alorge
- Alpha Creature
- Alter Ego
- Alter Ego's Alter Ego
- Aluminum Cell
- Amahani
- Amarken
- Amisettes
- Amp Turtle
- Anatinus
- Ancient Beast
- Ancient Grounds
- Ancient Guardian
- Ancient Horror
- Ancillius
- Andromeda
- Angel Pod
- Antali Reed
- Antella
- Anthem
- Anthem Composer
- Anti-Matter Bomb
- Anti-Matter Missile
- Anticipaste
- Antler Guy
- Antube
- Ape
- Ape Monster
- Appledash
- Aquatic Stage
- Arachno Striker
- Arakna
- Arborus
- Archibald
- Architect
- Architect (GA)
- Architect (Spore)
- Arclart
- Arcturus
- Arid planet
- Armashlis
- Arms Dealer
- Armstronii
- Artifact
- Ascheldimpf
- Ashonas
- Asteroid
- Asteroid Call Button
- Astra
- Asymmetrical creatures
- Atarkis
- Atmosphere Freezer
- Atmosphere Generator
- Atoll Planets
- Attack Frog
- Attackies
- Auto-Wrecker
- Automotive Engineer
- Avachras
- Aver
- Avidepht
- Aw Sembli
- Ayug
- BNSCLeader/BNSC/Zazane War
- Baba Boy
- Babbit
- Baboonspider
- Babs
- Baby Brontoth
- Baby Creature
- Bad Baby!
- Badge
- Badge Outta Heck
- Badge Point
- Bahaha 500 Time Trials
- Bahluing
- Ball Crab
- Ballboy
- Ballistic Quadrakiller
- Bananaz
- Barbados
- Barbaros
- Bard
- Bard Hero
- Bard Passion
- Bariquill
- Basorya
- BatBoy
- Battered Feesh
- Battlefish
- Batzu
- Bawb
- Baysee
- Beady Eye
- Beaky
- Bean
- Bean (flora)
- Beast
- Beastmaster
- Beauty
- Becoming a Space Captain
- Bee Bird
- Beeblum
- Beekardin
- Beekur
- Beeoh
- Behlah
- Bepsonia
- Bestadensis
- Bestial
- Bestseller
- BetterSpore
- Bhagneri
- Big Foot
- Big Monster
- Big Sir
- Bigeye Sister
- Bighead
- Billhorn
- Bilydebilis
- Bilzac
- Bimingo
- BinaryGG
- BinaryGM
- BinaryMM
- BinaryOG
- BinaryOM
- BinaryOO
- Bingfish
- Bio-Powers
- Bio Engineer
- Bio Protector
- Bio Stabilizer
- Biologist
- Bird Monster
- Birdie
- Birdy
- Bite
- Black Ant
- Black Cloud
- Black hole
- Blackbird
- Bladed Knuckles
- Blaster
- Blastopod
- Blatardo
- Blind Mouse
- Blind Ozzie
- Blinks
- Blissp
- Blitz
- Bloato
- Blocks of Chance
- Bloggle
- Blood Effects
- Bloody Sundae
- Blorthog
- Blubee
- Blue Gate
- Blue Key
- Blue Series
- Blue giant
- Bnosy
- Boarmard
- Bobble
- Body Guard
- Body Points
- Bogacer
- Boiling planet
- Bomb
- Bomb (ship tool)
- Bomb Long
- Bomb Medium
- Bomb Short
- Books of Science
- Booster
- Bordooshio
- Borge
- Borkabor
- Borng
- Borsch
- Bortoris
- Bottons
- Bowltektos
- Boyard
- Brain Surgeon
- Brainer
- Brandy
- Brasstax
- Bratubette
- Brawgle
- Braxoid
- Bribe
- Bribe Bomb
- Brish
- Brodensis
- Brodus
- Brol
- Bronk
- Bronkoo
- Brontoth
- Broogus
- Broono
- Broozo
- Brownafer
- Bruiser
- Bruvibe
- Bubbabolinus
- Bubleebu
- Buechnutans
- Bugaboo
- Bugah
- Buh
- Buifugax
- Building
- Building Creator
- Buildings
- Bulbocious
- Bulbsyd
- Bull
- Bulldogtopus
- Bullo
- Bumble Eeb
- Bumblebee
- Bumpiste
- Bunny Froo Froo
- Bunzo
- Burpee
- Bushley
- Buster
- Butrilesque
- Buttface
- Button Eye
- Buxocles
- Buzzy
- By Evolutionmaster57
- Bye Mouth
- C'Servoid
- Cage
- Camera Controls
- Can't Win For Losing
- Cannonater
- Cannonator
- Capague Warlord
- Captain
- Captain's Badge
- CaptainTybusen/SporeWiki: The Abridged Series
- Captain Academy
- Captain Amazing
- Captain Outfitter
- Care Bear
- Careless Parent
- Cargo Hold
- Carnie
- Carnivore
- Carnivorous Terror
- Casayliad
- Cash Infusion
- Casper Drake Sauce
- Catalysts
- Caterpillar
- Cattor
- Caustic Stinger
- Cell Addict
- Cell Creator
- Cell Culture
- Cell Eggs
- Cell Relations
- Cell Stage
- Cell stage achievements
- Cerberus
- Char
- Char Nom
- Charge
- Charging Brute
- Charging Grendel
- Charm
- Chatter Box
- Cheats
- Checkreticus
- Chibulah
- Chicken
- Chicks
- Chieftain
- Chimpo
- Chippee
- Chirmpy
- Chirp Chirp
- Chirpotaur
- Chitis
- Chocolate Series
- Chomper
- Chompy
- Chookon Gee
- Choon Fah
- Chrono Striker
- Chubibullatus
- Chuchoko
- Chulah
- Chum
- Chumbu
- Cilia
- Cimilope
- Ciminerdo
- Cimposte