
The Joker is a badge present in the Space Stage in Spore. It is awarded to the player for using a cheat within the game. This badge is a tag identifying a game as having been cheated on and will disable further achievements on that game. Doing a single cheat 50 times will award the player the Pathological Cheater achievement.


  • There is an occasional bug that will disable gaining achievements across all games, not just the one that Joker Badge is 'earned' on, effectively stopping that user from gaining any more achievements on any existing or new games. This can be fixed by turning off the game and turning it back on, but it will only work to profiles you have never cheated on.
  • Some players might get the Photographer achievement even after cheating, however, this may be a bug, and could also happen to other achievements.
  • There is a way to use the setConsequenceTrait and a few other cheats in the Space Stage allowing to get the badge but still be able to earn all achievements. Instead of skipping the beginning of the stage mission (fly to the bubbles), accept it. Then you can enter the cheats you want. This is likely because you don't have the Captain's Badge and you are yet to start collecting badges. (Having only happened once, it may have been a mistake.) This effect will wear off as soon as you make it to the "Scan the missing Creature" mission. Also, this cheat does not in any way affect the "moremoney" cheat. It will disable achievements and give you the badge regardless.
  • The cheats rename, rename star and rename planet do not make the player earn the Joker badge. This cheat can make it easier for the player to make sense of black hole routes, without being considered a cheater by the game.

