The Imperial Robe is a captain accessory and social tool in the Captain Outfitter in Spore Galactic Adventures. It is the fourth and final social tool unlocked in the Diplomat row of items.
The Imperial Robe is a two segmented cape with a collar. The cape is generally gray, but its colors are based off the creature's style colors. The base color determines the other main color of the cape other than gray, while the detail color changes the inner part of the lower cape.
When equipped, the Regal Ring replaces the Captain's Pose ability with Radiant Pose. Radiant Pose acts as a Level 6 Social ability, being used in response to Pose prompts during socialization with another creature.
The Imperial Robe completes the quartet of social abilities, allowing the captain Captain to strike a pose during Adventures that outshines all Creature Stage Hand parts. When prompted to use Pose, the Radiant Pose works with an effective Pose Level of 6.
Since all the Creature Stage parts that provide the Pose skill come in the form of Hands, the Imperial Robe opens up Posing socialization for many creatures. Be it creatures with combat-focus hands, creatures only with legs, or slug-like creatures with no limbs at all.
A tragic weakness of all this is Pose itself being one of the rarest social options in Spore, being in a close tie with Dancing with the Princely Pad. Arguably Pose is the rarest due to needing Arms, given Legs are prompted to be used when entering the Creature Stage and provide increased walk speed. Pose requires the right hands with the presence of arms. Not helping matters is the lack of Pose in the Maxis-created Adventure Campaign, as the sole social level Concert in the Park only uses Singing. One will only get use out of the Imperial Robe in player-generated Adventures.
The Fettipopper also poses as a serious contender to the Imperial Robe with its small niche. Now, when set to Level 2 or 3, the Fettipopper overpowers the Imperial Robe, jeopardizing social performance if the player runs into a creature equipped with the Fettipopper. If the player equips both the Imperial Robe and the Fettipopper, Radiant Pose is overridden with Confetti Pose. Hence, it's best to choose one over the other.