
I remember the unity and prosperity the empire had brought... All the peace, almost everyone was happy back then. I miss the old empire.

- Feni Wen


The Great Empire of Coriusian was a Confederation of the four great empires of Coriusian. The Empire ruled until the Great Fall. The Empire is now just a bunch of scattered provinces in Coriusian. The United Corlinian Empire does carry its beliefs and ideas though.


The Idea was proposed by the Holy Empire of Senoana (the first flag starting from the bottom) when the four empires met each other. The Leanak Empire (the second flag starting from the bottom) would join in 799,780 BC. It would take some time, but in 749,342 BC the Great Monakan Empire (the third flag starting from the bottom) joined the Empire. The Corlinians (last flag starting from the bottom) at first didn’t want to join the Empire, but the later joined in 749,340. The Great Empire had finally finished their goal.

The Golden Age[]

After the Corlinians joined, the Empire had a golden age. Technological advances were made and the Empire wanted to try and expand their influence. The economy kept rising and business was flourishing. Overall happiness was at its all time high during the Golden Age. technological advancement was abundant and it seemed life for Coriusian would be one of harmony and prosperity.

The Great Fall[]

It was unexpected that the Holy Empire of Senoana would leave. The creator of the Empire. This left a large power vacuum with there because there is now only 3 empires, but still 4 leaders. And the Corlinians soon left sensing the rising tensions. The Empire of Senoana would later return and then the Three Empires would all later claim that they were in charge of the Great Empire of Coriusian, and it soon escalated into a large scale civil war that shattered all hopes of a peaceful union. The amount of destruction during the conflict was incalculable. After one century, most of what was the Imperium had been devastated with only sparse clumps of systems of it’s once massive union.

The Modern Empire[]

The modern empire controls pockets of territories across Coriusian and has a decent military. They use Corlinian ships as they are the most modernized of the four empires.

The New Imperium[]

The Corlinian Empire and Great Empire Remnants joined and became the Grand Coriusian Imperium.

Foreign Relations[]



“We’re glad to have you be a part of the empire!”

  • Holy Empire of Senoana “The creator, but also the destroyer of the empire...hmp...”
  • The Leanak Empire “The first member of the Union.”
  • The Great Monakan Empire “A great member of our unison.”
  • The United Corlinian Empire “The oldest empire of Coriusian is at our side.”




  • Pip Empire “No thoughts on your Empire.”
  • MotSE “Hmp... You have no idea of what true power looks like.”
  • Purity “A Foreign Power.... Good thing they aren’t interfering with our affairs.”
  • Batorok Union “Interesting.. You’re like a smaller version of the Old Empire.”



“We wish that we had the strength of the Old Empire so you’d be less of a pain to crush!”

Quotes from other Empires[]

Feel free to put your own quotes
