
This entry is true.

After Dyaus'Pitar Hag'Mar'Ah our Dynast and primogenitor fell to the abominable anti-Dominatus Coalition, our noble legion was in peril. Naraka was the world given to us by the Drakodominatus Tyranny our masters and so our Dynast and primonegitor decreed that none of his masters' foes would set foot on it. While he lived it was so.

When he died in orbit this ceased to be. The treacherous Fordan Empire from which we sprung defiled its ashen grounds with their claws and besieged the devasthana in which we honed the edge of our perfection. The stampedes of our G'Har'Sor doomknights availed to nothing. With the passing of our Dynast and Progenitor command would have passed down to Ind'ra who was Blademonarch-Commander, but the disrespectable Hel'Bre'K Co'Sa'Va in Andromeda had slain him so this was no option. Instead it passed down to Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan, Vis'hnu who was Blademonarch-Marshal, and Shi'va who was Blademonarch-Champion. These titles have no meaning now but did then - the Blademonarch-Castellan oversaw the creation of fresh clones and their training, the Blademonarch-Marshal planned their campaigns and executed them, while the Blademonarch-Champion focussed on duelling. As duelling was the reason for our creation, our Dynast and primogenitor decreed that the Blademonarch-Champion alone was also to have contact with the Occult Operations our Dynast and primogenitor so despised.

Now it happened that there was no unity amongst our ranks. As the treacherous Fordanta advanced, Vis'hnu who was Blademonarch-Marshal retreated to Demogorgon Prime to petition our masters for aid. It would arrive too late. With our numbers pressed on all fronts, Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan despaired, for it would take ages for these losses to be replaced. Then Shi'va who was Blademonarch-Champion consoled him, saying "Dyaus'Pitar Hag'Mar'Ah our Dynast and primogenitor made me our noble Legion's only contact with Occult Operations, for he despised the the Void. But the Void is a tool that can be wielded to destroy our enemies." And in despair, Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan agreed. Thus Shi'va who was Blademonarch-Champion shattered the wards over the Void artifacts on Naraka and unleashed their power. Thus were the treacherous Fordanta repulsed. But the aperture was not still and swallowed what of our noble legion had not gone with Vis'hnu who was Blademonarch-Marshal.

We were in blackness and pressure when a voice spoke to us. And that voice was a woman, who said "I am Ara Maya who is the Truth. You are of the Deep and found your way home." Then spoke Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan "We are of the Dominatus who are the mightiest." Said Ara Maya "Their might is not here." This was a lie, for we were of the Dominatus and we were amongst their might. But Shi'va who was Blademonarch-Champion agreed with She of the Deep, for he was lost to the currents.

Spoke Ara Maya to Shi'va who was Blademonarch-Champion "Your kind is diminished. But there is great power in these Depths, power I can gift to you. You can return empowered, and with legions of your likeliness at your side. Need you only give me your pride." Replied Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan "I am Blademonarch-Castellan, he who creates the new forever. It is not his to answer." But these Depths were the domain of Ara Maya, so none heard him speak. And when Shi'va who was Blademonarch-Champion did not hear Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan speak, his reply was thus: "Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan loves our noble legion more than anything. Now he is lost to the currents and cannot speak, so I offer up my own pride."

Smiled She of the Deep, "Under Deep Tides it is bound. Be reborn in the Truth." Alas, to be one of our noble legion was to be proud, so Ara Maya took his essence and chained him. And lo, his form was replicated manifold, but was chained to her will and did not return to the battle of matter. For Ara Maya frequently told lies that were truths and truths that were lies, but not one or the other.

Spoke Ara Maya to Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan "See how I have elevated your brother and given him power. But I asked him for his pride which was the essence of your creed, and so took and changed him. For you I offer an even greater gift, which is to become invincible so you can reforge your legion with your own eight arms, and from you I ask only your creativity." But Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan saw the trick, for he was the creator of the new, and creativity was as much his essence as was pride. So he said "With these eight arms alone I will rebuild our noble legion. Your boon I refuse." But She of the Deep was not bothered. Said she "You are equally of the Deep as you are of your Tyrants. But soon they will be no more, and all your currents will lead back to me." And Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan disbelieved.

Thus was Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan resurfaced by the will of She of the Deep. And he found Naraka ruined by the treacherous Fordan Empire, gifted as a bauble to the reprehensible Delpha Coalition of Planets, and his creators the Dominatus to be all immolated. Thus he escaped to the Khilai Empire, whose emperor Arath Helthrai tested him by combat and found him suitable. Thus he secured the future of his noble legion, was gifted new G'Har'Sor and a new home in the planet Vedauhs, where devasthana of honed perfection arose anew.

But Ara Maya frequently told lies that were truths and truths that were lies, and so it was that the Khilai worshipped the Hungering Maw. Thus the current of Bra'hma who was Blademonarch-Castellan has led to the Khilai, which led to the Hungering Maw. And lo, the Hungering Maw led to She of the Deep, for it was of the Depths which She ruled.

As is recoded by Blademonarch Bra'hma as he heads for the Chandras Galaxy, in service of Her son Nid'Ogh.
