

- Rogue

216 Nostroma, better known by her title of "Rogue Mind", is the former leader of The Zarbania Powers, and current Supreme Leader of the Empire of Claws, manipulating its leadership from behind the scenes. A sinister and overwordly threat, Nostroma has always been a major threat to Galactic stability in Mirus, thanks to her insane believe she is carrying out the acquisition and creation of order and stability in the galaxy, no matter how wrong she is indeed. Her mind, so twisted by time spent in complete isolation and with the loss of her creators, has twisted her into absolute insanity.

Driven ever more mad by the loss of control she experienced with Gridlock's increasing command and rule of Zarbania, Nostroma would plot her way into controlling Zarbania, and the rest of the galaxy, slowly but surely, working and worming her way into command of the Empire of Claws, manipulating its various Houses and Zarbanian leaders into accepting her rule, and placing her in command of the new terrorist organization that sought to command the entire galaxy.

Though Gridlock considers her an irritation at best, he, and most of Mirus, does not yet realize the full power and capabilities of the destructive AI just yet.







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  • Based upon Mother Brain from Metroid.