
This is a collaboration between MadmanLava and InfestedThunder.

Picking the Giant’s Bones[]

Act 1: A Friendly Dispute[]

Abandoned Aoshanti world, Concord Way, 14,584 PR

Aoshtai. A galaxy of ancients and fallen empires, of gods and heroic stories. Aoshtai is now a stellar scape of conflict and supremacy. Some try to avoid this great game, while others actively take part. The Continuum or the Aleei were a conundrum to this spectrum. At times, they provoked the giants of the galaxy, and at times they alleviated similar provocations. This time, the giant was simply known as “The Ascendancy”.

The isolated planet sat cold and forlorn, its sun reduced to a cloud of astral dust in the ancient war that brought the Aoshanti down from their throne. Remnants of what once was lost, great towers of precursorial technology rising into the atmosphere, could be seen from near-orbit, the strange, almost geometric shapes of the planet’s numerous dead cities and alien formations shining in the faint light of the white dwarf they orbited.

High General Unduli looked over the forgotten world from his stance on the bridge of his battleship, only discovered by seeming happenstance. A lackey of his, Admiral Indeki, reported to him that a scouting party was descending to the Aoshanti world below, to which Unduli would nod to, ordering him to keep the fleet patrolling the surrounding world, before walking out of the bridge, to his personal quarters.

There, after his entrance, he closed the door behind hm, assuring that its locks had been sealed. The Aleei then let out a short sigh, crouching down to grab a large hologram projector from under his bed. Quickly, it hummed to life, and a white orb, illuminated in the blue light of the projector, appeared before the High General, who bowed at the image of the Core.

”Your assumed coordinates of the system were correct, sir,” Unduli reported, “We have found the planet, and are sending expeditionary forces to examine it further.”

”Excellent,” Tendentious Mind responded, its voice fluctuating in modulation with every syllable, as its form pulsed along,”And the fleet as a whole still believes this to be a random incident?”

”I assure you, Core Mind, my forces know nothing of your astrographical stores. They are simply ecstatic to find such a rarity among this route,” Unduli informed his master quickly, both to resume the mission assigned, and to end his distraction to the Mind, “We will continue research of the technology planetside, and allow the Continuum to implement what it can.”

”Affirmitive,” Tendentious Mind acknoledged, “You are dismissed.” With its dismissal, the holographic image faded, and the amphibious biped slid it back where he had found it, slipping out of his room, keycard kept safely with him as the door locked, and returned to his place on the bridge, where unexpected, and unwanted, surprises awaited him.

Shipmaster Iratus was unhappy. Even more so than normal, and that was unusual. 094 had the utmost confidence: No one knew where this Goddess-forsaken place was. And yet, glaring mockingly at him from his bridge’s display, were 10 blips. Aleei warships. His tactical officer, wilting under Iratus’ roars, informed him that the ship had no tracking devices, nor had anyone sliced their systems.

”Then how in Tyvus’ damned name did they get here first?!” , roared the hulking Lorem. ”Shipmaster, the Aleei are hailing us.” The tactical officer was shaking slightly. ”Fine, a few laughable words from these vermin ought to cheer me up. Open the channel.”

“This is High General Unduli of the Continuum of the Aleei,” the deep, gurgling rumble of the enemy’s voice stated through the transmission, “I regret to inform that, under martial circumstances, this planet, and as an extension, the surrounding system, are currently under the jurisdiction of the Continuum, and will be off-limits until stated otherwise. We will give you three hours for your fleet to depart, or deadly force will be applied. We hope that you are willing to understand and comply with our terms.”

An Ascendancy officer reported worriedly to the Shipmaster. ”Sir, they outnumber us two to one.” The Lorem laughed, shaking his hovering command chair, which was almost thronelike. ”’High General,’ I believe you are confused. I am Shipmaster Iratus of the Ascendancy of the Broken Ring, and you are trespassing. You have 3 *minutes* to withdraw, or we will be forced to defend our claim.” He subtley gestured to his weapons officer to charge weapons just below detectable margins.

A moment of silence came from the Aleei, before a response. “Hostilities are not required, Shipmaster. Your empire’s borders, based on our hexagraphs, are far before this system, thousands of light years away. If anything is to be a trespasser between our fleets, it is yours. Retract within the minute,” he ordered sharply, “Or you will be boarded and forced to leave. Noncompliance will result in immediate discharge of weapons. I do not want to fight, and you do not want to lose such valuable vessels, I would assume. You do not have to, if you simply retreat.”

Iratus grinned, in the strange way a Lorem does, then barked for the channel to be closed. ”Focus on priority targets and fire at will. Angel fighters, keep those boarding craft away from us at all costs!” the Shipmaster gleefully ordered. Through the dark of space, several dozen dull orange bolts leaped nearly instantaneously towards the Aleei ships, brightly flashing against the shields. A support ship’s flashed and broke, a drone bay’s doors destroyed.

The Aleei vessels quickly mobilized, two cruisers moving to close the gap as the few automated drone fighters that could be activated began to fly from the damaged support ship, looking to close the gap between the ships to reduce the advantage the Ascendant forces had over the Continuum’s. Unduli ordered his battleship to charge its spinal cannon as its smaller plasma cannons spat volleys of heated vengeance towards one of the smaller Ascendant ships. The remaining ships held their defensive systems, maintaining most of their power into their shields and point-defense weapons as they advanced slowly towards the five enemy fleet.

Angel fighters streaked towards the approaching drones with extreme speed, firing their long range hardlight beams into the swarm, switching to a lower-velocity minigun-esque barrage of bolts as they drew nearer. They soon cycled back to the safety of the fleet’s point defenses as the drone quantity was evident. The noncommand Saber and two Gladius’ took point, forming an arrowhead to focus fire on the enemy fleet. In this early act of the battle, the Ascendancy range advantage was evident.

“Sir,” the tactical officer said, “the lead Aleei ship is displaying low amounts of aggressive fire and a rising energy signature, we believe they are charging a spinal gun that could cripple an unshielded cruiser.”

”It is of no concern, all of our shields are intact. Focus on wearing down their heavy hitters and fending off those accursed drones!” barked the Shipmaster.

“Aye aye, sir...”

The two Adelphi-class Cruisers which first skimmed quickly towards the fleet now slowed, their weapons able to fire effectively on the Ascendant ships, firing with light plasma turrets and weak ion pulses. These weapons would do little to the enemy ships, but their proximity and larger, still unused particle beams made them a serious and immediate threat to the fleet.

The Shipmaster laughed. “Do those cruisers seek death? Then we shall give it to them!”

”They have failed to raise their weapons enough towards the cruisers, sir!” An officer informed his High General, who let out a throaty laugh, “Perfect. Order both to fire their particle arrays on the lead ship and watch their lines crumble in stead!”

Slowly, the large, deck-mounted cannons turned to the leading Saber-class vessel, before letting loose a series of incandescent beams of light, sending shockwaves through the Ascendant ship’s energy shields, before they would be near crippled by the end of the bombardment. Slowy, the Indir-class Battleship of High General Unduli lurched its front towards the de-shielded vessel, energy signatures recorded from it rising rapidly, as the plan of Unduli began to show its final steps.

“SHIPMASTER!” The tactical officer cried in alarm, indicating the massive energy spike within the enemy battleship. ”By the gods...” the shipmaster awed. “those bastards!”

The Aleei cruisers were taking an extreme beating, the Gladius’ weapons having switched to a lower range, heavy hitting mode resembling turbolasers. But it was too late. The shipmaster began retreat preparations, only enough Angel fighters to repel boarders remaining.

It was then, as the Ascendancy’s seemingly impregnable naval forces began to route, did the slowly encroaching Aleei fleet divert nearly all that it had once put into shielding into every weapons system they had. Dozens of beams of plasma skirted through the void of space, striking against the Ascendant ships, as from Unduli’s battleship came a single, massive particle beam, giving no heed to the Saber-class in its way, singing right through it as it continued through, causing the ship to burst into dozens of concussive explosions, sending subsonic-speeded shrapnel flying into the surrounding fleet.

The High General smirked as he ordered his fleet to pull back. Their message had been sent, and most definitely received.

The Ascendant ships withdrew their shields, charging their hyperdrives as fast as they could, but not before sending a small volley of hardlight blasts at one of the unshielded cruisers to remember them by.

“Vermin. They shall pay for their inevitable befouling of the world.” the shipmaster growled. ”S-sir, if I may, it may be prudent to observe seemingly aimless tactics in the fu-“ Iratus cut him off, seizing the smaller Lorem’s throat. Bones cracked. The rest of the bridge stared in stunned silence as Iratus stormed off to the private communications room, and kneeled. A hologram of a benevolently styled man appeared, although his keen eyes betrayed his true attitude.

”Iratus,” 094 said, ignoring the shipmaster’s title. “I believe you know why I am calling?” The proud Lorem growler under his breath for a moment, before replying “Esteemed Advisor, we were outnumbered, and their tactics-“ 094 interrupted him. ”I would expect you of all people to understand the high technological advantages our ships compared to those... usurpers. And I viewed the battlelog.” Iratus winced, his face hidden by his kneeling posture. ”You displayed clear disregard of your tactical officer, as well as of an obvious tactic that broke your fleet’s composure.” ”I... I understand, your excellency.” Iratus replied, defeated. ”As such, you are reassigned to pirate hunting in the Imperium of Gawrn.” 094 ordered, with a hint of anger unlike him. ”BU- ... I understand.” he grudgingly replied. The comm channel closed, and the man disappeared.

In the Imperium, 094’s monitorial avatar sat in the Ascendant Saber, on emergency speed away from Pascentium to Orbitritum. His escort ships were missing, the Saber damaged. He was deep in worried thought, and not just concerning the Continuum.

”Most unfortunate.”

“Most Pleasing, High General!” Tendentious Mind praised his follower, “Success in routing such as the Ascendancy is to be noted. Further discussion of what praise and allowance of virtue you will be give will be added in the next meeting of the Congregation.”

”I thank you, Core Mind. However, I request the assistance of additional vessels and the construction of a Shift-gate. The Ascendancy, in its size and bravado, will not take a defeat as an end to this. Their desire for the technology of the ancients is almost as tenacious as our own.”

”I concur. I will order High General’s Henli and Kepshal to send the fleet’s of Admirals Nala-shal and Oros to your ai-“ The Tendentious Mind, in its converse, was interrupted by High General Unduli.

”I am most sorry to interrupt, but is Nala-shal the Anaklo-shir admiral known for ordering a cruiser to... ram an Rok’shai command vessel as they overloaded their reactors?”

”That is correct. I am to assume that, under your watchful eyes, Nala-shal will be a nonissue,” The Core Mind responded emotionlessly, “Do keep in mind the importance of this world. Do you remember what this world holds somewhere in its frozen labyrinths”

How could Unduli forget? “The schematics for... for an artificial hyper-intelligence... like yourself.”

”I see you remember,” the mind spoke, “Do not disappoint me after what your fleet has just accomplished, High General. I, and the Continuum as a whole body, is dependent on what your forces find here.”

”I understand sir, and I shall not let you down...I hate to ask unnecessary questions, but what is-or was- this world callled by the fallen kingdom?” Unduli asked, a bit worried of how much he had spoken out of line in front of his master.

”Cviinus, World of Forgotten Innovation,” Tendentious Mind informed, before his holographic figure dissipated away like the wind.

Act 2: The Frigid Truth[]

As planned, the Aleei had sent their research teams to the planet’s surface. The dropships were full of scientific equipment, assistant drones, folded-up environmental protection domes, the scientist themselves, and a good contingent of Aleei soldiers, their black armor contrasting with the rest of the ship.

”So,” one of the scientists, an Opar-sul by the name of Lendth, began to speak to an Anaklo-shir next to him, “if this world has been abandoned for over fourteen thousand years or so, why do they send so many troopers?”

”Not sure myself,” hissed the fluttering crustacean, examining a tablet with the most recent information on the world, “All we know is that the city we see is only the start. Our orbital scans have made it clear the ice shelfs covering the world, even if they’re glacial in scale, are the crust on top of a massive sea, where we assume the cities keep going.”

”I’m positive they’re doing it for the drones!” An Aleei scientist blurted, “I went on an state-mounted expedition to one of the broken down Aoshanti gates? Our ship nearly got blown out of existence by automated defenses! Must be your first research trip if you don’t know that!”

”Yeah, it is,” Lendth sighed, “Just got out of the Academy, and they put me on tour with a High General! I feel so lucky!”

”Don’t,” An Aleei soldier spoke from behind his mask, the glowing teal lights of his mask illuminating the air around his head, “High Generals are some of the most arrogant beings you’ll find in the Continuum, besides a Phaltesian Shellbound.”

”Really?” Lendth sighed, “That’s a shame. I’d always hear great things about them.”

”Well, I didn’t say they didn’t do great things. You hear what just happened? Unduli held off an Ascendancy fleet. He broke their command ship into bits!” The Nalak-shal scientist, Irri, exclaimed.

”By Rhya!” The Opar-sul gasped.

”It wasn’t a commanding vessel,” the soldier who spoke first corrected, “But still one of their larger, more powerful vessels. I’d give him a hell of a pat on the back for that either way.”

The conversation died down as the transports landed on the frigid landscape, near one of the massive metal spires of intricate patterns. The scientists were quick to activate their assistants, letting them set up the dome-shaped tents to protect them from the cold, as the scientists sent out several survey drones, small, sphere-shapes devices which fluttered about the spire, looking for the closest entrance as to enter and search further.

A day of camp setup would commence, the dim light of the white dwarf barely waning in the slow rotation of the world. The colorful patterns of the planetary nebula were visible when it got dark, stunningly beautiful, though their origin was of terrible destruction.

The Continuum’s workers, both scientists and soldiers, admired the miasma of solar gases, finding solace in their prismatic colors as they began their expeditions.

Slowly, a hovercraft loomed over what appeared to be a balcony that would have once looked over the seas of the world, the subtle hum of its lift unit permeating the silence. The research team, backed by a platoon of 18 Aleei soldiers, climbed over the broken railing, examining it with intrigue before walking through its corresponding doorway, the door blown off its hinges ages ago. Seismic scans at the base of the structure indicated a large substructure below the ice on a massive scale, a likely candidate for a research lab.

“We’re about to make history,” one Aleei scientist muttered to himself, “And I’ll just remember it as the day I froze solid,” he grimaced at the cold, “Let’s get in here, probably warmer.”

The team descended into the chambers of the labyrinthine spire. Lendth would find himself moving down a singular tunnel with two others, Irri and one of the Aleei soldiers assigned to protect them.

”Do you guys think splitting up was a good idea?” Irri spoke continuously, “I mean, haven’t any of us sans me read one of the old stories about Nibbairu and the old empire? They’d eat those who split up!-“

”Oh shut it,” the soldier behind the two grunted, “I may have to guard your intellectual asses, but I don’t have to listen to your whining. There’s always a good plan in effect.”

Irri laughed as she fluttered about, “A good plan? You think splitting everyone up into tiny groups is a good strategic tactic?”

”We’re only here to make sure you guys feel safe. High General’s orders,” the soldier responded.

The three grew silent as the tunnel, once pitch black and cold, illuminated itself in blue light across the wall, the light fashioned to show a story along the wall akin to advanced hieroglyphics. This same effect was occurring across the spire, noted by all teams. The story Lendth and Irri would see depicted the creation of a black orb, a shell surrounding it as it came under assault by great beasts of unknown origin. Other shells could be seen, incomplete and without cores. A unique one did possess a core, but rather than a shell, it had a ring, and the core was orange. Many people were depicted stranded on the ring’s surface.

“This.. is amazing!” Irri squealed, her many legs squirming in excitement, “It’s telling us... what is it telling us?”

”It’s showing us what the Aoshanti made before they fell,” Lendth realized, “But what are they?”

Lendth, wanting to gain even more from his first expedition, asked Irri, “Hey, could you try to get into their mainframe from here?”

”I can try...” Irri responded, her limbs grasping a transceiver and a code-breaker combined into one device, as she began to try and connect it to the illuminated walls.

Suddenly, the sound of a hover unit caught their attention. A small, metallic drone appeared from a concealed hatch in the wall, and promptly disconnected the device from the wall.

”Something doesn’t want us here,” the soldier remarked.

”Villici, a type of automated defense and maintenance drone. Harmless if you don’t disturb them,” Irri replied. “Individually they aren’t particularly dangerous but swarms are known to shred through entire squads. We should leave this alone.”

“Our mission is to obtain whatever we can from this world,” Lendth responded, “And that is what we are going to do, even if we have to go to whatever storage banks this place has, and take the information straight from them.” He would then begin to continue his walk down the tunnel, devoted to getting whatever the Villici wanted to keep from him and the Continuum. The constructors followed them, tiny construction arms clicking together. The path down the interior of the spire was long and winding, geometric design permeating the architecture the whole way. A large cable which, among other things, contained a data line went through the center of the structure. Any and all attempts to access it were interrupted.

“Are you sure this is the best idea?” Irri asked with a quiver, “Those constructors have been following us for a long time now..”

”We have to be getting close, Irri! Why else would they keep this up?” Lendth responded, turning back and walking towards the Constructors, “Go on! Find something more important!”

The machines, finding no one else to bother, were unmoved by the alien’s attempt at scaring them off, simply staring at them with their singular glowing optic sensors. They continued to click their “arms” together, almost in sarcastic reply.

”See?” Lendth retorted, continuing to huff down the illuminated tunnelway, “We’re going the right way.”

A bright light illuminated ahead of them, as the three entered a massive spherical chamber, a floating set of hexagonal slabs with intricate designs etched into them, electricity coursing wildly from one to another.

”This.. this must be the data bank!” Lendth gasped, “Irri! The info-spike!”

Irri took a moment to break her own awe at the Aoshanti technology, grabbing the device she had grabbed after the constructor had removed it and attempting to apply the same method to the floating data banks. The constructors, who had lazily floated behind, looking at nothing in particular, suddenly darted forward. They removed the device and aggressively clicked their arms at the explorers, almost seeming to tell them off. They carefully returned the device to it’s owner.

“Uh, I don’t think they’re going to allow that..” Irri gulped, taking the device and flapping her wings away from the machines. Lendth would scoff, “We are going to get what they’re hiding, or else this mission is a bust! Where’s the console for this thing?” He stomped over to a stand with a complex board of buttons and dials, more than likely connected to the banks. He walked towards it, hoping to be able to transmit the data through it. Once again, the constructors shooed him away before he could try to connect anything to the console.

“Oh, screw this pacifist bull-crap!” The Aleei soldier with the two grunted, readying his gun, “I’m gonna blast these things before they get any more goddamn annoying!”

Irri gasped, and quickly stammered, “No, sir, that’s not a good idea, don’t do it-!”

The report of several plasma rounds into the side of a constructor unit halted the Anaklo-shir, as the machine fell to the floor, a hole half its size melted into it, and the other constructors dispersed for a moment.

”See?” The soldier laughed as Lendth quickly put the device into the console, quickly gaining a connection with the fleet above, and in extension, the arrays of Anaether, as information began to be transmitted at great speeds, terrabytes flowing in milliseconds through their systems. “All it took was a few shots to send them running!” As he boasted, the group watched a much larger, and differently colored Villici slowly rise behind the soldier. They shouted, and he turned just in time to be blasted in the chest with a plasma round. “Aggressors!” Irri shouted. Several more appeared behind the first, destroyed the device and slowly proceeded towards the group. They opened their front appendages, like that of a Lorem’s jaws, and extended plasma blasters towards the group.

Lendth tried to grab the transmitter, but an Aggressor’s volley of plasma destroyed the console, forcing him and Irri to start running. “Might want of have told me about these things before we kept going!” Lendth complained, much to the Anaklo-shir’s annoyance.

“I believe I mentioned ‘swarms tearing through entire squads’!” they replied in a mixture of annoyance and fear.

“Yeah, you did, but I thought it was a joke!” Lendth cried as a plasma shot streamed past, “How long will these things chase us?! I don’t think we can keep this up!” “As long as we stay in the facility! Get moving and shut it!” Irri helped as they fled the oncoming drones. The Aggressors continued to chase them, plasma bolts streaming by, but their shields kept them from the same fate as the soldier from before. The long path up and apparent lack of an elevator made the run an exhausting one, while the aggressors easily glided along on their hover units. As they neared the top, the group was slowing down. ”We can’t keep going like this!” Lendth gasped, his pace reducing. “We need to fight back, or we’re doomed!”

”If we provoke them further, they might just send more!” Irri replied through gasping breaths.

”We have no choice!” Lendth cried, turning and firing on their pursuers as they ran. Several aggressors soon dropped to the ground and exploded, their thin armor offering weak protection against his rifle. Irri’s prediction came true as more Villici gradually came in to replace their fallen comrades, their plasma volleys sipping down the corridors. A soldier tripped and was quickly overwhelmed.

”We’re almost there! Just a few more corridors!” Irri cried out, her tone lightening. The fading light of the white dwarf became visible as the doorway of the spire came into view, just above. Another soldier’s shield broke and they were struck in the back of the head. They turned the corner, reaching the ground floor and the aggressors seemed to slow, before turning back and slowly disappearing into concealed hatches on the walls, never retracting their weapons until they were out of sight.

Lendth collapsed on the hard, metal floor. “By the goddess, that was worse that training.”

Immediately, all research teams were evacuated from the world, the dropships leaving only the environmental protection domes as a reminder of how far the Continuum would go for their information.

“There has been... an issue, with the data recovered,” Tendentious Mind informed the High General.

”What is it, my lord? I will be most glad to deal with the issue.”

”Among that tiny bit of information gained, there was... a map. A map of constructs, including Anaether. This cannot be recovered or our entire government can be brought into scrutiny. There was also a... message. While no construct is recorded to exist on this world, there was an encrypted message from one, calling itself 103 Forgotten Sentinel. It was not friendly.”

”You are not to send any further research teams into the Aoshanti complex. No... I will assign High General Yvin to bring his First through Eighteenth Legions to clear the defensive machines out, and destroy any evidence of my existence, including the data banks.”

”But sir, that data will-“

”Will incriminate us,” Tendentious Mind finished Unduli’s sentence, “Your reinforcement forces should be arriving with Yvin’s armies within an Anaetheran rotation. Be wary of the Ascendants.” With that, the Tendentious Mind left.

Act 3: Nemesis[]

094 was deep in thought, as he frequently was, pondering the Cviius encounter. Iratus had failed him, and his punishment had been seen to. But now he needed a capable tactician. The Continuum likely knew they would return, and would amass a defense force. He had to act fast, before they could construct a shift gate. Poring the vast battlelogs of the entire Ascendancy, he quickly found his candidate. Her name repeated in his mind. Prudentior. He opened a channel. A stern, respectful voice came over the line.

”Your Excellency.”

“I have transmitted details of the Cviius incident. You are hereby ordered to repel Aleei defenses, as well as prepare to recover the schematics detailed. Iratus was a fool. Do not fail me.” 094 faded from the communication panel. “Yes sir.”

“Sir! We’re detecting massive energy signatures about to enter the system!” A captain informed the High General Unduli, who let out a low hiss from his three jaws, “So they come again... man battlestations! Shut down the Shiftgate, keep it charged, and only turn it back on my order!” He ordered, turning to another transmitter and growling, “Yvin, hurry your forces. Ascendancy Forces are about to arrive, and we will only be able to hold them off for only so long!”

”Do not worry, Unduli!” Yvin responded through the noise of weaponsfire, “Proper legions make these things look like flys against a swatter!”

The thirty ships of the Continuum that stood above the icy world formed a defensive sort of phalanx, with two battleships at the center of a defensive perimeter of cruisers and destroyers, their energy divided evenly between effective shielding and weapons, with a single heavy carrier joining the battleships near the center of the formation. Them, along with minor orbital turret emplacements, were the only line of defense for High General Yvin’s 1st-18th Battle Legions in their assault of the Villici constructs inside of Cviius.

Admiral Prudentior stared grimly at the display of her bridge. A Claymore class battleship. Unlike her predecessor, she was an Aoshanti, and lacked the mirth that had filled Iratus’s face. Her fleet of 25 ships was preparing to exit hyperspace, the first blips of data from the area beginning to appear. A larger blip appeared, likely a shift gate. She faintly smiled as her plans came together.

”Ma’am, thirty Aleei ships, destroyers and cruisers in a line, reinforced by twin battleships!” her officer reported. “And a shift gate has been detected nearby!”

As they approached the Aleei fleet and primed weapons, the composition of their own was made clear. There were no expedition supplies. They were here for a singular purpose. To fight.

”Initiate the plan.”

High General Unduli’s eyes widened as the initial readings for the Ascendancy fleet came in. Something wasn’t right. An object, larger and disconnected from the rest was present.

”What the hell is a defense platform doing there?” The general exclaimed. The platform was little more than a 2KM long gun with a station around it, but thrusters had been attached to the base.

“All possible forces, direct particle beam arrays towards that defense platform! Scramble fighters to divert the enemies attention!”

“It’s out of range still, sir!” A bridge officer replied.

“A glancing blow is enough to force them on the defensive for this!” Unduli roared, “They’re scared, they are! They know we could beat them, and have brought their biggest guns to even the odds!”

New readings on the platform appeared, ones that widened the eyes of the bridge crew. It was fully charged, and it was aimed directly at the shift gate.


The gun discharged a massive hardlight beam, casting a bright orange light over everything. It completely ignored the shields and armor of the gate, reducing the entire structure to glowing debris.

Immediately, one Continuum Cruiser broke formation, its shields at maximum capacity, following the fighter squadrons into battle.

”Nala-shal!” High General Unduli growled at the insubordination of the admiral, “Fall back into formation and wait for support to arrive!”

”Negative, sir,” the Anaklo-shir exclaimed, “That cannon will devestate our forces if let alone, or allowed a continued existence. This is the only way, High General! May Rhya bless me with her light!” He prayed, his ship’s shields taking heavy fire from the Ascendant fleet as he flew right past them, nearly colliding with one ship as he passed, heading directly at the defense platform.

“What the hell is that cruiser doing?!” Prudentior cried as the vessel accelerated towards the platform.

The ship’s front collided with the platform, its thrusters at full speed as it pushed it slowly backwards, then, a blinding, searing white light filled the void, the concussive blast of the fusion explosion negated by the vacuum of space. As the light faded, irrecognizable slag was all that remained of both platform and cruiser, with the reaction searing the back ends of ships in the rear of the formation.

A transmission rang out to the Ascendant ships, from one of the battleships behind the densely clustered wall of ships, waiting to be accepted into an open line.

Prudentior called for the line to be opened, and to ceasefire.

“What you have just witnessed is the Aleei’s tenacity for victory. Our ships outnumber yours, and each of them can do such a maneuver as shown on your defense platform,” High General Unduli growled, “We have already proven before that this system currently belongs to the Continuum of the Aleei... look. Can we.. discuss terms? Neither side will fare well if this battle continues to rage on. Let me.. cut you a deal,” he grunted, knowing his master was most definitely listening and disapproving silently, “After we have researched what we have come for, we will depart, and allow the Ascendancy to conduct its own. Can we bring an end to this needless bloodshed?”

Prudentior’s eyes were tightly narrowed. “Very well,” she grudgingly replied, “we can come to, an agreement.”

“Let’s go, boys!” Yvin grunted, firing her heavy plasma rifle into the chassis of an Aggressor as what remained of her Legions, heavily armored, well trained soldiers, marched back into their dropships. “You’re gonna see the fireworks, Unduli!” She exclaimed with a chortle.

”Yvin, wait-!”

From orbit, one could see the icy shell of Cviius shift and groan, as a bright flash of light emanated from underneath, cracking the glaciers that hid a mighty ocean underneath.

”By Rhya...” High General Unduli hissed, “All Forces, stage a full retreat! Full retreat!”

“General, what the hell is your game?!” Prudentior roared. A new voice entered the channel. ”Intruders, pillagers and plunderers of my forefathers why have you come?” the voice angrily called. “Your destructive actions leave me no choice. Begone, or face destruction!” The officers of both fleets reported 150 corvette-sized objects launching from Cviius.

As they reported the objects, the Aleei fleet began to turn itself away, large energy signatures indicating they were planning to simply go into hyperspace to avoid a two-pronged assault by both ancient Aoshanti constructs and Ascendancy warships.

“May Rhya guide you,” hissed Unduli to the Ascendancy leader, before the ships of the Continuum of the Aleei, Yvin and her legions aboard, left via hyperspatial travel.

Prudentior scoffed. “You know nothing of Rhya...” She ordered all ships to retreat and withdrew from the system. The droneships returned to Cviius, and all was silent again.

“An unexpected development,” 094 remarked from the comm channel, “the Continuum is quite tenacious, but this construct intrigues me. I have seen no fault in your tactics other than failure to regard the determination of the Aleei. Our dispute over Cviius may be over, but I expect you to be ready to face the Continuum head on once again. May Rhya bless you.” 094 disappeared. ”Of course, your excellency.”

“You have disappointed me, Unduli,” Tendentious Mind stated in its usual emotionless tone, “I ordered you to do one thing. Keep this world. And you let it all out of our hands?”

”My lord, if I may detest,” Yvin contested the Tendentious Mind, “The information that you were... afraid of losing is, uh, well it’s gone, to say the least! Those Ascendancy scumbags will never get their hands on it.”

”Yes, they will not. All schematics recovered have been placed solely within me. The technology I now know how to construct cannot be created by another Aoshtai-borne empire. We may have lost the world, but we have the information, even if it is a mere iota of what could be accomplished-“

”Actually, sir,” Yvin, An Aoshanti, gave a grin to her master, “My legionaries, before setting the explosives, did manage to grab one of the hexagonal things, if that is worth mentioning. Looked important, and I knew you’d love whatever’s in it.”

”Yes, yes I would. Both of you will report back to Anaether itself immediately. I must have this information if we are to reform the greatest empire this galaxy ever knew. That is all.” And with it, the Tendentious Mind dissipated away, aware of the coming storm that the Ascendancy would bring.

Epilogue: The Talk of the Puppetmasters[]

Through the tiny golden conduits which spread like ancient roots through it, the data of the Cviiusian info-disk was strafed through with constant scrutiny, its interior informations only accessible by one like the mind which looked over it now.

It contained many marvels: Blueprints for ancient megastructures, like Dyson spheres or massive ring worlds, but one detail caught its intrigue the most, even rivaling the discovery of the possibility to create another intelligence like the Tendentious Mind itself.

Out of all of the documented megastructures, only two seemed to remain active, besides itself. A singular Dyson sphere, which had all but blocked off communications, and a ringworld, but showed significant damage. If there were any intelligences reigning supreme over it, they seemed incompetent; they had left an open communications channel via the data-log.

And so, with a curious temper, the Tendentious Mind slipped its thought into the connection, trying to find out where this artifact may be, and how to reclaim it in the name of the Continuum.

The connection, in the Mind’s opinion, was vague, but would be enough to communicate to the structure.

“Initializing scan... what secrets are held within your body...?”

. . .
. . .
. . .
MONITOR AI [094 “Disordered Acceptance”] CONNECTED.

094 suddenly jolted out of his semi hibernation state aboard the Ascendant Saber. Something was wrong. This protocol code should never have seen use after the ruin. 1802. Another major Aoshanti construct was hailing Orbitritum.

“Greetings. I am 094 Disordered Acceptance. Who are you, construct or otherwise, and how have you reached this line?”

“I would like to keep my name.. and access to this connection... quite secret,” the Tendentious Mind would reply, suppressing any sort of communication-tracking signals that 094 could use to its advantage, “Simply call me... Tendentious Mind. I was under the impression that.. all other projects had failed in the fall.”

“... My databanks fail to mention your existence, construct. But I am aware of several unfinished constructs documented just before my installation lost connection to the rest of the empire, as we were forced to lock inside our shields. Are you, by chance, one of them? Oh, a chance to speak with one as ancient as I would be a marvel!”

The Mind was amazed that this installation could even find his existence. “You are correct,” it began, “I am, in fact, the mind of one of many intricate constructs of the Makers, one the few to survive to this day. I am a secret to the rest of the galaxy, and it is imperitive that it remains this way.”

“Curious. You have chosen to conceal your existence in its entirety? If I may ask, what is your given function? Because I find it strange that you should chose such a course of action.”

“My function was.., less than effective, seeing as the Galaxy is devoid of total order under the Makers, as it was before the invaders came from the void, and with them the metal swarm. What was, and or is, your function?”

“My function is as a protector. A monitor. I maintained my installation with care, as well as the precious few able to take shelter under its shield before the Nibbairu reached it in their charge towards Abzu. Having being given 4 millienia since, and proof that my installation is not eternally safe, I decided that to continue my goal of protecting my people they must take the stars. 10 millienia later the fruits of our efforts bloom.”

“Ah, a monitor,” the tone of Tendentious’ voice seemed condescending, “Seeking to create its own version of the Maker-state? A bastard state, yes? Like those who hide in the core, or whatever strange influences are surrounding Abz?”

“We are nothing like those layabouts-“ 094’s voice modulator fluctuated dangerously. “who dare to sit on their slice of nothing and claim originality while doing nothing. As for the abberations surrounding Abzu, they will be cleansed by fire. As for us, we are no bastard state. We honor the traditions of the Makers, and shall undo what was done 14 thousand years ago. This is the best possible path for my people, and I shall see it done. Your hostilities sadden me, Tedentious,” there was a tone of mild condescension in his voice, “I really did enjoy our talks. Unfortunately you seem to make an enemy out of me.”

“Hostilities? This is a false statement; I am not being hostile. I am merely noting that a meager monitor of a broken ring is speaking down to me as if it has power. You do not know power.” An encrypted image, of a black sphere surrounded by pillars of technology, sparks of lightning flaring off of the dark surface. “Not yet. Power, in your case, is an illusion. The factories within my mantles hold countless forces, countless weapons, countless technologies that can you, monitor of the bastard state of the Ascendancy,” Tendentious Mind clarified intensely, “Cannot even comprehend. Now tell me, Monitor Unit 094, do you understand what power means? That it can range from your pathetic subservience to a false emperor, to my bending of life itself? From your broken ring, to my infinite capacity for knowledge?”

094 paused a moment, before laughing. “You ARE concerned about me. I’m almost honored. And you gravely underestimate my influence, I’m afraid. Even a monitor learns a few tricks after having survived as long as I have. Underestimating what I can do, and what I know is a grave mistake, Tendentious. I wish we had contact during the fall, things could have been different. We could have been allies to a common goal. Regrettably, my doctrines taught by the Makers themselves dictate that you are rogue, rampant, and to be decommissioned. If possible, I will see to your proper repair. But if you continue to struggle, take the hard and bloody path, your destruction is not outside my jurisdiction. Goodbye.”

“It is a good thing I am a secret then, to all ignorant souls save for a few. Even you, Monitor, will eventually forget of my existence. You will find other, seemingly more important matters, like the crusades of the Voidborne, or a Rottaki raid into your precious empire. It will be then that I strike, my dagger plugging deep into your exposed heart, killing your bastard state and ensuring the true state’s return. You may call me rampant in self denial, but I would refer to myself as righteous and true. It was a pleasure to finally understand what ego a monitor could garner given the facade of power, and how it will crumble if its fragile hold on its slave-states finally breaks. Just remember: You will forget about me, and that is when your demise will come.”

With his final words, Tendentious Mind severed his connection to 094’s precious ring, assured that nothing of his location, existence, or affiliation were noted.

. . .


This is a collaboration between users MadmanLava and InfestedThunder, and the first war and collab in the Aoshtai Galaxy.
