Now reformed as the Union Republic of Ottzello
Bold indicates major members, Italics indicates UNO's version of other races
Note that aside from 'Main military lineup', most pages are on things which are unused

UNO Buildings are extremely advanced architecture, often based off Vyro'Narza 3D designs. They are all constructed by Drones.


As well as all these buildings, UNO cities contain Pods in their normal layout, with UNO cities in between the Kalgon hexagon layout. There are no towns in UNO planets, either a city or nothing.


Taldar Housing[]

Main article: Building:UNO Housing

The common UNO apartment is a huge skyscraper, powered by Gyronic.

Gyronic hall[]

Main article: Building:Gyronic Hall

A miscellaneous building; its use is unknown.

Gyronic reactor[]

A building that is a reactor structure, powering cities and planets.

City Hall[]

A structure that is a 'city hall', the centre of planets and cities.

Shopping Mall[]

A large structure, Shopping Malls are the centre of UNO's and culture.

The Highest Point[]

Main article: Building:UNOL HQ

The home of UNOL and the council.

Other buildings[]

There are several other UNO buildings used.

You can find these buildings on Sporepedia.



Now reformed as the Union Republic of Ottzello
Bold indicates major members, Italics indicates UNO's version of other races
Note that aside from 'Main military lineup', most pages are on things which are unused