
These Galactic Objects can be found scattered throughout the galaxy (with the exception of the Galactic Core and Talked to Steve). These galactic objects look different from normal stars, and with the camera zoomed in, they are easier to detect. Some binary star systems can be spotted even when not zoomed in, simply because they have a two-color glow caused by the different sorts of stars that make them up.


Name Image Description
Galactic Core Galactic Core "A super massive black hole found in the nucleus of many galaxies. These are the most energetic objects in the universe by far. The intense radiation they produce is powered by the tremendous amount of surrounding material they consume (as much as 1000 solar masses per year)."
Black Hole Black Hole "A region of space with enough intense gravity (because of its mass) to trap even light. These are usually the result of collapsed stars. Matter falling into a black hole is accelerated and heated tremendously and generates high amounts of radiation in the process."
Proto-Planetary Disk Proto-Planetary Disk "A rotating disk of gas surrounding a newly born star. It is thought that material in this disk eventually clumps together (in a process known as accretion) over time to form planetary systems."
BinaryOO BinaryOO "A Binary Star is a star system which contains two stars orbiting each other closely around their common center of mass. Binary Star systems are surprisingly common throughout the universe. This Binary Star is made up of two Blue Giants.

A Blue Giant is a very large hot star. Due to a high rate of fuel consumption Blue Giants have a very short lifespan (less than 100 million years in most cases). When the fuel runs out most of these stars will die in a massive Supernova explosion."

BinaryOG BinaryOG "A Binary Star is a star system which contains two stars orbiting each other closely around their common center of mass. Binary Star systems are surprisingly common throughout the universe. This Binary Star is made up of a Blue Giant circled by a Yellow Main Sequence star.

A Blue Giant is a very large hot star. Due to a high rate of fuel consumption Blue Giants have a very short lifespan (less than 100 million years in most cases). When the fuel runs out most of these stars will die in a massive supernova explosion.

A Yellow Main Sequence star is a medium sized star much like The Sun. Stars in this size range have a lifespan in the range of 5-10 billion years."

BinaryOM BinaryOM "A Binary Star is a star system which contains two stars orbiting each other closely around their common center of mass. Binary Star systems are surprisingly common throughout the universe. This Binary Star is made up of a Blue Giant circled by a Red Dwarf.

A Blue Giant is a very large hot star. Due to a high rate of fuel consumption Blue Giants have a very short lifespan (less than 100 million years in most cases). When the fuel runs out most of these stars will die in a massive Supernova explosion.

A Red Dwarf is a small, dim star of relatively low mass. Because of their low fuel consumption Red Dwarf stars have a very long lifespan (in some cases a trillion years or more). They are the most common form of star in the universe."

BinaryGG BinaryGG "A Binary Star is a star system which contains two stars orbiting each other closely around their common center of mass. Binary Star systems are surprisingly common throughout the universe. This Binary Star is made up of two yellow Main Sequence stars.

A yellow Main Sequence star is a medium sized star much like The Sun. Stars in this size range have a lifespan in the range of 5-10 billion years."

BinaryGM BinaryGM "A Binary Star is a star system which contains two stars orbiting each other closely around their common center of mass. Binary Star systems are surprisingly common throughout the universe. This Binary Star is made up of a yellow Main Sequence star circled by a Red Dwarf.

A yellow Main Sequence star is a medium sized star much like The Sun. Stars in this size range have a lifespan in the range of 5-10 billion years.

A Red Dwarf is a small, dim star of relatively low mass. Because of their low fuel consumption Red Dwarf stars have a very long lifespan (in some cases a trillion years or more). They are the most common form of star in the universe."

BinaryMM BinaryMM "A Binary Star is a star system which contains two stars orbiting each other closely around their common center of mass. Binary Star systems are surprisingly common throughout the universe. This Binary Star is made up of two Red Dwarf Stars.

A Red Dwarf is a small, dim star of relatively low mass. Because of their low fuel consumption Red Dwarf stars have a very long lifespan (in some cases a trillion years or more). They are the most common form of star in the universe."

Talked to Steve Talked to Steve "You've talked to Steve. Good for you..."


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