The Harpolizer is a captain accessory and social tool in the Captain Outfitter in Spore Galactic Adventures. It is the first social tool unlocked in the Bard row of items.
The Harpolizer looks akin to that of a Harp; it is in shining gold, with the space between the "strings" taking on the same colour as the creation's coat and the inner "orb" of the circle the color of the creature's detail. Musical Note effects are emitted from the part over time.
When equipped, the Harpolizer replaces the Captain's Sing ability with Inspiring Song. Harmonious Song starts at Level one and can be increased using the orange morphology slider when selected in the Captain Outfitter. It is used in response to Singing prompts during socialization with another creature.
- Level 1
- Singing Power: 6
- Energy Used: 100
- Level 2
- Singing Power: 10
- Energy Used: 150
- Level 3
- Singing Power: 14
- Energy Used: 275
The Harpolizer presents the strongest Singing capability of any part in Spore, being able to provide a Singing Power 14 in a single prompt. This amount of power nearly fills out the social bar of a creature with Level 5 Sing, allowing for speedy completion and near-guaranteed success against any social creature. Since every creature needs a mouth and therefore at least some capacity to sing, the Harpolizer remains relevant for all social encounters.
The best application for all the Bard tools is relegated to player-generated Galactic Adventures, as the Maxis-made Campaign Adventures only feature socialization in one adventure, that being in Concert in the Park. Fortunately for the Harpolizer, while the two creatures that need to be socialized with have very weak socializing abilities, they both possess Sing, making this tool applicable if only a bit overkill.
As a socialization tool, the Harpolizer has some stiff competition with the Ducal Cape, since it provides a strong Sing Level 6 that costs no energy to use. As a result, the Harpolizer at Level 1 is completely outclassed, being tied by the Ducal Cape while still needing an energy cost. However, even if a Level 2 or 3 Harpolizer can provide more Singing Power overall than the Ducal Cape, there's a consideration of practicality. With the Ducal Cape, a player can beat any Creature Stage mouth part and tie with the Harpolizer at Level 1. The Harpolizer does the same thing, but has the option to have even higher Sing stats. At this point, the only extra parts that Harpolizer can defeat that the Ducal Cape cannot is itself. Given most creatures won't have the Harpolizer, Ducal Cape presents a more practical option that doesn't drain energy.