Incoming Transmission - Algolurn Popular Republic[]
Incoming Transmission from the New Republic[]
Allow me to express my deep appreciation for your pledge of aid against the detestable Loron threat. I remember well the reports of how the Republic Navy stood side by side with your forces against the ever-present threat posed by the Scelus and it does me great honour to accept your aid against the renewed threat of the Loron. Together - and with the aid of the other members of our grand Accords - we shall emerge victorious!
Office of the President of the New Galactic Republic of Cyrannus
Incoming Transmission from the Talven Empire[]
The Talven Empire is open to trade with other nations, and would accept the export of water in return for progressive weapons and nano medicine. To facilitate further diplomacy, I would also like to request an exchange of embassies. As you stated, we are suspicious of alliances, but we would be willing to take steps such as sharing information gathered by our exploration of the galaxy.
Yours sincerely,Balbus Marinus
Incoming Transmission from the Cyrandia Cluster[]
Hail Lord Dominator!
We are honored by your message. We agree, the First Gigaquadrant is a dangerous place currently and we gladly accept your hand in friendship! We believe that everyone should be able to count on each other in need and every sovereign nation should be able to make their own decisions instead of being dictated by others what they can or cannot do. Freedom is a virtue where many nations and empires fought very hard for. We are honored accept your friendship and you can count on ours! By trade, humantarian aid or by opening tourism we shall make this friendship last!
High King Rambert Ramveral
We thank you for your kind words and warnings of the major threat known as the Scelus Prufication. We shall be on alert and shall share any encounters with this major threat so we can map their movements. We are greatly intressted in the items you proposed, especialley the nano medicine! We are glad tourism can be started as for the exchange, we glady share any media and water resources. We have special civilian crafts owned by companies we can send to export weapons. As for the media, at behalf of the Goverment we are glad to share any media! We have made it possible that your people can access the QHoloNet, though it might take some further efforts with placing more sensor arrays before there is a stable signal though our presence in Mirus is increasing.
Rambo Nation out
An embassy might be a perfect way to boost and maintain relations! The same applies to you, if you ever have need of us, let us know!
Rambert Ramveral
Incoming transmission from the Mithadorn Republic[]
I'm afraid water supplies may start to run dry however, no pun intended, from time to time, as we are currently experiencing several severe droughts on numerous worlds, and we will have to prioritise our on people.
Thank you for contacting us once again, and have a pleasant day.
Request For Military Access[]
As you may know, in our war against The Purity and The United Corlinian Empire, the Mirusian Grubmolian Republic (Our governing territories in the Mirus Galaxy) are currently unable to reach Corlinian territories in the north of Mirus, as our territory is located on the other side of the galaxy, and well, currently our Warp Drives are unable to make the jump from one side of the galaxy to another.
Thus, we are asking in advance if we could have military access to your territory, so that the United Republic may launch an offensive against the Corlinians.
Unlike in the cold of space, our ships will actually be able to recharge and heal inside your territory.