

The UPD's head of state is the Throne, which is occupied by an elected leader until the end of their natural life with various legal, diplomatic, militant, and ceremonial roles. The Throne acts as the first among equals of the council of the Dominions and head of the state religion of Drakenism. The Dominions are elected leaders who represent the original nomadic and tribal peoples who joined together to forge the UPD into a galactic power. They act as the first among equals of a council of Virtues. Virtues are the elected leaders of the different tribes of the various nomadic demographics that make up the central authority of the UPD.

Powers on the other hand are interstellar civilizations that the UPD has integrated into their fold. They are given authority to rule over the territories controlled by the UPD as sub-hegemons so long as they maintain fealty to the UPD, keep internal order, promote trade, and collect taxes from the Principalities. Principalities are non-interstellar territories that fall under the jurisdiction of a Power.


Enforced Reform[]
