Dancewithdevil Icon Tantummodo Mortem is a Historical Event
"Tantummodo Mortem" is considered a historical event or a completed fiction within the SporeWiki Fiction Universe. You must ask its original creator if you wish to add any additional stories.

Seeking Help[]

Skeletal Souveniers[]

The team left the Realm of Dreams, back on Tau's ship. There was a mixed emotion among the team. Happiness, relief and disappointment. Nu was sat down at the table, beating his fingers against it in a state of boredom. Hachi was still asleep on the floor where he had been told to sleep earlier to allow entry into the Realm. Kalcedia was also asleep while Kezoreg was nowehere to be seen, probably keeping himself company.

  • Corteus - ...you're bored already?
  • Nu - Well we got a lot of stuff to do.

Shu'ytrogarva's skeleton was still on the ship. Koluap remained occupied removing the teeth out of his jaw and putting them on one of his pockets. Kithworto looked at Shu'ytrogarva's skeleton with apprehension.

  • Koluap - Gonna make myself a necklace.
  • Lemmo - Hm. How much would that thing cost anyway?
  • Arkarixus - It's a demon's skeleton. What do you think?
  • Upsilon - Heh. In the right makret, millions.

Sarec looked around, relieved to be back in realspace while Grukarb snapped off a bone of Shu'ytrogarva's skeleton for himself.

  • Corteus - Grukarb...
  • Grukarb - I just want one souvenier captain.
  • Tharaqím - Put him in a museum.
  • Kithworto - I wouldn't put a demon's skeleton anywhere. The void of space is a correct course of action.
  • Lemmo - Makes sense. The damn thing must be dangerous.
  • Arkarixus - Airlock?

Lemmo turned his head to Arkarixus.

  • Lemmo - Exactly. ...Or, we could sell it to a Wranploer warlord and then watch him getting evaporated by trace entropic energy.

The Tertanai chuckled.

  • Eta - One comedy at a time.
  • Lemmo - It's a win-win situation. Noone gets hurt... except the Wranploer, but noone cares about them anyway.
  • Arkarixus - You're talking about piracy to the warmaster of the Polar Crystal Alliance.
  • Corteus - Jettison it into space then blast it to pieces via one of this ship's cannons.
  • Koluap - You're dumb. I'd rather make a helmet out of his skull!
  • Sarec - Yes, a lovely skull-shaped helmet that leaks entropic energy.
  • Lemmo - You sure it won't kill you?

Kithworto walked up to Shu'ytrogarva's skeleton and telekinetically lifted it. Koluap stumbled into his back and put his hands up, trying to grab it. Lupercal entered the room, apparently having heard all the conversation.

  • Koluap - Hey, I wasn't done!
  • Kithworto - Corteus is correct. This thing should not even be touched by mortal hands.
  • Lupercal - The Isio'Nar is correct. We should destroy the bones.
  • Arkarixus - Airlock it is.
  • Grukarb - Shotgun on the turret!

Lupercal approached the demon skeleton and bowed before it.

  • Lupercal - May the winds of the Endless Cycle take away these accursed bones into Eternal One's purifying void. Dei'Nar'aechin shenthar'ae vai'shiim. (Great Spode, protect us all)

Kithworto walked to the back of the ship with the skeleton in front of him, before a distant shamble could be heard as Shu'ytrogarva's skeleton hit the floor in a mess. Koluap sat down and crossed his arms with a frown. Kalcedia awoke and looked around, disturbed by the noise from the skeleton. Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned.

  • Sarec - Also is it public knowledge where my alliegence lies?
  • Arkarixus - Essence users can sense your aura.
  • Sarec - ...It's a bit of a generalisation to think all friendly ascended beings are Isio'Nar.
  • Mu - So, about those seemingly trillions of giant mecha space octopi Santorakh mentioned. What do?
  • Upsilon - Simple. Go back to Hyperborea and tell the Polar Crystal Alliance about it.

Kithworto returned as behind him as a vacuum sounded behind him.

  • Corteus - Y'know, the PCA isn't the only authority we could turn to...
  • Kalcedia - The Draconis has a point.
  • Upsilon - You're right. The entire Gigaquadrant should be warned of this.
  • Arkarixus - They're coming from Andromeda. The Andromedan Commonwealth should be warned first.
  • Lupercal - You sure about this? Imagine the panic it could cause. We have to make things hidden, so that the universe could be spared from the tyranny of fear.
  • Zeta - The universe has been in the shadow of the Xhodocto for billions of years. Pretty sure we've gotten used to universal panic.
  • Psi - Bah. Tell em or not, everyone will know sooner or later. Being warned or being obliterated.
  • Grukarb - Two-and-a-half words: Government. Cover-up.

Lupercal nodded.

  • Kalcedia - UNO does that all the time, nothing to worry about.
  • Arkarixus - Warn the Commonwealth leaders, and no one else.
  • Quinniath - I shall contact Her Holiness.

Kithworto sat down in a chair.

  • Kithworto - I would much rather go to Andromeda and tell them in person.
  • Lemmo - What about Cyrannians? Plazithians?
  • Koluap - Eh. Those Imperial mongrels don't give a damn about anything.

Kezoreg walked into the room and sat down, glaring towards the group with a scowl.

  • Lemmo - Hey, it's the aromanos again.
  • Grukarb - Looks like the kid's--

Corteus pressed his hand in front of Grukarb's mouth, surprising him.

  • Kezoreg - We shouldn't tell the Commonwealth. It would be a waste; prior warning and preparation isn't going to stop the Xhodocto. We could be using this time for more important things, like preventing them all together.
  • Koluap - Like you know anything.
  • Lemmo - He's a goddamn aromanos. Don't listen to him.
  • Corteus - So...you'd rather not enlist the aid of one of the galaxy's most powerful militaries. Remind me where were you during the War for Andromeda?
  • Kithworto - Ekól-nyu íráyamasi taránamaktánshaómatkámnatojorinazhá. [Time and tide wait for no man.] Do what we will, calamity will arise. We are going to Andromeda and we are summoning the Commonwealth's council whether they like it or not.
  • Arkarixus - Make haste, then.
  • Lemmo - Hm. Allow me.

Lemmo approached Kezoreg, grabbed him by the back and then tossed him towards the wall.

  • Lemmo - That's my father's education style.
  • Kezoreg - If we tell them, there will be panic sooner rather than later. I say let the Commonwealth live in ignorant bliss until their doom.
  • Mu - You've done nothing but summon Angazhar on us. Stop being an useless little shit and shut your trap.

Kithworto stood up, and went to the cockpit. Pressing down on the panel, coordinates arose.

  • Kithworto - I am afraid my knowledge of Andromeda as of late is limited. Where is the council's meeting place?
  • Lemmo - The Elysion station?
  • Corteus - Was Alcanti, but they have a new HQ in more common ground. I have the coordinates though.
  • Kithworto - Then lead us there. In the meantime those who have access to the Highlords shall summon them.
  • Quinniath - I'll contact my superiors.
  • Corteus - Aye-Aye.
  • Tau - So we're going to Elysium station just to scare the Highlords?
  • Nu - Just as well. I got a few things to say to the Paragon.

Kithworto looked at Nu with slight disdain.

  • Mu - Like anyone wants to know your opinion on anything.
  • Nu - Sinásátinmatzká, 'Tagárai'.

Corteus headed to the cockpit and entered coordinates into the navigation console with one hand. Entering the coordinates of Elysion as they appeared on the screen.

  • Kezoreg - Hmph, never liked the Highlords.
  • Grukarb - I thought one of them was your dad?
  • Kezoreg - You are mistaken. Kithworto is my father.
  • Lupercal - Shaan'thi, sa sh'ath. (You're crazy).
  • Grukarb - Whatever. If I can't have a bone iI'll have a victory flyburger on Elysion.
  • Mu - You're not a Kicath. Stop being stupid.

Kithworto beat his fist on the chair arm, sending out a concussive echo through the room.

  • Kithworto - Enough. Stop bickering. Any animosity shared here will be set aside. There is a lot at risk here.
  • Koluap - Anyone got a piece of thin rope I can use?
  • Corteus - Yknow....Kithworto's right. Like they say on Elysion "Leave your animosity at the airlock".

Arkarixus turned his attention to Corteus nearly immediately. Corteus looked at Arkarixus curiously, but the Kormacvar shook his head and turned away.

  • Tau - If that is the case it would be wise to change into something more formal. It is good that I packed clothing before we left Hyperborea.
  • Mu - Everyone'll like me in a tuxedo and a dead hand.
  • Tau - ...Tuxedo? Never heard of one of those things.
  • Mu - Human thing.
  • Lemmo - Formal clothing.
  • Zeta - It would be good to get out of this armour. You begin to forget you have skin under it.
  • Hachi - Zzz...Huh, what's this about humans?

Hachi sat up on the floor, sniffing the air and looking up at everyone curiously.

  • Lemmo - You're one of them, aren't you?
  • Mu - Humans have weird clothing taste. And I guess I'll have to remain armored.
  • Lemmo - They're fine. Not exactly fond of the species, though.
  • Zeta - We're going to Andromeda. You'd better be prepared for an audience with the Highlords.
  • Sarec - Visiting Elysion should be a good trip for Hachi.

Tau left the room, whilst the other Agents except Mu went a few moments after. Kithworto then left to his quarters. Mu let out a sad sigh.

  • Mu - Disadvantages of being a dark ascended being.

Hachi tilted his head and hugged Mu's leg affectionately. Mu looked at Hachi but did nothing to stop him.

  • Hachi - Don't worry Mu, I wish I had my old hand back as well.
  • Mu - ...You mean you don't have a hand under that?
  • Hachi - It's a weapon, well, meant to be. That's why it has claws on it - meant for tearing and ripping.
  • Tharaqím - Being in a Commonwealth planet should be interesting. If my people were not so paranoid, we could have requested their help against the Dominion.
  • Corteus - Elysion's...not exactly a planet...

Visiting Elysion[]

The ship landed upon Elysion's hangar. Elysion as a station was rather well presented in design, with numerous white and gold themed architecture marking the place. The ship stuck out in the architecture as it was pitch black and cyan in colour. The door opened, and the team stepped outside. The air in Elysion felt disturbingly fresh. Several Elysion inhabitants - tourists and diplomats - strolled about the beautifully structured station. The landscape rose up in the distance, over the heads of the team as the station was a ring, with a disk-like "sun" hovering high above them.

Koluap had the same clothing as before, as it acted both as formal clothing and armor. However, he now wore a necklace made out of a wire and several teeth. The Agents were all dressed in a military uniform, with a black and silver theme as it was common among Kicath. Kithworto on the other hand wore an obviously expensive uniform, in a rather ominous black. Mu stepped out, still armored.

  • Mu - I guess I'm the "tough bodyguard guy" in this.

Quinniath and Lupercal entered the station in their dress blues; Quinniath's was white and purple, symbolising his status as the Divinarium's assassin, while Lupercal was much more intricate and covered with very detailed, almost incomprehensible patterns of spiritual meaning. Arkarixus and Tharaqím stepped out of the ship, not having changed their outfits either. Kalcedia wore an expensive-looking attire that was as revealing as it was costly - it costed nothing in reality, however, for she had simply shaped it from her own form. She wore makeup and jewellery alongside, making herself appear more desirous as her perfume became stronger.

  • Mu - You could have at least taken a bath, you're stinking more than a dead animal. Or a knocked out drunk Kicath.
  • Psi - Hey.
  • Lupercal - Is that jewelery? Luxury! Are these shoes? Sloth! Is that a necklace? Vanity!
  • Lemmo - Goddamn cheater. You know how much did that suit cost?

Sarec had transformed his armour into a formal gown thanks ot his incorporeal status. Corteus and Grukarb wore Imperial dress uniforme; gold-trimmed grey outfits with knee-high boots and iro-grey overcoats. Lemmo wore a more formal form of his normal outfit: a simple brown and white Tertanai suit. Hachi wore nothing too formal or special - he had only put on a seperate pair of trousers with some of his head fur combed to look more polished and orderly. Kezoreg hadn't changed clothes at all.

  • Tau - Where is the council's chamber?
  • Fyrvrtha dignitary - Located there, it is.

A small group of Commonwealth aliens approached wearing white silken robes that hid most of their forms.

  • Usher - Greetings, I take it you are the aggregate military party from Plazith Rim?
  • Lemmo - Not exactly. But yes, sort of.
  • Mu - For the most part.
  • Usher 2 - Welcome to Elysion then. The Council chamber is at the center of the station.
  • Nu - Of course.

As the Usher led them to a smart, white building some way down the road, several diplomats gave wary looks to the Kicath party as they walked. Nu looked at them back, before giving them a territorial growl. The growl caused some to move warily away. Some of the Guardians, clad in gold-trimmed white armour, glared at Nu under their helmets. Tau hit Nu in the side, causing him to splutter.

  • Arkarixus - Stop.
  • Usher - Apologies...we do not see many Kicath on the station these days.
  • Zeta - Is the Empire not allowed here?
  • Usher 2 - Forgive their... unfriendly glances. Many in the Commonwealth are wary of the Kicath after their secession from the Commonwealth.
  • Tau - Take that as a no.
  • Arkarixus - These Kicath are under the Polar Crystal Alliance.
  • Usher - My companion is right. Some fear that the Empire seceeded to plan an eventual attack on us.
  • Kithworto - It would not surprise me. 'Emperor' Kitoramnan has always been xenophobic.
  • Mu - After this entire thing is over, we should pay him a visit or something.
  • Hachi - He sounds like a nice guy!
  • Upsilon - Just as well. The aranmasolótanaþukoiaí ordered me to conduct mass executions on our protectorate species for a rejection of territorial expansion.
  • Zeta - I remember that. All of us regretted doing that afterwards.
  • Usher - Yes his ways are being frowned upon in several circles.
  • Mu - I don't like killing Elinte. They're a cool load.
  • Kithworto - And I regret allowing him to do that.
  • Tharaqím - We should not leave the Highlords waiting.
  • Kezoreg - They can afford to wait.
  • Koluap - Shut up.

The team entered the chamber. It was to say the least large - a seemingly endless hall with a dauntingly high ceiling. Like the outside, it was clad in white and gold. In the middle was a podium for the team to stand in.

  • Lemmo - That is the place. Don't really feel right in here... too much of a criminal scum to face such magnificence, I guess.
  • Hachi - It's shiny! Like those underwear I saw on one of my videos!
  • Kalcedia - I have a pair of those in my quarters. They're a bitch to to both take off and put on.

Populating the hall were hundreds of alien species but within a booth that the podium faced were three figures - a stately Draconis, a lithe Radeon women with a powerful presence and a Zazane in obsidian-black armour.

  • Kezoreg - All I see are clowns.
  • Mu - Only clowns I see here are you and Koluap.
  • Koluap - Heh.
  • Usher - The....Andromedan Light can hear all of you.
  • Arkarixus - Xeron once suggested making a statue of him. The entire room let out a good chuckle.
  • Venoriel - Ah, you're here, Quinniath. Excellent.

Next to the podium was a hologram of a blue Radeon in military uniform.

  • Venoriel - I hope you shall not disappoint me.

On a wall, a sign was clearly put out in multiple languages - 'No weapons allowed.' Although the Kicathian translation was broken to the point where the Agents struggled to make sense of it.

  • Psi - No...no...uh. Ugh. Who employed you to carve THAT in?
  • Tau - At least the other languages are translated well enough.
  • Kithworto - We should press on. They are waiting for us.
  • Hachi - Who are those three? Wait... is that the big salamander guy from Macronormus?
  • Arkarixus - You met all of them in the Borealis War, hachi.
  • Hachi - Oh! Oh! I remember the short red guy now! He's mean. The woman, though... mmmm...
  • Usher 2 - The building's architecture is based on the Panopticon style common in the Divinarium, meaning that the Highlords can hear you easily, young human.
  • Usher - And Draconis don't take kindly to being called "salamanders".

The team entered the podium. The three figures overlooked the team. Kithworto stood in the middle of the team with his claws behind his back and his tail wrapped around his legs. The Agents were stood similarly, except from Nu. Koluap waved at the Highlords eagerly.

  • Usher - Esteemed representetives of Andromeda. These dignitaries come before you with news of great importance.
  • Koluap - Hey Tyraz! Hey not-red Uriel! Hey...whoever's the last one.
  • Iovera - Ah, the heroes of the Xhodocto conflict. The word of your endeavours has reached our ears, noble warriors. You are welcome here.

Iovera bowed to the team respectfully in a manner common to her species.

  • Tyraz - Hmph. Mostly.

Tyraz eyed towards Kezoreg, who snarled with a scowl on his face. Kithworto's eyes shone a crimson red at Tyraz.

  • Venoriel - I have to agree with the Grandmaster at that point.
  • Koluap - Eh? C'mon, I didn't break anything...this time.
  • Uriel - Tyraz perhaps any animosity can wait until *after* the hearing?
  • Tyraz - Hmph, as you wish, Uriel.
  • Iovera - This is a place where peace is forged, Tyraz. We have to maintain civility.
  • Kithworto - Highlords. We have news following recent events concerning Gigaquadrantic matters. Andromeda is of most vulnerability in this matter.

Iovera's ears twitched in surprise. Tyraz looked towards Iovera and smiled as her ears twitched, before his brief smile disappeared into a frown once more and glared towards the group.

  • Iovera - Tell us more.
  • Kithworto - I am not sure whether you are aware, but there is activity within Andromeda, outside of the Commonwealth grasp. I speak of the Dominion.
  • Tharaqím - The Shka'Tun have been destroyed, and the Dominion plots to cause more bloodshed with a fleet of superweapons known as "Rectifiers".

Iovera's eyes widened in disbelief.

  • Uriel - Impossible!
  • Tharaqím - Standing before you is the last Shka'Tun.
  • Iovera - Possible, Uriel. I have seen the extent of the demons' power firsthand; there is nothing they cannot accomplish.
  • Venoriel - The same can be said of us, Your Holiness. The Commonwealth's military forces are always at your side.
  • Tyraz - How long have you known of this? How long have you known before you decided to alert us?
  • Kithworto - Approximately half a year. That half a year being within their own territory itself. We have faced multiple previously thought dead forces. Including...

Kithworto's voice dwindled slightly.

  • Kithworto - We have come face-to-face with the Xhodocto themselves.
  • Tyraz - Half a cycle?!
  • Koluap - Angazhar and that other creepy asshat, Santorakh.

Iovera literally froze as her eyes closed; it seemed as if she was communing with something else. Uriel slumped in his chair and lowered his head, glaring down towards the group, sending a chill down Grukarb's spine.

  • Tyraz - You fight Xhodocto and you do not think to alert us sooner so we can prepare? Are you all inflicted with madness?
  • Koluap - I thought you lot already knew.
  • Iovera - Dei'nar'aechin'saim... Dei'nar'aechin'saim..
  • Kithworto - Have you faced the Xhodocto themselves, 'Highlord'? There is little in your mind aside from surviving your ordeal.

Iovera'e eyes opened again, although her face still remained somewhat unnerved.

  • Iovera - I-I did. I have my... sources.
  • Tharaqím - We have literally just stopped a Dominion attack on a supernatural dimension known as "Realm of Dreams".
  • Uriel - It was though High Inquisitor Arsac that the Grand Senate learned of this threat, demanding the support of Wraith Legion.
  • Mu - Yeah...about that.
  • Kithworto - There is an issue there. High Inquisitor Arsac has been lost. Not killed. Converted.

Tyraz growled and took a step forward, glaring towards the group as his eyes burned brightly with crimson.

  • Tyraz - ...What did you do?!
  • Uriel - Tyraz...
  • Iovera - ...No, Tyraz. Don't!

Kithworto's head turned toward Tyraz' own. Iovera became singificantly more unnerved as tendrils of elemental energy started to flow around her.

  • Kithworto - I would ask the same question.
  • Arkarixus - Arsac abandoned us and joined the Corruptus. Her heart was filled with demonic fire.
  • Ureil - I find it unlikely the High Inquisitor would abandon the order because I have seen her tenacity for myself.
  • Tharaqím - We have seen her abandon us with our own eyes.
  • Tau - She would be here if it were a false accusation.
  • Koluap - Yeah, she walked off with some green Radeon gal.
  • Kithworto - A Chosen Acolyte named Geltastra.
  • Iovera - Her... her? Her?..

A bolt of Essence materialised in Iovera's palm. Uriel jolted to look at Iovera in surprise.

  • Tyraz - And you did not think to assist her?!
  • Arkarixus - We obviously did. Look who you're talking to.
  • Tyraz - If I knew who I was talking to, she would still be here! You either speak lies or one of you has planned her corruption from the start!
  • Iovera - Tyraz! You are fully aware of the sway the Corruptus has over souls: you have to understand them. You... you just have.
  • Corteus - Well Highlord...she was very sure of herself, but unfortunately we're lucky she hadn't stabbed half our throats.
  • Koluap - Why are you yelling at me? I thought we were buddies!

Sarec looked away from the group and sighed, looking troubled

  • Iovera - Don't do that, Tyraz. Please...
  • Tyraz - If anything, I'd say the Kicath abomination organized her betrayal and corruption to rid of her! If not, why did he not save her?!
  • Arkarixus - We are not to blame if you blind yourself from the truth because you are too scared to accept it.
  • Tyraz - The Kicath aberration is godly in his power - if he was leading you, why is Arsac now gone?
  • Sarec - Tyraz...she had traces of your energies latent within her which...emerged when we were in the Realm of Dreams.
  • Kithworto - It seems that I am not the one to blame, 'Highlord'. I suggest you remain quiet whilst we divulge the situation at hand before this gets...out of hand.
  • Iovera - I sensed that. The.. .disturbance. The disharmony.
  • Tyraz - This would have been kept in order if you had informed us, or me at least! Arsac would not have been lost, unless that is what YOU planned, mutant! I am not to blame for her corruption, she was your responsibility!
  • Uriel - Kithworto as much as you are respected within these halls, giving a highlord the suggestion to "remain quiet" would not be the wisest course of action.
  • Kithworto - I am afraid it is not his place to tell me what to do, Paragon. It is wiser for him to know that.
  • Iovera - It is noone's responsibility, Tyraz. We have to accept the things as they are.
  • Tau - I knew it was a bad idea coming here.
  • Uriel - ...The Wraith Legionnaires. They would have recorded the incident.

Iovera nodded.

  • Iovera - As would have our Assassinorium agents.
  • Quinniath - I think I have some footage... or maybe not. Don't remember.
  • Venoriel - Simple-minded to an unprecedented scale.
  • Kithworto - This was within a different plane of existence. It would have been unknown to all.
  • Uriel - Do recording implants not work within this "realm of dreams"?
  • Tyraz - You have no right to talk in these halls, Kicath! You could have saved her but you did not. And do not give me an excuse of being unable - you are the most capable of your group. All the more reason why this is evidence towards treachery.

Kithworto's aura surged; all of the essence users in the room felt a very brief but very sharp burn in their bodies. Arkarixus growled loudly and barred his teeth.

  • Kithworto - I do not have to resort to peaceful solutions. I am doing this because there is a common enemy to all of us.
  • Tyraz - The enemy is very clear in my eyes, 'Kicath'.
  • Tharaqím - There is nothing stopping recording implants from not working within the Realm of Dreams. If anything they would have been more effective, considering we had that Thoi'olerthae shielding us.
  • Kithworto - In that case, one of the Agents will have it archived.

Kithworto looked to Mu.

  • Mu - Eh? Oh. Yeah. Me and the Corteus guy should have it.
  • Iovera - This does not have to end in blood. Fighting as a united Gigaquadrant is the only thing we can do right now.

Iovera turned to Kithworto.

  • Iovera - Speaking of you, Kithworto... as godlike as you are, in your species' terms, you will not win this war alone. So please, remain civil.
  • Uriel - We shall see for ourselves what happened. This room is fitted with projection systems.
  • Kithworto - Very well. Keep your ánchekaró [dog] amused then.
  • Iovera - I can understand you, you know.
  • Kithworto - Then understand that I am serious.
  • Tyraz - Hmph. It is no wonder why the Empire did not want you.

Nu let out a slight chuckle. Kithworto's teeth bared as the lights began to dim. Tau put her hand on Kithworto's shoulder; the lights returned to normal as Tau's hand corroded black.

  • Mu - Let the Dravillian do it since this is his home empire and all.

Corteus nodded and was attended to by a pair of ushers. After a few seconds the scene of Arsac's turning andn corruption played out in a projection suspended in the centre of the chamber. Uriel watched intently.

Between the team and the Highlords, a black fog manifested and took a form of a Radeon, but remaining simply as a fog. Two intensily green lights shined out of where its eyes should be. Guardians mobilised and a cadre of Fordan Praetorians moved in to stand protectively in font of the Highlords. Out of the fog, a familiar voice was heard.

  • Geltastra - Your slaying of Master Shu'ytrogarva will not be ignored! Whenever you try to attack us, I will know. You can no longer hide from us. You are always within our sights.
  • Iovera - You.

The crowd could hear glass smash as Tyraz leaped over the Guardian-Praetorian forces, the Firesword materializing in his hands as he roared. His sight was directed towards the fog, landing in front of it. Iovera materialised an Isio'Nar staff using her Essence prowess and pointed at Geltastra with it.

  • Iovera - You do not belong here.
  • Nu - Kaþáratzílarínumanilat.
  • Guardian - Higlord Breek stand back!

The fog turned to Tyraz, and pointed at him.

  • Geltastra - Ah, yes...I also wanted to talk to you.
  • Tyraz - Speak your lies, for I will hear many today!
  • Geltastra - I want to give you a special thank you, Tyraz Breek.
  • Tyraz - ...For what?

Iovera raised her staff and energy began to coaelce around it like dew. The fog leaned forward and patted Tyraz's shoulders. As it had no physical form, however, no contact was made. Uriel stood up and rushed protectively only to be held back by the Praetorians, he growled and struggled, crying for the Praetorians to get out of his way

  • Geltastra - Thanks to you, Arsac's heart fell to the darkness. Your corruption made her realize how disgusting you mortals are. Always bickering among yourselves like children. You don't deserve her protection.

Kithworto did nothing to intervene. As far as he was concerned, he had no place in this.

  • Iovera - And who are you, Geltastra? Who are you without your masters to fill your husk of a body with thoughts and powers?
  • Geltastra - I am a god's servant. I can break you again if you like.
  • Iovera - And who are you without your god? I ask you again. WHO?
  • Geltastra - I am everything you fear and despise. I am what this universe will become soon! Thanks to you, the High Inquisitor is mine!

Tyraz glared downwards, snarling as he heard Geltastra's words. His muscles and body twitched aggressively as he struggled to hold back his anger, his crimson eyes burning like a demonic fire. He would have been panting if he had functioning lungs.

  • Tyraz - ...Get out of my sight. Do not come back, for I shall kill you again, and again, and again.
  • Geltastra - You cannot kill me, for I am eternal! You gave me the Inquisitor. You made her what she is now. Be thankful I chose not to get her involved in this meeting.

Uriel tilted his head up, seeing Arsac's transformation, his nicitating membranes flickering frantically as he saw her become a monster, Clenching his eyes he gathered the strength to push a Praetorian aside and leaned over the balcony.

  • Uriel - You have caused enough pain witch!
  • Iovera - You may corrupt anyone, you hear, ANYONE! As far as we stand, we will live on!
  • Tyraz - ...Push me further and what you desire will not be worth gaining.

Geltastra's green eyes turned blood red and her voice turned into a demoic roar.

  • Geltastra - You created this monster. And now this monster wants to destroy you.

Tyraz roared intensely as he swung his arm, sending a ribbon of demonic fire from the Firesword as he swung it recklessly and carelessly, too engaged in his anger to pay attention to his surroundings.

  • Uriel - Tyraz stop!
  • Hachi - Watch out!

Sarec held out his arms, attempting to save the delegates from the fiery slashes that resonated thoughout the hall, cutting into the audience benches. Tyraz's attack caused the fog to dissipate. it slowly disappeared from sight, Geltastra's laugher being heard until it also stopped. Kithworto stood there, arms folded. As he looked at Tyraz, a tortured and sadistic smile went through his face.

  • Iovera - You disgust me, Kicath. For all your power...

Kithworto spoke out loud, his voice coinciding with that of a Xi'Arazulha. His voice spoke coherently on the top and the darkness under his voice spoke in the tongues of the demons.

  • Kithworto - You attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. The universe works in strange ways. It is a folly to intervene and therefore always will be. Arsac's conversion was the will of nature itself.
  • Kezoreg - Once again, you cannot bare the truth that you are at fault!
  • Tyraz - Quiet, hellspawn! You bring nothing but death in your wake!

Tyraz sent a blast of demonic fire towards Kezoreg from the Firesword, with the ribbon incinerating the ground as it flowed through the air at tremendous speeds. Iovera, strangely, did not interfere. Kithworto stood between the blast of flame and Kezoreg, absorbing the flames.

  • Arkarixus - This meeting is a failure. Let us leave. We have to stop the Rectifiers by yourselves.
  • Uriel - Kezoreg I am dissapointed in you, lashing out at your own biological father like this!
  • Kezoreg - That isn't MY father! He never told me that I was born of Xhodocto, did he?! You were in on it, as was that bitch!
  • Uriel - For the benefit of your own well-being!
  • Iovera - Tragic. Most tragic...

Tyraz dematerialized the Firesword and stepped away, glaring towards Kithworto and his group and uttering a sentence before making his departure into the shadows where he would conceal himself and disappear.

  • Tyraz - Speak with the others, you may use my armies but you shall not gain my support.

Arkarixus turned back and left. Tharaqím, seeing no point being there, also left.

  • Kithworto - I should have known better to trust a treacherous demon abomination and his incompetent wife. You will face this threat alone and when you do, I hope you will regret this day. As for you, Paragon. I expected you to see past the fact that he holds great hatred towards me. I sincerely hope you realise the truth and not your friend's reason.
  • Iovera - Hmph. Your supposed godhood blinds you and makes you arrogant...
  • Uriel - I understand what is at stake and at the very least, you will have the support of the Imperial Talon Navy.
  • Iovera - ...and the Dei'Ar Order. I shall dispatch whatever forces we have.
  • Koluap - I am very disappointed with you, Tyraz...

Koluap also turned back and left. Kithworto's eyes shone at Iovera's, before nodding at Uriel and then turning around, leaving. The Agents also followed before giving a spiteful look at Iovera. Uriel gave a heaving sigh as he sat back down in his chair, holding his head.

  • Mu - So...pleased to meet you, I guess.

Mu turned back and left last.

  • Kezoreg - Who knows, maybe Tyraz is the next to be corrupted like that Arsac bitch. He appears to be getting close to it.
  • Corteus - Do you want to piss off the Paragon too?
  • Kithworto - Tyraz was the one who did it.
  • Koluap - I'd save Tyraz if he was in danger. But now? He can die for all I care.
  • Kithworto - The Paragon was divided in opinion. Whether to trust Tyraz or myself. The proof is clear. If he chooses Tyraz' opinion, I am afraid he is no more intelligent than him.

Kezoreg laughed as he walked with the group, while Hachi looked unnerved and saddened by the outcome. He took one last look towards the halls of the Highlords.

  • Lemmo - Hm. Isn't that what the Xhodocto want? Chaos? Division?
  • Corteus - You have to understand that as far as he's concerned, Arsac had a completely incorruptable persona.
  • Kithworto - I thought the same. Even someone as 'godlike' as me can be wrong.
  • Tharaqím - Learn that nothing is immune to Corruptus corruption. You should have known when Kithworto himself was possessed.
  • Tau - And what about the Zazane?
  • Tharaqím - Stubborness. If he keeps this attitude, he will die.
  • Lupercal - Arrogance blinds him. Arrogance and... something else.
  • Kithworto - I would choose Angazhar over him to be my helmsman.
  • 'Grukarb - ow about the fact his own kid would happily insult him?
  • Hachi - ...He was only trying to protect his friend.

Kithworto turned to Hachi.

  • Kithworto - I...understand why you say that. But you must be clear - Arsac is no longer herself. She is a threat to everyone now.
  • Hachi - I think Tyraz is the larger threat, Kithworto... When you take something like that from a man as insane as Tyraz...
  • Sarec - We're just lucky it was Geltastra this time.
  • Eta - Yeah. My bet was on Angazhar showing up again.
  • Kezoreg - Tyraz gets pissed over anybody simply touching Uriel. Then again, Tyraz is powerless in comparison to Kithworto.
  • Mu - I'm getting tired of Angazhar and Santorakh showing up. I'm perfectly okay with a punchable Corruptus gal.

Nu chuckled.

  • Nu - Finally, something we can agree upon.
  • Mu - Doomsday really IS coming.
  • Kithworto - Never assume one is powerless. Arsac once said that the mortals in this universe have the true power. Existing among them has only strengthened my belief in that.
  • Lemmo - Oh yes hell we are.
  • Kezoreg - And look what happened to Arsac. Boom, demon.
  • Kithworto - And then look at us.
  • Corteus - Well she did say it before she went crazy.
  • Grukarb - Uhh hey look on the bright side, at least we have the Unified Andromedan Navy on our side!

Kithworto looked on at the chamber they just left.

  • Arkarixus - Forget about this. If we come across her, we will slay her. If Tyraz attempts to stop us, we will slay him. And when we fight the Rectifiers, we will slay them too.
  • Corteus - I think Tyraz hinted we had the aid of the Guardians too.
  • Hachi - He said we were free to use them.
  • Kithworto - I hope the Paragon takes Tyraz by the horns and hurls them into a wall. His wife as well. He is the only one who sees reason in this madness. Why the Commonwealth would elect an Isio'Nar and a subservient demonspawn as Highlords will remain unknown even to Kamik'Shi.
  • Kezoreg - Because it wasn't elected - they founded it and saw themselves as rightful.
  • Sarec - Unlike with this team, most of the Commonwealth are unaware Iovera is one of the Isio'Nar.
  • Corteus - And Tyraz *did* save the galaxy.
  • Kithworto - But he cannot save himself. What does that say to you?
  • Hachi - That he's willing to die for people no matter how much strain's put on him.
  • Corteus - He suffered the loss of a close friend. When that happens to you, ask me that question again.

Mu groaned.

  • Mu - Man...diplomacy is hard.
  • Lupercal - Her Holiness is a wise ruler. But only in times of peace.
  • Hachi - Tyraz doesn't care about himself as much as he does for other people. He doesn't fight for himself, he fights for others. Sure he's violent and angry, but only because he cares so much about his friends. When you're faced with an eternity, you wanna keep the people who make it seem like living around for as long as possible.
  • Grukarb - At least all three hihlords have track records of actually acting rather than making dozens of promises.
  • Lupercal - An admirable virtue. Selflessness. Lack of it was the death of... a friend of mine.
  • Kithworto - I know what loss is. And I know that in that mind frame, you do not lead a galaxy with a clear conscience. Come. We are returning to the Dominion territory.

The council chambers of the Elysion Station were dark, empty after the ill-fated meeting. The alliance that could vanquish stars ceased to be, turned into void, nothingness. Conflict, division among mortals. Was that the ultimate goal of the Dominion? Chaos. Disorder. Hatred. These were the things that the Xhodocto left in their wake - in hearts and bodies alike.

There was also another force, one that was not a universal destroyer but more akin to a cowardly jackal that feasted on the flesh of the fallen - and the disorder and chaos the Dominion was the harbinger of was their food. Misery was their ultimate desire. Agony was their ultimate joy.

Noone could hear the voices of the mad ones when the dark chambers of Elysion were flooded with a cacophony of malevolent laughter that was as ancient as the universe itself. The laughter that was the nightmare of those who seeked solace in the dark unverse. The laughter that belonged to those who were corrupted eons ago, whose corruption was initated not by demonic or omnipotent forces, but by their own dark desires. In war, for them, there was peace.

The voice laughed at the bickering forces of the universe, of the defenders of all things sane and concise broken and shattered over petty struggles. These things reminded the voice of the things that it had shed countless millenia ago. No, it was not a demon, not even an Essential.

It was merely a mortal - a very, very, very twisted and very, very, very powerful mortal, a mortal that had been once been... a human? A precursor? A Loron? Nobody knew. Whatever it was before, now it was the harbinger of war, chaos, and madness. With a demonic screech, the once-mortal ceased its laughter and said the words that all mad prophets that gibber in the darkness to their followers say to this day.


With a terrified scream, Iovera awakened from her sleep. Radeons did not usually sleep much - especially not Clericarchs. She sighed as she realised that her vision was only a dream, but she knew full well as a being of her magnitude that there was more in dreams than meets the eye. With an expression of relief on her face, she saw Tyraz lying next to her on their bed and smiled - but at the same time, remained strained

  • Iovera - ...They have returned.

An Emperor's Decision[]

Uriel was sitting in a small personal theatre onboard the Worldfather's grace. Since the meeting with the Andromedan Light and the party from the Dominion vessel, Uriel had felt apprehensive about going near the bulding. He sat slumped, hands clasped together as his eyes studied the incidents in the Realm of Dreams, his brow lowered into a stern expression as he watched. Seeing the transformation he took a deep breath, struggling to comprehend it all. Corteus' vision turned to Kithworto who was looking sternly at the entire scene. Uriel felt his grip tighten as he lowered his head. As he did so, Larnus knocked on the door.

Uriel - Enter...

Larnus walked in with Vesperon, leading first and his gaze turned briefly to the recording, sucking in his gut as he then turned to his longtime friend.

Vesperon Maltris - Your majesty.
Uriel - How. From his demeanor Kithworto made himself responsible for the group's well-being. I've seen this a hundred times now, when the High Inquisitor is faced against...this...he does nothing. Even at the hearing he did little.
Vesperon - I have heard of the High Inquisitor's recent... transgression, your majesty. Most tragic.
Larnus - It was rather cold of him by the sound of it.

Vesperon bowed his head to show his distress, although he neverthless retained his stoic facade.

Uriel - All my battles, all the lives I saw at risk in my years. At least I was willing to put my life on the line. He had no excuse with this damned power of his
Vesperon - I must say, my Paragavatus, I never had any trust whatsoever in these... ascended beings. For all their divine power, few of them possess the wisdom that must come with it...
Uriel - It's a little more complicated than that, chancellor. For entities such as Tyrraz at least.
Larnus - With all due respect, Kithworto is not like Tyraz.
Vesperon - ...true, in a sense.
Larnus - I took the time to study what happened in the Seat of Light. In fact once met Kithworto during the great war. I had the chance to see the man for myself in his...natural surroundings.

Uriel pressed a panel beside his recliner, disabling the hologram. He turned to look at Larnus and Vesperon, his frown had slowly faded away by now but frustration was still very clear upon his features.

Uriel - Ahh yes, without his assistance we might have had difficulty on Nocturnia...what about it?
Larnus - Nothing much, except he does not appear to have changed much since his

Larnus pinched his thumb and middle finger together to indicate the Draconid equivilent of quotation marks for the next word he said.

Larnus "Travels.""
Vesperon - What do you mean, Lord Admiral?
Larnus - Back before the Nocturnin Imperator sent him crusining through intergalactic space at lightspeed he was aggressive, enjoyed displaying his presence though force, was selfish to a degree - I remember him asking what was in it for the Empire if he aided us - and looked at me as though I were, for lack of a better word, insignificant.
Uriel - Give or take a few degrees it sounds familiar to the man that stood in the auditorium.

Vesperon nodded in agreement. Although he did not have as much experience of Kithworto as the other two, he could see it; those dark attitudes had lingered on even as Kithworto himself was supposedly older and wiser.

Vesperon - Most definitely.
Uriel - Regardless I agreed the Talon Navy would provide support to his efforts. However.

Uriel stood up and claped his hands in front of his stomach. He paced over to the apir and alternated his gaze between them.

Uriel - You two represent the Imperium in this Endeavour; Lord Admiral you will lead our forces to destroy this threat while Vesperon you must keep the Grand Senate Content. However, do not aknowledge Kithworto's divinity for a second
Vesperon - I shall do everything in my power. After all, we are all well aware of danger the Xhodocto pose to the universe.
Uriel - I do not care what the Kicath say or whatever his presence may suggest, but I see no god in him. I see no reason for him to worthy of the title, if defiance yields a better outcome you do it.
Larnus - Is that wise Uriel?
Vesperon - As powerful as he is, he lacks restraint.
Uriel - Oh he posesses restraint, he just doesn't use it when it is appropriate.
Larnus - Such as how he suggested you either side with him and discard your trust in Tyraz or side with Tyraz and doom us all.
Vesperon - Galactic politics is no place for such petty disputes.
Uriel - The hypocrit. He calls me blind when he would rather let our Grandmaster kill himself than tolerate him.
Larnus - The circles of galactic politics are no place for a bloodletter.
Uriel - Tyraz earned his ability to lead his people. They might not agree but I certainly see it
Larnus - The TNSS Dominax shall remain in Segmentum Draco. I do not enjoy the idea of Kithworto even near the flagship.
Vesperon - I am not sure we can afford that. The Xhodocto are a devious foe, and we shall need every resource for war.
Larnus - The TNSS Dominax can work on other fronts. If the Dominion is as intelligent as the RIA makes out, they will attempt several fronts; we will be ready with the Dominax should they threaten the inner-rim.

Uriel rested his hands on the pair's shoulders, holding tightly as he looked at both of them.

Uriel - I do not care if he threatens to cast you into the void personally. See him as a general and not a god.
Larnus - If you were able to stare four beings of such magnitude, if not more, I will do so gladly in your name.
Uriel - Chancellor?
Vesperon - ...Of course. I'll do my best to keep the senators civil.
Uriel - I apprciate it, Both of you.

Uriel let go and the two of them nodded and left, leaving the paragon on his own in that room of his to contemplate the decision. Kithworto held considerable power, more than any mere mortal. Uriel however worked his best to not be afraid; he had felled creatures like him before, he had no real reason to fear a retaliation from the Kicathian warlord. But deep down he still worried, in which defiance what if Kithworto really did sentence his closest political allies to death or damnation? He wondered if he could live with making such a choice even if it resulted in martyrdom.

Visiting Hyperborea[]

It was some minutes after the conference. Kithworto sat at the table in the main room, somewhat angered at the meeting. The Agents all stood in the same room, uncertain of what just happened. Kithworto's hands were propped against each other as he was in deep contemplation. Hachi and Kalcedia were sleeping, unknowingly hugging one another, while Kezoreg was practicing with the Kicathian blade Kithworto had given him some time ago.

Corteus and Gukarb stood at the side, Corteus was filtering though news feets, the reports themselves hovered in the middle of his vision, invisible to all as the reports were being projected onto his visual sensors by his implants. Arkarixus checked a small piece of equipment on his wrist, reading an update he had received from Borealis.

  • Nu - Well that certainly couldn't have got worse.
  • Corteus - Well...we did come close to insulting the Paragon.
  • Mu - At least we got the AGC's ships. That's what we came here to get.
  • Grukarb - Pissing off the Paragon, not sure if I wanna be the guy on the recieving end.
  • Kezoreg - That bastard will get what's coming to him for thinking he could turn me to ash like the rest of the insects he kills.
  • Upsilon - Perhaps he's just unfamiliar with Kicathian courtesy.

Eta scoffed at Upsilon's remark.

  • Eta - Courtesy. Right. Are you a Kicath or a Draconis?
  • Mu - Kicathian courtesy is meeting someone and only punching them once.
  • Sarec - Might makes right I suppose. No offense, but it's not always common etiquette to tell the heads of state to shut up if you're a diplomat or a foreigner.
  • Tuolog - Given the current circumstances at home, I believe finding help may be difficult. However, it not spread too far as of yet, so we may be in luck.
  • Kithworto - If it weren't for Tyraz' own 'courtesy', we wouldn't be in a political mess right now.
  • Corteus - Well the Imperium didn't get where it is today by pushing everyone around.
  • Lemmo - You all have made a mess, mates. I'll take a nap...
  • Kezoreg - Fuck Tyraz, he's useless. We don't need him.
  • Lemmo - ...You're an aromanos. Little goddessdamn aromanos.
  • Corteus - Boy I was with him during the expedition to Nocturnia, he was far from useless.
  • Kithworto - Nocturnia. Don't remind me of that place.
  • Corteus - You're not the only one with scars from there
  • Arkarixus - Hm...Borealis has been active recently. We should return to Hyperborea and secure the Council's support.
  • Kezoreg - His head is so far up his own ass to recognize true and false, he likes living in his own fantasy world where he's not to blame. And when he's called out on it, he goes all emotional and pitiful. Makes me sick.
  • Lemmo - You have some SERIOUS father issues.
  • Kezoreg - Tyraz isn't my father, four-legged freak.
  • Lemmo - Now that's just speciecist...
  • Vaktyl - None of you are listening to Arkarixus, are ya? He raised a damn good point...
  • Sarec - And you called him out for living in a fantasy world.
  • Dalverat - Idiots. Too busy arguing amongst yourselves to think about what is actually important.

Kalcedia jolted awake and kicked Hachi across the other side of the room, turning to her comrades and then to Arkarixus.

  • Grukarb - Last time we tried to go to the Borealis council the High inquisitor got fucked in the head.
  • Kithworto - I listened to Arkarixus. Hm. Hyperborea will listen to me with more patience, I am certain.
  • Kalcedia - Well, the Borealis politicians are far more negotiable. Teehee.
  • Arkarixus - Unlike with Andromeda, we are all in good terms with the councillors.
  • Corteus - Probably because one is standing right here.
  • Arkarixus - Hm. So you are up to date too.

Arkarixus turned to Kithworto.

  • Arkarixus - Welcome to the Council.

Kithworto looked at Arkarixus with a raised brow.

  • Corteus - Ark's right. You got promoted while you were away.
  • Kithworto - Namnátau? [Excuse me?]
  • Zelfron III - Are the councillors in good terms with us, though? You've heard of the tensions between UNO and the council. Surely they aren't petty enough to refuse...but I'd be careful with how they deal with this.
  • Arkarixus - This same tension elevated the Seagon and the Kicath to councillor status. Even if Valzaria refuses to help, I seriously doubt the rest will turn their back on us.
  • Kezoreg - They'd better not considering how much we've saved their political asses.
  • Arkarixus - The council does not own us anything. We will go there and get the fleet who fought and defeated Regnatus to aid us against the Dominion.

Kithworto let out an extended sigh.

  • Kithworto - Very well. We shall return to Hyperborea then.
  • Grukarb - I think our problem with what happened back there in the Seat of Light may be because Sarec was the only group member with full political experience...as far as I know.
  • Kezoreg - No, Tyraz is just shyrak-eating scum.

Kithworto stood up; walking over to the panel, he directed coordinates to Hyperborea. Corteus walked up to Kezoreg and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

  • Corteus - Leave off the Tyraz-bashing alright, the guy's a Drakon-blessed Hero in the Commonwealth.
  • Kezoreg - Well he's certainly not as much of a father as much as he is a hero then!
  • Tharaqím - That's enough discussion already, all of you.
  • Corteus - You're not the only kid who's had parents lie to them so shut up and sit down.
  • Lemmo - Knowing Kezoreg, he's probably pissed at him for not telling him that the tooth fairy isn't real.
  • Grukarb - What's a tooth fairy?
  • Tharaqím - I said, enough.

Kithworto sat back down at the table, as the ship took its course to Hyperborea.

The ship landed at Hyperborea. They took quick haste to the council chamber, where the councillors were already there at their arrival. The Councillors appeared confused of the team's return. The team could see there were now 5 seats as opposed to 3, and a female Seagon was now alongside Semirian, Xeron and Valzaria. Hachi stared at the female Seagon, not being able to take his eyes off her. However, he was swiftly met with a harsh knock to the head on Kalcedia's part, knocking him out of his trance.

  • Semirian - Back so soon? Only a week has passed since you were here.
  • Valzaria - What my fellow Councillor here means to say is: "greetings! What can we do for you?"
  • Semirian - ...Excuse me.

Valzaria glared at Semirian, then turned back to the team.

  • Kithworto - We have uncovered much since our last meeting here, Councillor. As well as much has happened within it.
  • Xeron - Ah, welcome, new member! I take it you've been informed of your promotion?
  • Kithworto - ...Vaguely.
  • Xeron - We have decided the Council was too small, so we decided to give your people a seat. And also meet our other new member, Councillor Vhezari.

Rylarien Vhezari bowed to the team in respect.

  • Rylarien - It's a pleasure to meet you.
  • Hachi - The pleasure is mine, Miss Vhezari!

Nu looked at the councillor; very confused. Dalverat grumbled, saying "no, you just decided you can't trust the people who saved your ass countless times a seat on your pathetic council...". Arkarixus glared at Dalverat and Valzaria with a visible frown, but said nothing.

  • Kithworto - I am grateful for the opportunity, but I must present this information before I can act upon it.
  • Xeron - Do tell what you found out. You and your team are fast.
  • Kithworto - The data matrix that we had was in fact an ancient artifact known as an Eye.
  • Semirian - Hmm. What happened to it?
  • Kithworto - Upon receiving information from it, it was destroyed by myself.
  • Nu - All good that did me.
  • Rylarien - And what did you learn from this Eye exactly?
  • Kithworto - From what I gather, the information was rather fragmented. Pieces of the information was only supported by what we later encountered. When we retrieved the information, we were ambushed by a large vessel of Dominion origin. In a further expedition in the Realm of Dreams, we received further information from the Xhodocto known as Santorakh.
  • Semirian - Hmm.
  • Xeron - Go straight to the point.
  • Kithworto - Santorakh spoke of these vessels, giving the name as 'Rectifiers'. As far as I can tell, the Dominion are planning a mass invasion using these ships. Trillions of them.
  • Xeron - Trillions of ships. Oh great. It's the Ascended-class Dreadnoughts all over again.
  • Grukarb muttered - Exactly why we need the Imperium.

Xeron let out a loud groan. Valzaria gave him a look of disgust.

  • Valzaria - ...Really? That's your response? What about the millions of people who have to fight these 'Ascended-class Dreadnoughts all over again'? And what happens when they come for us?
  • Lemmo - ...You do understand who are we fighting, don't you? These are goddamn XHODOCTO we are talking about!
  • Xeron - We do exactly what we did in the Second Great War, missy. We join forces and destroy them.
  • Valzaria - That we do. But that attitude is unprofessional and disrespectful to all the men who had to fight in the Second Great War.
  • Kithworto - Following from those events, we took passage to Andromeda to give you the same message as we are now, yet received negatively.
  • Corteus - With respect, part of the negativity came form the loss of the high inquisitor.

Without any observation, a Kicath sat in Kithworto's seat, rather relaxed. Semirian, Xeron, Valzaria and Rylarien turned to the Kicath in shock.

  • Semirian - Excuse me? How did you get here?
  • Kicath - Simple. I walked in here, and sat down!
  • Xeron - Guards!

Kithworto looked at the Kicath, and his relaxed pose was broken instantly. Several well-armed soldiers around the room aimed their weapons at the Kicath.

  • Lemmo - ...What?
  • Corteus - This does not look good.
  • Kicath - Are you sure you want to do that, my little mortal? I'm only here to watch this hearing. Bring some popcorn, eat some cake. Perhaps you should eat some too. You look rather malnourished.
  • Grukarb - Oh crap it's him!
  • Hachi - Oh yay! It's him again!
  • Xeron - Fire!
  • Corteus - No wait, stop!
  • Valzaria - Are you serious...?

The guards all fired their weapons at the Kicath. As the guns fired, the bolts did nothing to damage the Kicath.

  • Corteus - That's...Santorakh.
  • Lemmo - ...Goddammit. Goddammit. Goddammit!

Santorakh stood up, with his walking stick in hand.

  • Santorakh - Now that just wasn't an intelligent move at all.
  • Semirian - Rushed decision as always, Xeron.
  • Xeron - Why is not dead yet?
  • Rylarien - ...I believe we should leave the room now.
  • Sarec - Every civillian out the room. Now.

Lemmo appeared hesitant to shoot, fearful to deign the dark god's wrath. Santorakh raised his staff, hurling all of the guards through the ceiling. He then lowered his staff. The guards came down through the holes they entered, landing in a bloody thud on the ground. Semirian and Rylarien ran off, Semirian grabbing Xeron by his neck to take him with her. Valzaria fled with them, trying to catch up.

  • Arkarixus - Why do you insist in this?
  • Hachi - I don't see what the problem is, I think he's funny!
  • Tharaqím - He's the most vile of all Xhodocto, human.
  • Sarec - Hachi he just killed a dozen guards by waving a stick.

Santorakh sat back down, materialising some food on a plate in his hand and eating it. However, it decomposed and rotted in his hand.

  • Santorakh - The reason as to why I'm insisting is because I'm not that up to date on things. And vile? Wait until you see Angazhar! No sense of humour at all.
  • Tharaqím - We have seen him enough.

Before the councillors could get to the doors, they jammed shut. Santorakh stood up, taking himself to balance and pace himself on the barrier.

  • Semirian - Grrr.
  • Xeron - Ack-! I c-can't breathe!
  • Valzaria - I can get us out of here...I think...
  • Hachi - Well, if you really wanna know what's been going on, we--
  • Kezoreg - Shut your mouth! Or I'll shut it for you!
  • Santorakh - If you want to get out of here, I can show you the way out. That is if you want to end up like those guards over there.
  • Mu - Man, screw you demons, always showing up in meetings to make everything go bad.
  • Grukarb - At least Geltastra was only showing off...
  • Sarec - What are you after this time, another session of playing with us like toys?
  • Santorakh - Demons? Now that's just an insult.

Mu grunted.

  • Mu - Yeah. That's the idea.
  • Santorakh - Well, what did you expect? You're all in a big room. At least I'm here to talk and not to send you crazy like Angazhar did with Arsac. He might be serious at times but he knows how to have a good laugh.
  • Hachi - But you just said he didn't have a sense of humour!
  • Mu - Shut up before I kick you at him.
  • Santorakh - It's called dry humour, my little furry and expendable mortal.
  • Hachi - Teehee, aww stop it you!
  • Mu - I prefered when he was big and roaring.
  • Corteus - Aren't people normally driven insane during your conversations.
  • Dalverat - Don't give him ideas...
  • Sarec - It's not li he can't think of them.
  • Mu - Heck, Koluap is lucky he decided to not take part of the meeting.
  • Santorakh - Well I'm not me. I'm a Kicath at the moment. If you want me to be me...well why would you? I once appeared to Emperor Kitzangáven a couple of thousand years ago. He wanted to see my true form. Next thing? Massacred millions!
  • Kalcedia - Hmm...I'll admit, his Kicath form looks far more appealing.
  • Grukarb - That's probably because he doesn't look like a Coarlatus that got turned inside-out.
  • Thr'aloy - Wow, interesting. stfu no one cares ya fukin losa go away man yor a twat an yor borin me
  • Dalverat - Shut your trap.
  • Thr'aloy - Why? hes borin da shit outta me
  • Santorakh - How about I chew you up and spit you out into the pit of the Unfathomable? How would you like that?
  • Thr'aloy - Okay. com den losa

Dalverat forced Thr'aloy's mouth shut with telekinesis.

  • Santorakh - Hm. Perhaps that isn't humiliating enough.

Santorakh pointed his walking stick at Thr'aloy. Nothing seemed to happen until it appeared that Thr'aloy was turned into an Asgord. Grukarb looked at Th'aloy and burst out with a loud croaking laughter.

  • Santorakh - Now we have a party here!
  • Thr'aloy - WAT DA HELL...dis new body...is so cute! Heeheehee!
  • Lupercal - Your new form is delightfully amusing.
  • Dalverat - ...I'm not gonna share the title of The Skull with this...thing!

Thr'aloy noticed and then ran over to Grukarb, and petted him.

  • Thr'aloy - Awww...you're so cuuuuute!
  • Grukarb - Okay get away from me.
  • Thr'aloy - Daww...
  • Kalcedia - ...Aww, can I keep it?

Santorakh began to laugh. Despite his normal voice, his laugh was mind-breaking.

  • Santorakh - Why don't I do this more often?
  • Mu - Shit, Kithworto, blast him or something!

Thr'aloy turned to Dalverat.

  • Thr'aloy - I think he likes me! Best fwends!
  • Arkarixus - This is cringeworthy.
  • Santorakh - Now, as I was saying. You talking to your mortal councillors. That's going to put a spanner in the figurative works that is our mortals trying to destroy you all. I'm quite partial to theatrics but I don't want the big man upstairs to get bored.
  • Sarec - I thought you had all of reality to play with.
  • Santorakh - For the sake of this plot still going on, I won't destroy you all now. As far as I am concerned, there's still a few...chapters to be written.
  • Mu - Yeah. Go terrorize Arsac or something.
  • Hachi - Hey, isn't doing that, like, illegal?
  • Thr'aloy - Woooah...that sounds soooo cool!
  • Corteus - I don't think she needs this guy to be tormented.
  • Mu - Well she deserves it way more than us.
  • Santorakh - But I do. Technically, I am the big man upstairs. But I won't dabble your mortal minds with too much metaphysical cosmology that will disprove all that those 'Essentials' came up with.
  • Grukarb - Who cares.
  • Hachi - My head hurts...
  • Santorakh - Well you do, of course. Imagine that. I say a few things and everything you thought you knew about us is a big old lie. Either way, I can't have you going on and destroying my mortals so quickly.
  • Lemmo - ...That's why I chose a life of a treasure hunter. Money is SO more simple than all your metaphysical nonsense.
  • Grukarb - I probably wouldn't understad half of what you say anyway.
  • Mu - Really sick of this shit.
  • Santorakh - Sick?'

Santorakh waved his walking stick at Mu. Mu have Santorakh an apprehensive look.

  • Santorakh - Well, let's just say I'm a little sick of you. Back to what I was saying. Expect a few...complications in your journeys. Especially you, my tall, black-armoured mortal. You're going to enjoy these next few months!
  • Thr'aloy - Byebye sweetie! Aww...
  • Hachi - ...Haha, Nu has an imaginary friend!
  • Grukarb - I don't think he's imaginary...

Santorakh looked at Mu again. Looking angrily at his stick, he waved it again.

  • Santorakh - Odd. This isn't meant to be malfunctioning.
  • Mu - What are you-urk.
  • Corteus - Hit the deck!

Corteus and Grukarb dived away from Mu while Sarec took a few steps backwards. Santorakh let out a short squeal. Suddenly, Mu began throwing up a black liquid nonstop. He flaied his arms and stomped in place. Santorakh started laughing again. Hachi squeaked and leaped away, with Kalcedia and Kezoreg following close behind.

  • Santorakh - There we go! I was wondering if this thing was actually working or not.
  • Grukarb - Fuck me that's nasty!
  • Lemmo - Crap. Shit. Dung. Kranndung. Threl'n. Auni. Shyrak. Siná'in.

The Agents all jumped out of the way. Mu turned to the Agents. While attempting to ask for help, he kept throwing up at their direction. The Agents all ran away from Mu as he followed them.

  • Mu - Hhhhhhep!
  • Santorakh - It's like Kavaramalaeneg all again!

Sarec summoned a barrier in front of Mu hoping to stop him from running. Mu hit the barrier and fell backwards. The stream out of his mouth was launched upwards and fell back into his own face.

  • Mu - Hhhuck hhhou Hhharec!
  • Santorakh - You mortals are too much fun. So yes. Expect complications. I'm not going to say what exactly, but my purple mortal won't be enjoying it much either. The vomiting will stop in a couple of hours. Make sure you eat plenty of sandwiches once you're done. Have some milkshakes as well.

Santorakh then waved his stick at Thr'aloy, turning him back into his original self.

  • Thr'aloy - Woah...dafuk I feel weird as shit wat happened
  • Sarec - I hate you already Santorakh.
  • Tharaqím - We all hate him. And he enjoys that.
  • Hachi - Yay! Sandwiches and milkshakes!
  • Santorakh - Well that's just impolite. Don't make me turn you into a milkshake.
  • Sarec - I can take on any form I wish
  • Grukarb - Sarec you might not want to provoke him.
  • Santorakh - Well take on the form of a milkshake then! So much nicer and sweeter! Or you could take on the form of a Zazane prostitute. Make our dear mortal over there angry. Or perhaps a hat! Apaltar would love to wear you!
  • Lemmo - Hm. Turn the Zazane kid into a prostitute!
  • Kalcedia - Pfft, I'd still look far more stunning than Sarec if he was a prostitute.

Sarec smirked at Kalcedia and transformed himself to look exactly like her.

  • Kalcedia - ...You look like an absolute whore.

Nu laughed. Sarec also laughed, mimicking Kalcedia's voice.

  • Santorakh - Anyway, I have to go back to Insomnia now. I'm organizing a little get-together with Volim and Skhánaróton. As well as a few other dearly departed. I'll invite you there as well.
  • Sarec - You really do not need to.
  • Santorakh - But I do. Don't be late.

Santorakh disappeared in a black puff of smoke. The doors to the room opened again. At the other side, Koluap appeared, with a bag of snacks on a hand and a drink on the other. He looked at the damage on the room, the dead guards and Mu vomiting all over himself.

  • Koluap - ...Hey. Looks like I'm late for the meeting.
  • Kithworto - You 'missed' Santorakh.
  • Koluap - Oh. Good.

Semirian turned to Kithworto.

  • Semirian - ...Take our fleets. Destroy that thing.
  • Kithworto - With pleasure.

Kithworto walked over to the dead guards. As he waved a blue light over them with his hands, they reanimated. Valzaria coughed.

  • Valzaria - I have recieved word from UNO. They will fight alongside, too. As part of the PCA.
  • Dalverat - Damn right you will. I want to make Santorakh pay...for this humiliation. Not sure how, but I do.
  • Kithworto - That is appreciated. Apologies for the mess. Again.
  • Grukarb - I still say the meeting with the Andromedan Light went better.
  • Koluap - That's nice. Why is Mu puking?
  • Mu - Hhhmumup!
  • Tau - Santorakh got a little 'sick' of Mu.
  • Grukarb - So far this council has seen both Angryzhar and Santo, The Light only saw that Radeon bitch.
  • Upsilon - Makes me worry. Where's the first and the third one?
  • Kezoreg - Which one?
  • Koluap - I for one am okay with not having the first and third ones showing up.
  • Grukarb - ...there's more than two?
  • Kithworto - ...Four.
  • Tharaqím - The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Draguros, Angazhar, Krathazhrukhal and Santorakh.
  • Grukarb - Fuck me pondside.

Nu grabbed Kalcedia's jaw.

  • Nu - Don't even think about it.
  • Sarec - Kalcedia's the other one.
  • Nu - Human mumbo-jumbo that.
  • Koluap - Why are there two prostitutes? Oh, don't tell me she's multiplying now.

Sarec transformed back into himself, still held by Nu. Kalcedia winked at Nu, sticking her tongue out. Nu let go of Sarec's jaw, and looked confused.

  • Nu - You damn gods and your shape-shifting powers.
  • Sarec - Kalcedia gave me a challenge.
  • Kalcedia - Aww, what's the matter Nu? Need a cuddle?
  • Arkarixus - Let us leave this room. Mu's vomit is causing it to stink.
  • Koluap - The guy's literally in a puddle of vomit!
  • Mu - Hmmghp!
  • Corteus - Where...is it all...coming from?
  • Tharaqím - I'd rather not find out.
  • Kalcedia - You'd be surprised how much substance is within a man.
  • Corteus - I have sensors in my eyes he's lying in a volume of vomit greater than his own body mass.
  • Dalverat - It's Santorakh's doing. What do you expect?
  • Nu - Santorakh did that to me, remember? Wasn't nice.
  • Lemmo - Brrr.
  • Koluap - So does that mean Mu's getting possessed? C'mon, we've been through this already.
  • Kithworto - I sure hope not.
  • Grukarb - Summer winds it just won't stop.
  • Lupercal - Laws of physics are violated all the time. Our scientists hate that.
  • Kithworto - Come. Let's return to the Dominion Territory. And get some sandwiches and milkshakes while we're at it.
  • Hachi - Next thing you know, the universe will be made of cookies!

Mu flaied his arms let out angered rambling before finally being knocked out, still throwing up.

Family Matters[]

It was some hours after the ordeal with Santorakh. The team set themselves back to the ship, and set course for the Dominion Territory again. They were uncertain as to where they were going to, but hopefully a lead would arise soon. Sarec was sitting cross-legged in meditation, breathing deeply as he focused his energies. Hachi happened to be sleeping on Sarec's lap while Kalcedia polished her rifle vigorously. Kezoreg was practicing with his Kicathian blade, making cuts in the material of the ship. Lemmo stayed in his small chamber, browsing Exonet markets and relaxing.

  • Tau - So where are we going to exactly?
  • Grukarb - Well "destroy the Rectifiers" is one option but where do we even look?
  • Nu - Well...Ightosia isn't a good idea.
  • Mu - We blew Ightosia up already.
  • Koluap - Would be better if Santoasshat at least had told us where they are.
  • Kalcedia - Why would the Xhodocto tell us? Santorakh has assumed direct control of the situation, he wouldn't let it fall from his favour.
  • Koluap - Well he's a crazy mofo.

Kithworto was sitting in his seat, telekinetically juggling multiple fourteen-sided dice with his hand. The sight of Kalcedia caught the attention of the Tertanai captain and he promptly left his chamber, taking a look at Kalcedia's rifle.

  • Lemmo - No, you just don't polish it like that. It takes *skill* to work with guns, ma'am. Polishing them is an *art*. Allow me.

Kalcedia glared at Lemmo with a deathly leer, she wouldn't allow anyone to have touched her weapon of pride. In addition to her fatal stare, Lemmo found the rifle placed in his arms, a look on Kalcedia's face telling him to be cautious.

  • Kalcedia - Don't screw it up.
  • Lemmo - I am a specialist when it comes to polishing things like that monster...

Lemmo took a small screwdriver-like device from his pocket and started cleaning Kalcedia's rifle with utmost care.

  • Kithworto - There is only two possible solutions as to where to go. Further into the Dominion, or we are sucked into another plane of existence. Both are equally likely.
  • Corteus - This is ridiculous. We have to hunt though an entire Segmentum to find these warships. We could have blanketed the region in AGC ships but that would cause more problems than it solves.
  • Tharaqím - That risks the Dominion taking down the entire AGC military at once.
  • Corteus - I didn't mean sending the ENTIRE AGC's navies.
  • Tau - The Xhodocto are unpredictable. Well, they are somewhat predictable. Just not at the right times.
  • Grukarb - Yeah, the Dominax would look like a minnow in here.
  • Mu - I for one don't want to go to another eldritch place. So I suggest we go deeper into the territory.

Whilst travelling through hyperspace, the ship came up with an alert. The dice from Kithworto's hand travelled to the table, before standing up and going over to the cockpit. Reading the sign, it said "Foreign contact imminent." Sarec opened his eyes and looked up to detect the ship under an alert.

  • Mu - Oh, come on, what now.

Sarec sent a rush of energy into Hachi's body, the surge intending to wake him up. Hachi was sent into the ceiling, reacting negatively to the sudden jolt of energy sent through his body. Sarec looked up and chuckled, while Koluap pointed and laughed at Hachi.

  • Sarec - Maybe that was a little too much.
  • Kithworto - Enough. We are in trouble.
  • Arkarixus - Hm. Problematic?
  • Tharaqím - Problematic indeed.
  • Arkarixus - As usual.
  • Kezoreg - Who's picking a fight this time?
  • Corteus - "Foreign contact." We've either got company or we're about to hit something...or both.

As the ship left hyperspace, they were met with a colossal Dominion ship. More than a hundred but less than two hundred kilometres in length. It was black in appearance with small golden details, and followed a streamline pattern. Protecting the ship was hundreds, if not thousands of smaller vessels.

  • Mu - Son of a fuck.
  • Kezoreg - Yes?
  • Grukarb - Wow...that's a while lot of phallic envy right there.
  • Kalcedia - Don't have to tell me twice, I've seen plenty of incoming foreign contacts.
  • Koluap - Hmmmmm. Bad.
  • Kithworto - Bad indeed.
  • Tharaqím - Retreat?
  • Lupercal - How interesting.

Lupercal materialised out of nowhere, speaking coldly in a matter-of-fact tone.

  • Quinniath - Mine is bigger.
  • Lupercal - Do you even know what are you talking about, child? You're an amphibian.
  • Grukarb - My squadmate is a Val'Kar. I think I know what a penis is.
  • Corteus - Size isn't everything. Maybe the design is highly ineficcient?

A sudden jolt. The ship began to tug in to the direction of the larger ship as a transmission screen popped up on the display.

  • Nu - Two hours. Two hours away from Borealis and we're already screwed.
  • Kalcedia - I was screwed even before I left Borealis this time.
  • Mu - This has better not be a Tandava.

Sarec stood up and silently mouthed an expletive, catching Hachi as he fell back down. The screen opened up, and on the holograph, was a Kicathian female in powerful golden and black armour. Her helmet obscured her face, but red eyes could be seen through it. Flanking her left and right, were two Mahanayan guards wearing similarly coloured armour.

  • Mu - Oh, hello.
  • Corteus - Not a Tandava, but still extremely bad.
  • Kalcedia - ...Whore!
  • Hachi - Eeep...why is Tau on-screen?
  • Koluap - Hey, what the hell is that?
  • Lupercal - Intriguing.
  • Kicath - Ováransharin. [Outsiders.] Do you surrender your ship or will you be destroyed?
  • Hachi - Surrender!
  • Koluap - She really doesn't know who she's talking to, does she?
  • Corteus - If the 1st fleet warped in front of my while I piloted my lone ship, I'd consider surrender myself.
  • Lupercal - Arrogance is the refuge of the weak; the faithful need not boast.
  • Kicath - Silence, trevarís [mortal]. You are not in a position to talk.
  • Grukarb - I'm not good with alien words, did she just call Koluap pond-scum?
  • Koluap - The hell's that even supposed to mean?

The ship in the distance began to have golden lights appear on the side. They were massive hyperlasers directed at the ship.

  • Kicath - You have fifteen seconds. Surrender or obliteration.
  • Corteus - Those remind me of Extermias-pattern cannons...and there are a lot of them...
  • Lupercal - Threl'a'senar'nimaim.
  • Mu - I'm gonna say what everyone wants to hear. Kithworto, do something!
  • Sarec - He's not the only ascendant here you know.

Kithworto went up to the panel.

  • Kithworto - We surrender.
  • Mu - Yeah but I'm more used to him...wait what?
  • Kezoreg - Aww come on!
  • Koluap - We do?
  • Hachi - Whee!
  • Lupercal - Retreat would have been more sensible, Warlord.
  • Corteus - Like I said, imagine if the entire 1st fleet warped in right in front of us.
  • Kalcedia - Well, yeah. What, you think we can take on a whole fleet? We're strong but not that strong.
  • Grukarb - If that happened to me the floor would be a lovely reddy-brown.
  • Koluap - Ew.
  • Corteus - That's just disgusting.
  • Grukarb - Look me in the eye and say "I can take on 100,000 ships plus a modified Warlord class". I DARE you!
  • Kicath - Intelligent decision. Your ship is being claimed as we speak.

The guards on the other screen walked out of the room.

  • Kicath - Prepare to be examined. We will decide what will happen after that.
  • Hachi - I saw a porno like that once, it was disgusting.
  • Tharaqím - Too much information, human.
  • *Kalcedia - I love switching roles between dominant and submissive.

The ship was taken into one of many thousand hangars that dotted the lower stern of the Dominion cruiser. The golden lights began to dim as the ship landed in the hangar. Like before, the ship was rather well designed, in a gold and black architectural layout.

  • Lupercal - Elegant.
  • Lemmo - Are you always sedated like that, rat bug? Cheer up a bit.'
  • Tharaqím - Urk. I don't want to be imprisoned again.
  • Corteus - Urgh, such a clash. Everyone knows you combine Imperial red with gold planelling.
  • Kithworto - I would much rather play this out than be subject to having a one-hundred-and-twenty-kilometre long ship following us back to Borealis.
  • Koluap - Hey, if we kill that gal, maybe we can get this ship for us!
  • Corteus - Koluap... how exactly are 25 people supposed to pilot THAT.
  • Tau - She was descended. Likely she could take us on.
  • Lupercal - Submissive and dominant. Hah. You remind me of... someone.
  • Tharaqím - Too much information, both of you.
  • Hachi - Needs more pink! Uhh, I-I mean blue!
  • Kalcedia - Teehee, I thought you would have preferred pink.
  • Hachi - ...Why?
  • Kalcedia - Oh, no reason.
  • Lupercal - I wonder where she is now. I would like to see her-

Lupercal shut his mouth and once again prayed to himself in Radessic. The ship landed. The Kicath female was outside, with the two guards behind her. The guards were armed with pikes near their height. The ship's door flung open, and the trio that were about to assess them were watching with close intent. Sarec stood up and remained silent, attempting to mask his aura from the Kicath woman.

  • Corteus - This...is not good.
  • Koluap - She's uglier in person.
  • Arkarixus - Silence.
  • Lemmo - Why hello there, luv! Want to have a drink?
  • Lupercal - Attempting to flirt in this situation is purposeless at best and detrimental at worst.

As the team walked out, they noticed that the Kicath female was abnormally tall. Taller than Tau, but not as tall as Nu.

  • Kalcedia - ...She has powerful legs, it appears.
  • Arkarixus - Silence, all of you.
  • Kicath - I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Commander Kilrasinnyá Rāsemnanáz, commander of this ship.

The Kicath heard the name before. Nu, however, went slightly rigid.

  • Mu - That's a cute name.
  • Tharaqím - Don't make me jab you.
  • Kezoreg - That's awfully short for a Kicath name.

Kilrasinnyá looked at Kezoreg, and spoke in a demonic tongue.

  • Kilrasinnyá - Tvateranchazarís eventashserakarma. [Disgusting little thing.]
  • Kezoreg - Siná'in.

Kilrasinnyá then looked at the team, surveying slowly. Corteus saluted respectfully to Kilrasinnyá. Grukarb did the same as Corteus, it was an Imperial salute; standing straight, legs apart and slamming his fist against his right pec.

  • Lupercal - We salute you.
  • Koluap - I don't!
  • Mu - I can do more than that.
  • Tharaqím - Are you serious?

Hachi hid behind Nu's leg while Kalcedia simply stood casually, glancing towards the Kicath with an unimpressed glare.

  • Kilrasinnyá - So, we have...seven Kicath. All of them Tagárai [Agents]. And you...Kithworto Aknatazán, am I correct?
  • Kithworto - Iró. [Yes.]
  • Kezoreg - And I am Kit...Kit...Kitkat... Gah, Kezoreg.

Kilrasinnyá gave a small aggressive nod at Kithworto, before looking at the Agents. Nu remained in a somewhat unnerved position as Kilrasinnyá approached them. Mu attempted to make himself look elegant, while hiding his deformed hand on his back.

  • Kilrasinnyá - Remove your helmets, Tagárai. I wish to see your faces.
  • Mu - Well there goes my chances.

The Agents all removed their helmets as it deconstructed around their head. Nu, however, did not. For the first time, the team could see Mu's left eye, which was also deformed from his essence. Hachi looked towards Mu but he didn't feel disturbed by what he saw. Kalcedia's face contorted into a disgusted look while Kezoreg was indifferent. Sarec looked unnerved by the deformity of Mu's face, silently contemplating if such a choice was truly worth it for power.

  • Kilrasinnyá - What's wrong? Scared?
  • Grukarb - Nu...you might want to do what the angry demon kicath lady says...

Nu paused for a few seconds, before his helmet deconstructed also. There was utter silence between the two Kicath - their eyes, however were fighting viciously with each other whilst nothing else happened. Lemmo felt somewhat concerned as the Kicath stared at each other, feelin somewhat afraid.

  • Mu - Well, this is getting a little bit awkward.

Nu spoke in Kicathian to her, but before he could complete the first word, Kilrasinnyá grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up effortlessly.

  • Mu - Aw, come on, I'm much better looking than him.
  • Arkarixus - Problematic.

Hachi screamed as he Nu lifted from his feet, rushing towards Kalcedia who proceeded to kick the Rianth away as she looked on in awe. Corteus and Grukarb backed up in shock. The Agent's helmets reformed and grabbed their weapons. The guards then entered a battle stance. Lemmo jumped away almost instinctively, pulling his guns at the very same instant. Sarec beckoned Hachi over and opened one of his wings out. Koluap put out his shotgun, while Arkarixus and Tharaqím charged their fists with Essence.

  • Corteus - Hold fire people!
  • Kilrasinnyá - Kitamnatáranál tarét átmanétazhétman ǎznúnlatáuaí?

The Kicath all looked at each other in shock.

  • Koluap - Stupid riddle language.
  • Tau - You have got to be kidding me.
  • Grukarb - My cousin's ex-mate acts exactly like that to him.
  • Mu - ...Eeeeew! Ew!
  • Eta - Kiltaránkodalnyúrin. [Mother of god.]
  • Kalcedia - ...Somebody please translate?
  • Lemmo - Something about hell, demons, and fire. Then again, all demon tongues are about hell, demons, and fire.
  • Tau - ...That's Nu's --

Before she could complete her sentence, Nu was sent crashing into her.

  • Grukarb - Nu's what?
  • Kezoreg - Is it his mother? Please tell me it's his mother!
  • Kilrasinnyá - ...Sister.
  • Mu - I flirted with Nu's sister, holy shit, ew.
  • Grukarb - Oh...OH! ...eah ne never mentioned you, funny thing that.
  • Hachi - ...She's from my drea--
  • Kezoreg - Don't even try to kid yourself.
  • Kilrasinnyá - Tagárai are not meant to. They are told to forget their family. Even their younger sister.

Nu got up, holding his throat as his neck was slightly crushed.

  • Nu - And that is how you greet me? Kilamnachuát? [Little sister?]
  • Sarec - A life I can relate to.
  • Lupercal - Relationships are to be forgotten by true warriors. I have learned that the hard way.
  • Koluap - Are we allowed to kill the team's family? Because I wanna chop her head off.
  • Grukarb - Harsh. I would die if I had to forget my twenty cousins and thirty-five siblings.

Kilrasinnyá looked at her guards.

  • Kilrasinnyá - Take them to the prisons. I'll deal with them later.
  • Corteus - Damnation...
  • Tharaqím - Ngh...

One of the guards grabbed Kithworto by the wrist. He screamed as the flesh on his hand disintegrated.

  • Sarec - Is there any need for this?
  • Lemmo - Hah.

Hachi stared towards Kilrasinnyá, his eyes wide as he examined her from afar. Kezoreg felt himself trying to restrain a flow of vomit as he saw Hachi glancing in her direction.

  • Kithworto - We are not going to a prison, Rāsemnanáz.
  • Kilrasinnyá - If that is how you want to deal with it.
  • Hachi - Can't you just interrogate us over dinner?
  • Kezoreg - ...Are you actually serious?
  • Lemmo - I'm going to agree with the kid for once.

Kilrasinnyá doubled over. A small pause before her armour began to deform. It turned black, as it melded into her flesh as a sort of exoskeleton. From her back, wings sprouted as her eyes began to pulse an even greater red. Kithworto stepped back in surprise.

  • Koluap - The hell?
  • Lemmo - See? Hell, check. Demons, check. Fire, check. I was right.
  • Grukarb - Oh shit that's nasty...
  • Sarec - Kithworto perhaps that was not the best choice of words.
  • Kilrasinnyá - You are not the only one capable of the Omega State, Maktanshatinaknatazán. A gift from your brother.
  • Mu - Eh? Agent Omicron?
  • Hachi - ...I guess we're not having d-dinner then, huh.
  • Lemmo - Okay. Sarec, Kith, can you translocate us from here into somewhere REALLY, REALLY far with more hot girls and less firey demons?
  • Corteus - First the Kelipoth, then Nocturnia, then Borealis, then here, fuck my life.
  • Lupercal - You are nothing compared to the One.

Kilrasinnyá lauched forward, and threw Kithworto into the ceiling, before sending out pulses of essence at the team to knock them to the ground. Sarec summoned barriers to block the pulses, the impacts forcing him backwards. growling, he threw pressure waves back at her. Arkarixus and Tharaqím were thrown back, but got back up and fired their essences at her. Koluap fired his shotgun, while Mu fired his anti-essence rifle at Kilrasinnyá.

  • Mu - Seriously, fuck demons, I'm sick of you all ruining everything good-looking.
  • Grukarb - Boss do you think Yrsalimarus will work on that?
  • Corteus - Maybe, just shoot her!
  • Grukarb - Gotchya!

Kalcedia fired her freshly-polished rifle at the Kicath with hypermatter rounds while Hachi stayed back, not wishing to interfere with her. Kezoreg ran forward, channeling dark energy into his Kicathian blade. Grukarb loaded his shotgun and fired it at Kilrasinnyá's body, the impacts sending a cloud of very fine smoke over her. Lupercal remained still, holding his staff, and then manifested a tide of temporal energy that was unleashed upon the demonic Kicath; she felt her body being twisted, slowed, hastened and sent into various points in the future and the present at different points. using this confusion, Lemmo attacked, making well-aimed shots at the Kicath's weak points at her chest.

Kilrasinnyá shuddered from the damage, but sent out an earthquake of energy at the team. Sarec levitated int othe air and attempted to shield himself ,retaliating with arcs of lighting. Koluap flew in the air, putting out his Xhodocto Axe, and slashed at Kilrasinnyá with it.

  • Koluap - Here's my opinion on your gifts, bitch!

Kilrasinnyá took the damage from the axe, before roaring. She attempted to grab Koluap by the throat. Koluap flew back before he could be grabbed, his small size allowing him to escape barely. Grukarb was put off-balance and fired his shotgun again as he fell down Corteus converted his hands into plasma cannons abd fired them repeatedly at Kilrasinnyá.

Kithworto descended to the ground. Kilrasinnyá attempted to throw a punch at Kithworto, but her fist was stopped by his. Koluap used the opportunity to slash at her again.

  • Kithworto - You still have a lot to learn.

Kithworto sent out a wave, knocking her back before sending a kick into her chest. She was launched across the hangar before hitting the ground.

  • Arkarixus - Effective.

Lupercal remained hesitant to flee, continuing to stand while being subject to hellish energies, and kept attacking with pressure waves. Kilrasinnyá struggled to rise from the ground. With an evil smile, she pressed her hand into the ground as a black mass covered the floor like a plague, quickly advancing on the team. Hachi snarled and threw balls of Dream Energy at the black presence, creating bright explosions of pure light. Lemmo and Quinniath fired from afar, too hesitant to move any further.

Corteus flew up, lifting Grukarb while Sarec waved his hand to have Hachi float in the air. Koluap flew into the air, while Arkarixus used his essence to levitate, taking Tharaqím with him into the air. The Agents launched themselves of the ground from the jetpacks. Except for Nu, who stood there.

  • Mu - Oi! Get up here, you fuckwit!
  • Eta - Nu...what are you doing?! Oh. Right. That.

As the energy travelled beneath Nu, it entered his body as it turned black. Kilrasinnyá's smile kept going, until she realised that it was not affecting Nu at all.

  • Mu - Hey gal. Call me when you're less psychotic.
  • Nu - Heh.

From Nu's hand, gathered a bolt of black essence which he threw at Kilrasinnyá. Narrowly missing her, it dug a hole into the ground.

  • Mu - You had one job, Nu.
  • Nu - And so did you. Now you're all freaking asymmetrical.
  • Hachi - Hey!

Sarec emitted pulses of pressure from his hands, combining them and throwing them at Kilrasinnyá Kilrasinnyá was knocked into the hole, grabbing on to the shreds of floor with her claws. Hachi threw balls of Dream Energy in her direction, growling angrily as he did. Kezoreg gave him an odd glance. Corteus returned to the ground and snatched Grukarb's gun from him. As he walked, the gun transformed as it was swarmed with utility fog. he tossed it slightly into the air and grabbed the handle, a sharp drop of his arm pumping it.

  • Kezoreg - So now you're into hurting bitches?
  • Hachi - It's Nu's sister, I think it's justified.

Lemmo took Kezoreg into his hand and slammed him against the ground.

  • Lemmo - Shut up and do something useful.

Corteus marched over and fired a charged airburst at Kilrasinnyá, gritting his teeth and almsot grinding them.

  • Kilrasinnyá - Varnaserash! [Scum!]
  • Koluap - I'll cut her fingers off!

Lemmo grabbed various Kormacvar archaeotech machinery from his backpack and hastily attempted to make them work, resulting in an array of explosions around Kilrasinnyá. Corteus fired again, this time at her face. The shot caused her to lose her grip, and she fell into the hole. A crash here and there, before silence.

Corteus paced upwards into a sprint before leaping down into the hole himself.

  • Grukarb - Okay..I have no idea what he's doing.
  • Koluap - Being dumb, for one.

There was a heavy crash sounds followed by further blasts. Corteus landed on the bottom of the hole, his feet making dents into the metalwork due to his velocity. he tilted his head with a scowl towards Kilrasinnyá's body before pumping his shotgun again. Kilrasinnyá's body seemingly ceased movement, and there was little other than that.

  • Corteus - You, and your kind, you...Immortals, have caused me a lot of grief. Did it ever matter to you? Hm. I didnt' think so. So I just want to do something in return, A little mote of how I really feel about you all.
  • Koluap - ...So as I was saying before, we got rid of her, so we got a new ship!

Corteus pressed his foot down on her arm and raised his shotgun to Kilrasinnyá's face. With an audiable growl he fired his shotgun, again and again, each gap he said a few words that burned with rage.

  • Corteus - Fuck demons! Fuck the dominion! Fuck Adniliho! Fuck these gods! Fuck Descension! Fuck essence! Fuck these cycles! Fuck. All of it!

Kilrasinnyá's body was torn by the consistent damages done.

  • Corteus - And the last... The last one is for you supernatural ficks giving me this tin-can body!

Corteus aimed the shotgun downwards, turning the settings up, he fired a supercharged airburst at Kilrasinnyá's torso. The ringing of shotgun blasts ricoched up to the room the team were in. Grukarb stepped back, wide-mouthed hearing waht was going on. A large, cauterized hole was made in her chest as her body was as limp as a ragdoll.

  • Mu - Hell, the Dravillian guy's having fun down there.
  • Lemmo - Sheesh. Now that was fun.
  • Lupercal - You mean insane.
  • Corteus - Burn in whatever infernal pit spawned you!

Corteus turned his back and spread his wings, thrusting himself upwards though the hole and back to the group

  • Grukarb - I think I need a change of underwear...
  • Corteus - Fuck..you...ALL!
  • Lemmo - Insane? Well, you know, after the whole Santorakh thing, I can't really say if I find anything crazy-

Suddenly, as Lemmo was speaking, black ice started forming all around the ship, freezing the ship to the core; at the same time, strange laughter was heard from the distance, belonging to no mortal or immortal but rather having a twisted tone that belonged to one that blurred the line between the two.

  • Lemmo - What the hell was that?

After the discordant voice spoke, a black shadow shot up behind them and then disappeared.

  • Koluap - The heck?
  • Mu - Oh, come on, demons everywhere!
  • Tharaqím - What is all this?

The black ice rapidly expanded and soon encompassed the entire room, forming into icy spikes and abstract statues, while the voice grew ever louder. Corteus threw a fist at the ground, a loud clang as he warped the metal

  • Kezoreg - This place needs an excorcism, I tell you.
  • ??? - I saw it. You will see it. There is no freedom. There is no reality. It is all a lie. ALL A LIE ALL A LIE ALL A LIE.
  • Mu - What's going on here?!

Flocks of black, feathered ravens emerged from the ice and surrounded both the Dominion soldiers and their enemies, all speaking in a feminine chorus.

  • Grukarb - I think the captain's losing it...
  • Koluap - Calm down, robot-man! You're being irrational! And I'm the one saying it.
  • ??? - Reality. It is but an illusion. We are nowhere. This is nowhere. You are puppets. The puppeters play with this universe as children play with their toys. The world is a stage. We are all playthings. You will see. I will show you. YOU WILL SEE YOU WILL SEE YOU WILL SEE.
  • Mu - Whoever this is, shut the hell up already.
  • Corteus - Hehehehhe oh I'm irrational? Ever since the day I had my body broken in every place imagineable I feel like i'm nothing but a toy for these Drakon-damned immortals. All of them, I just want to rip the heads off every one of them!
  • Koluap - Yep, he's gone crazy.

The flock coaelced into a large, vaguely humanoid female figure which however retained avian features and radiated an aura of dread.

  • Corteus - You cosmic fuck I'll tear you five new cloacas for my suffering!
  • Grukarb - I've...I've never seen him like this...
  • Mu - Holy shit that's ugly as hell.

Kithworto's essences surged around his arms as the Agents aimed their guns. Hachi grabbed his crotch and turned himself around, squeaking vulnerably while Kalcedia aimed her rifle, although she hesitated. Suddenly, the ship was gone, vanished into nothingness, or rather, a different reality of its own...


The Icy Ship[]

Gods' Playthings[]

Only a select few of the team knew, and they definitely did not want to explain, fearful of the darkness that was engulfing them every single moment. The universe around them was... changing. Shadows were looming. Darkness was growing. Black ice was spreading over every single object in the room. Whatever had infested the ship at this moment was doing so at a terrifyingly fast pace.

  • Lemmo - What?! Not good... NOT GOOD!
  • Nu - Well shit.
  • Grukarb - I have absolutely no idea what's going on. Someone help!
  • Koluap - I need an adult.
  • Kalcedia - I am an adult.

Koluap looked at Kalcedia with a raised eyebow. Kalcedia looked back to Koluap and winked. Hachi was shivering and his teeth chattered harshly, while Kezoreg stood by Kithworto's leg. Kithworto felt a chilling tingle run through his arms as he saw the essences freeze the ship.

  • Corteus - We're toys, we're toys, we're all toys in their sick game.
  • Mu - Stop with the crazy before I punch you.
  • Hachi - T-This isn't c-cool at a-all.
  • Kithworto - I have to admit. This is a new experience.

Lemmo tried to leap away from the chaotically growing mass of icy protrusions, but only found it becoming ever more expanding beneath his feet. In desperation, he shot; the ice broke and shattered into little pieces... and then, each shard continued growing by itself, expanding even faster.

  • Arkarixus - Most problematic.
  • Kezoreg - ...I thought you liked ice?

Corteus looked visibly nervous as memories of his death rushed through his mind he grunted and slammed his fist into the deck plating.

  • Lupercal - And that's how death is going to take me. So be it. Whether I am prepared yet for reuniting with Dei'Nar or not does not matter.
  • Nu - You accept death now and yet you've almost died...lemme think...twenty three times in the past year?!

Strangely enough, the plating quickly broke, as if it was not made of metal but of glass or, rather, water; instead of shattering, it dissolved, turning into quicksilver-like liquid in an unnatural, disturbing fashion. Neverthless, the path was clear. With hope, Lemmo looked inside the pathway, a smile upon his beak.

  • Lemmo - L-l-l-look! Over there! You did it, big guy!
  • Corteus - ...H-how did I do that?
  • Koluap - Hey, neato.
  • Kalcedia - Choo choo! Team train has no brakes!
  • Corteus - I guess I'm going first?
  • Mu - As long as you stop with the crazy. I don't wanna have to endure a second Nu.
  • Koluap - Heh.
  • Mu - ...Third Nu.
  • Corteus - No promises.
  • Lemmo - I don't care! Go!
  • Kalcedia - Let's penetrate this path already!
  • Hachi - ...P-Penetrate?

Corteus looked at the doorway he had made and took a deep inhalaation. Closing his eyes he took a cautious step through. Following Corteus, Lemmo galopped through the pathway, shooting erratically the black ice that continued freezing the ship's insides; behind him, he saw the rest of the team running.

  • Lemmo - Crap! Shit! Kranndung! Threl'n! Sina'in! Shyrak! Gaaah!

Sarec moved through, following the team and making shure Hachi stayed close Hachi and Kezoreg ran while Kalcedia cautiously stayed behind them. The frozen walls shifted and transformed, ice giving way to more obscene and twisted shapes, growing into spikes and wicked talons. Impaled on these spikes were the corpses of Dominion soldiers, covered in the same eldritfch frozen substance; not even the servants of the dark gods were spared by the remorseless black ice.

  • Mu - What the shit is all this?
  • Nu - I dunno but it's a good comedic sketch.
  • Mu - Oh hell it's the screaming thing again.
  • Kalcedia - If they want amusement they can pay for me like everybody else does!
  • Tharaqím - Not the time or place.
  • Eta - Well it's not Santorakh. Suppose that's a relief.
  • Corteus - Your time is coming you crow-faced whore.
  • Hachi - This place is f-freezing m-my bunny balls o-off!
  • Koluap - Oi, come out of wherever you are so I can cut you!
  • Sarec - Keep moving, this tunnel has to end somewhere.

The Dominion soldiers' corpses suddenly sprang from their icy spikes, as if they were awakened by a sudden jolt of energy; they saw prey. Slowly, they shambled about, all semblancy of sanity, morality and coherent thought erased in their minds, speaking with a single voice - the voice of the Raven of War, the voice of the Shadow Goddess.

  • Koluap - Things to kill!
  • Hachi - Eeep! I-I need a-an adult! T-This game's s-surely 18+! I-I'm too young!

Corteus lifted his arm and converted his forearm into a plasma cannon, firing a hail of plasma beams at the shambling Dominion soldiers. Koluap fired at the soldiers with his shotgun, while Arkarixus and Tharaqím attacked with their essences. Sarec stood in front of Hachi and cupped his hands away from his body, gathering arcs of electricity before casting them at the dominion soldiers. Kezoreg drew his Kicathian blade and slashed at any incoming assailants, growling with an angered snarl. Kalcedia drew her rifle and fired close-ranged impact shots, throwing soldiers back and obliterating them.

The icy warriors slowly marched at the team, their bodies growing weapons from the very same ice that had corrupted their bodies. The Agents fired their weapons at them in systematic accuracy. Grukarb pumped a shotgun and fired airbusrts at the icy warriors, grating his teeeth in cncentration as he did so

  • Grukarb - Bet you wish your buddy Soverius was with us don't you captain?'

Some shattered, some fell, but others kept going, having no feelings to stop them. With claws and teeth, they charged. They attacked.

  • Quinniath - Get away! Get away from me, goddamn creeps!

Hachi opened his palms and summoned balls of Dream Energy to his sides, launching them at the frozen, unfeeling cadavers as they made their dreaded approach.

  • Mu - C'mon, die already.
  • Grukarb - Hey captain, how about something heavier?

Quinniath drew his holographic blade and slashed through the attacking walking dead, managing to split them in half; and yet, their number did not decrease. Kithworto fuelled two pulses of Life Energy within his hands, and hurled them at the thralls. Corteus turned to Grukarb and nodded with uncertainty. Relaxing himself he planted his fet into the ground and clasped his hands together, his arms melting into a weightless liquid stretching it out and curving it before it rearranged itself into a reppeater like weapon made from Corteus own arm. His left arm had reduced considerably in bulk but his right arm was now said weapon. Corteus parted his lips in an eager smile, showing his reinforced diamond-tipped teeth before firing a gatling-style particle barrage at the thralls. The cadavers stopped for a split second, and then fell to the ground, lifeless.

  • Koluap - And stay dead!
  • Corteus - Oh yeah! Now THIS is sweet!

Kithworto's arms lowered slowly, with a look of apprehension on his face.

  • Mu - Shut the hell up already, like holy shit.

Corteus lowered the direction of the repeater rifle that made up his right arm and nodded with satisfaction, admiring it greatly.

  • Corteus - Next-bloody-gen!
  • Lemmo - ...Fooh.

Lemmo emerged from the ice formation and sighed.

  • Grukarb - Southern winds...maybe I should appeal for that upgrade.
  • Corteus - I'm sure the Imperium will provide it. I am a walking prototype after all.
  • Koluap - You think they'd give me some if I ask nicely enough? I wanna turn my arms into guns too.
  • Grukarb - Maybe if you asked really nicely Admiral.
  • Lemmo - A walking soon-would-be-frozen protoype. Don't you see it? The goddamn bird's playing with us. We either run or we die.
  • Mu - Who's that bird anyway?
  • Kalcedia - Urgh, probably just some bitch who's jealous of my swa--
  • Kezoreg - DON'T.
  • Kithworto - Divin-Ra. The 'leader' of the Mali'Nar.

Mu pondered.

  • Mu - Oooooh...Never heard of.
  • Lemmo - The name sounds creepy.
  • Koluap - It sounds dumb, I wanna cut her.
  • Hachi - I think she sounds okay.
  • Sarec - Out of all the Eola'Nar only one matches her power.
  • Koluap - Nar? So she's one of your cousins or something?
  • Lupercal - A very twisted one, I must add.
  • Mu - First Nu's sister, now this Divin-Ra. We're being swarmed by bitchy women lately.
  • Hachi - W-What's this about being s-swarmed?
  • Kezoreg - Women, men, my sword is unisex. It can, and will, cut both.
  • Eta - Sounds like you were coming up with that sentence for too long.

Koluap chuckled at Eta's comment.

  • Lemmo - Not me. I'm a gentleman, and I would never touch a woman... UNTIL THAT WOMAN IS A GODDAMN BIRD GODDESS OF CHAOS-NESS AND WHAT-NOT!
  • Lupercal - Is chaosness even a word?
  • Sarec - How to describe it...
  • Kithworto - A parallel?
  • Sarec - Her order embodies chaos, mine embodies order.
  • 'Quinniath - An order that embodies order. Heh.'
  • Tharaqím - Let's just hope this icy path doesn't go for too long.
  • Sarec - My hope is that the Others are aware of the present situation. If not, they will need to be.
  • Hachi - Sounds like a character from a p-porno I watched.
  • Tharaqím - Enough, human.
  • Hachi - Except I don't think she was a bird. I mean, s-she had massive ti--
  • Kezoreg - Enough!
  • Kithworto - What do you want of us, 'Sanktanaar'?

A Very Unwelcomed Aid[]

Suddenly, one of the icy walls shattered in a burst of energy and shadowy figures emerged from it, armed with strange, advanced weaponry. As the dust settled; some of the team managed to recognise them; they were covered in white and gold laminated armour which concealed the entirety of their bodies; looking around, they were calm even despite the ever-expanding black ice. Sarek perked an eyebrow was the group appeared out of nowhere. His face remaining largely expressionless otherwise although he appeared to at least know of them judging by his expression.

  • Koluap - Oh please no not them!
  • Corteus - Guardians of Light? Here?
  • Nu - ...Who are these kanzójorinaí [Fucks]?
  • Grukarb - Wooh reinforcements!
  • Hachi - Boobies!

At the head of the group was the only figure without a helmet, her face covered instead by a shimmering power field; a bluish Radeon female with short, violet hair and bluish fur; looking at the group arrogantly, she smiled while Lemmo and other veterans of the Borealis War stared at her, unsure if her appearance was a blessing or a curse. Arkarixus barred his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

  • Kalcedia - Pfft. Whore.
  • Venoriel - Hmph. Very shortsighed of you to run straight ahead into enemy territory, without a plan. Had it not been for Her Holiness's order, I would have left you alone here to die. Instead, I will give you a second chance.
  • Nu - Oh, it's you.

Nu growled as he looked at the team. Mu charged Death Energy at Venoriel and pointed his hand at her.

  • Mu - What did you say?!
  • Nu - Ákarnatárnaniarazhétaranaí [Fuck off], we do not need more 'supersoldiers' here.
  • Corteus - Right, you'd prefer cannon fodder frontline grunts to fight such powerful beings.
  • Venoriel - Ahem. As I said, Her Holiness ordered me and my men to head into this particular sector, for reasons she did not explain. Alas, so be it. A true general does not doubt. It now seems that our beloved sovereign's clarity of mind reaches near-divine proportions. Coincidence? Or providence?

Mu turned to Kithworto.

  • Mu - Permission to rip her apart.
  • Hachi - Denied! We c-can't l-lose her...umm..."assets"!
  • Kithworto - Kasatiróatmansamnatakinashát. [Deal with it.] She is here and therefore we are now a team.

Mu growled and put his hand down.

  • Mu - Now I can see why Nu hates the Radeon.
  • Sarec - Unfortunately...it seems this is the support the Commonwealth...offered us.
  • Kezoreg - Sína'in.
  • Grukarb - So...No fleet of Warlords or half of Wraith legion?
  • Lemmo - Seems that Kithworto offended the Highlords REALLY hard for them to send HER.
  • Koluap - I blame Tyraz!
  • Eta - Since when did we allow Andrókilómatkasatøtín [Andromedan little girls] on our team?
  • Koluap - I miss the raven lady already.

Venoriel smiled and looked at Quinniath.

  • Corteus - Miss Veroniel. Remember that you are here as an auxillary commander. Highlord Ultanos instructed me to remind you.
  • Venoriel - Ah, one of my students. You did well at bolstering this team's firepower, although your tactical skill is as null as it was before my tutelage. Speaking of which...

Venoriel waved her hand and one of the Guardians stepped in, removing her helmet. Standing beside Venoriel was a lithe figure with long, flowing hair and specialized armour. What was bizarre was that despite her clearly-Radeon build, she possessed blades, constructed of nanomaterials, held within her hands and an even larger sword attached to her back through supposed magnetic connection.

  • Stigmathea - Guardian Lieutenant Stigmathea Zimenaim, reporting for duty, Commander.
  • Venoriel - Meet Strigmathea. One of my most talented subordinates and a protege of mine.

Stigmathea exchanged a slight bow towards the group, to which Hachi could only stare with widened eyes. Kezoreg spat to the ground while Kalcedia folded her arms, giving a slight smile as she observed the Radeon's physique and build. The Agents folded their arms.

  • Tau - Why are you here anyway?
  • Stigmathea - You asked for Guardian support. You got it.
  • Tau - Kithworto asked no such thing. He gave a warning to your leaders. I don't want little girls on my team.
  • Kithworto - Your team?
  • Sarec - I would say she is useful, looking at her.
  • Venoriel - You will learn in time, Kicath, that on the field of battle the brute strength your species is so famous for is insgnificant in comparison to tactics as strategy, especially if such an enemy as the Dominion is involved.

Nu growled as he went for his gun.

  • Venoriel - Now. Status report.
  • Kezoreg - Want a status report? We were royally fucked by some ugly crow whore.
  • Venoriel - Hmph. The mutant child is surprisingly good at reporting. He could do well under my tutelage, especially if we could concentrate and focus that attitude of his for our cause.
  • Kezoreg - How about I shove my finger up your ass once you take your head out of it?

Psi chuckled at Kezoreg's remark.

  • Venoriel - Your vocabulary is limited at best when it comes to curses and insults; there are 234 more ways to express the same feelings through more eloquent and offensive forms of speech.
  • Kezoreg - Kasatanaí. [Alien scumbag.]
  • Grukarb - ...I miss being in synchronised teams. I feel like I have two chances of survival: Get killed by the dominion or kill myself as a mercy...If anyone wants my shotgun after I'm done with it feel free.

Nu turned sharply at Grukarb's request before looking at Tau.

  • Tau - No.
  • Koluap - Radeons all suck! Except Baptarion, he's a nice guy.
  • Upsilon - Multilingual bitchslapping. Fun.

Arkarixus walked up to Venoriel, towering over her and giving her a very stern glare.

  • Arkarixus - Listen well. I've dealt with your arrogant insubordination before. I will not accept it again. If you act like you did in the past, I will personally send you back to Andromeda in a box.
  • Grukarb - Want me to break her prematurely Arkarixus?
  • Corteus - Grukarb I advise you stay quiet.
  • Venoriel - Lord Arkarixus, I assure you that my squad will not negatively affect this team's productivity. I expect the same from you.
  • Stigmathea - The Grandmaster himself appointed us, including the Commander as well as myself, to grant you assistance. Whether you like it or not.

Arkarixus gave Stigmathea the same glare. Stigmathea exchanged Arkarixus' glare with her own, appearing not so much scared of him but more disappointed. She kept her stance calm and steady, her glare piercing and unchallenged.

  • Arkarixus - Silence.
  • Stigmathea - I expected something more of the Cold Ones.
  • Arkarixus - I expect you to not be a liability like you were during the Borealis wars.

Kithworto stood forward, also towering over Venoriel.

  • 'Kithworto - I will reiterate what Arkarixus said. Whilst I appreciate your assistance, I do not appreciate the way you address my team. You may know how to express 235 feelings of distaste, but you will be able to describe 236 feelings synonymous to the reaction once my patience runs out with you. And taking in Kezoreg as a protege? Nai'sh'anhad. [Not a chance.]
  • Arkarixus - Hmpf. Be thankful Kithworto has accepted you. For this is a decision I very much disagree with.

Arkarixus turned back and walked away.

  • Stigmathea - Hmph, like how the Grox disagreed with the Cold Ones?

Arkarixus suddenly reappeared, grabbing Stigmathea by her throat and squeezing her.

  • Arkarixus - I said, no insubordination.
  • Stigmathea - ...A-Affirmative, m-my lord.
  • Kithworto - Enough, Arkarixus.

Arkarixus let go of Stigmathea and turned back again. She rubbed her neck and coughed before regaining her orderly stance. Hachi was still staring at her while dribbling unintelligently, causing the Radeon to back up behind Venoriel. Sarec walked up to Hachi and rested his hand on Hachi's shoulders. Kithworto turned to Stigmathea.

  • Kithworto - I sincerely hope that your conduct is better than this.
  • Corteus - This is going to be a long trip through a psychadelic hell...
  • Koluap - Hey, how about we move on now? I'm getting cold on my feathers.

Psi looked startled.

  • Psi - ...Feathers?

Koluap pointed at his ears.

  • Koluap - What do you think these are?

Psi let out a terrified moan before holding his head.

  • Psi - Well that was more of a mindscrew than I needed.
  • Koluap - Eh. My ears have feathers. What's the big deal?
  • Venoriel - Very well. I assume you do have a plan, because otherwise, I'll have to take the reins of leadership, and I am well aware of the fact that many of you find the notion uncomfortable.
  • Stigmathea - I find it preferable, Commander.
  • Koluap - You're no boss of me! Kithworto's the boss of me!
  • Grukarb - We're all going to die.
  • Mu - Hell, I think I prefer Santorakh over all this.
  • Eta - Seconded.

Stigmathea turned her attention to Hachi, who was still staring at her.

  • Stigmathea - ...What is that thing?
  • Kezoreg - A human.
  • Stigmathea - That is... unlike any human I have witnessed prior.
  • Kezoreg - He's "different".
  • Stigmathea - How "different"?
  • Kezoreg - Different enough to watch you undress.
  • Corteus - Kid, you have a shocking lack of understanding for the military heirachy.
  • Tharaqím - We had a plan. But the appearence of the Mali'Nar was not expected.
  • Venoriel - Very well. It seems that I shall be the leader of the team from now on, at least for the time being.
  • Tharaqím - You will not.

Grukarb tapped the muzzle of his shotgun against his head. The Agents all primed their weapons.

  • Stigmathea - Commander Venoriel, they're pointing guns at us. Are these not our allies?
  • Zeta - I don't like fights, but I don't like you either. Times like these are confusing.
  • Tharaqím - You have not come all the way here to tell us what to do. You will advise our path, at the very most.
  • Grukarb - I've been though four 24-hour descents into hell, five suicide missions and three botched oeprations. I have never felt more like I am better off ending my contract on the spot than I do here.

Venoriel turned to Stigmathea, whispered something to her ear in frequencies too high for non-Radeons to hear, then moved her eyes back to the rest of the team, the Agents in particular.

  • Venoriel - Ahem. Lay these weapons down. Tagárai nanuntunítarǎz ítara man atmanasha. Kisiatiróatmansamnatakinashét. [We are allies here, Agents. Show some respect.]
  • Eta - Did...did she just talk Kicathian at us?
  • Sarec - Impressive.
  • Nu - Ekolnyúramadálnaryanaí ál malí'mnajakta samnatakinasha! [To Shard if she can speak!]
  • Mu - Hell, I don't care what language she speaks. I want HER to show respect.
  • Venoriel - Earn it.

Venoriel turned to her squad.

  • Mu - Fuck it, I'm gonna kill her!

Mu tried to leap at Venoriel, but Tharaqím stood at his front and stopped him on his tracks. Stigmathea stood in front of Venoriel and gave a glare towards Mu, shaking her head with a snarl.

  • Stigmathea - We are all in the same vessel. We cannot afford to be picky about the catch.
  • Mu - Go to Hell you little shit.
  • Corteus - Andromedan Inter-group command policy states all military personnel will respect the ranks of all members of an outsider unit. Commander Venoriel, Kithworto is your superior in every aspect. Respect or not, commander, you follow his orders.
  • Tharaqím - Exactly. You are not the leader of this operation. You are a subordinate. You can try and fool yourself about being the leader, but the team will follow Kithworto over you. Now enough arrogance, I am trying to make both of these squads reason.
  • Venoriel - Very well. But I believe the Warlord does not have any ideas regarding how to escape this place, meaning that I shall take the situation in my hands. According to the information gathered by the Hereticon, - Venoriel activated her hologauntlet - The closest escape pod is located in the westernmost area of the ship, which means we have to head... - Venoriel pondered for a few seconds. - There.
  • Tharaqím - So be it.
  • Psi - Well think about. Crazy Radeon psycho bitch, or Kicathian warlord demigod of doom? C'mon, people.
  • Grukarb - Could be worse.
  • Koluap - Ah-choo!

Koluap oozed venom out of his forehead organ.

  • Koluap - ...I think I'm getting a cold...
  • Stigmathea - ...Filthy alien.
  • Koluap - Filthy zealot. See, two can play this game!

Stigmathea reached into her armour and pulled out a cloth that was covered in luminescent lines and patterns. She threw it to Koluap for him to catch.

  • Stigmathea - Clean yourself of that... mess.
  • Koluap - Bah. Bite me.

Kithworto slammed his fist in the side of the wall. The ice disintegrated as a a sharp breath escaped his mouth.

  • Kithworto - Fight as a team or fight among yourselves. We leave together or we do not leave at all.
  • Corteus - Tharaqim if we survive all this, perhaps we could provide you with residence in the Commonwealth. Preferably an abode far away from the commander.
  • Tharaqím - That would be most kind of you.
  • Grukarb - Wait isn't she supposed to be the commissioner for the armies in Borealis?
  • Venoriel - That is correct.
  • Mu - So we share the galaxy with her? Heugh.
  • Grukarb - Did you get lost on a hyperspace voyage?
  • Nu - Permission to vomit in your helmet, Mu.
  • Mu - What the hell?
  • Nu - Heh.
  • Stigmathea - Additional support, Grandmaster's orders. Believe me, I am just as uncomfortable as you are. There is little more I desire than spending shore leave upon Borealum.
  • Tharaqím - We waste time here. Let us move on.


Venoriel moved out with her quad, followed by black ice and maniacal whispers. The Agents moved out, with a slight walk of anger and boredom.

  • Psi - Siná'in. Next time we get a break in Borealis I'm going to drink myself silly. Freaking need it after all of this.

Hachi walked closely to the Guardian squad, particularly Venoriel and Stigmathea, the latter of which exchanged an odd, awkward glare in his direction before looking away. Arkarixus was already far ahead of the rest of the team.

  • Venoriel - Not a word, Rianth. That did not even happen in this timeline.
  • Hachi - But... but... but...

Arkarixus spoke from a distance.

  • Arkarixus - Yes it did!

Nu laughed.

  • Nu - Oh I remember now. That was funny even on Kicath level.

Black ice continued twisting the insides of the ship, warping pathways and mutating walls. Koluap sneezed again, launching more venom into the floor. He had actually taken Stigmathea's piece of cloth and cleaned his spitting organ.

  • Grukarb - Hey captain if you can convert your arm into a gun, can you provide me with some whisky?
  • Corteus - You would not lik where I would get the material for it.
  • Grukarb - Ew. Ew-we-weww.
  • Koluap - Oh man, I did not need to hear that.

The cold began to frost over Kithworto's metallic skin.

  • Stigmathea - I met a Cold One, Kicathian Agents and veterans of the Borealis War all at the same place at the same time. This is going to make Metacryphus more sore than when I had informed him I had been offered placement as one of the Archon's defense operatives.
  • Eta - Who now?
  • Koluap - It's a Kormacvar, you dumb. Not a "cold one".

Stigmathea - Metacryphus is my brother, he's an accomplished taskforce commander. The Archon is... was the one known as Indricarron. The one that this "Baptarion" murdered.

  • Koluap - Indricarron? I heard of that one. Baptarion says it's his brother. And a Corruptus servant.
  • Stigmathea - He spoke high of Baptarion. I fail to observe the reasoning behind it.
  • Koluap - I just said they were brothers.

Grukarb groaned.

  • Grukarb - How else am I supposed to get though this mission sober?
  • Corteus - Well....
  • Grukarb - No! Stop suggesting it!
  • Koluap - You like men now?
  • Corteus - I can purify my urine into drinking water, and if neccessary, add other compounds.
  • Grukarb - I'm not drinking Drallivian piss, end-of-discussion!
  • Mu - You silence!

The black ice started expanding rapidly, turning into a flock of black, mutated crows. Hachi screeched in a high-pitched tone as he leaped on Sarec's back, scared by the presence of these demonic, shady avians.

  • Nu - What is a 'crow' exactly?
  • Mu - Something that needs to die.
  • Zeta - What an odd question to bring up.
  • Stigmathea - Vermin. The birds I mean. Maybe the Rianth as well.

The avian creatures then attacked, their small beaks full of jagged, demonic-looking teeth; instead of striking the eyes and other vital joints, through, they clogged th heroes' noses and mouth, dissolving into swarms of twisted insects when they were near. Koluap attacked the crows with his Xhodocto Axe, while Tharaqím and Arkarixus attacked with their essences. Lemmo screamed, trying to shoot the birds, but there were simply far too many of them.

Corteus and Grukarb waved their hands in front of their daces and snorted to try and reject the insects while Sarec attempted to surround himself and Hachi with a protective barrier. Stigmathea screamed and began throwing her arms in devastating cycles and patterns, slicing them in half and carving them at various angles with her chainswords. The Agents continued running through, albeit slowed down and stumbling in places as they roared. Kezoreg began to run while Kalcedia screeched, her chest bouncing as she did, and began to overtake the mutant in front of her.

  • Kalcedia - I. HATE. INSECTS.
  • Koluap - That's kinda racist.

Venoriel drove the insects away with her Essence; but they kept reforming, attempting to silence the team. Their numbers grew. And grew. And grew.


  • Mu - Getting real sick of this bullshit.

Venoriel coughed as black tar oozed from her mouth, trying to speak.

  • Venoriel - We must move! Faster!
  • Koluap - Ew.

Venoriel tore through the wall with a wave of pressure and moved quickly, seeing more and more halls filled with corpses and black eyes.

  • Venoriel - Over there! The escape pod!
  • Mu - Agents first!
  • Hachi - I call dibs on Venoriel's lap!

Venoriel pointed at a large, spiky iron cocoon, studded with spikes on the outside to the point it resembled an instrument of torture; yet, in fact, it was now the team's salvation. Venoriel came first, her fists glowing.

  • Sarec - That is rather morbid for an escape pod.
  • Tharaqím - We can blame the Dominion, now move.
  • Hachi - It looks like a BDSM tool!
  • Koluap - A what now?
  • Corteus - I'm not even going to ask.
  • Venoriel - A pod is a pod. Now, if you excuse me, we have to open this thing somehow. Stigmathea, help me.

Stigmathea stood close to the pod and raised an arm, focussing as she closed her eyes and tensed her muscles.

  • Psi - Hah. Radeon women doing heavy lifting. I need to drink more often.
  • Venoriel - Not that way.

Venoriel neared the pod and waved her hand; white light started to shine from inside the pod as its doors opened from telekinetic energy.

  • 'Venoriel - The Radeon way.
  • Stigmathea - Hmph, apologies, Commander.
  • Lemmo - Goddamn space magic.
  • Mu - Hell, are there even male Radeon? I can't tell.
  • Hachi - I hope not.
  • Corteus - You should avoid the Primarch then.
  • Nu - Either way, you can snap them like a twig.
  • Stigmathea - Not all of them.
  • Nu - I'm tempted to break that theory.
  • Tharaqím - We can discuss alien fragility once we escape.

The team jumped into the pod and started pressing the buttons frantically, trying to understand how Dominion tech works. Aureute holograms started appearing over the interior of the pod, chanting in a language unknown to the Gigaquadrant.

  • Grukarb - For an empire with species such as the Draconis and Kicath, i'm surprised these holograms use an unknown language.
  • Venoriel - It's a sensible move for an organisation whose main priority is war against all. Secrecy is key.
  • Stigmathea - Wouldn't mind cracking a few of them open. As well as the secrets.

Having been educated in the demonic languages, Nu and Tau could understand the speech.

  • Nu - You know, they really ought to shut up about unauthorised shuttle launches. Siná'in.
  • Lemmo - Wait! I think I can understand... half of that. Something about uttering the key word to be transported there... or to release the toxic gas in the pod.

Lemmo turned to the agents.

  • Lemmo - Any ideas about what this key word could be?
  • Tau - Toxic gas? Bah. More like...nanite swarms. Ech.
  • Koluap - You call this toxic gas? I could create more tox-
  • Mu - Shut up.
  • Hachi - Nanite swarms? ...That doesn't sound kinky at all.
  • Stigmathea - No. It's not kinky. Whatever that means. ...Shut up.
  • Corteus - I'm practically made of nanites.
  • Koluap - We're being swarmed by mini Corteuses!
  • Nu - Uh....okravandraseiavnirabh. Shuttle launch.
  • Lemmo - You sure you pronounced that right? There's that-
  • Nu - I'm a fucking robot, of course I pronounced it right!

Suddenly, the escape pod activated. Roaring furiously like a wild animal, it was engulfed by light and then thrown from the ship into the darkness of space... Or was that space?


And then, black ice and icy blue light engulfed the pod as well. Wherever it was now, it wasn't the real universe...

  • Lemmo - What- what the hell is going on?
  • Nu - Shit. This happens too much.
  • Grukarb - Next time mr. "I think I can speak an unknown language" shouldn't fly.
  • Hachi - I w-want other t-things than e-escape but that w-would be n-nice.
  • Nu - That's what Vekaron said. Look where I am now!
  • Mu - Yeah. He was right.
  • Stigmathea - That a trick question?
  • Sarec - I can see why the Others stand against you.
  • Koluap - Shut your beak you whatever the hell you are!
  • Venoriel - We do. And?
  • Mu - Well yeah but you're a demon too and hell if I'm gonna trust what you say.
  • Kithworto - I really do not have time for this.
  • Mu - She's sending us to the Imalmah Hegemony now?
  • Eta - Oh god. Please don't. We'll never hear the end of it from Chi.

And then, the pod breached, and blue light devoured its denizens, transporting them into a different, dark reality. The reality of the Hegemony...

Journey Through Reality[]

Into the Mirror[]

An Unknown World[]

  • Lemmo - Ugh... eh... now that was a bad acid trip...

Lemmo, first to awaken, looked around. He was standing atop the surface of a planet once again, which seemed to be somewhat arid but still habitable. All over thee ground laid the shards of the escape pod which jutted from the ground like iron spikes, their malevolent shapes inspiring dread even when shattered into pieces.

  • Koluap - I didn't even drink anything today.
  • Psi - I think I did. Perhaps. Not sure.
  • Hachi - I don't think I did. All I had today was milk. I think.
  • Eta - Ech.
  • Corteus - I needed a drink after fighting that...whatever she was.
  • Koluap - Wait. Milk? Where's you get milk from?

Tau looked sharply at Koluap.

  • Tau - Don't encourage him.
  • Lemmo - Ugh... Where are we?

Corteus looked about the landscape. Kithworto surveyed the surroundings, looking around the warped infinity.

  • Corteus - Nowhere I can recall.
  • Lemmo - Looks a bit like... no, no ideas either.
  • Stigmathea - Nowhere I want to be, that's for sure.
  • ??? - Hey? Who's there?

Stigmathea arose from the rubble, scratching her head as her amour underwent self-repair. Kezoreg was beside her, although he was still unconscious or, more accurately, asleep. Shadowy figures appeared on the horizon, dressed in armour strangely familiar and yet alien to the team. All-enclosing, laminated, it resembled the uniform of the Guardians of Light and the Blood Dragons, but was much more decorated and darker in tone. As the figures approached, Venoriel could recognise some of the sllhouettes; they belonged to Draconis, Radeons, Tertanai, Rapidox.

  • Venoriel - Commonwealth! Thank Spode!
  • Stigmathea - Sometimes, I think Spode gets too much thanks.
  • Tau - That doesn't look like Commonwealth to me.

Venoriel raised her hands immediately, feeling somewhat relieved after the hell she had to go through.

  • Koluap - Oh good. More of "them".
  • Corteus - Are you implying something Koluap?
  • Koluap - Everyone except your team from the Commonwealth has been really unhelpful so far.
  • Nu - I don't care if it is Commonwealth or not, malí'mnajakta khamnáshataránakagazá [I'd carve them up either way.]
  • ??? - Identify yourselves.
  • Kithworto - My identity, is one of what you make of it.
  • Venoriel - Military Executor Mieo Venoriel.
  • Corteus - I am Operative Corteus and this is my subordinate Grukarb. We're...wraith...legion...

The leader of the figures, a tall Radeon in decorated armour, stepped forth.

  • ??? - Mieo Venoriel... the one who used a military expedition as an excuse to copulate with the natives, aren't you? The Rovegar or how were they called...

Venoriel's face was twisted in a grimace.

  • Venoriel - A most damnable lie!
  • Mu - Ohoho, I did not know that one.
  • Venoriel - I- I...
  • Stigmathea - ...Have you been hiding something from me, Commander?

Nu spat out in laughter. Hachi looked on curiously at the implications of what had been going on. A creepish, disturbing smile crossed his face and his ears perked as he began to realize what the Radeon woman had just been accused of.

  • Hachi - Hohohoho...
  • Nu - Oh now that is just too funny. Explains a lot now. You got kisiatékagasinzátazhatalí [screwed] into thinking like that!
  • Corteus - That is a bit of a misconduct is it not?
  • ??? - Now, Corteus. Looks like you, but the armour is different. Then, these... things. - the Radeon looked at the Kicath agents, - and... what? The Black Hunter?!

The Radeon stared at Lemmo in disbelief.

  • Lemmo - Eh?
  • Koluap - Black Hunter? More like Road Runner.
  • Nu - Oh now that is just too funny. Explains a lot now. You got kisiatékagasinzátazhatalí [screwed] into thinking like that! kisiatékagasinzátazha
  • Sarec - Identify yourself.
  • Venoriel - I, I...

Kithworto's arms arced with lightning as his teeth bared. The Radeon paid no attention to the heroes talking, instead thinking and analysing their movements and appearances.

  • Kithworto - I am not in the mood to treat with you. Speak your intentions whilst I am still patient.
  • ??? - I don't understand... Venoriel's promiscuity knows no bounds, but that... doesn't make sense. I have to investigate this further.

The Radeon turned to the team,

  • ??? - Come with me. Or else...
  • Corteus - Excuse me!

With these words the entire team, along with the Radeon's squad, was beamed up elsewhere...

The team reemerged inside a ship. Much like the soldiers themselves, its interior resembled that of the Commonwealth vessels, but vastly different in colouration; instead of pure white commonly associated with the AGC, it was drab gray, dull and yet threatening on the inside. The Radeon commander stood atop a small platform, helmetless, talking with a strangely familiar female Draconis in black uniform...

  • Psi - Liking it so far.
  • Eta - Yeah. Can't stand that high-and-mighty Andromedan sinmnatagíra [crap].
  • Radeon - This is commander Quendor Telnhao reporting. Captain Arnas Volkamen, there's a... thing my soldiers have found. Several things, in fact.
  • Koluap - Who the hell are all these people?
  • Venoriel - Quendor? What in the-

Stigmathea's eyes widened at the mentioning of the soldier's name and she stepped forward with surprise, calling out. Kithworto breathed deeply.

  • Stigmathea - Quendor?!
  • Corteus - Never heard of them.

Arnas looked to the group sternly, her eyes scanning over each of them.

  • Arnas - Commander...what is Sergeant Calhalum doing amongst them?
  • Quendor? - I am not sure if that thing is Sergeant Calhalum. None of these beings know anything of their service in the Hegemony or the Head. This includes the sergeant, our resident lady of the night and... the legendary Black Hunter.
  • Venoriel - How did you call me, officer! Show some respect!
  • Arnas - ...What?

Kithworto let out a pained groan as he grasped the reality of the situation. Arnas looked sternly at Quendor before looking back at lemmo, turning her head back once again

  • Kithworto - Right. Well. This is...to say the least...annoying.
  • Corteus - [mutters] What the hell is going on, I gave up my name.
  • Quendor? - I'd say we use that chance and kill the Hunter and then set the others free... but I am suspicious. These could be infiltrators... shall we bring them to professor Senvinus?
  • Stigmathea - You shall do not such thing! In fact, what in Spode's name do you think you're doing?!

Arnas turned to the group and paced up, standing over the group rather sternly.

  • Arnas - Silence!
  • Hachi - Hmm... Find ourselves trapped here. An alternate universe. Something is quite wrong. Yay, I did it!
  • Tau - ...Did what exactly?
  • Hachi - A haiku. Not that you'd know what that is.

Arnas slammed her hand against a wall and growled. Hachi squeaked as Arnas pounded the wall, causing him to jump back. Nu growled at Arnas, with his eyes flaring.

  • Arnas - You will all be quiet before I have you ALL exported to the labour worlds!
  • Koluap - And who do you think you are?
  • Arnas - Captain Arnas Volkamen of his majesty's Imperial navy. As I am a ranking military official and one of the command caste, you will only speak. When spoken to.
  • Nu - Go fuck yourself.
  • Koluap - You have no authority over us!

Kezoreg woke up on the ground of the chamber the group was being held within. He scratched his head and stood up, looking around with a pained gaze. He then laxed his shoulders and glared towards Arnas as she glared back at them.

  • Kezoreg - ...I wake up to a fat bitch. Perfect.
  • Mu - The Commonwealth has a lot of nerve treating us like this.
  • Arnas - Commander, The unidentified aliens are to be sent down to professor Senvinus' labs. The Black Hunter is to be detained for execution, Calhalum, and his companion and the citizen are to be detained for questioning.
  • Quendor - Yes, commander.

Quendor pressed a button and a wave of stunning energy electrocuted the team, sending them to unconsciousness...

Lab Rats[]

Kithworto, his Agents, Koluap, Hachiman, Arkarixus, Tharaqim and Kezoreg awakened inside a large, dimly lit laboratory, or rather a slaughterhouse. Dissected, twisted corpses were impaled on the wall, swarms of silvery nanites crawling inside their bodies like maggots. Blotches of diseased, evil gray were splattered over the walls - was it blood? Toxin? Or perhaps something else? Psi was the first of the Agents to wake up.

  • Psi - Now this is just nasty. Reminds me of the labs where they turned us into Agents.
  • Koluap - Eugh.
  • Arkarixus - ...Is this the nightmare with the factory again?
  • Hachi - There's gooey stuff! It wasn't me!

Not that they knew. Stripped of armour, strapped to bloodied chairs, they were all but defenseless, and the only people that knew what was going on were the rulers of this twisted place; a dark-scaled Draconis, a Zazane in a lab coat which seemed to be visibly unnerved by the conditions of his work and a huge, lumbering thing that stood at their side.

  • Mu - Oh boy, my uglyness, fully exposed.
  • Nu - Hah!
  • Draconis - Bizarre specimens aren't they, particularly the tall cyborgs.
  • Psi - Who you calling bizarre?
  • ??? - You're bizarre, lab rat. Bizarre in an amusing way.
  • Psi - Bah.
  • Zazane - They appear almost Kicath-like. Must be enslaved. Kicath don't manufacture these sorts of augmentations. Or anything for that matter, aside from stone tools.
  • Tau - Now that's just an insult.
  • Koluap - Get us out of here! And gimme my clothing back!
  • Mu - I'm gonna augment my fist with your face.

The Draconis walked up to one of the Agents, in the light, his left eye was a rather strange implant, the light of which darted about. Zeta growled at the Draconis.

  • Zeta - I'm not one for violence, but I could sure crush your skull right now.

Hachi looked around unnervedly, before noticing everybody else. He then looked down and tried to use his legs to cover his private parts. Kalcedia, on the other hand, was still asleep - Hachi's eyes laid themselves upon her chest, calming him down. The Draconis approached Zeta with a raised eyebrow.

  • Draconis - Now now, there is no need for that kind of behavior is there? Hm, not that you could do anything.

The immense being standing beside the Draconis and the Zazane let out a cruel laugh.

  • ??? - We could surely use one of these as a jester.
  • Zazane - Quite aggressive, quite temperamental. ...The rianth appears nervous.

Kithworto was the last to awake. He attempted to free himself, but there was a force at hand. Something universal, as if his native powers were somewhat muffled.

  • Zazane - I should examine later. Especially near the crotch area - appears to be developing sores, assumably from over-use or abuse.
  • Draconis - A few modified implants, the right software, they'd make fine soldiers.
  • Psi - Definitely overuse.
  • ??? - I want to keep one or two. For...testing.

An image of an Imperix appeared on one of the circular holoscreens in the room, surrounded by Venoriel, Corteus and other soldiers of the Wraith Legion.

  • N'rai - Professor Senvinus, what information have you gathered so far? The sergeant and the prosti- I mean, the executor do not seem to be of any use. It's like they came from another universe.
  • Venoriel - I am not a prostitute!
  • Kithworto - You would be wise to let us go.
  • N'rai - Your promiscious endeavours are well known across the Hegemony, executor Venoriel. It's somewhat strange you continue to deny them.

The immense individual turned his attention to Kalcedia. He approached his fist to her and flicked his finger against her head to wake her up.

  • ??? - This one. I want it.
  • Nu - Really? Ew.

Kalcedia's eyes fluttered open, yawning and moaning as she did.

  • Kalcedia - Huh? W-What...? ...Am I in another dungeon?
  • Zazane - That Zazane. Mere mimcry. Isn't really Zazane based on analysis. Well... she possesses Zazane genetics, but there is something off about her.
  • Kalcedia - I haven't got any STDs if that's what you're wondering.
  • Psi - She's lying!
  • ??? - More reasons for me to..."study" her closely.
  • Eta - Hm. At least I will die to some comedy.
  • Corteus - You don't understand, we are not a threat to you!
  • Mu - Well, Nu is.
  • Tharaqím - Silence.
  • Nu - Oh yeah. Just blast me with essence. See what happens.
  • Tau - For once that is an intelligent idea.
  • Senvinus - I ran a few quantum spectrum tests while they were unconscious. There does appear ot be some slight differentiation between them and a control sample. Some of them...well their spectrums were just bizarre.
  • N'rai - And what exactly does it mean?
  • Senvinus - It means your rather far-fetched idea has some truth.

Hachi looked towards the circular screen and saw Venoriel and Stigmathea beside one another, then looked towards Kalcedia as she began to grasp ahold of the situation. It was then that he squealed in an incredibly embarassed fashion for... particular reasons.

  • Zazane - ...Unimpressive. And disturbing.
  • Tau - Someone please blindfold him before something really disgusting happens.
  • Koluap - This mission is a pain in the ass sometimes.
  • Kithworto - You. Scientists. Get over here.
  • ??? - You don't order us around, lab rat.
  • Senvinus - However some of them, the tall aliens, the alien with the malformed arm and two of the large cyborgs, they are...different.
  • N'rai - Different? How?
  • Zazane - Kicathian in primary shape. Cannot be truly intelligent Kicath however. Kicath last recorded as primitive culture, unintelligent and basic society.
  • Senvinus - Something about their emissions. Their cells are like atomic power stations.
  • Nu - You what?!
  • Senvinus - I would be keen to study brain activity in all of them.
  • Kezoreg - Hah! Won't find any in the rianth or the prostitute!
  • Koluap - When I get out of here I'm gonna-

The huge entity grabbed Koluap's head and squeezed it. Koluap let out a pained scream until the entity let go of him.

  • ??? - I disagree.
  • N'rai - Excellent. Please do proceed.
  • Zazane - Kicath. Grotesque species. Ugly, weak. These pseudo-Kicath. Even moreso.
  • Senvinus - I would be keen to discover hwo they had access to such advanced implants.
  • Upsilon - Not the smartest of scientists, are ya?
  • Zazane - Possibly failed Hegemony experiments. Supersoldiers, cybernetic terminators. Unsuccessful experiments, presumably. Wouldn't blame them for ditching these specimens.
  • Senvinus - Urgh, I keep telling those fools in the Plazith Rim Directive; implantation is an art.
  • Kalcedia - Well, I wouldn't ditch Nu. I imagine he has a massive-- Wait, why do none of you boys have anything below the waist?
  • Upsilon - ...we're robots?
  • Zeta - Correction; cyborgs.
  • Kalcedia - ...None of you told me anything about this.
  • Tau - You saw Nu's entire body ripped to shreds. He's not exactly made of flesh.
  • Senvinus - You cannot simply graft a hunk of flexisteel or synthetic muscle onto a body and into the brain and expect it to "work".
  • Nu - Well I am working. Shut up already.
  • Hachi - I-I hope t-there's no...p-probing involved i-in this...
  • ??? - There is, but you are not the one involved.
  • Kithworto - I sincerely hope you are not talking about me.

The larger entity laughed.

  • Senvinus - I would be keen to study the Kicath, and the other tall alien first.
  • Tau - Other tall alien?
  • Zazane - Bizarre. This specimen possesses Essence-based properties. Weak, but prominent. Kicath have been recorded as otherwise null to Essence. Incapable of using, let alone mastering, such.
  • Mu - You lot obviously don't know anything about Kicath.
  • Nu - Just send some essence into me for an experiment. Trust me, you'll be interested with the results.
  • N'rai - As long as it furthers the- wait, what?
  • Senvinus - Last month I reviewed a thesis of one of my students based on the uplift potential of Kicath. The girl recieved a dsitinction.
  • Kezoreg - "Distinction", I hope that's what the whore called her boyfriend's dick!
  • Zazane - Studied Kicath homeworld for many years, interacted with species. Brutish, primitive. Aggressive, but no threat. Not to Zazane, anyway. Physically, socially and technology inferior.
  • Senvinus - Poor things have yet to understand germ theory.

Sacrifices for Science[]

Suddenly, the ship shook. Explosions rocked its surface, thundering even on the inside, and the ship's electronics began to flash and malfunction. With a bit of relief, Kithworto found his utility fog chains dissolving, and eagerly stood up. Kithworto let out a deep breath as a surge of essence streamed throughout his body. The professor turned around and snarled before drawing a pistol from under his lab coat.

  • N'rai - I expect results, not words! Proceed with the dissection immedia- what is happening?
  • Venoriel - What is happening?
  • N'rai - It's the Black Hunter's ship! But- how?
  • Kithworto - You know, I have been to many places. None as annoying or as patronising as this one.

The professor aimed the pistol at Kithworto's torso.

  • Zazane - ...Bothersome.
  • Professor - Keep your distance. I will fire!

The Zazane scientist approached the far end of the room and walked through the automatic doors after identifying himself through a brief scanning. He walked through, allowing the doors to shut behind him. They became locked again as the scientist watched from the glass. From Kithworto's arms, a reddish lightning flashed around them.

  • Zazane - Better observe from safe distance.
  • Senvinus - Beltharon what are you doing!
  • Beltharon - Live testing. Science requires examination. I am pursuing results.
  • Psi - Anyone got an umbrella?
  • N'rai - Retreat! Retreat!
  • Senvinus - Locking a senior scientist in a volatile chamber has disastrous effects on your career Beltharon!
  • Beltharon - Of course, however results from this catastrophe must be recorded by surviving witness. Science requires sacrifice, you know that.
  • ??? - Stand down, lab rat!

The larger entity on the room winded up and delivered a punch to Kithworto's face. Kithworto, whilst weakened, felt the punch heavier than usual. However, he remained standing. He turned back to the lab rat as a trail of black, fuming blood spilt from his mouth.

  • ??? - You're a tough one, huh...
  • Kithworto - I haven't been hit like that for a long time.
  • Nu - What are you waiting for exactly?! Blow him up!
  • ??? - How about I hit you again? Think you can fight Doctor Tiny and win?

Kithworto let out a distorted grin. Senvinus moved towards the door growling.

  • Kithworto - I'm feeling particularly voracious.
  • Beltharon - I am merely using you as sacrifice. Should not be scared; your contribution will greatly enhance physiological and psychological study associated with Kicath.
  • Tiny - We're not dying. Only one who's dying is this loser.
  • Senvinus - Beltharon open this door, I am giving you a senior order!
  • Beltharon - Can't do that. Must assist in evacuation protocol, get staff away from ship and to safety.

Senvinus aimed his pistol and fired a beam at Kithworto's chest. The beam charred Kithworto's skin, but it healed rather quickly. Kithworto's grin turned into that of a particularly irate Kicathian furore.

  • Senvinus - ...Not good.
  • Koluap - ...Oh! It's shiny time I think! I like when he goes shiny!
  • Beltharon - Excellent! Progress is being made, do you not feel overjoyed?
  • Tiny - I'm gonna break your face in, and then I'm gonna have some biology testing with your Zazane companion.

Kalcedia giggled and rubbed her legs together. Kithworto's left arm jutted forward, his claws impaling through Tiny's collar. Tiny shouted in surprise and used two of his hands to pummel Kithworto.

  • Senvinus - I would be more overjoyed if it was a Gros in here and not me.
  • Koluap - Gros? That's a really freaking stupid name.

Kithworto raised his arm and lifted Tiny over his head. Tiny's eyes widened as he saw himself being lifted off the ground. Tiny was thrown back and crashed into a wall. Senvinus' eyes widened as he watched the giant get hoisted over the Kicath's head.

  • Psi - That's gotta hurt.
  • Tiny - How the hell?!
  • Hachi - ...Well that's a boner killer.
  • Beltharon - Remarkable.
  • Senvinus - Damn the Black Hunter to the depths of the void!

Kithworto outstretched his arm, and from the wounds on Tiny's hand, a red light travelled down Kithworto's arm as an ethereal scream followed it. Tiny let out a scream and tried to get Kithworto out of him, but could not do so. Tau was rather horrified at what she saw, and looked away and tried to block out the noise. Mu watched the whole scene with his eyes widened, in a mix of fear and curiosity. Kezoreg watched intently with a wide, fierce smile. As Tiny's body went limp and lifeless, he threw it aside.

  • Mu - ...Wow.
  • Koluap - Please never do that in front of me ever again.

Senvinus turned to Beltharon and aimed the pistol.

  • Senvinus - Security! I want this madman scientist out of my facility!
  • Beltharon - They won't listen. I have just sent reports to the commanding officers of the vessel - your KIA status.

From Kithworto's arms, arced red and black lightning as he turned to the rest of the scientists.

  • Arkarixus - Both of you will get a KIA status today.
  • Senvinus - Treason Beltharon! May the Patriarch savour your soul in death!
  • N'rai - What is happening- curse you all! Security breach on the science deck! - the Imperix shouted from the holographic screen - Mobilise the marine forces, stat!

Senvinus turned to Kithworto with panicked eyes and aimed the pistol, shaking his head hoping this was all a nightmare.

  • Hachi - Go on, turn them to mush!
  • Kithworto - I will give you an ultimatum. Run. Or die.
  • Mu - Hell, just kill them both, they deserve it.

Beltharon ran, leaving his allies to die at Kithworto's hands. The Draconis professor turned to Kithworto, panicking.

  • Zeta - Tell me when it's over.
  • Koluap - I want to bite that Zazane's face.
  • Mu - Also get us out of these chairs.
  • Senvinus - Please...I beg you do not kill me. I am as trapped in here as you are!

Kithworto's eyes narrowed.

  • Kithworto - If you are trapped, then why were you with them?
  • Senvinus - My own assistant betrayed me and locked me in here! Perhaps a deal; I can release you from your chairs so long as he - Senvinus pointed to Kithworto with his pistol-holding arm - swears not to kill me.
  • Tau - Eh.
  • Koluap - Get me out of this thing already, I'm tired of having to smell everyone's naked bodies.
  • Hachi - But don't give us clothes!
  • Kalcedia - Little shit.
  • Koluap - You two are the ones who smell the most!
  • Sarec - Can we not argue at a time like this?
  • N'rai - What?! Preposterous! Professor, shall you proceed, I will have you hanged, drawn and quartered at the Patriarch's Promenade!
  • Senvinus - You forget the fact your colleague just sent out my KIA form.
  • Psi - Yadda yadda yadda. Just smash his face in.
  • Arkarixus - Have him free us first.
  • Senvinus - Do we have a deal or not?
  • Koluap - Just do it already!

Kithworto nodded. But before Senvinus could turn to release them, he placed his hand gently on his collar.

  • Kithworto - So much as cross me and you will suffer the same fate as your gargantuan friend.
  • N'rai - Curse you...

Senvinus nodded solemnly to Kithworto and N'rai inhaled.

  • N'rai - I will have you, and your new friends - ALL OF YOU - EXECUTED IN THE MOST PAINFUL WAY POSSI-

Arkarixus' eyes shined and the monitor from where N'rai was talking from exploded from his telekinesis.

  • Arkarixus - I grow tired of your voice.
  • Senvinus - Understood...

The professor waited for Kithworto to remove his hand from his collar and moved towards the chairs, tapping a code into each one that released the manacles and stopped the suppression fields around the more powerful group members.

  • Mu - Finally. This was getting awkward.
  • Senvinus - Alright I have released you, but this lab is still under quarantine that door is still under magnetic lock.

Nu leapt off the table he was confined to, and stretched his arms out. Kalcedia adjusted herself as she stood, leaning her shoulders back and letting out a sigh. Hachi could only stare at her as he was released from the table.

  • Nu - Wait wait wait. Where's our armour?
  • Tau - And weapons.
  • Senvinus - Hmm...by now most-likely in the weapons labs being studied.
  • Mu - We'll make our way there then.
  • Senvinus - Then you will need me as a guide.

Nu went over to the door, and tried to pry it from its position. Under a magnetic lock, the heavy blast doors would have been tough to pull open, they opened as a pair of large metal slabs, but there was a third that appeared to bridge the seam between the two sections. Senvinus looked around the room and studied it in intense concentration. Koluap grunted in an annoyed manner as he walked around the room in circles. With the bridging clamp in place, the door proved difficult to pry open,though a small gap between the doors, Nu could have seen another such bridging piece on the other side. Nu let go of the doors and flexed his fingers back and forth.

  • Nu - Right. So. Bridge on the other side...door is hard to open.
  • Koluap - I really hope you all have an idea.

Senvinus muttered to himself before speaking up again.

  • Senvinus - As much as I would hate to see my lab destroyed...there is the observation window.
  • Mu - We can tell Psi there's beer on the other side and he'd tear the wall down in instants.
  • Psi - Eh?
  • Eta - Dal'nyur above. Please don't.

Arkarixus walked up to the observation window and delivered a punch to it. The window appeared to bounce and contort to surround Arkarixus' hand; a forcefield.

  • Arkarixus - Annoying.
  • Senvinus - Even a forcefield has its limits.
  • Mu - So you're telling us to just hammer on it?
  • Senvinus - I could enter a code to unlock the door but since I am now KIA, my codes will not work.
  • Mu - Sometimes the simple way is the best, I guess.
  • Hachi - ...What's this bout a window?
  • Kalcedia - Stop staring!
  • Psi - Did someone say beer though?
  • Mu - Yeah, on the other side of this window.

Mu walked up next to Arkarixus and began attacking the forcefield as well. Psi ran as fast as he could to the forcefield, before stumbling over a table and collapsing. The forcefield fluctuated from the continual pounding. After a continued onslaught the field began to buckle before collapsing completely.

  • Eta - And this, my friends is the famed Agent Commander who lead two hundred thousand Kicathian warriors against the Skijornax Horde.
  • Kezoreg - Knowing him it was probably an accident.

Koluap pointed and laughed at Psi, while Arkarixus and Mu jumped through the window to the other side. Upsilon picked up Psi with his left hand, and threw him through the window, before going through himself. The Agents, and then Kithworto then followed. Senvinus grumbled to himself and joined the others in climbing though the collapsed observation window into the dimly-lit observation room. Kalcedia ran with the group, followed by Hachi who had blood leaking from his nose.

  • Koluap - One thing I don't understand, though. Where the hell are we?
  • Kithworto - My guess? A parallel continuity.
  • Arkarixus - So an alternate dimension? Problematic.

Thoughout the rooom were hologram photographs showing various aliens dissected, some images showed cybernetic implants grafted to their bodies.

  • Senvinus - The weapons labs should be a floor down from here.
  • Koluap - My axe better be okay.
  • Psi - Oi, what's this about you calling us primitives?
  • Senvinus - You mean you Kicath? I suppose you could say that as I know them, the pinnacle of Kicath technology is hand-cut hunting tools.
  • Arkarixus - If this is an alternate universe, your race may not achieved space travel in it.
  • Mu - That's just depressing.

Senvinus walked towards the automatic door and looked left and right, he beckoned to the group to follow him as he travelled left down a grey metallic corridor.

  • Kalcedia - Aww, little dumb Kicath sound cute.
  • Nu - Little dumb Kicath. Right. I was small by their standards.
  • Hachi - So you're a midget?
  • Nu - Do I look like a midget to you!?
  • Koluap - Whore Radeon, evil Commonwealth, primitive Kicath...this is like a mirror universe or something!

As they walked, the group were suddenly met with particle pulses that impacted the walls. Marching up fro mthe corridor were a dozen aliens of various types, their arms and limbs replaced or partially-replaced with dark plastic-like bionics, others of the group had plastic-like material grafted to their faces. Leading them was the mirror version of Quendor.

  • Quendor - Quarantine breach. Eliminate them!
  • Mu - Wow, a horde of ugly.
  • Eta - Yeah. Go join it.
  • Mu - That makes me sad.

Senvinus ducked for cover and lifted his pistol from his coat.

  • Senvinus - I am Professor Tarsus Senvinus, stand down!
  • Quendor - The traitor is not KIA? FInish him off!
  • Senvinus - Kranndung!
  • Kezoreg - That Zazane guy really fucked us over.
  • Upsilon - You parallel types know what essence is?
  • Senvinus - If you refer to the capacity for super-mental abilities then yes, I know what it is.
  • Upslion - Well that's a start I guess.

The aliens fought the group with professional quality, firing in alternating patterns and ducking for cover. Arkarixus surrounded himself in a blue aura and charged at the officers at high speed, followed by Mu who charged Death Energy on his hand. Quendor readied his blade.

  • Senvinus - Commander stand down or I shall have captain Volkamen sever your head from your body!
  • Mu - No need to. We're about to do that ourselves.
  • Quendor - You are in no position to give me orders, traitor.
  • Mu - You shut up, Radeon girl!

Hachi summoned balls of Dream Energy in his hands and threw them down the corridor, having them explode to disorientate the enemy soldiers. The Hegemony soldiers panicked at the smoke and several of them were too slow to move out the way, other soldiers fought hand-to-and against Mu and Arkarixus with little success. Kithworto raised his arm, and from it a vicious, fast moving black smoke breathed from it as it passed through the corridor. Those that were caught in the smoke had their flesh reduced to dust, crumpling to the ground in a pile of bones and cybernetics. Quendor, though, remained unflinching.

Quendor shot right into the professor's head. Senvinus moved his head to dodge Quendor's shot, but the blast grazed the left side of his snout. Mu crushed a soldier's head with his fists while Arkarixus threw another across the corridor via telekinesis.

  • Quendor - Hmph. Whoever you are, you do not impress me.
  • Mu - We're not here to impress you, girl. We're here to kill you.

Psi ran forwards and hunched himself over, smashing soldiers out of the way with his sheer weight. Torn-apart torsos revealed further implantation, these soldiers appeared to be mostly machine. Kezoreg ran forward and began to punch enemy soldiers, tearing into their cybernetic bodies and rending whatever organs they possessed. Quendor's hand was enveloped in fiery light as he threw a blinding wave of pure Essence at the team. Arkarixus summoned an elemental barrier in front of the team to block the wave.

  • Quendor - Highly unlikely.

The small squad was decimated by the assault, leaving only Quendor and one larger cyborg that kept close to him like a bodyguard.

  • Cyborg - Tactical retreat, commander?
  • Quendor - No... First, tell me. Who are you, strangers? What are you? Where did you come from?
  • Psi - A Kicathian Agent who really needs a drink.
  • Senvinus - Commander, if you allow them to reunite with the other inmates you gathered, high command does not have to know of this incident.
  • Mu - We're from another universe and you're our kidnapper. That's enough.

Mu leaped on Quendor's direction, his fist charged with Death Energy.

  • Quendor - Another... universe..?

Quendor uttered something in Radessic as he disintegrated, either destroyed by the attack or teleported elsewhere. Mu let out an angered growl.

  • Mu - Cowardly woman!
  • Nu - ...Quendor's a woman?
  • Mu - ...That was a male?
  • Mu - I told you, I can't tell Radeon genders. They all look like little girls to me.
  • Senvinus - The commander is a male. Yes.

Psi held his head and roared.

  • Psi - I DON'T EVEN KNOW.
  • Hachi - A very cute male.
  • Koluap - You like men now?
  • Hachi - Errm...
  • Senvinus - The elevator to the weapons labs is down that corridor.

Seninus pointed to his left and began pacing down towards an open elevator. Mu and Arkarixus followed closely, while Koluap crawled on the ceiling at the elevator's direction. Hachi, Kalcedia and Kezoreg followed suit, with Hachi still staring at Kalcedia's exposed body. The Agents followed with Tau in front, whilst Kithworto walked attentively behind them, looking around the corridor.

  • Senvinus - Hm, this elevator will require a second trip.
  • Mu - Get bigger ships.
  • Senvinus - The elevators were not designed for carry an entire group of giant Kicath.
  • Koluap - Smaller and not as stinky ones first!
  • Eta - Bah. Just get in.

The Weapons Bay[]

After two trips in the elevator the team managed to make it to the weapons lab floor, the first elevator group had barely missed the notice of a Hegemony patrol and the door to the weapons labs was in sight directly in front of them.

  • Koluap - Axe! I'm coming to get you! Don't be afraid!

Senvinus walked up to the door and pressed his hand against a panel that opened the door, revealing scientists and Hegemony soldiers populating a room filled with scattered weapons and armour pieces that looked like they were ready for disassembly.

  • Hegemony Soldier - Unauthorised personnel!
  • Nu - Oh no you don't!
  • Koluap - Get your grubby hands off my stuff!

he scientists ran for a nearby exit while the soldiers began firing, using tables and shelving units as cover. One of the soldiers fired a particle blast that hit Nu square in the chest. Nu flinched as the particle hit his chest; the skin was burned away revealing his dark grey shell of his body. As he opened his eyes, he his teeth were widely visible and his eyes became a pale white.

Hachi fired more Dream Energy while Kalcedia ran in, ducking and diving before punching soldiers and smashing their artificial skulls with her fists and breasts as they collided. Arkarixus and Mu both charged ahead in a similar fashion they had done before. Koluap, having no weapon at hand, groaned until he fired a ball of mucus out of his forehead.

  • Kezoreg - ...Ew.
  • Mu - Oh, come on Koluap.
  • Koluap - Have some natural weaponry!

One of the soldiers dodged the mucus which hit one of the weapon racks, he fired in retaliation towards Koluap, who panicked and jumped for cover before he could be hit. Several soldiers noticed Nu and focused fire on him. As the shots burned away his skin, Nu walked in ominously closer to the soldiers, seemingly unhurt by the blast.

  • Mu - Oh boy.
  • Arkarixus - Make way, Mu.

More soldiers focused their weapons on Nu, clearly concerned that despite their attacks he was apparently unhurt. Not all members of the squad, some had been killed or destroyed by other members of the squad, one of Kalcedia's victims had a rather cheeky spression on his face. Nu threw his fist at one of the soldiers; turning his head and upper torso into a fine bloody paste.

  • Soldier - Squad mate down squadmate down, need reinforcements!
  • Mu - Good luck with that.

Then turning to the soldier who just spoke, Nu then delivered a kick to his face. The soldiers backed towards the exit the scientists had run through, firing at Nu as they did. For some reason their faces looked devoid of panic. The soldier Nu kicked had his head and torso explode by the implact ,the rest of him flying across the room and into a weapon rack, sending several partially-deconstructed devices to the floor

  • Koluap - Wish I could do that.
  • Eta - Get Agent upgrades then.
  • Mu - You crazy? It'd be like Nu but smaller and with a spit gun on his head.
  • Upslion - Sure hope they didn't deconstruct my shotgun. That weapon's over a hundred years old.
  • Hachi - They had better not had deconstructed my sword.

Senvinus kept outside the room and waited patiently by the door's console, looking inside to see what was happening. Looking at one of the tables, Nu ripped it from the ground, and hurled it at an incredible velocity at the retreating soldiers. While most tried to duck, the large table collided with all of them, the velocity bending the table and samaging the soldiers to the point they lay limp against the walls and on the floor.

Koluap began jumping into the tables looking for his armor and weapons. Fortunately, the group's weapons and armour appeared largely intact and waiting for them, scattered across various shelves and tables.

  • Koluap - Axe-y! Daddy is here to save you!

The Agent's armor laid as if they were just solid states. Tau picked up her armour as it deconstructed to allow her to enter it. The Agents all then followed suit. Kithworto's armour however was different; he placed his hand on it - forming into a black liquid and then around his own body. As the group ran to recover their weapons the doors slammed shut and locked, the lights in the rom turned red and the temperature began t orise quickly. Over an intercom was the professor, somewhat smug with himself.

  • Mu - Eh? Who turned on the thermostat?
  • Senvinus - Apologies, but I know my usefulness would end the moment you received your weapons. And, quite franky, I'd prefer a military tribunal to whatever nightmarish form of execution you primitives were most-likely considering!
  • Koluap - Eh. We survived worse.

Hachi picked up his blade and glared angrily, with Kalcedia eagerly hugging her rifle and Kezoreg rubbing the tip of his Kicathian Essence blade. Arkarixus panicked and fell in the ground, trying to reach his armor.

  • Arkarixus - T-t-too...hot!...C-c-can't b-b-breath!
  • Senvinus - Enjoy the sauna!
  • Mu - Go suck a Zí-Jittorám's tongue.

Senvinus turned off the intercom and ran for a nearby shuttlebay, trying to avoid Hegemony patrols as he went. The temperature began to rise, the metal floor and tables began reaching a temperature hot enough to burn skin upon contact.

  • Hachi - Now what?
  • Arkarixus - H-h-help!
  • Psi - Heh. Armour.
  • Mu - Wow, you guys are douchebags.

Mu ran up to Arkarixus and gave he his armor. Arkarixus frantically put it on while breathing heavily. Kithworto let out a deep breath before his body transformed into a golden state. Raising his fist, he slammed it into the ground as the heat transformed into a violent, freezing wind. Koluap screeched and threw himself back, while Arkarixus began feeling better. Mu, on the other hand, shivered where he stood.

  • A.I. - Warning; temperature control malfunction in studied laboratory three.
  • Koluap - I prefered the heat!
  • Mu - Brrrrrr.

Hachi curled into a ball while Kalcedia's form was rendered frozen and covered in ice. Kezoreg remained largely indifferent. The icy wind covered the tables in a thin layer of ice, the wind was also intense enough to damage the heating units, meaning the room remained cool for now. Koluap finished dressing himself and then appeared from the tables fully armored and with his Xhodocto Axe in his grasp. He ran up to the door and began slashing at it. The Agents all moved their armour so the ice would break.

  • Koluap - I'm gonna kill that Draconis!
  • Psi - Reminds me of night times in Paclernos.
  • Hachi - I-It's c-cold!

The door proved weak against the axe and buckled easily, the split caused a blast of warm air to enter the room. Koluap looked outside with his teeth barred, looking for Senvinus in case he was still nearby.Senvinus was gone, there was no sign of activity in the corridor but the professor's scent still lingered, trailing off to Koluap's right. He ran off to where the scent directed, leaving the rest of the team behind.

  • Mu - Oi! Spinker! Get back here!
  • Kezoreg- Ah let him go.

Nu attempted to scan Senvinus through with his vision reflexes, but it took a while for his systems to work.

  • Nu - Stupid parallel universe and their stupid technologies.
  • Hachi - We have more important things to worry about.
  • Corteus - Anyone there? Hello?
  • Arkarixus - I hear Corteus speaking.

Corteus' voice rang though intercoms

  • Corteus - Anyone on this channel yet?
  • Hachi - Anybody able to intercept the intercoms?
  • Tau - Might be able to. Being sceptical about terminals. Last time one got touched we were sucked into another reality.

Tau went over to a terminal in the room. Accessing it, she went through numerous transmission signals before finding one matching Corteus'. Venoriel's voice joined the Draconis marine.

  • Corteus - Finally! I've been trying for ten minutes now. Everyone okay?
  • Mu - Yeah, more or less.
  • Venoriel - Thank Spode.
  • Tau - We are now. Yourself?
  • Corteus - Ven, Tharaqím, Stigmathea, Grukarb and Sarec managed to give N'rai the slip. Any word from Lemmo?
  • Arkarixus - I thought Lemmo was with you.
  • Eta - Probably ran off. Or stealing things.
  • Upsilon - Probably both. We need to find him anyway.
  • Stigmathea - We should leave him here. He is thieving menace.
  • Venoriel - I overheard N'rai speaking. He was apparently taken into custody.
  • Corteus - These evil counterparts split us up. DUnno where he's off to but I heard mention of an execution.
  • Sarec - Where are you all?
  • Arkarixus - At the weapons bay.
  • Hachi - Sarec!
  • Sarec - How has Hachiman been?
  • Nu - Better than usual. Heh.
  • Mu - He's growing a third leg or something.
  • Venoriel - There's one? Good gracious! Let us converge there then.
  • Kithworto - Get down here soon. I fear Lemmo has not long.
  • Mu - If you meet up with Koluap, get him here too.

Sarec materialised with his group in the corridor outside the weapons lab and brushed his hands together

  • Zeta - Well. That was indeed soon.
  • Tharaqím - Ah, you're all well. That's a relief.
  • Venoriel - Well, that was... unexpected.
  • Sarec - I try to refrain from abusing my talents. Where did Koluap run off to?
  • Mu - He ran off after the schmuk who trapped us here.
  • Hachi - Venoriel! And the other girl!
  • Stigmathea - ...Oh m-my... C-Commander...
  • Tau - Cover your shame, human.
  • Tharaqím - ...Why is our little human friend naked?
  • Psi - I don't know, but heh. Human biology is hilarious.
  • Mu - ...You mean that's his Kaþáratzí?
  • Psi - Haha! Chú [tiny] kaþáratzí!
  • Sarec - I recall the Draconis professor, Tarsus, was it? Stripped them all.

Venoriel stared at Hachiman while Psi kept laughing at him. Sarec groaned.

  • Sarec - Everyone turn around and away from the boy, I...Have a spare set of his clothes in a supply pack.
  • Venoriel - ...Dei'Nar'aechim. What happened to you?

Kalcedia walked into the corridor with the group, fully naked and panting as she had managed to reshape her form and shatter the ice that froze her, her assets jiggling as she walked.

  • Kalcedia - Oh, hey Venoriel, Sarec. Thara-cutie.
  • Hachi - ...That.

Tharaqím gave a weirded look at Kalcedia.

  • Tharaqím - ...Why is our Zazane friend naked as well?
  • Kalcedia - Question is, why aren't you naked?
  • Tharaqím - Were you...and the boy...
  • Kalcedia - Huh? No, in his dreams. His vile, perverted pig dreams. Absolutely cannot stand perverts.
  • Mu - You're the biggest pervert I've ever seen!
  • Venoriel - Hmph. I have seen demon gods in the flesh. Naked Zazane females don't scare me.
  • Kithworto - Kamatzishalat forbid. Let that be a moment only in mind and not body.
  • Arkarixus - Ahem! Focus!

Sarec grunted and led Hachi to somewhere the others could not see. He kneeled down and snapped his fingers to materialise a pair of trousers on Hachi

  • Kezoreg - This day just got really weird for me.
  • Nu - Welcome to my world.
  • Sarec - Better, Hachi?
  • Hachi - Honestly, I preferred it when it dangled. But I guess this'll have to do.
  • Mu - I just wanna go back to our home universe by now.
  • Tharaqím - Let us hurry. Lemmo is in peril.
  • Stigmathea - If you insist. I myself do not take interest in rescuing troublemakers.
  • Tau - Any suggestions as to where to move?
  • Sarec - Perhaps one of the station's hanger bays?
  • Arkarixus - What direction, though?
  • Venoriel - Assuming this ship is anything like a Commonwealth vessel, the custody must be somehwere near the captain's bridge. To keep your enemies closer, so to speak.
  • Corteus - If he's as notorious in this universe as we've been hearing, 80% chance he's going to Alcanti IF this society still follows baseline principles back home
  • Nu - If we find a fighter, I call mnārogakház. [Shotgun.]
  • Mu - Yeah, no.
  • Nu - Uh, yes.
  • Mu - You can't be trusted with a vehicle.
  • Nu - And you can't be trusted with going out in public and crying because you're so ugly.
  • ??? - Who uttered my... name?
  • Grukarb - Uhh guys?

The Black Hunter[]

Psi laughed before abruptly stopping. A large Tertanai sillhouette started to flicker in the room.

  • Mu - You're not exactly popular either you...eh?
  • Venoriel - Lemmo?
  • Tharaqím - Ah, there's our Tertanai friend.
  • Corteus - Now all we need to do is find Koluap and we can find a way to escape.

The sillhouette materialised. Venoriel stared at the figure in disbelief.

  • ??? - It is you?
  • Mu - Yeah, get off the shadows already and let's move.
  • Grukarb - Come on Lemmo stop playing around.
  • ??? - This is... the Black Hunter for you.
  • Grukarb - Ohh! Yeah never heard of you.
  • Arkarixus - Black Hunter. Hm. It must be this universe's equivalent of Lemmo.

"Lemmo" stepped out from the shadows; although similar superficially to the Tertanai captain, he eas much more muscular and clad in dark armour, his beak obscured by a heavy mask.

  • Nu - Liking this guy more already.
  • Arkarixus - In that case, our Lemmo is still missing.
  • Nu - Nah. We can just take him.
  • Black Hunter - Worry not. He is in Mistress's hands already.
  • Hachi - Mistress?
  • Sarec - Black Hunter, listen, we do not want to cause trouble, there has been a mixup with-- What mistress?

The mirror Lemmo's hand turned into a saw-like blade.

  • Upsilon - Fuck.
  • Grukarb - He's going to kill us all isn't he?
  • Mu - Pfff. Tough luck.
  • Black Hunter - It doesn't matter. What matters is that you have scared away my prey. This ship was meant to go directly to Reminocles's residence; with luck, I could deatroy one of the Empire's most important governors.

The Black Hunter took a deep breath and continued to speak.

  • Black Hunter - But you... you have interfered in Mistress's plans and deprived me of an honourable kill! This... is unforgivable. Prepare for a noble and glorious death.
  • Corteus - We didn't scare anyone away.
  • Grukarb - Who exactly did we scare away?

Koluap returned, with blood all over his armor, axe and strangely also his mouth.

  • Koluap - Oh hey, guys.
  • Sarec - I take it you had fun.
  • Koluap - You guys have tough skin, I gotta admit. I had to bite thrice before I could hit his neck's veins.

The Black Hunter roared. Corteus converted his hands into plasma cannons and aimed them at the Black Hunter.

  • Koluap - Why is Lemmo so angry? And where did he get that cool mask?
  • Mu - This is not our Lemmo.
  • Hachi - Oh shit.

The mirror Lemmo teleported right before Corteus and smacked him with his armoured hand. Mu charged his fist in Death Energy and fired at Lemmo's direction. Corteus reeled from the smack and growled before reforming his hands into blades that he lunged at the Black Hunter while he was still in Corteus' vicinity. The Agents shot at the Black Hunter's direction, whilst Kithworto used his essence to blast at him.

The Black Hunter resisted the incoming attacks and continued fighting, blasting thr entirety of the team with plasma fire while slashing at Corteus's metallic skin.

  • Mu - I'm not used to a Lemmo who doesn't run off cowardly when attacked.
  • Black Hunter - Run?! Hah! Why run when you can fight?
  • Mu - You should take a good look at your other self.
  • Nu - I might be trying to kill him but I like him a lot more than the usual Lemmo that's for sure.

Sarec threw up barriers to protect himself from the Black Hunter's attacks while Grukarb fired his grenade launcher. Corteus used his own arm-blades to block the Hunter's attacks in a frantic display of swordplay. Mirror Lemmo lunged at Mu and attempted to impale him with his sawblade. Mu grinned and launched himself forward instead of evading, charging himself in Death Energy.

  • Black Hunter - Interesting technique. Show me what you've got. Show me more!
  • Mu - Shut up, you sound like one of those masochists.
  • Psi - Masowhats?

Mu sent his foot into the Black Hunter's direction to kick him. The Black Hunter enveloped his armour in energy as it collided with Mu.

  • Grukarb - Definitely better than our old Lemmo.
  • Kalcedia - Aww, can't we keep it?
  • Tau - Just kill him already.

Corteus converted his hands to plasma cannons and fired a volley at Lemmo, snarling and silently taking it as revenge for the slap. Lemmo teleported away from the plasma and reappeared in the center of the room, slamming the ground causing a massive shockwave.

  • Black Hunter - Is that all? Is THAT all?
  • Mu - We've been through this already.
  • Black Hunter - You're all weak. I shall enjoy watch-

Suddenly the Black Hunter's mask receded and disappeared as his eyes flared bright golden, illuminating the room. Mirror Lemmo froze, his body taking a more relaxed posture, and then spoke, with a sultry female voice echoing his words.

  • Lemmo - ...Do I always have to direct you personally while you slaughter potential allies?..
  • Mu - Eh?
  • Psi - ...He crossdresses?
  • Koluap - Man, I miss the Dominion.
  • Hachi - I'm liking this.
  • Koluap - I knew you liked men.
  • Hachi - Not a man by the sounds of it.
  • Sarec - THat's not the Hunter.
  • Nu - I dunno. I forgot what we're meant to be doing anyway .

Lemmo's weapons retreated back into his armour replaced by a built-in holoprojector.

  • Black Hunter - Now, let me speak in a more civilised manner.
  • Tharaqím - This is all a big mess.

Lemmo's holoprojector activated, materialising a Radeon figure before him. Feminine, purple-eyed and regally elegant, she stood proudly, flaunting her superiority, wearing a white dress that revealrd a great deal of her (rather shapely) body. Venoriel and Stigmathea covered their eyes: they all knew *who* that Radeon was.

  • Mu - Eh.
  • Radeon - Much better now. Say hello to lady Eolania Menoraim.
  • Hachi - ...H-Hello...
  • Stigmathea - Lies!
  • Sarec - This...was unexpected.

Venoriel muttered something in Radessic.

  • Koluap - Hey, isn't this Tyraz's wife?
  • Hachi - So that's w-what she l-looks like without the r-robes.
  • Venoriel - Dear Spode.
  • Grukarb - I feel repulsed.

Kithworto's eyes narrowed as he folded his arms. The Kicath all appeared to have some signs of disdain.

  • Sarec - What is the puspose of this charade.
  • Eolania - Tyraz? That simpleton? Ha! Although given that you come from... another universe, I guess that your Tyraz is... more interesting.

Eolania smiled.

  • Koluap - No, he's an emo who treats his friends like shit.
  • Hachi - I'm more interesting than that emo!
  • Upsilon - How did I get involved in this anyway?
  • Eolania - Pardon my boneheaded servant. I am honestly interested in you, visitors... from the outside. What is your purpose and what do you want?
  • Hachi - Se--
  • Kalcedia - Se--
  • Kezoreg - Retribution.
  • Mu - We want to leave back to our home universe, that's what.
  • Corteus - Our arrival here was unintentional.
  • Kithworto - Indeed. We were brought here unwillingly.
  • Hachi - I like this universe better though. There's a lot more naked here.
  • Koluap - I bet you're still a virgin in this universe.
  • Hachi - Hmm, if this is a mirror universe...
  • Eolania - Se-? Well, perhaps... who knows...

The Radeon giggled.

  • Eolania - So you want to get out of here, don't you? I can... arrange that. But I demand your service in return.
  • Koluap - Ugh. I hate having to rely on strangers.
  • Hachi - You can have my service for free!
  • Kithworto - I can get us out of this reality unaided. What would benefit you from this?
  • Grukarb - Wait he can?
  • Kalcedia - You're forgetting Kithworto; they have Lemmo.
  • Eolania - A Rianth jester. I'd like to have one.
  • Sarec - No.
  • Hachi - Yes!
  • Arkarixus - Get your own Rianth.
  • Kezoreg - Can't we just ditch him here? He's obviously happy and we'll benefit by having him out of our scales. Hair. Whatever.
  • Koluap - And get Thea'Nhirara on me? No thanks.
  • Sarec - You forget Koluap that it was I who plaedged to safeguard him.
  • Koluap - What's your point? He's still Thea'Nhirara's student.

Kalcedia thought for a second.

  • Kalcedia - ...Wait. Didn't Lemmo say he was going to kill a guy called Reminocles? We could do it for her. It's a new universe and I'd like to explore. And break the rules a little.
  • Koluap - Wait, I know that one. I met him at Tyraz's wedding. He was creeping over the kids the entire time.
  • Kezoreg - Yeah he's a creep, I'd kill him willingly.

Kithworto grunted.

  • Sarec - I am a little concerned the more time we spend in this universe the more we attract the attention of this empire's patriarch.
  • Koluap - Live I give a damn for this empire's patriarch. All I want is to go back to our standard Tandava hunting.
  • Kithworto - Very well. We will aid you. But as soon as my powers fully regenerate, then we will have to renegotiate.
  • Kezoreg - And we'll give you the Rianth. Temporarily.
  • Sarec - If Hachiman is going anywhere I demand he is kept within my sight.
  • Eolania - Hm. I wonder how do Rianths, well, - Eolania giggled - ahem. Anyway. We seem to have a deal: my Lemmo takes you to our base, we give you your Lemmo and access to your universe, you aid me in biting the Patriarch's neck.
  • Mu - I hate this universe so much.
  • Corteus - Wait didn't Sarec just say he was apprehensive about drawing the Patriarch's attention?
  • Hachi - We'll be gone by then.

The hologram vanished as the Black Hunter returned to his normal state. Venoriel opened her eyes.

  • Black Hunter - Releasing control...
  • Venoriel - That was... a disturbing experience to say the least.
  • Stigmathea - Outright heretical!
  • Hachi - If that's heresy, I think I like being a sinner.
  • Sarec - Don't let the Inquisition hear you saying that.
  • Venoriel - Hm. How would you Rianth look like in this mirror universe?
  • Mu - Bah, let's get this over with already, I'm sick of this universe.
  • Kezoreg - Well there's something we can agree on.
  • Hachi - A mirror version of me? Heh, he'd probably be wimpy and weak.

Nu burst out laughing.

  • Grukarb - Or a brutal murderer with no remosrse.
  • Black Hunter - Yes, yes, yes. We must take control of this ship first, though. That in itself will be an easy job, but with the likes of you... subtlety is not your speciality, isn it?
  • Kezoreg - Are you saying we can't be quiet?!
  • Corteus - You can't.
  • Koluap - We can't as a whole.

The Black Hunter walked around, creating holograms around himself to explain his plan.

  • Black Hunter - First, we hijack the ship, as fast as possible, before the Hegemony can react. Then, we take the captain's identity and invade Reminocles's residence... and take the project.
  • Venoriel - The project?
  • Tharaqím - Explain.
  • Psi - Beer.
  • Black Hunter - Mental amplifier. The scientists from the Umbra Province have been working on it for a while: it increases the wielder's... mentoenergetic potential to greater levels. Surely we will need it to... get to your universe.
  • Tau - You mean psychic powers?
  • Nu - Ohoho. I need me one of those. Not as if I need it anyway.
  • Venoriel - We in our universe have had this technology for decades. Hmph.
  • Mu - And they say we're the primitive ones.
  • Stigmathea - Pfft, you need mentoenergetic amplifiers? I require mentoenergetic suppressors.
  • Kithworto - Regardless. Your plan.

Sarec stood in the corner of the room with his arms folded, listening intently

  • Black Hunter - Wh- ah. Since you're the opposite her, you must be a nun or something. Anyway, stop your chatter. We need to do it quickly or Volkamen will warn the governor of our attack and he will relocate his residence.
  • Venoriel - Is the... other me that promiscious?
  • Zeta - Eurgh.
  • Tau - I heard the Agency were commencing tests using similar technological implants to boost essence potential in Kicath Agents. But then again, I wouldn't be allowed that.
  • Mu - They're trying to make me less special or something.
  • Kalcedia - Aww don't worry Mu, you'll always be "special".
  • Corteus - A lot of us are creeped out by your arm.
  • Mu - You're a bunch of pansies.
  • Koluap - I think it looks neat.
  • Kithworto - Enough. You. Lead the way.
  • Black Hunter - Converge at this point - Mirror Lemmo pointed at one of the holograms. - And wait for me there.

The Black Hunter then disappeared from sight in a small flash of light.

  • Hachi - Now this is getting exciting.
  • Mu - Don't get too excited. Everyone's sick of staring at your shame by now.
  • Sarec - I gave him his trousers back.
  • Arkarixus - And thank Volzara for that.

Hostile Takeover[]

The Agents all primed their weapons and moved on out. Koluap followed with his shotgun in hand, followed by Arkarixus and Tharaqím. Sarec shook his head and stayed close to Hachi as they moved to the rendevous, with Corteus and Grukarb following behind. Kalcedia and Kezoreg stood beside one another, with Stigmathea following behind Venoriel. Kithworto was the last to move out sealing the exit behind him.

  • Venoriel - This... alternate Lemmo suggested us to exercise caution. He is not *completely* wrong. Now. Sarec. Can you turn us invisible?
  • Sarec - I can.
  • Venoriel - Excellent. Now... where is that lady of the night?

Sarec sighed and closed his eyes, while the team could not see for themselves, the group vanished out of sight Venoriel looked at Kalcedia.

  • Kalcedia - How can you miss me?
  • Venoriel - Shapeshift into one of these soldiers.

Kalcedia nodded and shapeshifted into an augmented soldier of mammalian variety, allowing her to still support her large, buxom bosom.

  • Venoriel - Very well. You go first.
  • Mu - It took her this long to put some damn clothes on.

The team moved to the captain's bridge until they found themselves in front of a huge door.

  • Upsilon - Well...that's a big door.
  • Kalcedia - Heh, I've seen bigger.
  • Venoriel - Excellent. Now that's where you come into hand, jezebel. Request the captain to open the door.

Kalcedia nodded and approached the door, pressing her finger against the button of a terminal and spoke into an audio device that was connected to it.

  • Kalcedia - Requesting permission to access entry.
  • Volkamen - State your intention soldier.
  • Kalcedia - Situation and status reports. Followed by regrouping.
  • Volkamen - Urgh fine. Access granted. But if this wastes my time expect your career to meet an abrupt change.
  • Kalcedia - Affirmative, darli-- Captain.

The gateway opened, revealing the same interior the team was interrogated several hours ago. Arnas turned around with her arms folded and scowled at the disguise. Quendor stared at Kalcedia's disguised form, with supressed surprise on his face.

  • Quendor - Dei'nar'aechim cyredr... 'ello, luv...

Koluap forced himself not to laugh while Nu started gagging as he was turned away from the team. Kalcedia walked into the interior, her breasts jiggling as she took her steps, and smiled towards those within the room. She held a stolen, standard-issue weapon to her side, to make her appear more convincing.

  • Quendor - I don't recall such gifted personnel on our ship...
  • Arnas - What reports do you have to deliver. Out with it!
  • ??? - The report is, we are taking over.

Arnas scowled and drew her pistol, aiming it inches from Kalcedia's head

  • Arnas - You have five seconds to explain this soldier!

The Black Hunter appeared from nowhere, armed with two blades, cutting though Arnas's guards with haste. It was then when the team removed their invisibility and attacked as well. Kalcedia launched herself away from Arnas and fell towards Quendor, landing on top of him and flooring him beneath her, keeping him restrained with the weight of her chest assets as they smothered his face.

  • Psi - Ekolnyuranzhasát, kilsáyanauí! [Evening, ladies!]
  • Quendor - Dei'Nar curse you. Dei'Nar curse you! DEI'NAR CURSE YOU.
  • Mu - Shut up...boy.
  • Venoriel - Just so you know, he's not a girl.
  • Psi - Me? Remember what happened that time? Eh? Remember that?
  • Mu - I'm talking about the androgynous looking Radeon, Psi.

Koluap fired at the guards with his shotugn, while Arkarixus and Tharaqím blasted others away with their combined powers. Arnas fired several shots, first at Kalcedia and then towards the group. Quendor tried to roll to escape Kalcedia's grasp. Kalcedia smirked and grabbed ahold of Quendor, pulling him back towards her and flooring him once again, slamming him against the floor. She proceeded to sit herself atop of him and began to suffocate him with her breasts, holding his face between them while she pressurized his hips with her thighs.

  • Quendor - That's... the most... dishonourable... death... ever... percieved...

Quendor's voice turned into a whisper.

  • Quendor - ...but damn it's pleasant...

The guards had more advanced implants than the ones seen earlier and more advanced armour, firing with better precision. Arkarixus grabbed one of the guards by his head and threw him at Arnas' direction. Zeta fired at the soldiers with his energy gauntlet, whilst looking at Kalcedia.

  • Zeta - You Zazane really are messed up.

Stigmathea ran forward and began tearing through enemy soldiers, throwing them away with her psychic prowess. Hachi joined her in slashing apart the augmented infantry, while Kezoreg threw balls of dark Essence. Arnas ducked as the soldier was thrown at her and fired several more shots. She turned to Kalcedia and fired several shots in her direction.

Slowly but steadily, the Hegemony marines were losing their ground, further demoralised by their officer's rather ignoble death. The Black Hunter watched the situation from afar, staring at the last remaining mirror universe soldiers that stood their ground near the center of the bridge, guarding Arnas with their lives.

  • Koluap - This is what you get when you kidnap me!
  • Nu - Anyone gonna give me the honours of doing this?
  • Hachi - Doubt it.
  • Nu - Too bad!
  • Thr'aloy - Perhaps. yeh sure wateva man just do it

Nu's left hand grasped Hachi's head as it glowed blue under his palm.

  • Hachi - H-Hey!

Kalcedia got up and let out a sigh, turning back to the action as she punched through a soldier's skull with her fist. Nu's eyes went pale white as a black aura surrounded him. Turning to the bridge, he faced the soldiers.

  • Kalcedia - That was way too satisfying. Gonna need a clean up on aisle four.
  • Tharaqím - I believe soon there will be no floor to clean.
  • Nu - Someone give me a cheesy line. I'm running short on punchlines.
  • Hachi - In your dreams!
  • Nu - I'm the one with Chaos Energy in me, do you really want to test me on this?
  • Black Hunter - Excellent... excellent...
  • Mu - Just blow her up already.

Arnas raised her pistol and pointed it to each of the group members snarling.

  • Arnas - So is this it ,you brutes will kill me for one transgression?
  • Eta - Pretty much. Yeah.
  • Kezoreg - You make it sound like this is unusual.
  • Koluap - You trapped me in a room full of naked people!
  • Hachi - You trapped me in a room full of naked people~.

Arnas chuckled to herself and reached into her coat. After a click there was a high-pitched whine.

  • Black Hunter - Kill? You?.. - the Black Hunter's voice became echoing again as his eyes began to glow - And why pray tell would I do that?...
  • Arnas - Is that not what you all were discussing?

The Black Hunter teleported to Arnas's side and grabbed her, forcing her to look into the blinding, amber lights that replaced his eyes. As she glimpsed its fiery radiance, her free will started to fade away.

  • Black Hunter - She speaks through me. Bow to her.
  • Nu - Yeah. Right. Like I'm going to do that.
  • Hachi - Whoa...

Arnas struggled but could not resist. After a ferw moments of struggle she began lowering herself ont oone knee.

  • Kalcedia - I need to get me some of those.
  • Mu - Why would you want that?
  • Kalcedia - Oh, I dunno~.
  • Mu - ...Oh. Right. Shouldn't have asked.
  • Black Hunter - Obey her commands. Listen to her voice. Take us to your master's hideout.
  • Arnas - I need coordinates.

Black Hunter stared into Arnas information was transmitted directly into her brain. Arnas stood up and looked blankly at Lemmo before turning around and plodding back to her chair, all the while a faint, high-pitched "bep" prepeated itself from inside her coat.

  • Kalcedia - That doesn't sound good.
  • Koluap - Bomb!
  • Hachi - AAAAAAAAAAH!

Hachi grabbed the nearest weapon he could find and shot it at Arnas.


As Arnas sat down the pulse rifle Hachi had picked up hit Arnas in the arm and the limb was pushed backwards.

  • Nu - Permission to do shit now?
  • Arnas - Why do you fire on me?
  • Hachi - You're a bomb!
  • Koluap - No! You're gonna make her explode!

Koluap smacked Hachi across the head.

  • Arnas - You mean this?

Arnas looked into her coat and unveiled a plasma grenade.

  • Hachi - Exactly that!
  • Arnas - I armed it thinking you were all preparing to kill me. The mistress however, told em otherwise.
  • Koluap - Well throw that away from us.
  • Hachi - Oh. Ehehehe... Sorry about the arm.
  • Zelfron III - Should you try to use it against us, I will take it from you first.
  • Black Hunter - Take that off, now.
  • Arnas - Yes sir.

Arnas pressed the primer again and deactivated the grenade, tossing it to the floor.

  • Black Hunter - Good. Now, proceed...
  • Kalcedia - Damn, you guys are just so aggressive with people. Like, you're not even giving them a chance, shyrak.
  • Mu - You expected anything else?
  • Kalcedia - ...Well no, but that's why I love you guys. Except the Rianth. He's a cunt.
  • Dalverat - Kill first. Ask questions later. Have you been drinking, by any chance?

Arnas nodded and typed into the console the coordinates she had been given, the ship activated it's FTL drive and they were away.

The Mistress[]

The ship arrived at a distant, uninhabited star system far away - or deep inside, no one could really tell - Hegemony space. Desolated and empty, its only remarkable feature being the huge pile of melting spaceship hulks and other debris that orbitted the system's only planet, which too was a glassed, dead husk of a world. The Black Hunter peered at the debris from the bridge's many cameras, his burned, half-blind eyes turning frantically from inside his armour.

  • Hachi - Well this is depressing.
  • Kezoreg - So's your sex life.
  • Kalcedia - What sex life?
  • Psi - Heh.

Sarec grunted and shook his head.

  • Venoriel - ...By Dei'Nar... if this universe's equivalent of... - Venoriel coughed, as if to invoke irony in her statement - Her Holiness resides in there, this could be... Crepusculum? Alkhuse?
  • Mu - Fits your people.
  • Eta - Crepusculum? More like Crapusculum.
  • Stigmathea - Your arm looks more dead than the planet.
  • Sarec - There is life. But it is not the desirable kind.
  • Mu - It's full of superpower too.
  • Nu - Sister, you have no idea.

Tuolog smiled slightly.

  • Hachi - I'll be the judge of whether it is desirable life or not.
  • Black Hunter - Captain! Teleport us to the debris field. You know the coordinates.

Arnas nodded and worked her console, teleporting the Black Hunter and the rest of the group to a specific location within the debris field. The Black Hunter smiled as the team disappeared in blinding white light and then reappeared... somewhere else. Venoriel, the first to regain senses, looked around staring at the warped, makeshift walls of the place she had found herself in. Although reminiscent in its very basic aesthetic of Divinarium architecture, it was twisted into baroque, almost abstract forms; expressing forbidden desire and rebellion rather than obedience and conformity

  • Upsilon - Well. This needs a good clean up.
  • Mu - I don't know what I expected.
  • Venoriel - How... fitting.

Venoriel half-smiled. Everything else in this universe, especially things she considered to be pure, were warped beyond comprehension. Corrupted and engorged in decadence.

  • Sarec - I am not sure what to think of these shapes. There is beauty in them, yes, but it is chaotic, unpredictable.
  • Thr'aloy - I am not sure. suks fuk dis place
  • Stigmathea - This place smells of smut. And heresy. And I hate heresy.
  • Hachi and Kalcedia - This is kinky.
  • Psi - Booooooooriiiiiiiiing.
  • Vailisa - When the Fist get to crush?
  • Koluap - Let's get this crap over with.
  • Kezoreg - I dunno, I like the scenery.

The team moved forward, revealing a larger, more decorated room, which apparently served to greet "guests". Bright white, silky tapestries adorned its walled, some of them designed to evoke Masaari and Draconis mythology while others more macabre or even downright provocative. Their beauty contrasted greatly with the half-mad, raving slaves which walked around in strict lines, bowing mindlessly to the visitors, half-mad, raving slaves which walked around the room in strict lines. Kithworto did not pay attention to the murals, instead walking on forward.

  • Tuolog - Oppressed people, it seems. Why so?
  • Kalcedia - Now this. This is a good this.
  • Kezoreg - I take everything back. This place is disgraceful. Needs more phallic massacre than phallic glory.
  • Kithworto - I am getting very tired of this now.
  • Sarec - Whoever this mistress is, she appears to be interested in the fine arts.

Venoriel looked at one of the murals, which seemed to depict the creation of the universe by Spode. A slight smile appeared on her face. Tuolog raised an eyebrow to Sarec.

  • Tuolog - These...are fine arts?
  • Sarec - It depends on who the curator is.
  • Hachi - I wish I could decorate my room like this. Like, just in the center of the bedroom... massive dick mural. On the walls... sex murals.
  • Koluap - Damnit, shut your mouth before I break your teeth.
  • Hachi - Ech!
  • Stigmathea - Commander, this wench does not deserve to even beg to Him. This is heretical, she is Zazane in Radeon gowns.
  • Kezoreg - Shut your damn lips!
  • Venoriel - Well-
  •  ??? - Well, that's just rude. Are you a Messenger to know what Dei'Nar wants from me?

Hachi's ears perked as he heard the voice, while Kezoreg sighed. Kalcedia folded her arms, observing some of the statues, murals and slaves that could be seen with a jealous pout. Eolania Menoraim arrived out of the front door stepping gracefully on the red carpet; her guards, two heavily genetically modified Draconis, naked from the waist up, with crimson blood scaled, pitch black eyes and huge axe-like weapons in their hands, walked at her side, growling at the slaves.

  • Kezoreg - The old man's axe looks better than those.
  • Mu - This place confuses and angers me.
  • Sarec - Draconis...more slaves miss Menoriam?
  • Nu - Oh am I tempted to just blow this place into oblivion.
  • Hachi - Whoa! She looks like a goddess!
  • Kalcedia - You must be blind, she looks like a whore. And I hate whores.
  • Stigmathea - You shouldn't insult yourself like that, infidel.
  • Koluap - Wow, I have literally no opinion on this at all.
  • Thr'aloy - How ironic. shut da fuk up imma slap yoo

Venoriel grumbled slightly.

  • Sarec - Their bodies...these Draconis have been...modified!
  • Nu - Surely it would be easier for me to just destroy this place and then find Lemmo and then get outta here right?
  • Tau - Yeah, but we need to live.
  • 'Eolania - In a sense, I actually believe that Dei'Nar must have chosen me for some reason. With my powers and my... - Eolania giggled - I think that is obvious.
  • Mu - I don't know, I'm legitimally thinking suicide is a good idea by now. We die then Kithworto escapes and revives us later.
  • ' Eolania looked at Venoriel and giggled once again.
  • Eta - Of course, why didn't I think of that? Kithworto you can kill us all now.

Kithworto's head turned as he looked at Eta. Eta went silent and timid as Kithworto then turned away.

  • Stigmathea - Wench... Wait, I mean, Your Holiness... Wait, I mean, wench... no, wait...
  • Zelfron III - It would be wise to think more carefully about what you wish to say.
  • Eolania - Your Holiness? That's new.
  • Tharaqím - Enough of this. Our mission.

Eolania chuckled.

  • Koluap - Stop with that laughing!
  • Eolania - Your mission comes later. What's the point of our relationship if we can't consummate it?
  • Hachi - We can have a relationship?!
  • Kezoreg - Shut! Up!
  • Sarec - Forgive us but we only wish to briefly stay in this universe.
  • Koluap - We're not here to be your fuckbuddies.
  • Hachi - Well, they're not...
  • Eolania - We've just met and you want to be my fuckbuddies? Gross! I'm a still a Radeon, so... that comes later. Oh, and do not mind these slaves. Most of these were Hegemony soldiers... to be honest, they are better that way.

Eolania giggled one more time, her voice becoming more and more annoying and yet more and more seductive each time. Koluap dug his claws on his own face and groaned loudly.

  • Kezoreg - I'd prefer them to be dead.

Sarec paced up to Eloania and growled in her face, glaring into her eyes.

  • Sarec - Enough games. All we wish for is our Lemmo.

Kithworto's posture relaxed for a second, before from his left arm formed an immense bolt of essence, sending it to the wall, destroying it.

  • Hachi - Damn you guys are just... wow, unbelievable.
  • Kalcedia - Justified, she's an annoying bitch. And I can totally rock that outfit ten times better than her.
  • Eolania - Oh, yes, yes... - Eolania turned to one of her guards - Bring him.

The guard bowed respectfully and returned with scared, shivering and completely confused Lemmo, which stared around in fear.

  • Sarec - No surprises?
  • Lemmo - What is happening? Who are you? Why's the rat pope girl wearing that qipao-thingy?
  • Koluap - Because we're in an alternate universe where everything is shit.
  • Eta - Spinker summed it up. Welcome to Shitworld.
  • Tharaqím - At least we know our Lemmo is safe.
  • Eolania - Pope girl? So, is my...

Eolania barely managed to suppress her laughter.

  • Stigmathea - Yes, Your Wench...ness.
  • Nu - Right. Counting to ten. Going to destroy the planet.
  • Sarec - I hope, my lady ,that you have nothing extra in store.
  • Hachi - I saw that on an STD advertisement once.
  • Psi - Eurgh. Redact that statement.
  • Koluap - I want to rip my own ears off.
  • Eolania - Very well. I'd like to talk more about my holiness and such, but... you're impatient, aren't you? So, here's the bargain.

Sarec folded his arms and glared at Eloania intensely. Eolania revealed a small holographic image of Andromeda, mostly the same as the one the heroes knew but with its political borders different significantly; instead of a mishmash of different colours representing nations, species, states and cultures, it was dominated by a single symbol the banner of the Empire of Dranvamus.

  • Tau - Nu gets to destroy the whole galaxy? That is generous.
  • Eolania - That's where your ship was going to go originally. - Eolania pointed at a dot - and that's where we are going to strike. I believe my friend has already described our plan for you, but... there's one more condition...

Eolania smiled devilishly.

  • Eolania - The little bunny stays with me until you're done.

Reminocles' Sanctum[]

  • Black Hunter - It is there.
  • Nu - Where?

The Black Hunter pointed at a huge, elegant space station floating in the void, built using a mixture of Draconis, Radeon and Tertanai architecture.

  • Black Hunter - We have arrived.
  • Lemmo - Excellent! Wonderful! My kind of place, so shiny and... what is that place?
  • Nu - ...Where?
  • Black Hunter - Reminocles's sanctum sanctorum.
  • Tau - Are you going to keep saying where?
  • Nu - With your attitude, yes.
  • Sarec - How influential is Reminocles in this universe?
  • Black Hunter - Very.

Psi started chuckling. The Black Hunter stared at the brinwashed Arnas.

  • Kezoreg - Excellent. VIP hunting range.
  • Psi - Pah! influential.

Arnas stared back, standing in an official posture.

  • Arnas - Your orders, sir.
  • Mu - I just wanna kill something to relieve the stress of being in this hellhole of a universe.
  • Black Hunter - We need entry to the area.
  • Arnas - Of course.

Arnas began working at a communications terminal, transmitting the ship's codes as well as a mock reason for their arrival. Sarec looked at Arnas feeling slightly unsettled.

  • Kalcedia - So how far under your control is she, black guy?
  • Nu - Heck. I can't even remember what Anatezc-ji looks like anymore.
  • Black Hunter - The Mistress rules her every thought now.

Lemmo looked at Sarec.

  • Eta - Dal'nyur above. Please...if you can hear me, don't undress.
  • Kalcedia - I need to get myself some of that.
  • Arnas - Imperial vessel, serial number KN---. We are here to deliver some new servants.
  • Koluap - I've not been at my home planet for over a decade now.
  • Lemmo - So damn creepy. How does the evil pope girl even do that?

Kalcedia groped herself as she stood in front of Lemmo, pushing herself into his view.

  • Kalcedia - Very easily.
  • Sarec - So the captain is nothing but a puppet on strings for your mistress. Unsettling.
  • Lenmo - These things look like cancer growths.
  • Kalcedia - You look like a cancer growth!

The Kicath, except for Kithworto burst out laughing.

  • Mu - You're all cancer growths now shut up.
  • Lemmo - What are they even for? Aren't these things supposed to feed children?

Kalcedia winced at Lemmo's comment and retreated back, sobbing slightly. Sarec walked over to Kalcedia and attempted to comfort her.

  • Arnas - Servant documents transmitted. We await permission to dock.
  • Lemmo - Now Lamni, she was one wonderful masterpiece... and then there was Private Melonis. He-

Lemmo looked around.

  • Lemmo - Nevermind.

Lemmo muttered to himself.

  • Arnas - Permission has been granted sir, I will maneuver the ship to the assigned docking port.
  • Kithworto - Make this quick. My patience is finite.
  • Koluap - And I'm completely impatient by nature!

Arnas returned to char chair and entered a trajectory, maneuvering the ship towards a lit port that connected with the station.

  • Kezoreg - Gah, how long's it gonna take til I can rip something to pieces, as long as it's gonna take the whore to have brats?
  • Nu - In that case, not very long.
  • Koluap - That implies things my poor innocent eyes shouldn't be allowed to see.

Kithworto looked at Koluap with hsi brows raised. As Hegemony's Might entered the docks, the ship's door opened.

  • Black Hunter - Now it's your time to shine.

The Black Hunter, first to leave the ship, turned upon the Hegemony soldiers immediately, ripping them in pieces. Kezoreg grabbed ahold of his blade while Kalcedia grabbed her rifle, rushing forward.

  • Soldier - ...Captain Arnas, what is the meaning of this?..

Koluap rushed ahead with his Xhodocto Axe, while Arkarixus and Tharaqím followed right after. Arnas's eyes flared yellow as she smiled malevolently.

  • Arnas - Arnas's not here.

From Kithworto's palms, essence pooled. The Agents armed themselves, rushing in quickly. Sarec marched forward, his mind began tearing int osoldiers though pressure waves and various forms of telekinesis as he dismantled them.

  • Mu - I call a competition for most kills.
  • Nu - You're on!
  • Soldier - Blue alert now! We have a securty breach!

Lemmo followed his dark counterpart, firing at the Hegemony security, while Venoriel crushed her enemies with her psychic powers. Koluap cut soldiers in half with his axe while Arkarixus and Tharaqím blasted them around like ragdolls with their powers. Stigmathea tore her enemies apart with her sword and her mind, unleashing a miniature hellstorm of blood as she annihilated the soldiers.

  • Venoriel - Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy resistance without fighting, Kicath.

Running down a corridor were a group of Hegemony soldiers that Sarec turned to. With a flick of his wrist, the entire group were thrown against the wall, another flick sent them against the other wall. Mu tore the head off a soldier and then turned to Venoriel.

  • Mu - You're speaking nonsense.
  • Nu - What in the name of Dal'nyur is that supposed to mean?
  • Sarec - Why resort to physical attack when you can destroy your opponents' minds?
  • Venoriel - That's the art of war.
  • Mu - Where's the fun in that?
  • Sarec - Simple. Watch.

Nu's cannon charged at the enemies, before firing, disintegrating them. The rest of the Kicath fired their weapons accordingly. Venoriel concentrated Essence around her and summoned a storm of psychic energy which made the Hegemony soldier turn against each other.

  • Venoriel - And not a single weapon fired.
  • Nu - I really do miss my minigun. And they never gave me a new one.
  • Mu - That'd be unfair with everyone involved.
  • Nu - Exactly!

Sarec marched forward and his eyes began to shine as he held out his hand. A fireteam of veteren soldiers aimed their weapons and instead of firing o nthe group, turned their weapons on other squads. Stigmathea continued to tear her enemies apart but stood back once she Venoriel getting involved. Kezoreg continued bisecting and dismembering guards while Kalcedia proceeded to shoot them down, although occasionally she would tear one's head from its neck. Kithworto's essence caused the enemies' flesh to reduce to dust as he stepped through the enemies falling down around him.

  • Sarec - Our target is Reminocles. So where would he be?
  • Black Hunter - Above there.

Black Hunter pointed at a large tower at the center of the station, surrounded by gardens. Koluap hacked off a soldier's limbs but did not kill him outright. His eyes were shining faintly red with his demon tooth necklace vibrated on his neck.

  • Koluap - ...You said something?
  • Sarec - Are you sure you are unaffected by your paraphenalia, Koluap?
  • Koluap - Of course I am. You think I'm an idiot?
  • Mu - Ye-
  • Koluap - Don't answer.
  • Sarec - Well...you seem different.
  • Koluap - Well I am a little hungry. You think we could go through the guy's kitchen before we kill him?
  • Kezoreg - Wouldn't object to that.
  • Arkarixus - Focus on our objective. Lunch can come later.
  • Kalcedia - What do Kormacvar even eat?
  • Arkarixus - My species is carnivore.
  • Kithworto - Indeed. Move.
  • Sarec - Inquisitors were advised against such rituals as wearing demonic articles.
  • Koluap - Well you're a pansy.
  • Venoriel - Shall we proceed then?

The Black Hunter bowed. The team ran in the direction of Reminocles' headquarters. Occasionally, on their way there, they could see small decorated gardens, fillrd with plants from different worlds and adorned with statues. One of the gardens took the team's attention; larger than the rest of them, it resembled a circular pyramid adorned by two sculptures of half-naked females of various species. The Black Hunter smirked.

  • Mu - This place hurts my eyes.
  • Black Hunter - How... typical of him.
  • Sarec - I take it the man is something of a hedonist?
  • Kezoreg - Aww yeah, that's what I'm talking about! ...Skanks!
  • Kalcedia - How disgraceful, no self-respect.
  • Black Hunter - And he's proud of it.
  • Mu - Scratch that, this place hurts my everything.
  • Venoriel - Hmph. Wait, doesn't that Radeon statue look a little bit like myself-
  • Kezoreg - Hah!

Venoriel cursed in Radessic.

  • Stigmathea - ...Navarch Venoriel...
  • Koluap - Nude Radeon look like that? Ew.
  • Venoriel - When I will find my dark counterpart, I will execute her in the most painful way possible.
  • Sarec - Once we leave this universe you can forget about your counterpart.

Kalcedia slowly turned to Venoriel with a wide grin.

  • Tharaqím - I feel this entire adventure becomes dirtier and dirtier as each day passes.
  • Kalcedia - Wouldn't mind going for a ride, "Navarch".

Venoriel slapped Kalcedia.

  • Sarec - I dread to think what the High Inquisitor is like in this universe...
  • Venoriel - Threl'a.
  • Kezoreg - Judging by everything else we've seen in this universe, probably a hoe.
  • Nu - I don't even want to know.
  • Sarec - Well when you think positive...perhaps she is kind and gentle in this universe?
  • Koluap - Can we just move on? I'm tired of looking at Radeon lumps.
  • Kalcedia - I'm not.

Kalcedia continued to stare towards Venoriel and Stigmathea.

  • Sarec - Don't stare dear.

Eventually, the team reached Reminocles's residence. Lavish and posh, it was made of solid gold, paintings hanging from the walls. In the center stood the man himself, and behind him, the large black structure glowing blue.

  • Black Hunter - That is the object! Take it!
  • Kezoreg - He looks like a kiddy-fiddler.
  • Koluap - Just like the regular one!
  • Reminocles - How delightfully predictable of you, Lemmo. More friends to the party and... who is that? - Reminocles stared in disbelief. - Who are these...?
  • Venoriel - Your doom.

Eta choked.

  • Eta - Less ham, more...ram? Gods above now I'm doing it.
  • Reminocles - Wait... Venoriel? On your side? Clothed?!
  • Mu - Let's just kill this bird thing and go home.
  • Kalcedia - Yes, Venoriel, explain yourself! Why are you clothed?!
  • Venoriel - Are you so interested to see me naked?
  • Kalcedia - ...Of course not! Stop acting like a slut!
  • Reminocles - Who are you? How did you? I... I- guards!

Several Zazane clad in black armour appeared out of nowhere.

  • Reminocles - ATTACK!
  • Kezoreg - Heh, Zazane. This is going to be easy.
  • Sarec - Something's not quite the same...
  • Kezoreg - We kill Zazane all the time, it's a wonder why people still think they're tough.
  • Lemmo - Especially you.

Koluap attacked the Zazane with his axe while Arkarixus and Tharaqím attacked with their powers. Lemmo shot the guards alongside his counterpart. Kithworto grabbed two of the guards via his telekinesis, and slammed them into the wall repeatedly before blood began to pour out of them and on to the wall.

  • Reminocles - Curses... curses!
  • Sarec - You have something we want!

Reminocles grabbed the black structure from its pedestal.

  • Reminocles - You won't have the Object! It belongs to the Hegemony - and ME - BY RIGHT!
  • Mu - Oh go to Hell.

Reminocles pressed the object, making a wave of blue psychic energy emerge from his body, manifesting as black ice.

  • Arkarixus - ...That energy.
  • Nu - Oh no. I'm not going to Inferno again.
  • Reminocles - Yes, I hear it! The voices, the melody!
  • Tharaqím - It's a Mali'Nar artifact.

Sarec stepped back as the energy diflected his attempt to grab Reminocles. He growled as he stood his ground.

  • Sarec - That does not belong to you!
  • Mu - Good, now we have even more incentives to kill you.

Reminocles slammed the artifact spreading waves of Essence across the room.

  • Reminocles - It does! She gave it to me! She wants you, all of you! The big one - Reminocles pointed at Kithworto - especially. She wants you! You!
  • Lemmo - Dammit!
  • Koluap - Ew. The crow has a crush on you, Kithworto.

Lemmo rolled and looked at the artifact. Kithworto's eyes narrowed.

  • Lemmo - Somebody take it from him!
  • Kithworto - What Divin-Ra wants of me is none of her concern any more. I serve the Xhodocto no longer.

Sarec charged electricity in his hands and threw them at Reminocles. Nu stepped forward as his body was glowing in a throbbing black aura.

  • Nu - Should've warned him about the essence thing.
  • Reminocles - The child... she wants you to feed the child!
  • Kezoreg - ...She calling me a kid?

Mu charged his hand in Death Energy and fired it at Reminocles' direction. Nu's hands spread wide as the walls around them manifested a black cloud of essence, surrounding the group.

  • Sarec - He's dead.
  • Koluap - Oh boy! Big boom!
  • Reminocles - No... no... no!
  • Nu - You know what? I'm feeling merciful. You give us that thingamajig in your hand and I won't smash you.
  • Sarec - Throw him the device or you will become nothing but dust.
  • Reminocles - She won't let you take it.

Nu shrugged as he slammed his hands together, the wall of energy crashing in around him. Lemmo fired at the distracted Reminocles's hands, making the object fall to the ground. Reminocles's body turned into bones immediately, his energy joining with the artifact. Nu laughed as the wall dissipated, almost in a childish manner.

  • Nu - Oh boy. I enjoy doing that.
  • Tharaqím - He stood no chance.
  • Mu - I'm not touching that thing.
  • Black Hunter - Now, what shall we do with it... Kithworto?

Sarec paced over and took a deep inhalation, reaching down and picking up the object.

  • Kithworto - I believe Sarec is at more liberty to control this than myself.
  • Koluap - We take it back to Tyraz's slutty wife. Isn't that why we're here for?
  • Kezoreg - I forgot what we were here for, I was too busy enjoying myself.
  • Psi - Heh. Now when we go back home, I'm going to laugh and laugh and laugh at the Andromedan leaders.
  • Lemmo - ...As fast as we can. The evil me scares me...

Team finds pedo, team kills pedo, team gets artifact thing.

Confronting the Mistress[]

As the team fought with the Dominion, Hachiman remained with Eolania Menoraim inside her private chamber. Everything was arranged for him to enjoy the stay, every part of the room finetuned for his desires, every wish of his taken into account. It was clear that Eolania wanted her guest to relax. As per an earlier request, Hachi dined from a dish complimented by the finest foods of sweetness and decorated with additional coatings of sugar. He appeared distracted as he consumed the delicious morsals, although as she spoke he lifted his face from the plate and looked to her. Not her face, but definitely her.

  • Eolania - Wonderful, isn't it, young boy? It took years for me to build this station... and now everything here is for you to enjoy. Do you know why?
  • Hachi - ...Because you do the best sleepovers?
  • Eolania - Well... - Eolania giggled - That comes later. The real answer is that you're... young - and no, I am not talking about your youthful pulchritude... though that too is a pleasant bonus.

Eolania sipped wine from her glass.

Eolania - I was once like you. Young, brave, with a lust for life - and other things, too - and POWER.

Hachi continued looking to Eolania, occasionally popping another sugar-coated morsal into his mouth while he tried not to stare towards her heavenly visage, particularly her shapely curvatures which just screamed to be embraced.

  • Hachi - Power's good, I know a lot of people with powers. Nu - the nice Kicath guy - has powers. Weird powers, weird like him. Nice guy though.

Eolania stared right into Hachi, her purple, almond-shaped eyes shining with desire - probably not for the Rianth, though.

  • Eolania - Thing is, Hachi, you can change the world around you, like I do. In that way, we are similar...

Eolania stopped for a split second, then continued speaking once more. Hachi sat forward, now curious as per her words which she spoke with sultry tone, as glamorous and attractive as her form was. Placing another morsal in his mouth, his expression conveyed intrigue. Slowly, he nodded.

  • Eolania - Do you want me to tell a story about my past?
  • Hachi - G-Go ahead, m-miss. I-I like s-stories.

A slight smile of satisfaction appeared on Eolania's face as she moved closer, perhaps uncomfortably so, to her guest. Her eyes' glow intensified and her visage seemed to become all the more alluring to the Rianth, her hand stroking his long hair.

  • Eolania - It all began one lonely night on one lonely world in Dranvamus. My mother, ripping me from her womb, unwanted. My father, always on duty, always wearing masks but never revealing his true face - or did he even have one under the visages that he donned every day to force the people of the galaxy into submission?
  • Hachi - ...S-Sounds like an a-amazing wrestler, m-miss.
  • Eolania - I never had a childhood. It was taken away from me, taken away by this juggernaut of madness, that... Gigaquadrantic Hegemony. To plunder, to slaughter, to usurp, they give the lying name of empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace. One day, I'd had enough. One day, my powers manifested...

A small tear escaped one of Eolania's eyes. Hachi raised a hand, gently sweeping the tear from her face as she spoke. In that moment, he had caught a glimpse of her alluring eyes, her face appearing far more enticing than the previous moment.

  • Eolania - I still regret the devastation I have wrought. But this, this is all in the past now... - Eolania's voice slowly regained its power - Now, the Hegemony will pay for its crimes. It will pay for what it did to Dranvamus, for what it did to me... I shall enact justice upon them. Upon all of them.
  • Hachi - I-I... T-There's better t-things than r-revenge. L-Like, uhh... uhh...

Eolania approached Hachiman even closer, her elegant stature touching his fluffy fur. The Rianth's cheeks flared, blushing vibrantly as she pressed herself towards him, her touching him, their furs coming to contact. Quickly, his eyes diverted from hers and paid their attention towards the generous bosom that resided upon her thin torso, his stutter impeding his speech further.

  • Eolania - The Hegemony has enslaved my people. It has experimented on them - on me, on my parents, on my brother. The Emperor and the Patriarch subjugate countless species every day. Please, help me. I - no, all of us - need people like you and your friends. You have the power to change the world. Together, we can change mine - and perhaps, yours...
  • Hachi - I-I... Ehehe, p-people are a-always s-saying stuff l-like that. Well, i-if you t-think that I can h-help you and your people... m-maybe I c-could s-stay for a l-little longer than we had e-expected. I-I'm... I'm sure the o-others won't mind.
  • Eolania - As long as I have you, we'll have this sorted out.

Eolania smiled, this time with a devilish twinge in her grin, and touched Hachi.

  • Eolania - Now, what shall we do next? I have a lot of topics to discuss... then again, there are other things we could do. There is plenty of time, Hachi. It will be a long night.

Hachi squeaked quietly as she placed her hand upon him, although he continued admiring her well-endowed breasts that were conveniently settled in front of his blushing face. He felt his body go limp, he felt as his self-control began to wane as if he truly was becoming hers.

  • Black Hunter - Mistress Eolania, we have the object.
  • Nu - I need to get out of this universe.

The Black Hunter spoke seemingly to himself as Arnas's ship returned back to Eolania's base.

  • Lemmo - How is he doing that?
  • Venoriel - Mental communication.
  • Sarec - Effective and lacking in barriers.

Koluap's expression was vacant, and his skin appeared to had become darker than usual. Sarec looked over to Koluap with worried concern

  • Sarec - Koluap?
  • Koluap - ...Uh?

Kithworto looked down at Koluap, noticing what was going on.

  • Kezoreg - ...Why's the old man so darked skin?
  • Kalcedia - Gosh, abomination! You can't just ask people why they're dark-skinned!
  • Koluap - I think I'm getting a cold again...I feel like I got a fever.
  • Sarec - Koluap. I worry about your condition.

Kithworto turned to Koluap. Looking at him, he hovered his hand over Koluap's head; a burning sensation entered his forearm as he pulled away as if there was a magnetism there.

  • Koluap - Eh, I just need a rest.
  • Kithworto - I don't think so. As soon as we are done here I am going to see what is wrong with you.
  • Kalcedia - Needs a rest? Teehee, perhaps I can find a suitable bed.

Kithworto looked at Kalcedia from the tip of his brow, his eyes reddened.

  • Koluap - I'm okay with that.
  • Sarec - He is unwell.
  • Nu - I need to get out of this universe.
  • Tau - You just said that.
  • Nu - I'm repeating myself then.
  • Mu - I miss the Tandava.
  • Kezoreg - I wouldn't mind this place getting Scourged.
  • Nu - Well, if you're willing to pump me up with essence...

Tau looked at Nu.

  • Nu - C'mon. You want this place gone too.
  • Black Hunter - She is ready to welcome you now. Captain, open the transporters.

Tau shrugged her shoulders and looked away. Arnas complied without question and transported the team into Eolania's hideout. The woman herself was present in the hall, welcoming her guests with open arms and a smile on her face, and Hachi at her hand. Strangely, her clothing was somewhat... off, as if it was taken on in a haste.

  • Arkarixus - Disturbing.
  • Eolania - Why hello there, my most respected guests... Where is the amplifier?

The Agents looked at Eolania, taking a few moments to examine what was going on. They all put their claws to their face in a similar fashion.

  • Sarec - I have it. But first, Hachiman
  • Upsilon - Dal'nyur. Kiltaránkodalnyúrin. [Mother of god.]
  • Mu - We leave now. Or I swear to Ekolnyuri I'll go crazy.
  • Nu - Heh. Just swear to Kithworto. He is Maktanshatinaknatazán after all.

Hachi's hair was rustled and his clothes too looked hasty, then again they always did. He wore a wide smile, satisfied, upon his face.

  • Venoriel - Are you sure, Sarec? - Venoriel wjispered to Eolania - Giving her the amplifier will only result in problems...
  • Hachi - Hey guys.
  • Eolania - Ah, yes, Hachi... I guess he will talk for me.
  • Koluap - As long as we leave and I never have to see a Radeon again I'll pray for all of your gods.
  • Venoriel - ...I'll pretend I haven't heard that.
  • Eta - Just don't pray to Atalanishana. She'll throw you into a room full of Radeon.

Kithworto, in an unremarkable manner, had no expression on his face.

  • Hachi - ...About that.
  • Sarec - What.
  • Hachi - Well... we'll kinda need to stay for a little while. At least until... until the Hegemony is brought down. Yeah... hope you guys don't mind. I kinda... made a wiener promise.

Koluap began growling. His skin became darker and his eyes flared, his pupils almost becomign like balls of hellfire. All of the Kicath spoke in unison. 'What.'

  • Sarec - You...you want to collapse the Hegemony?
  • Koluap - I'm not in the mood for your shit, human.

Kithworto stepped forward, his face slightly transformed into disappointment.

  • Hachi - Well, wouldn't you, too? They hurt so many people, every day more lives are ruined than we can imagine, with even more being executed. We can't just let that happen... can we?
  • Mu - Yes.
  • Sarec - Hachiman...we are talking about collapsing an empire!
  • Kithworto - Do you think you are going to stay here because you bedded this woman? Have you forgotten that the Xhodocto are attacking the universe?
  • Eolania - Which is why you'll give me the amplifier.
  • Tau - Stupid stupid stupid little human.
  • Sarec - Reminocles lost himself to its power, you believe you will hold better control?
  • Hachi - Not because I... umm... I-I mean we should stay because the Hegemony is hurting innocent people!
  • Eolania - Why yes.
  • Eta - In a universe we don't even inhabit.
  • Kezoreg - Collapsing an empire, anytime. In this universe? Absolutely not, get aborted.

Koluap began twitching in place, foam coming out of his mouth.

  • Nu - Hey. I'm beginning to like this Spinker now.

Eolania raised her hand and grabbed the psychic amplifier from Sarec's hand. Kithworto stepped even closer to Eolania, towering over her small form with his physical superiority. Looking down at her, he bared his teeth.

  • Kithworto - Does it look like I care for your universe?
  • Eolania - Make your decision.
  • Kithworto - Make yours.

Kithworto looked at Hachi. Eolania gripped the amplifier in her hand.

  • Kithworto - Come with us or I am leaving you here.

Koluap lunged forward, clasping his hands around Hachi's head and digging his claws into it.

  • Koluap - You come.

The Kicath, except for Nu all looked startled at Koluap. Nu, in comparison was laughing. Hachi screamed as Koluap entightened his claws around his head, causing him to slam his mechanical fist into the side of Koluap's face with a clenched fist.

  • Hachi - G-Get off!

Sarec darted his eyes and teleported to grab Koluap by the arms. Hachi's retaliation only caused Koluap to growl louder.

  • Hachi - I don't want to hurt you! ...G-Get off me!
  • Kezoreg - Now... this is interesting.
  • Koluap - You come home with us.
  • Sarec - Koluap restrain yourself! Release him!
  • Nu - Oh no, don't. This is funny.
  • Koluap - Your selfish carnal desires disgust me, human...
  • Eolania - I agree. You cannot treat my... friends like that.

Hachi pounded his mechanical fist against Koluap's head as he struggled, kicking and screaming as they both wrestled to the floor. Hachi began to bleed from where his claws dug in. Koluap then let go of Hachi and fell into the ground, limp. Mu walked over to Koluap and grapped him, putting him against his helmet for a moment.

  • Mu - Hm. I think he's dead. Heart's not beating.

Eolania's eyes glew.

  • Eolania - What if I even the odds?

Kithworto lifted Hachi from the ground. He pressed his claws against Hachi's head, healing the lacerations. Eolania smiled and channeled her Essence into Hachi, empowering him with her own energies.

  • Hachi - ...Kithworto. Stand back, please.
  • Eolania - If the world doesn't change, make it. You have the power to.

Kithworto's brow raised, before turning to Mu. He was visibly disinterested in what Eolania had to say.

  • Sarec - The human is my charge, rodent.

Kithworto then looked at Koluap's eyes. Staring intensely to see what was really going on in there. He muttered something in Kicathian, but it was unintelligible.

  • Arkarixus - We waste time here. If the human is so willing to betray us, perhaps we should leave him here.
  • Hachi - I'm not betraying anybody! I'm making this world a better place! That was our mission, wasn't it? To save worlds? Well I'm saving this one!
  • Arkarixus - This is not your world. You are betraying yours for your own reasons.
  • Tau - Is he actually that fucking stupid?
  • Eta - Irótalmna. [Of course.]
  • Sarec - Hachiman. I understand your concern but we have priorities. This universe is not in as much danger as ours.

Eolania's eyes began to glow blue as she tapped more into the power. Hachi's appearance too began to alter, making him grow slightly; it was evident that he was under Eolania's influence, psychic or otherwise.

  • Tharaqím - ...The Radeon woman is taking over his mind.
  • Hachi - Saving lives is our priority! And lives in this world are lives nonetheless! And if you're going to stand there and challenge that, then you are traitors!
  • Eolania - You'll have to do it. It is the only way.

Kithworto stood up to his full height. His voice began to distort into its Omega State as he looked at Eolania.

  • Kithworto - Don't make me kill you, woman.
  • Mu - So we're finally allowed to kill her? Awesome!

Mu pointed his gun at Eolania. Hachi stood in front of Eolania and glared towards Kithworto, Dream Energy and other essences manifesting in his claws. He prepared a stance, grasping ahold of his sword.

  • Nu - Oh dear. Here we go. Anyone got a planet we can hide behind?
  • Sarec - Hachiman! She is trying to control you!
  • Hachiman - Kithworto is controlling all of you!
  • Kezoreg - Urgh, fucking idiot.
  • Kalcedia - Never liked him much anyway.
  • Mu - Hell now he's speaking like Tyraz.
  • Sarec - Hachi...please...

Kithworto hesitated, before electricity of black and red sparked down his arms. Eolania's eyes flared even more brightly as she hissed.

  • Eolania - Do it!
  • Mu - Kill her!
  • Hachi - Tyraz wasn't willing to leave innocents to die! If you are, then you are my enemy! And I shall leave YOU to die!

The psychic amplifier began to glow, surrounding Hachiman with even more energy. Kithworto, in a blur faster than even the Agents could register darted his fist into Eolania's skull. Hachi challenged Kithworto, slamming his fist against Kithworto's face as he made his strike, surrounded by the devastating aura of essences.

  • Hachi - NO.

Mu let out a cackle and fired at Eolania. Arkarixus and Tharaqím both began firing their essences at her. Eolania resisted the attacks aimed at her with her amplifier. Kithworto was knocked back by the strike. He held his head as he looked at Hachi with surprise; before he returned with a harder punch. Sarec held out his arms and threw pressure waves at Eloania in order ot strike her down, but somehow proving ineffective. Hachi drew his sword and enfused it with the essences that empowered him, causing it to glow brightly with a burning white light. He glared towards his former allies and growled as he began to swing his sword, causing ribbons of devastating white waves to explode across the room.

  • Eolania - You have made a terrible mistake.
  • Mu - This is the best moment I've had in this hellhole!

Mu charged his fist with Death Energy and fired it at Eolania. Sarec materialised a sword and used it in an attempt to block Hachiman's own blade. Nu looked at the fight, beckoning Mu to fire essence waves at him.

  • Nu - If you wanna live you'll do it.

Mu grunted and fired at bolt at Nu. Nu looked at Mu with a deadpan expression.

  • Nu - When I say live, I mean live well, not with paralysis.
  • Mu - You're really greedy, you know.

Mu fired several more bolts at Nu. Eolania slammed the amplifier into the ground creating waves of black ice that struck the team members.

  • Hachi - I'll slice you all down if you don't get away!
  • Lemmo - Dammit, how are we supposed to deal with her?
  • Venoriel - Curses, curses, curses...

Sarec roared as he did his best to protect himself fro mthe black ice, forming a bubble around himself. The ice hit Kithworto's body. Due to his affinity with dark essences, it caused him to slow down as he broke away from the ice.

  • Stigmathea - The vermin person is really, really angry!
  • Nu - More dammit!

Venoriel stared at Eolania's amplifier, thinking. Koluap's skin had returned to normal and he let out a yawn as he woke up. He lifted his head from the floor and looked around with a lazy expression.

  • Koluap - ...Am I still having a nightmare?
  • Venoriel - Take the object from her head, quickly!
  • Sarec - The amplifier...

Mu ran up to Nu and put his hand on his back, putting even more essence on him.

  • Eolania - Not so fast.
  • Nu - There we go!
  • Mu - Don't make me regret this. Oh wait, I already do.

Eolania wreaked the room with a massive shockwave sending most of the team on their feet. Koluap rolled around, letting out angry Spinker profanities out of confusion. Hachi took the opportunity and delivered another Essence-enflamed punch towards Kithworto's face with city-rending force before delivering several more in quick succession.

  • Venoriel - Argh!

Kithworto was hurled across the room, eventually leaving a dent in the wall. The impact caused a wave of Death Energy to topple half the room. Sarec grunted as he was thrown back and teleported himself to stand behind Eloania. Venoriel attempted to move, but realised that her arms covered by the same black ice that Divin-Ra used.

  • Nu - C'mon you Kiltaránkisiatékagazátazhatmanaí.
  • Eolania - Now, you shall all bow to me...

Tharaqím and Arkarixus both launched themselves at Eolania in an attempt to take the amplifier from her.

  • Tharaqím - So much for honourable guests, hm?

Sarec used his close vicinity to blast pressure waves at ELoania's back. Hachi looked towards Nu with a hateful, spiteful expression. Using his clenched fists, he punched Tharaqím and Arkarixus away before engaging in a run towards the Kicath Agent.

  • Hachi - Don't you call me names!
  • Sarec - I bow to no mortal...

Eolania's ears twitched as a huge explosion rocked the base, filling her with fear; the amplifier dropped from her hands. Several squads of Hegemony aoldiers appeared in the room, led by... a Zazane?

  • Mu - Woah what now.
  • Eolania - No... him? Now?!

Suddenly, all the essence around Hachi suddenly vanished. He felt an excruciating pain on his limbs which forced him against the ground. Hachi screamed out in pain as he felt himself numb, his power quickly suppressed as he felt his powers refuse his use.

  • Hachi - No! NO NO!

Hachi felt his Essence potential disappeared. In his mind, a familiar voice spoke to him.

  • Macin - You misuse your gift. I'm disappointed. I'm forbidding you of using your power until you prove yourself worthy again.

As the amplifier dropped, Nu picked it up in his hand.

  • Nu - Jackpot!

Nu looked at his hand again, as the amplifier was gone. It appeared on Sarec's hand.

  • Nu - Agh.
  • Sarec - I apologise Nu.
  • Nu - No worries. Now I just gotta get rid of this essence.

The Zazane stepped forward, dressed in tight-fitting black armour and holding two dagger-like blades in his hands, complimented by black gauntlets. He appeared familiar, yet a stranger. His face was familiar at least, but his size...

  • Eolania - ...Tyraz.
  • Koluap - The day's just getting worse.
  • Lemmo - Aw! Even if this universe, they love each other... not.
  • Arch-Commander Breek - Kill the serfs, I'll secure the woman.

Koluap put his head on the floor again and went back to sleep. Sarec turned to look upwards towards Tyraz's head, taking a step back.

  • Venoriel - Quick! Take the artifact! We can't let any of these Mirror Universe inhabitants take the amplifier!
  • Sarec - I have it, do not worry.

Kithworto pulled himself out of the wall as energy drained back into his body.

  • Kithworto - Agh. I haven't been hit like that in years.

The Zazane stepped forward, his soldiers combating Eolania's own. He seemed ignorant of the other aliens in the room, his hateful eyes focussed purely on the barely-dressed Radeon woman who stood panicked. Eolania attempted to grab the amplifier once again, but was intercepted mid-flight by Venoriel.

  • Nu - You know what? I'm staying out of this one.
  • Venoriel - Sorry, this does not belong to you.

Nu stepped back as the black aura surrounding his body warped space and time around him.

  • Arkarixus - Hm. I'm not used to Tyraz being this tall.
  • Eolania - Black Hunter!
  • Arch-Commander Breek - Whoring yourself to aliens once more. The formula is becoming old... What is Venoriel doing here? ...Were you two...

Sarec inserted the amplifier into a pouch attached to his armour before turning his attention to the giant Zazane commander.

  • Eolania - You won't succeed this time, Breek.
  • Venoriel - For the last time, I am not promiscous!
  • Arch-Commander Breek - Don't lie to me. Both of you. You shall both be taken under the Hegemony's custody.
  • Mu - Oh no. Screw you. We're going back to our universe right now.
  • Arch-Commander Breek - Hostages, exit the premises. This does not concern you.

The Black Hunter appeared before Sarec and attempted to tackle him in order to get the amplifier. Nu looked around casually. Sarec darted his eyes to the Black Hunter before a pressure wave from his body blasted the Black Hunter back.

  • Nu - See you later then.
  • Sarec - You are confused, Tyraz.

he Arch-Commander stepped forward, before turning his face towards Sarec with a spiteful glare. Then, a smile appeared on his face and he chuckled.

  • Psi - Wait. We're in another universe?
  • Mu - ...You only just noticed that?
  • Eta - Oh, now you realise. Well done. And you're one of the greatest warriors of the Kicathian race.
  • Arch-Commander Breek - I suggest you and your friends find an exit point. You clearly have no willing business with this woman.
  • Mu - You can say that again!

Kithworto looked at Tyraz before walking past him. Hachiman lay unconscious upon the floor, his body twitching and steaming with Essence vapours. He appeared somewhat damaged by what had happened to him, what was preventing him from using his powers of dreams. Nu looked at Hachi on the floor. He grabbed him by the ears and dragged him along the floor as he nodded at Tyraz with a wide smile.

  • Tau - Now that's just mean.
  • Nu - Like you care.
  • Sarec - We do not, but Venoriel is with us.
  • Kithworto - At least you are more courteous in this universe.
  • Arch-Commander Breek - Here I thought Kicath were stone tool primitives... Take Venoriel with you, my business is with miss Menoraim.
  • Tharaqím - We'll be on our way. Have a good day.

Eolania was sweating as she was gradually losing control over the situation. In desperation, an unusual decision csme to her mind.

  • Sarec - Thank you kindly, Tyraz. We shall be moving onward.
  • Eolania - Curse you! If I am going to die today, then I shall take all of you with me!

Koluap sat on the floor, still with a barely awake expression.

  • Koluap - ...Damn, this nightmare is taking a long time to end.

Eolania grabbed a pistol from her pouch and fired at the amplifier in Sarec's purse, shattering it into pieces. Waves of energy were released from it, turning into a massive, yawning hole.

  • Nu - No. No. No. No. No. No. Fuck off. No.
  • Arch-Commander Breek - ...What have you done?
  • Eolania - All of you! Die!

Sarec turned and opened his palms in panic as he used his energies in an attenpt to contain the hole.

  • Koluap - Now there's a huge hole in the world! I thought we were done with that shit.
  • Kezoreg - Sina'in!
  • Kalcedia - Fuck's sake!
  • Arkarixus - Problematic.
  • Sarec - The hole...I think I can....channel the...energy....use it.....to escape!
  • Mu - Well do it!

Nu looked at himself for a few seconds.

  • Nu - You know what? Anywhere's better than this universe.

The Arch-Commander maddeningly turned to Eolania again before sending a punch her way, knocking the pistol out of her hand before proceeding to tackle and restrain her, knocking her to the floor with him above her. Sarec nodded and concentrated, his arms began to quiver as he focused all of his concentration into manipulating the hole. Suddenly, the team's members started to fall in the hole; first Lemmo, then Venoriel and Stigmathea. The Black Hunter, staying close to the epicenter of the hole, too was sucked into the void. Nu dropped Hachi on the ground and then walked towards the portal.

  • Nu - Hah.

Nu proceeded to jump into the void, shouting the Kicathian equivalent of 'cannonball.' The other Agents were not so fortunate as they were swept off their feet into the void. Arkarixus and Tharaqím tried to resist but were eventually sucked into the portal. Koluap was launched and hit Mu's back, sending them both into it. Sarec felt his feet grind against the floor as the hole pulled him towards it, he struggled and shifted his feet before losing his footing, using what focus remined to pull HAchi towards him and hold the Rianth tightly Kithworto looked at Eolania with an angered expression. Kalcedia and Kezoreg were sent flying towards the hole, with Kalcedia bouncing off of surfaces as she collided into them with her breasts.

  • Eolania - What... what... how could it... Lemmo!

Eolania snarled.

  • Kalcedia - Fuck!

Kithworto then ran into the void, following the team.

  • Arch-Commander Breek - Your accomplice is gone! Just you and me now, miss Menoraim!
  • Eolania - Just you... and me. Once again.

Into the Source[]

A Distant World[]

Team speaks to crazy crow, gets to Fantasyverse.

Two Teams Meet[]

  • Venoriel - We're here.

Venoriel pointed at the huge, fire-breathing volcano which exhaled flame and smoke from its cauldron.

  • Nu - What is going on anyway?
  • Koluap - Last one to get inside is a sissy!
  • Lemmo - I'll wait.
  • Hachi - Same. I haven't seen any of the native girls and I fear I may be disappointed.
  • Kalcedia - More like they'll be disappointed knowing that the man from the stars is ugly as shit.

Koluap ran ahead of the team. Lemmo walked slowly into the volcano, minding his every step. Venoriel soon followed. Arkarixus and Tharaqím followed. Sarec joined them, following cautiously with the message of the voices still playing in his mind, wondering what it all meant. Kithworto on the other hand hesitated, but continued on. He held on to his head his eyes narrowed. The Agents went on, removing their helmets.

  • Mu - Don't stare at me.
  • Nu - Haven't gone in on an operation without a display since...whenever. I don't know.
  • Kalcedia - ...Nu, you're ugly as fuck.
  • Nu - I don't know how exactly. I look exactly the same as any other Agent.

Grukarb and Corteus appeared to be struggling behind, shaking their heads and blinking repeatedly before adjusting themselves.

  • Kalcedia - Yeah but you're just... overwhelmingly ugly.
  • Mu - Stop trying to find beauty in Kicath.
  • Nu - Oh well. You're not exactly appealing to the Kicathian eye.
  • Grukarb - Note to self, bionic eyes can be overrated.
  • Kalcedia - I can't find beauty in Kicath.
  • Nu - Good.
  • Mu - Then shut your trap and keep moving.

The interior of the volcano was revealed to the team. Hellish on the inside as well as on the outside, it was composed of myriads of rocky, fiery caverns, some of them filled with lava. Worse yet, there were voices coming from afar. Not psychic voices. Actual voices.

  • Koluap - This place is absolutely beautiful.
  • Hachi - Guys I think I hear something.
  • Venoriel - These were the emotions I felt. So... disgusting.
  • Arkarixus - There is someone in here other than us.
  • Lemmo - Told you! Natives. Let's get to them.

Zeta tried to charge his gauntlet, but failed so.

  • Zeta - Hand to hand it is then?
  • Stigmathea - Disgusting, why must we do this?
  • Grukarb - Uhh can me and Cort stay behind?
  • Lemmo - Nope. We'll all die together!
  • Mu - Don't be a wuss.
  • Corteus - Its to do with the Imperium's non-intervention protocol. Also how do you think these natives will react to half of us being partially or wholly machine?
  • Grukarb - I think it's more most of us.
  • Hachi - They'll have to be fine with it.
  • Upsilon - If they're like what Radeon-thing over there said, they don't know what technology is.
  • Grukarb - Right, to a culture who has yet to utilise a piston on an industrial scale.
  • Tharaqím - We have no options. Just move on.
  • Corteus - So we're beings of magic to them?
  • Stigmathea - This is exactly why this is a bad idea. They're all primitives. Stupid, disgusting, unwashed natives. They're savages.
  • Koluap - Stop talking like a Basileus.
  • Grukarb - What if Cort and I stayed as the sternguard?
  • Sarec - I may have enough ability to erase their memories of us once we are out of sight of them.
  • Kithworto - If you must.
  • Venoriel - Barely even sentient species, I say.
  • Tharaqím - Enough. Move on.
  • Sarec - I could say the same of several of you.
  • Hachi - Next thing we know you two girls are going to burst into song about how much you hate them.
  • Nu - Less insult, more...uh. I dunno. Move.

The team moved through the caves of fire, passing through the intricate petrified forests of blackened rock and charred stone as the voices became progressively louder and louder.

  • Psi - It's hot. And it's dark. And it's fiery. Reminds of Paclernos in summer.

Eventually, they reached their crescendo; now the team count hear that there were not one voice but several of them. Masculine and feminine, high and deep; whoever the natives were, they were as diverse as the heroes that came to them.

  • Lemmo - I can hear them! They're coming from behind that rock!
  • Stigmathea - I can smell them.
  • Koluap - Why do these voices sound so...familiar?
  • Eta - Eh?
  • Hachi - Yeah...
  • Venoriel - Hm. Step aside. Let the temporarily-empowered professional deal with this...
  • Nu - Yeah. Let's watch the pro in charge.
  • Grukarb - THen by standard protocol, if we cock up you're getting the fall.
  • Psi - This guy over here. Should be an Agent.
  • Grukarb - Why thank you but I'm already spoken for.

Venoriel stepped forward and raised her hand. Slowly, the stony wall began to shake, and then desintegrated, turning into black sand in a second. Even the Radeon officer herself was surprised when she saw the rock recede.

  • Venoriel - How did I-
  • ??? - Who's there?
  • Hachi - What is it, Ven? Who's there?
  • Stigmathea - Navarch?
  • Nu - Well that was record time.

The gaping hole in the volcanic rock revealed seven individuals dressed in archaic, simplistic clothing which was neverthless elaborate in its design; while primitive, it was neverthless evident that they were quite sophisticated' - some of them, at least. What was even more striking was their appearance; although all the seven people must have come from the same world, they were all different from each other as much as the members of Kithworto's team. Four of them, two of them female and two male, were quite similar in appearance to the inhabitants of Earth; the other two, one standing proudly and vivified and th other brooding and skulking, resembled Rambo, Tertanai or other avian species while the seventh member resembled a Rianth... or, rather, one *particular* Rianth.

  • Venoriel - What... the... Earthlings? There?
  • Sarec - My-my.
  • ??? - Wha? Who invited you? This is our exploration! Shoo!

A beaked humanoid woman stepped forward. Sarec's appearence suddenly differed withi nthe group, his armour appearing more like something from this world. One of them, with an avian appearance, was tall, muscular and blue. The essence-sensitive of the team could feel an immense surge of power within him.

  • Hachiman - What the...
  • ??? - Another Lagosi'min? Here...? ...Blue-furred?

The supposed Rianth stepped forward, appearing confused. One of the humans on the second team screamed at the sight of the team's Hachiman.

  • ??? - There's a second one!
  • Hachiman - Aaaaaah!
  • Sarec - Well this is peculiar.

The other human looked at the team.

  • ??? - Holy. They're big. Big.

One of the humanoid figures, the most similar to a standard human, stayed away, looking at her acquaintances from underneath her wide-brimmed hat.

  • ??? - More nonhumans...
  • Stigmathea - Urgh, primitives.
  • Koluap - You can't tell me to shoo! Who do you think you are?
  • ??? - I'm the Sea Witch of the Tropical Lands and if I tell you to shoo it's because you gotta shoo!

The Sea Witch slapped Koluap across the head, causing him to shout and hold his hand against it. Psi, in random whim, ran out in front of the team and launched himself at the natives. The tall avian figure reacted, and with two of his fingers hurled Psi into the wall.

  • Mu - Holy shit.

Psi let out muffled speech as he was embedded in the wall. Sarec's voice resonated within the Onuris team's head.

  • Sarec - <Be cautious with your words. In order to gain their trust, it might be best to support the illusino we are fro mthis owrld.>
  • Venoriel - <<How? We obviously do not look like any inhabitants of their plan->
  • Hachiman - W-Who are you?! ...A-And that girl, over there! The one with the cat! The pretty one!
  • Hachi - Me? I'm Hachi. Well, everybody calls me Hachi. That gir- thing? That's Clothovera Murderface and her living miscarriage, Nyacock.
  • Clothovera - [Oh Gods why must there be TWO of HIM!...and why is everything so hot suddenly?]
  • Nyakik - Get over your hurt posterior, Lagosi.
  • ??? - Two Theriocephali, a Draonoggr and a lot of Kelodhros. What is going on?
  • Venoriel - <Okay, I take my words back.>

The figure walked on forward, assessing the team. He took particular interest in Kithworto. Venoriel greeted the natives.

  • Venoriel - Hail.
  • Javina - Hail... nonhuman.
  • Sea Witch - Get out.

Sarec turned around to look in the direction of the voice, a stern expression appearing on his face.

  • Sarec - <When the mind encounters the unknown, it does its best to fabricate an image that one can understand.>
  • Javina - The name's Javina Desertsun, Empire of Man.
  • Psi - Can someone get me out of this wall please?
  • Sea Witch - This is our exploration. I ain't babysitting anymore people!
  • Mu - Listen here you little-

The Sea Witch snapped her fingers, and in a poof, Mu was turned into a rabbit. Nu looked at the transformed Mu and laughed hard.

  • Clothovera - C-can you teach me that trick later?
  • Sea Witch - Sure.
  • Hachiman - She... She...! ...She looks pretty. Pretty... intimidating, I mean. In a good way.
  • Hachi - Believe me, you won't think that after you get to know her. Horrendous.

Sarec turned around and walked over to Psi. he pressed his hand against the tock which crumbled in such a way that allowed Psi to fall ot the floor on his own accord.

  • Psi - Oomph. Thank you.

Sarec nodded.

  • Venoriel - Two of the Rianths. How wonderful.
  • Hachi - Rianth? I think you mean Lagosi, miss.
  • Javina - And who are you, nonhuman?

Javina approached Venoriel.

  • ??? - So, what are a team of...otherworlders doing here?
  • Sea Witch - I don't know what they want but they better get out of here.
  • Venoriel - We're... from a distant land.
  • Sarec - Very distant. Accross the sea.
  • ??? - A distant land? I know who is from another universe or not. You sound primitive.
  • Grukarb - I think we just got trolled.
  • Koluap - Watch your mouth!
  • Venoriel - Threl'n.

Koluap's eyes had returned to their previous dark colouration. Hachiman approached Clothovera, a curious and captivated expression on his face. The other Hachi turned away and grunted, spitting at the ground. Clothovera kept her distance from Hachiman while blushing.

  • Hachiman - Hi, I'm Hachi. Hachiman, I mean. Yeah, Hachiman.
  • Clothovera - Y-you have the same name as him?
  • Hachiman - No, he has the same name as me.
  • Venoriel - Your capabilities of observation are indeed superb.

Venoriel glared at the phoenix-like creature.

  • ??? - If you must know, my name is Kinmorunddraver. Kinmorúnddravúron if you can handle it.
  • Lemmo - This is getting weird...
  • Nyakik - The tall, dark lizard man interests me. I wish to keep him.

Nyakik put herself against Kithworto's leg. Kithworto looked down.

  • Sarec - Hm, the feline creature appears quite vain.
  • Nyakik - Speak for yourself, wraith. You cannot fool anyone.
  • Javina - You have not answered my question. Who are you?
  • Venoriel - That is none of your concern.
  • Javina - I am an Inquisitor, nonhuman, and you're an animal. You're in no position to speak.
  • Kithworto - Enough.
  • Kezoreg - This is getting too good to be true. I like it here already.
  • Kalcedia - Well, look at the dark-skinned human woman. She looks... spicy.

Clothovera looked at Kalcedia and her cheeks flared red. Javina stared at Kalcedia.

  • Javina - Kelodhros, aren't you? - Javins sounded slightly nervous when speaking to the more than attractive Zazane female - You are disgusting.
  • Kalcedia - I get that a lot.
  • Sarec - You have only just met her, my dear.
  • Kithworto - My name is Kithworto Aknatazán. This is our team.
  • Venoriel - Seems that we share quite a lot in common, human.
  • Javina - And you're even worse.
  • Kinmorunddraver - Enough, Javina. They do not have any violent intent.

Stigmathea approached Javina, a scowl across her face as she shoved Venoriel aside and getting into the human's face.

  • Stigmathea - You have nerve, primitive, and I don't like your attitude either. "Animals". You're savages. Savages! Barely even sapient!

The Sea Witch snapped her fingers and Stigmathea was also turned into a rabbit.

  • Sea Witch - Shut up.
  • Arkarixus - It is true, we come from another universe. Circunstances against our will have thrown us into this world and we need to escape.
  • Grukarb - I'm not going to bother asking how that happened.
  • Sea Witch - Magic, how else?

Grukarb snorted.

  • Venoriel - Your xenophoby and extreme religious behaviour are indicative of your sublimated sapphic tendencies, human. I could tell that from miles away.
  • Javina - ...What?
  • Kalcedia - What's this about coitus?

Nu slammed his hand into Mu's face as a violent surge of black energy went into his arm. As he was still a mere rabbit, Mu was thrown across the room. Sarec stepped forward in front of Nu and shook his head while also holding up his hand.

  • Nu - Listen here you little Kiltaránkisiatékagazátazhatmanaí.
  • Hachi - Whoa. That's awesome. I wonder what it'd be like to be a rabbit...
  • Hachiman - Clothovera, right? That's your name? It's pretty.
  • Hachi - ...What are you doing?
  • Hachiman - I'm communicating. And making friends.
  • Hachi - Well don't make friends with her.
  • Clothovera - No! Make friends with me...I mean...if you want.
  • Hachiman - I'm free to make friends with whoever I want, doppleganger.
  • Hachi - Long words don't scare me.

Hachiman scowled towards Hachi before glancing back to Clothovera with a smile. Hachi growled and walked away from the two of them, allowing Hachiman to approach closer.

  • Sarec - *grumbles* This is getting us nowhere.
  • Nu - Now let's get this sorted out here. We all make friends or I will destroy this planet we're on.
  • Venoriel - Ahem. Silence. Let us get this over with.
  • Sea Witch - Don't provoke me.
  • Tau - Siná'in. Someone. Help.
  • Nu - Go on. Try me.
  • Grukarb - Word of advice everyoneL He's not kidding.

The Sea Witch snapped her fingers and Nu was turned into a small lizard. Grukarb held his hand over his mouth before exploding into croaking laughter.

  • Koluap - Oh god why is everyone so cute suddenly?
  • Lemmo - Hah.
  • Nu - ...Well that was unexpected.
  • Sea Witch - When I say don't provoke me, don't provoke me!

The Sea Witch snapped her fingers again, and Mu, Stigmathea and Nu all returned to normal.

  • Stigmathea - ...Witch!
  • Sea Witch - Now since Kinmorunddraver seems okay with you, I suppose I got no choice but to let you join us. The treasure is all ours though! And it's SEA Witch to you, girl.
  • Grukarb - Well it depends on the treasure.
  • Kithworto - Enough. Everyone.

Kinmorunddraver nodded as Kithworto spoke.

  • Kinmorunddraver - Let the half-demon speak.
  • Venoriel - There is an artifact in this volcano that we seek. It belongs to us.
  • Sea Witch - Artifact? We care for no artifact. We're here for gold and riches.

Kinmorunddraver looked apprehensive.

  • Venoriel - If you aid us, we'll pay you. In kind.
  • Lemmo - What?!
  • Venoriel - Even him.
  • Sea Witch - Oh really now?
  • Kinmorunddraver - Artifact? Explain.
  • Venoriel - A... shard of dark energy that lies somewhere in this place. We seek to destroy it or take it for ourselves...
  • Nyakik - With enough gold, we may give the trash half-elf a bath.

Kinmorunddraver's eyes then narrowed.

  • Sarec - The artifact we seek is an object of considerable darkness and corrutpive power. We are here with the sole intent to ensure that none may use its dreadful power.
  • Kezoreg - Yes. We want to get this dark artefact. And keep it. For ourselves.
  • Kinmorunddraver - A Gladiitenebris shard, as far as I know is not located here. What are you speaking of?
  • Venoriel - Another artifact. Of a power that you are not aware of.
  • Sea Witch - I don't wanna go through the Forgotten Lands incident again. We'll help you whatever you are's.
  • Venoriel - Excellent. Now, let us proceed deeper in the volcano. Time waits for noone...

While the two teams discussed, Hachiman and Clothovera still conversated between themselves.

  • Clothovera - W-what is that your arm is made of? It's obviously not wood...

Clothovera pointed at Hachiman's robotic arm.

  • Hachiman - Mine? It's uhh... well, its made from tech used by Yamato, Borealis Grox, those sorta people. ...Metal, it's made from metal. Alloys.
  • Clothovera - Yamato? Grox? What's that?
  • Hachiman - They're bad people where I come from. Very bad people. ...And I just so happen to have fought them by myself! And survived!
  • Clothovera - Really? How is your home like?
  • Hachiman - I don't really have a home. I left it ages ago to become a traveller. Not by choice of course but the thought of travelling across the star-- seas grew on me.
  • Clothovera - That sounds very interesting...all I've done so far is get magic exploded on my own face and have a huge lava snake bite my leg...
  • Hachi - A lava snake I saved her from, by the way.
  • Hachiman - Yeah, Essence used to blow up in my face before I began training and getting serious. It's all down to confidence and your goal, not your teachers although they do help.
  • Clothovera - I...got no teacher...Just between you and me, I'm hoping the Sea Witch takes me as her pupil.
  • Hachiman - The Sea Witch?

Hachiman looked towards the character with a curious expression, before turning to Clothovera again, appearing to have stepped closer.

  • Hachiman - She reminds me of somebody I used to know, a teacher I used to have.
  • Clothovera - Really? [He keeps coming closer...]
  • Hachiman - Macin, her name was. Old, grumpy, but she was kind. Ish. And good-hearted. I guess that's one really needs if they want to get really good at Essence mastery. What sort of 'magic' do you practice?
  • Clothovera - P-please don't be intimidated but I use...dark magic.
  • Hachiman - Dark magic? I, uhh, know a few people who use it... Not the best of people, but you seem to be an exception. A big exception. Mostly because you're prettier than most of them, heh.

Clothovera let out a nervous chuckle as she didn't know how to respond.

  • Clothovera - I...erm...only use my magic...for good purposes.
  • Hachiman - Really? That must be cool, having all the benefits of dark magic while still being a good person. Makes people interesting, like yourself. I find you... very interesting. In more than just... magic.
  • Clothovera - [I think I'm gonna faint.]

Hachi, the Lagosi, kept a close eye on Hachiman, the rianth. A scowl was worn across his face, expressing hateful distaste towards the otherworldly creature. He felt tempted to step in and say, or rather do, something, although for now he refrained.

  • Hachiman - ...You wouldn't mind if I walked by you, would you? I feel a little lost around here and, well, I need somebody to confide in. You seem like a trustworthy person I'd wanna walk with.
  • Clothovera - I...erm...s-s-sure. I think I'd...enjoy that.
  • Nyakik - Hm. The Lagosi created an illusion to gain Clothovera back. That's cheap. Effective, but cheap.

Hachiman smiled and approached Clothovera, where he then wrapped his metal hand around hers, its cold metallic touch pressing against the soft skin of her hands. Hachi walked close behind them, growling quietly where he could barely be heard.

  • Venoriel - Now, let's be clear. Where were you supposed to go again?
  • Kinmorunddraver - ...Into the volcano.
  • Sea Witch - To the depths! To the treasure!
  • Hachi - Into hell, pretty much.
  • Psi - Treasure? Money? Beer?
  • Eta - ...No.
  • Corteus - So you're all treasure-hunters?
  • Sea Witch - Part-witch, part-hunter, part-many things.
  • Lemmo - My kind of people.
  • Javina - I am not a treasure hunter. I am a warrior of the Inquistion, the beacon of humanity-
  • Sarec - Inquisition?
  • Venoriel - And also extremely unsatisfied carnally. I can read your mind like an open book. Nothing but lust there.
  • Clothovera - [...Shit.]
  • Javina - What?!
  • Grukarb - I just want to get this job done and go home.
  • Hachi - The bitch girl with the cat isn't a treasure hunter. Just a murderous psycho that can't keep to herself.
  • Clothovera - Says the filthy kid who pretends to be "nice" just so he can take pleasure out of innocent women!
  • Sarec - You must learn to broaden your horizons, child.
  • Nu - Murderous psycho? My ears are burning.
  • Zeta - We don't have ears.
  • Nu - Eh. Okay fine, uh...nanotechnological equivalent to a tympanic membrane. Yeah I know biology!

Javina turned to Sarec.

  • Javina - The Inquisition is the fist of humanity. By our will, all of Koldenwelt shall kneel to us.

Javina turned around. The Sea Witch pointed and laughed at Javina.

  • Javina - I just said that aloud, didn't I?
  • Hachiman - Ech, humans are nasty here as well. Even more racist.
  • Nu - Right. So. When do we actually get moving rather than just gawking at each other?
  • Mu - So we go forward? Where's the map for this hellhole?
  • Nu - C'mon, Agent. Volcano. Downawards.
  • Venoriel - Yes, apparently, my Radeon telepathic capabilities have increased thanks to this planet's environment... which is not exactly the most pleasant experience considering that I am constantly exposed to the mind of the Rianth, the... Lagosi, the humanoid, and the human.
  • Javina - What?!
  • Venoriel - Yes. Something about licking chocolate. Whatever that means.
  • Tau - ...Right. Okay. Awkward.
  • Hachi - Licking chocolate? My ears are burning.
  • Sarec - The trick is to block it all out.
  • Kalcedia - As are mine.
  • Tharaqím - Enough. We must proceed now.
  • Venoriel - I concur.
  • Javina - What... how... but... liar!
  • Sarec - I must unfortunately confirm Venoriel's observations.

Nu bashed his way through the team, and then the other team, before continuing downwards.

  • Kalcedia - I wouldn't mind some chocolate right now, either. Human.
  • Hachiman - Yes?
  • Kalcedia - Not you. The... brown one.

Clothovera looked at Hachiman.

  • Clothovera - You got some weird friends.
  • Nu - Yadda yadda yadda, let's move. I want to go home and you're enjoying the scenery.
  • Upsilon - Actually, I agree with Nu.
  • Koluap - Last one to get to the deepest part is a wiener!

Koluap ran ahead.

  • Hachiman - Wiiiieeeeenneeeeerrrr!!

Into the Depths[]

The team slowly began to descend further into the volcano, seeing the rocky caves replaced by burning volcanic rivers. However, there was something else in the caverns, something diabolical and twisted, something... cold. Hachiman, clasping Clothovera's hand, ran forward with her, following after Koluap. Kithworto continued with the team, with no passing glance at anyone.

  • Javina - Do not even think of it, Kelodhros.
  • Koluap - I don't like this volcano. It's awfully un-volcano-y.
  • Sea Witch - There's something weird going on around here.
  • Thr'aloy - This is confusing. man wat da fuk ar yoo losas

Javina looked at Kalcedia's chest.

  • Javina - Wait. Since when do Keldhres have-
  • Kalcedia - What? You don't want a cuddle in the cold?
  • Grukarb - Diversity.
  • Nu - I'll give you a hug.
  • Clothovera - [His muscles are even bigger than Kinmorunddraver's!]

Kalcedia approached Javina and embraced her, wrapping her arms around her tightly and licking her cheek.

  • Nu - ...On second thought...no.
  • Grukarb - Aww that's cute.
  • Lemmo - ...What?
  • Tau - Kas-ataí. [Damn foreigners.]
  • Corteus - A giant purple Zaz-- Keldhoros picking up a woman half her size and giving her a krann-like lick?
  • Grukarb - ....yeah.

Javina muttered something to herself.

  • Javina - Curse you, curse you, curse you, curse you, don't st- curse you...
  • Koluap - I don't know if I should puke or have a seizure.
  • Eta - Sure you're not a Kicath, Spinker?
  • Kezoreg - I hope you choke, old man. Can't be dealing with your mouth mess.
  • Venoriel - Wait! Look!

Sarec, Grukarb and Corteus looked in the direction Venoriel was indicating. Venoriel pointed one of the caves. Darker than the rest of the tunnels, it was similar in its appearance to ice, and the lava inside was cold blue, almost acid-like in apperance.

  • Venoriel - Divin-Ra...
  • Javina - Who?
  • Sarec - A witch.
  • Venoriel - That is her doing.
  • Sea Witch - I'm better than her, I'm sure.
  • Arkarixus - Hm. We know our direction.
  • Hachiman - Whoa, looks romantic!
  • Hachi - Don't even think about it.
  • Javina - A witch?

Javina lighted her torch and raised it.

  • Javina - Shall I introduce her to holy fire then?
  • Zelfron III - I could scout it out, if needed...
  • Kinmorunddraver - A little more than a witch.

Kinmorunddraver ran his finger down the wall of the cave as purple and black sparks of energy arced into his finger.

  • Koluap - And what do you know?
  • Sarec - A powerful witch, which is why several of us came down here.
  • Hachiman - I sure haven't seen a witch which looks better than Clotho here.
  • Hachi - Stop or I'm going to ram that metal hand of yours down your throat.

Clothovera put her tongue out to Hachi.

  • Grukarb - Sometimes simply punching something in the face works wonders. No matter how good they are with "magic".
  • Eta - Yeah. Witch. More like goddess of insanity.
  • Javina - Indeed. We are aware of such beings on this continent.
  • Sea Witch - ...Vargash?
  • Kinmorunddraver - Not Vargash, no. These are not Lympharian magics. Nor void.

The group slowly descended into the warped cave, seeing its twisted, corrupted insides. Suddenly, something appeared inside. A sudden movement.

  • Venoriel - What was tat?
  • Zeta - Sorry, 'boss'. I thought you'd know.
  • Kithworto - Enough. Be prepared.

Grukarb and Corteus prepared themselves ,with COrteus morphing swords out of his hands

  • Kalcedia - Aww don't worry, little chocolate human, I'll keep you safe.

Kalcedia stepped in front of Javina and prepared to draw her sniper rifle. Koluap gripped on his axe while the Sea Witch channeled magic on her hands.

  • Javina - You're disgusting.

Javina readied her blade.

  • Tau - Chocolate human? Well don't call us chocolate-lizards or I'll have Nu 'pump' you with Santorakh-'juice'.
  • Mu - That's downright disgusting, Tau.
  • Tau - I'm speaking her language.
  • ??? - She sees all, she sees all, she sees all...
  • Sarec - Who is there?
  • Sea Witch - The treasure is ours! Reveal yourself!

Suddenly, several dozen Smeevers crawled out of the river, whispering in languages that seemed alien to life itself - and yet understandable. Their skin black and crystalline, with blue light pouring from inside, they marched towards the group, surrounded by the ever-growing patch of black ice.

  • Eta - Well. That was uncivil. Like I care anyway.
  • Sea Witch - What the heck?!
  • Vaktyl - Alright, boys, let's blow this!
  • Possessed Smeever - Endless madness, endless madness, endless madness...
  • Koluap - They...they...they're adorable!

Vaktyl stepped out in front with his chaingun and fired. Sarec charged electricity in his hands and launched it at the smeevers. Pelagrios screamed as he saw the swarm of Smeevers run towards them. Psi did so as well, albeit much deeper in voice. Hachiman and Hachi both drew their blades and stepped in front of Clothovera, glaring at one another with scowling eyes before looking towards the Smeevers.

  • Hachi - This is their home, we can't just--
  • Hachiman - Get used to it!

The Sea Witch launched her magic at the Smeevers, while Clothovera tried to cast a hex, but it exploded on her own face. Arkarixus and tharaqím stomped on them while Koluap attacked with his axe.

  • Clothovera - Ow...
  • Sarec - I do not believe they are fully in control.
  • Koluap - Can we keep one? Please?
  • Sarec - We will have to exorcise it first.

Nu equipped his cannon as he let out destructive charges towards them. The Smeevers continued to attack unscathed, throwing arcs of electricity from their palms. Their appearance became more and more deformed, tentacles growing from their backs, their teeth becoming needle-like and their claws elongating.

  • Mu - Oh shu up, you little shit.
  • Javina - Foul creatures. Carlini...

Hachiman looked back and approached Clothovera while Hachi, disgustedly, began disposing of the Smeevers, although merely incapacitating them rather than killing them outright.

  • Koluap - Hey! Second Hachi! You're pretty bad at killing stuff!

Corteus and Grukarb unleasehed their weapons upon the smeevers, a flurry of blades and a hail of particle bean fire. As the Smeevers died, Dalverat floated above and laughed evilly, as he raised several of them from the dead to attack the living ones.

  • Psi - Please don't. They're kiltaránkodalnyúriinønunjázakhenin! [Fucking creepy!]
  • Dalverat - Oh get over it.
  • Pelagrios - Hey. That guy looks like Count Dalverat.
  • Sea Witch - Count Dalverat is much taller than that.

Javina saw her torch ignite and tried driving the twisted creatures away, seeing them burn. However, that did not stop them; as they fell, their dead carcasses simply fused together into larger, misshapen beings, which attacked with even greater strength.

  • Clothovera - Oooh, necromancy! Lovely...I mean, no, it's bad.
  • Javina - What the?
  • Hachi - What is this, Endless Host?
  • Javina - Worse.

Kinmorunddraver swung waves of bright, white energy at the Smeevers as he cut them down. Thr'aloy turned to Pelagrios and the Sea Witch.

  • Dalverat - Wait. Who is this Dalverat you speak of?
  • Sea Witch - Leader of the Nightshade Clan. Master of all vampires.
  • Dalverat - Hah. Even other dimensions see the benefits of having a Dalverat around.
  • Grukarb - Nice ego, don't let it block up this tunne lthough.
  • Tuolog - It not beneficial. It a pain for both dimensions.

Dalverat hissed at Tuolog's direction. Kithworto sent out swarming black streams of energy at the Smeevers, reducing them to nothing but bones and dust. Kalcedia fired her sniper rifle one-handed, using her second to move down Javina's back and towards her shapely rear. Kezoreg began cutting the mutared Smeevers into pieces with his Kicathian blade and blasting them with his destructive energies.

  • Javina - What did you just-
  • Zeta - I'm one hundred and sixty five years old, and I can safely say...this is messed up.
  • Eta - Your point? I'm one hundred and twenty-eight.
  • Zeta - Have you done anything like this since you were turned into a Tagárai?
  • Eta - Point taken.
  • Mu - Can this end and we get to the part where we rip Divin-Ra's beak off and shove it up her rear?

Sarec continued firing lightning arcs, he also focused his mind and threw Smeevers about telekinetically. Javina walked away from Kalcedia and began cutting down the large Smeever carcasses, chanting incantations of exorcism.

  • Javina - Exorcizamus ve, omnis immunde spiritus, omni satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica...

The Smeevers did not react to Javina's words, merely attacking with even greater speed.

  • Koluap - You made them angrier, you stupid.
  • Hachiman - Dammit, if only my Dream Energy worked!
  • Sea Witch - "Dream Energy"? Is that a drug or what?

Tuolog suddenly began to channel some of the Source magic. Hachiman continued chopping down Smeevers, resorting to punching several of them away with his fist.

  • Javina - Curse you! Curse you all! You... Kelodhros with bosoms, do something!
  • Tuolog - Hey. This magic is nice.

Nu walked up to one of the Smeevers, and crushed its torso with one swing of his fist.

  • Nu - Man these things are annoying. And ugly. And now my hand hurts.
  • Venoriel - Hm... wait, I have an idea. Keep killing them so they'd fuse!
  • Sarec - What exactly are you doing Venoriel?
  • Tau - ...Fuse? What in the name of whatever deity are you talking about?

Venoriel crushed several corrupted Smeevers with her energies, watching their carcasses fusing into one being. Koluap shrugged and kept attacking. Arkarixus, Tharaqím, the Sea Witch and Clothovera did the same.

  • Nu - Well you never mentioned that one before.
  • Tau - Would you stop talking like you're narrating the damn mission?!

Slowly, the number of the Smeever diminished while their... size grew, until only one remained. A huge, skeletal monstrosity composed of corrupted skeletons.

  • Sea Witch - Looks like something coming out of those Serenity folks.
  • Kinmorunddraver - Regardless. Kill it already!
  • Venoriel - Now... The one the wench called chocolate, perform your exorcism. Witches, use your magic to pacify creature. Sarec, I expect the same from you. I'll lead the process.
  • Clothovera - [What a bossy bitch.]
  • Darwishi - Man, this is boring!
  • Eta - I was just thinking that.
  • Psi - But...but you were just saying that you never saw anything like this before.
  • Eta - Doesn't mean it's a fun experience.
  • Javina - As you wish... nonhuman...

Darwishi flew straight into the monster, diving head first. The beast remained unflinching and smashed Darwishi aside. Sarec nodded concentrated his abilities, reaching into the mind of the giant smeever in order to pacify it. Slowly, under the unified mental pressure of multiple Essence and Source users, the Smeever-thing relented. Losing its icy coat, it slowly fell down, the unnatural power leaving him gradually.

  • Venoriel - Excellent. Now, proceed further.
  • Sea Witch - I'd have casted Hexus mortem on it but that also works.
  • Kinmorunddraver - I doubt that would have worked.

The team slowly descended further beneath the volcano, seeing the landscape became gradually more corrupted. Malformed, warped faces started appearing on the walls, screaming in incomprehensible languages, their voices resounding with nightmarish echoes.

  • Sea Witch - Reminds me of my home before I got rid of the ghosts.
  • Koluap - You're a toy!
  • Corteus - Shut up you insane witch!
  • Mu - You're invited to go berserk and beat her to a pulp like you did to Nu's sister.
  • Corteus - Oh I certainly would.
  • Nu - Hey.
  • Mu - You know you agree with me.

Nu shrugged his shoulders.

  • Nu - Guess you're right.

Lord of Trolls[]

After going through the long corridor, the team finally reached a huge hall where a massive artifact lied in the center - the source of the corruption. Those of the group who were not from Koldenwelt could have easily recognised it: it was identical to Reminocles' amplifier.

  • Koluap - There's the thing that does stuff!
  • Nu - Let's get the thing that does stuff then. I forget why we need it but...oh well. Just grab the fucking thing.
  • Venoriel - Wait! Look! There's someone else in the place... I can feel him.

Venoriel closed her eyes.

  • Nu - Remind me to kick her in the face once we're back home.
  • Venoriel - Thoughts of pure unrestrained anger, like the Mali'Nar themselves. But he is from this... place. He was attracted to the artifact by his own will.
  • Sea Witch - You lot need to hurry up.

Light began to coaelsce around Venoriel.

  • Nu - Man I am getting bored. When will the plot revolve around me again?
  • Tau - You need to get your head checked out. Again.
  • Psi - I'm callin' fourth wall syndrome.
  • Venoriel - Anger. Anger. Anger - Venoriel's voice was slowly becoming less coherent - Much anger... many nightmares... such hatred... wow...
  • Sea Witch - Now you're irritating me.

Venoriel collapsed on the floor as the ground began to shake. From the flesh-like floor of the cave, a twisted, Loron-like figure rose... Sarec looked about the room. The Agents all stepped back in shock, except for Nu who started laughing.

  • Lak'rajah - Hah. Looks like I have plenty of people who came here to be killed!
  • Nu - Loron. You're actually shitting me. A Loron.
  • Eta - A pretty damn stupid looking Loron at that.
  • Venoriel - There are LORONS here too? Malediction...
  • Grukarb - Are there any Loron that aren't stupid-looking?

The Loron-like figure was coloured differently to the others. He was tall for a Loron of Koldenwelt, and he was carrying two axes. Blue light poured into Lak'rajah, corrupting him even further and turning him into a warped monstrosity. Light began to shine from Sarec's eyes as he stepped froward, electricity arcing down his arms.

  • Nu - Oh there we go. I was expecting to flick his brains out across the wall.
  • Lak'rajah - I will murder all of you and smash your skulls, then proceed to eat your corpses and go look for more people to kill! NOW COME FACE ME! FEEEEED MY BLADES!!!
  • Javina - Foul beast.
  • Zeta - Never that simple unfortunately.
  • Upsilon - Wouldn't have it any other way, really.
  • Dalverat - That's the smallest Loron I've ever seen. Don't you agree, Thr'aloy?
  • Thr'aloy - I do. YEH MAN HES FUKIN TINY
  • Dalverat - Show him what a real Loron can do.

Javina looked at Kalcedia for some reason, then charged at the corrupted Lak'rajah with her blade in her hand. Lak'rajah let out a war cry and then smashed her to the floor with his axe, and kicked her. Kithworto unleashed torrents of energy upon Lak'rajah in colours of black and red, whilst the Agents all opened fire upon him. Lak'rajah seemed to be ignoring the attacks, as if they were doing little damage to him. Likely a result of the Divin'Ra.

  • Psi - Ka te ma bao ver son gar taer eí!
  • Tau - What language was that?
  • Psi - Taiathwor. C'mon.
  • Lak'rajah - Talk proper language, cyka blyat!
  • Stigmathea - Why is this beast aware of Euraspact human languages?
  • Sea Witch - Speak for yourself, ogre. Your kind eats dirt for lunch.

Lak'rajah then roared and tried to smash the Sea Witch with an axe to her face. The Sea Witch teleported away before she could be hit. Koluap attacked Lak'rajah with his axe while Arkarixus and Tahraqím fired their essences at him. The Sea Witch casted her magic as well. Sarec stood back, observing the battle and thikning carefully.

  • Psi - Quick. Someone pump Nu full of essence again.
  • Nu - No. Feeling bloated.
  • Lak'rajah - Ogre?! I AM A TROLL! THE LORD OF TROLLS!
  • Sea Witch - Yeah. As stupid as all other Loron.

Lak'rajah threw an axe at her, roaring in anger. She teleported away, firing her magic as she did. Sarec suddenly levitated upwards above the crowd. He focused his energies and threw soundwaves at the walls of the chamber. Javina short at Lak'rajah's head. The shot missed its target and hit the artifact instead, making it flare a bit. Nu walked up to the troll, and delivered a kick directly into his crotch. He then turned to Nu, and in response, hit an axe at Nu's crotch. The axe deflected straight off his armour as Nu didn't flinch.

  • Nu - Heh.
  • Lemmo - Erm... lady, where did you learn marksmanship?

Lemmo grabbed Javina's pistol from her hand and fired himself. This time, the shot was more accurate and actually hit Lak'rajah.

  • Lemmo - Now that's how it's done.
  • Javina - Hmph. Nonhumans, always so full of themselves.

Lak'rajah then charged towards Thr'aloy and smashed him with his axes.

  • Lak'rajah - You remind me of me. And for that reason I hate you. Then again, I hate everyone.
  • Dalverat - Retaliate, you idiot! Don't let this midget get you!
  • Thr'aloy - Well I hate you too. IMMA FUKIN RIP YAS APART MAN

Sarec smirked and materialised a fusion pistol in his hand, he aimed at the amplifier and fired a beam of enhanced particle beams at it. Thr'aloy tackled Lak'rajah and began punching him at high speed. He roared, trying to smash some of his axes into Thr'aloy's arms, and then at his stomach.

  • Psi - I must ask. What the fuck is going on here?

Thr'aloy felt himself damaged, though his metallic skin protected him.

  • Thr'aloy - No. MOR LIKE LORD OF GET IN MA BELLY!!!

Thr'aloy threw himself down and chomped on Lak'rajah's head. Lak'rajah tried to shake Thr'aloy off, and hit his neck with an axe. Thr'aloy gagged and spat Lak'rajah out, covering him with his saliva.

  • Dalverat - Ew.
  • Lak'rajah - Bro do you even lift?! COME BACK HERE AND LET ME FINISH YOU!
  • Thr'aloy - Don't tell me what to do. YOO TASTE LIKE SHIT MAN
  • Lak'rajah - You cannot outtroll a troll, you fool!
  • Thr'aloy - You make no sense. IMMA OUTROLL YA MOM

Lak'rajah threw axes aiming for Thr'aloy's mouth. Sarec continued firing particle blasts at the amplifier

  • Hachi - I'm not going anywhere near that.
  • Hachiman - Nu-uh, me neither. Staying outta this one.
  • Lak'rajah - Oh, you're good at this!
  • Thr'aloy - I'm the best. BETTA DAN YOO

Lak'rajah's rage grew more intense, and...

  • Lak'rajah - IMMA OUTTROLL YA DAD

Thr'aloy evaded the axes and charged at Lak'rajah again.

  • Lak'rajah - ONE V ONE ME BRO!
  • Thr'aloy - You will regret provoking me. YOR ASS IS GRASS

Lak'rajah stood up to Thr'aloy and hit more axes at him out of fury. Thr'aloy retaliated by delivering punches and kicks at Lak'rajah. Kalcedia fired from a distance with her sniper rifle, seeking to dislodge pieces of Lak'rajah's armour in order to make the task easier for Thr'aloy. Javina looked at Kalcedia.

  • Thr'aloy - Your help is appreciated. IF YOO HIT ME I SWER IMMA SLAP YOO UP KALCEDIA
  • Eta - She'd enjoy that. Don't give her the satisfaction
  • Javina - Your skill is... impeccable.
  • Kalcedia - I'm a good aim. I have experience with... shooting big guns.
  • Clothovera - W-what do you mean with taht?
  • Javina - Whatever your race is, you're a credit to it.
  • Kalcedia - ...Thank you, chocolate human. I... I appreciate that.

Lak'rajah was knocked back by Thr'aloy, who was clearly stronger than him. He fell to the ground, almost incapacitated, but Divin-Ra kept him up.

  • Lak'rajah - The trolls...always get the last word!
  • Tuolog - You sure about that?
  • Dalverat - What a bother. Just die already.

Lak'rajah got back up and roared, but then Tuolog brought out a weapon.

  • Tuolog - You like this?
  • Lak'rajah - No! NO! I WILL KILL YOU!

The weapon Tuolog brought out was a giant warhammer, the Borealis Annihilation Node. He passed it to Thr'aloy.

  • Tuolog - Use this!
  • Lak'rajah - NOT THE BANHAMMER!
  • Nu - See? Banhammer.
  • Javina - What?
  • Thr'aloy - This is silly. DAI

Thr'aloy launched the hammer at Lak'rajah's direction. Lak'rajah was instantly knocked out by it, incapacitated, though it wouldn't be long before Divin-Ra would revive him.

  • Lak'rajah - Your administration sucks...you cannot keep me out!
  • Thr'aloy - Shut up. OH AM DAYZ YOR NOT DED YET
  • Eta - Ántakhajinarolohosønin-et masí'naktázcha orayǎninazha. [This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.]
  • Mu - I need a freaking drink.
  • Psi - Drink? Where?
  • Pelagrios - Drink? Where?

Suddenly, energy engulfed Lak'rajah. Thousands upon thousands of lights, glowing like tiny purple wisps, surrounded his body and burned away his mutations - and then, his body. When Sarec looked at the wisps, he realised: they were kin. They were the warriors of light.

  • Lak'rajah - Trolls... always... get the...aaaargh!

Lak'rajah screamed as loud as he could, purifying light coursing through him, as he was reduced to a mere skeleton in but a few seconds. At the same time, Venoriel stood up, her thoughts at last clear from Lak'rajah's madness.

  • Venoriel - What was... that. What happened?
  • Lemmo - Somebody bought a lot of drugs.
  • Thr'aloy - TAKE DAT LOSA. Enjoy your BAN.

Sarec smiled as he looked upon his brothers, sisters and in-betweens. He approached Venoriel, helping her to her feet.

  • Sarec - They have found us.
  • Nu - You fell on the ground and you were being useless is what happened.
  • Dalverat - About damn time.
  • Arkarixus - Gather the artifact. It's time to leave.
  • Clothovera - Woah wait. L-leave?
  • Hachiman - ...Y-Yeah. We... We can't stay.
  • Tuolog - Silly. Course we have to go.
  • Clothovera - Aww...
  • Hachi - Thank fuck for that. I've had just enough of you.

The Sea Witch smacked the back of Hachi's head.

  • Sea Witch - Don't you know manners?
  • Venoriel - Yes... but what shall we do with it? We can't just-
  • Hachi - H-Hey! He's done nothing but slow us all down!
  • Hachiman - I really must apologize I wasn't better company.
  • Hachi - Don't you dare.
  • Hachiman - I'm sorry that I must leave so suddenly, miss Clotho. I hope you don't forget about me, I know I won't forget about you.

Hachiman leaned down and kissed Clothovera gently, before smiling and scruffing her hair. He ran back to his team and sat with them while this universe's Hachi began squeaking and screeching, cussing loudly in foreign tongue. Kalcedia looked towards Javina and smiled to herself, crossing her legs as she gazed upon the Alhassan Inquisitor one last time.

  • Clothovera - ...B-bye...
  • Kithworto - Well. We cannot take that artifact. Having two of the same artifacts will cause anomalous consequences if we use one.
  • Sea Witch - You guys ain't half-bad. If you ever come across these parts again, take a stroll at Skull Cave.
  • Koluap - Thanks but absolutely not.

Kinmorunddraver grabbed the artifact in his hand and looked at it.

  • Venoriel - What are you going to do with it?
  • Kinmorunddraver - I've had millennia of alien artifacts leaking into this world. I think Karandenvalest could do with one less.

Hachiman approached Clothovera once more and placed his arms upon her hips, looking down at her with a smile. Hachi watched from afar, his face beginning to fume with angered red.

  • Venoriel - No! Don't-

Clothovera blushed and froze in place while Nyakik looked humorously at Hachi. Kinmorunddraver, after a small pause crushed the artifact in his hand like a fragile glass ornament.

  • Venoriel - ...Why...
  • Koluap - Aww, I wanted to do that!

Suddenly, a vortex appeared once again, consuming the visitors from the other universe into it once more...

  • Nu - Fuck, fucking bird thing, fuck!
  • Koluap - I hate crows! HATE!

After a few moments, the vortex closed, leaving the Koldenwelt team by themselves once again. Kinmorunddraver brushed his hand of the artifact as he walked on.

  • Javina - Farewell, nonhumans... and yes, I like chocolate.
  • Hachi - Godsdamned furry fuck! I hope you choke!
  • Sea Witch - Oh well. Back to hunting for the treasure, team!

Into the Chaos[]

Dark Future[]

More darkness envoloped the team, all trapped in a void, no up no down no left no right no far no near. As the team stood amongst nothing, they heard a faint thumping, starting slow getting faster and faster. A low thrumming

  • Nu - Well this sucks.
  • Thr'aloy - This is awkward. man i cant see shit wat da hell
  • Mu - Why does my life suck so much.
  • Darwishi - Well, that can't be good...
  • Kalcedia - Well this seems familiar. Urgh, that was a bad night.

They felt a chill rush though the air, a biting cold as the world around them as their vision slowly reformed.

  • Hachi - Don't go into the light!
  • Tau - Gaah. Where are we now?
  • Mu - Are we back home? Tell me we're back home.

Kithworto took in a deep breath as his body accustomed itself.

  • Kithworto - Yes and no.

Black became blue and grey, reforming into lights, the thrumming became faster and faster until their vision returned, placing them in the middle of a decrepit city and having them stand in front of a brightly-lit building.

  • Kithworto - Close, but no.
  • Mu - I might just start vomiting endlessly again.

The thrumming was coming from inside, but it was not an ominous thumping, but the upbeat sound of loud music.

  • Hachi - What's going on?
  • Kezoreg - This place stinks.

Koluap's skin darkened again as he looked around, putting his hands on his face.

  • Sarec - This place does not look very promising.
  • Koluap - This place...this place...
  • Upsilon - Anyone know where we are right now?
  • Tharaqím - Somewhere inhabited by individuals who clearly have no taste in music.
  • Vaktyl - Stay on your guards. Keep your weapons close!
  • Tuolog - I fear for lives now...

The cold was coming from a wintery chil that was blowing, dull and miserable spaiens wandered around, some passing though the doors of this brightly lit building decorated in tasteless neon.

  • Kithworto - I have a feeling like I know this place. Vaguely.

Kalcedia screeched in sheer delight as she began to recognize the atmosphere of the location; it was all so familiar to her yet she had never paid a visit to this place.

  • Koluap - This place...!

Flickering on top of the building's front awning was a hologram, flickering due to disrepair but was clearly a Radeon dressed in swaying fabrics dancing.

  • Kalcedia - Guys, guys! Oh, guys! We need to go insiiiiiide~!
  • Arkarixus - What.
  • Venoriel - Ugh, what is this hideous establishment!?

The Kicath looked up at the hologram. Their faces contorted in disgust as they then looked away.

  • Thr'aloy - Eh...man kalcedia go suk a dik. oh wait yoo enjoy doin dat. hmm
  • Grukarb - Reminds me of Lower Araveene to be honest.
  • Tau - Oh for the love of Dal'nyur. Why?
  • Stigmathea - This. Now this is heresy.
  • Mu - My eyes!
  • Venoriel - Agreed.

Hachi looked at the dancing Radeon hologram and a smile erupted across his face. He raced for the entrance, followed shortly by Kalcedia as they were both eager to take a peek within.

  • Sarec - This was unexpected. At least we are in no physical danger...at least I hope.
  • Nu - Define danger.
  • Mu - My mind is in danger alright.
  • Kezoreg - Fuck me, this place smells like skank.
  • Kithworto - This place seems to be home to a few...unscrupulous characters. Be on your guard.
  • Sarec - As long as no one interacts with the staff, we should be safe
  • Eta - Don't need to tell me that. Any twig-girl that messes with me is gonna get snapped like one.
  • Grukarb - Did that Draconis just make a joke about STDs?
  • Arkarixus - Let us go then. No point standing here.
  • Koluap - Place...
  • Grukarb - Hey let's look on the bright side. Should be warm inside, right?
  • Kezoreg - When I end up setting it on fire, yes.
  • Upsilon - "Warm".

As Hachi and Kalcedia opened the doors they wer eblasted with loud trance music that assaulted their ears, followed by the cheers of depraved men, women and other genders, baying over women of all species dancing on platforms, and some men. Kithworto followed Hachi and Kalcedia to the entrance. He walked straight in to the establishment, almost trampling the two as he walked through them.

  • Psi - Ah. This reminds me of Anatezc-ji 0. Just without the debauchery part.

Koluap walked in with a vacant expression. The Agents appeared to be very uncomfortable; even in their own armour they held on to their own arms in discomfort. Except namely Psi, who went straight to the bar.

  • Dalverat - Typical.
  • Kalcedia - This place... is brilliant! A home for goddesses!
  • Kezoreg - Goddesses of skank.
  • Hachi - Be right back!
  • Psi - You. Big drink please. Actually no, just a big drink and like...actually no, all the strongest drinks you have mixed into one jug. A big jug.

Walking between the crowds were scandily clad women; Draconis, Radeon, Solinkidor, Radeon, carrying drinks of varying colours

  • Thr'aloy - Are you serious? WAT DA ACTUAL FUK
  • Arkarixus - Well, at least we know we are at Andromeda.

A rather portly Ryketian turned around to Nu and looked at him with a smirk as he was cleaning a glass.

  • Kithworto - Regardless. I suggest we wait here until the Mali'Nar find us.
  • Tharaqím - Since when are Andromedans so...indecent?

Nu growled.

  • Ryketian Bartender - How about the house special?
  • Nu - What are you looking at?

Nu looked at the bartender for a few seconds before complying.

  • Nu - Grr. Fine.

Hachi approached one of the stages and camouflaged himself into the crowd, watching as scantily-clad women patrolled and danced around poles, posing and strutting their generous assets for all to see. Kezoreg sat by himself, growling agitatedly while Kalcedia began to de-morph her armoured pieces, beginning to appear naked. It was not long before Eta walked over to the bar. Psi was already passed out with an immense jug tipped on its side, empty.

  • Eta - What a menace.
  • Kalcedia - It feels like home, better make myself comfortable.

Venoriel held her head and kept her feet to the floor. The Ryketian nodded and tossed a cocktail mixer after pouring about five drinks in, performing juggling behind him and around him before a final shake, pouring a white, glossy liquid into a glass and sprinkling it with gold dust before passing it to Nu and Psi. Koluap sat down, looking completely vacant. His skin had turned brown and his pupils were gone. Kezoreg looked towards Koluap and chuckled, placing a hand upon his shoulder.

  • Kezoreg - I know that feel.

Nu held the drink. Psi, on the other hand, crawled his hand over to the drink as if it were the only animate part of his body. Crowds began notcing Kalcedia and began crowding around her with michevious smiles, pointing at her with credit chits. Koluap did not react to Kezoreg and merely kept looking fown. Arkarixus and Tharaqím both refused to sit down.

  • Psi - Nu...you ever noticed that things generally go shit really quickly in bars?
  • Nu - We're Kicath. We're in bars. It always goes to shit.
  • Vailisa - The Fist want dance!

Vailisa stood in the middle of the dance floor and stomped around...naturally, this didn't end well. Nu grabbed the drink in his hand, and downed it in one sitting. Kalcedia laughed and climbed onto one of the stages, proceeding to dance and strut above the crowd. All her assets were generous and bountiful, and her body was complimented by the strobe lights as she moved like substance, a fluid.

  • Koluap - ...We won.
  • Thr'aloy - I will dance too. MAN FUK DIS

Thr'aloy charged over to the DJ and beat him up, then kicked him away. He changed the song to a Flo'Sikka song. Tau then walked up to the bar. Inquisitively, she asked the bartender a question.

  • Tau - Hey. You. What's the date?
  • Ryketian - Hmm, fourth months seventeenth day?
  • Dalverat - Gah. All of you lack manners.
  • Tau - ...Uh. In Seven Starr Alliance terms?
  • Ryketian - What's that exactly?

Tau looked in disbelief.

  • Tau - Kithworto? We have a problem.
  • Ryketian - If you're wondering about the year hmm, it's been about 95 years since the COllapse. Not that anyone cares.

Kithworto then proceeded to walk over to the bar, looking at the bartender.

  • Kithworto - Ninety five years since what collapse, exactly?
  • Koluap - We won.

Kezoreg grumbled as he sat with Koluap, glaring at him with apprehension and caution as his eyes appeared to have rolled into the back of his head.

  • Kezoreg - You're going to vomit, aren't you?
  • Ryketian - Wasn't born then but my granps kept talkig about this "glactic commonwealth" that fell to shit about that time.
  • Arkarixus - ...Oh no.
  • Kithworto - Ninety five years since the collapse of the Andromedan Galactic Commonwealth? So that makes it at least...2890.
  • Vaktyl - Now hold on a minute. This ain't cool.
  • Psi - Hell. I could meet my future self. See how much of an amazing player I am by then.

Koluap turned his head to Kithworto while grinning forcefully.

  • Koluap - Ninety five years since the Dominion won!
  • Kezoreg - Great, the old man's having a seizure.

Kithworto turned sharply at Koluap. He looked down at Koluap, noticing his general change in appearance.

  • Ryketian - Hey smile! This is one of the best places outside Imperial space!
  • Kithworto - He's possessed.
  • Koluap - This is your galaxy, in the future! You lose! You all lose! We win!
  • Tuolog - Uh oh...

Tuolog's energy seeped into Koluap to try and calm him down. At that moment, there was a sudden shift in atmosphere that all of the Essence-sensitives could detect; something dark, something suffocating, something powerful had just entered into the establishment. And it was approaching, fast. It was boisterous, it was loud, it could not be ignored yet none knew where to look for it.

As the pumping music continued to thump inside their heads, the other figure that joined was a Radeon with dull fur, no eyes and heavily scarred, wearing a battered and weathered uniform of the Guardians of Light. Koluap held on his head and began cackling loudly.

  • Nu - So, here we are in 289-whatever in a strip club. In Andromeda. I take it Andromeda pretty much collapsed then.
  • Ryketian - Pretty-much friend.

The dark figure, who stood beside the dulled, aged Radeon, appeared monstrous; an amalgamation of Zazane and Kicath at first glance, with something a little more... evil added into the equation. It appeared severely mutated and, to all who could see him, was akin to an abomination.

  • ??? - Where all the black Kicath at?!

Kithworto's head turned sharply.

  • Mu - What the fuck is that and how do we make it go away.
  • Psi - Black Kicath...right there. Big one. God of death! Sleep.
  • Koluap - Your son! Everyone's son!

Koluap did a flip and fell over, unconscious.


Sarec and Wraith Legion also turned their heads to look at the figure and looked at the pair with shock. As Kalcedia was dancing she may have noticed a pink Zazane shorter than her with a generous body giving her a sinister glare. Zeta on the other hand, was stood in the midst of the crowd, his arms folded and towering over a majority of the beings there. The abomination shoved party-goers and strippers out of his way as he approached the counter, pushing Hachi out of his way with little concern. When he got to the counter, he did not bother to ask for a drink and instead took the closest one that had been served already, swallowing it.

  • Mu - This place sucks, can we leave now?
  • Ryketian - You going to pay for that mate?
  • Zazane Woman - Hey, planet-ass, that's my pole.
  • Psi - Hey...another prostitute Zazane. Hey Nu, perhaps. Hehehheh. Perhaps we can...you know this could go quite well.

Nu beat Psi on the side of the head, sending him unconscious.

  • Nu - That's enough outta you, princess.

Kalcedia's eyes widened and she slowly turned towards the Zazane woman, turning her head on a slight tilt and giving an immensely angered glare.

  • Kalcedia - What was that, fat thighs?
  • Radeon - Everywhere we go I feel darkness.

Another Kicath was present in the bar, with a darkened appearance. He went to swipe for his drink, but found nothing. In confusion, he looked around to see where it went.

  • Zazane - Never seen you here before. Because every skank here knows that's my pole.
  • Kalcedia - Oh is it now? Since when were sluts so possessive of their poles? Get lost princess, I'm sure some greasy, fat fuck wants his dick sucked by now. Careful not to ruin your make-up.
  • Grukarb - Uhh this feels like it's about to get considerably ugly right about now.
  • Mu - If this is Andromeda after the Dominion won, I hope a Xhodocto shows up right now and ends our misery.
  • Zazane - You think you can just waltz in here with your Koda-weight thighs and dance aroudn like this club is yous?

The abomination turned his head and looked towards the two Zazane women as they shouted extremities at one another, and he smiled. Pushing his way through the crowd, he leaped onto the stage that the two of them were standing on and laughed whole-heartedly, his tail swaying excitedly.

  • ??? - Ladies, ladies, please! I know you both have daddy issues, but there's no need to fight.
  • Zazane - All I am asking this bitch to do is step down so I can dance around my pole.

Koluap woke up with a yawn, getting himself back together.

  • Koluap - Sheesh, just had the weirdest dream.
  • Upsilon - Was your dream about how you said the Xhodocto won?
  • Koluap - Yeah! It also involved cheesewheels, for some reason.
  • Upsilon - ...Right.
  • Vaktyl - That weren't no dream, man...
  • Kithworto - Kalcedia. Step down. Save the conflict for the real issue.
  • Koluap - Where are we now? This place is full of UGLY people, holy shit.

Koluap pointed at the Zazane abomination.

  • Koluap - Look at that guy! Son, you need plastic surgery!
  • Grukarb - A whorehouse. Like it?

The abomination proceeded to grab ahold of Kalcedia and brought her close to him, before reaching out and grasping ahold of the pink Zazane women, bringing her up against him and Kalcedia.

  • ??? - How about you settle this and dance around my pole, hmm? Learn to share!
  • Zazane - Five hundred credits. Plus 200 for any extra company.
  • Kalcedia - Eek! No offense, but you're not exactly my type.
  • ??? - I know, we're a disaster waiting to happen! That's why it's the perfect opportunity to get to know each other. So, what do you say? How much?
  • Kalcedia - .... Ngh....
  • Koluap - Whorehouse? No, I don't like it. I'm a married man, and besides, all these whores are ugly as shit.
  • Psi - You right...you should be a Kicath. You'd fit in.
  • Koluap - If I were a Kicath, I'd probably look better than that guy over there. I can clearly see he deformed himself to look like a Kicath.

Kithworto's eyes narrowed as he saw the figure dancing with Kalcedia and the other Zazane.

  • Kithworto - You. Get off my team member.
  • Eta - You're pointing at the wrong person.

Koluap bumped Kezoreg with his elbow.

  • Kezoreg - Huh? What do you want?
  • Koluap - Ain't I right? Ain't that guy the ugliest bastard?
  • Kezoreg - Hmm? ...Oh damn, what the fuck is that thing? He's ugly as shit!
  • Tau - I do wonder why aliens have to dress stupidly.

The abomination heard Kithworto's voice, and he froze. He proceeded to throw Kalcedia and the pink Zazane across the establishment, before slowly turning towards Kithworto, his eyes narrowed and blackened. He clenched his fists.

  • ??? - ...What do you think you're doing here?
  • Sarec - It appears everyone agrees that the Kicath-like entity is unattractive.
  • Kithworto - ...What now?

The Agents saw Kithworto and the figure squaring off, as they prepared their weapons. Psi on the other hand was still head-in-the-counter.

  • ??? - I asked. What do. You think. You're doing. Here? Or have you gone deaf, old man?
  • Koluap - Punch his head off!
  • Kithworto - You obviously know who I am. I don't know who you are.

Quendor looked between the two and backed off in horror, he could feel the residual power and aminosity between the two of them. The abomination stepped down from the stage and threw the crowd away from him with tremendous strength yet little effort, approaching Kithworto as a black, chaotic aura began to manifest itself, leaking from his flesh.

  • Psi - Everyone evacuate the facility...the planet's about to blow up and I'm about to vomit.
  • Mu - Damnit, Psi.
  • Vailisa - CAN THE FIST SMASH THAT????
  • Dalverat - Shut up.
  • Quendor - Kithanan, remember I tried getting you to promise to cut down on this pointless mass-destruction.
  • ??? - You have amnesia too? How fucking convenient, old man.
  • Mu - "Kithanan". Wow. Is that Zazane that much of a Kicath fanboy?
  • Venoriel - Wait...why does that Radeon look and feel familiar?
  • Stigmathea - That Radeon... No, I must be imagining things.
  • Psi - He looks like that guy whose name I can't pronounce.
  • Kithworto - I don't really want to do this. Not right now anyway.
  • Kithanan - You refuse to save the galaxy but you waste your time spying on me? Was Borealis too fucking boring for you?!
  • Koluap - Punch him! Kick him! Eat him!
  • Quendor - You see? He doesn't want to cause trouble just. Both of you back away.
  • Venoriel - He can't be...

From Kithworto's left arm, reddened sparks of energy travelled down whilst on his right, travelled down bright blue sparks.

  • Kithworto - But you're giving me little recourse not to smack you around a bit for common courtesy.

The crowd suddenly began screaming and running from the club, pushing aside anyone they could to get out of the way, but clearly avoiding Kithworto and Kithanan.

  • Psi - We should probably follow their lead.
  • Nu - When the hell did you wake up anyway?
  • Kithanan - Common courtesy? So courtesy outweighs the damned galaxy, does it? You haven't changed, not in a century.

Sarec, Corteus and Grukarb felt them pushing against him, with Grukerb getting knocked down.

  • Koluap - Why is everyone acting like they know the ugly mug?
  • Kithworto - If you know who I am, then squaring off with me is suicide for you.

The Ryketian however dissapeared inside the back room, returning a moment later armed with a shotgun of advanced make but had been apparently worn with age. Nu looked at the Ryketian bartender with his weapon in hand.

  • Ryketian - Both of you get the fuck out of my club. I'll fire!
  • Nu - I wouldn't.

Kithworto felt a burning sensation from the abomination, and if he had looked down he would have seen it; within Kithanan's hand, a weapon eerily similar, yet somehow more... terrifying in its presence, to the infamous Firesword of the Andromedan Grandmaster. It burned with a black rage while energy familiar to Kithworto emanated from its blaze.

  • Koluap - Don't you fire at my pal.
  • Ryketian - No fucking demon's going to destroy my life again!

Kithworto's eyes widened.

  • Koluap - He stole Tyraz's sword! Who is this guy?
  • Kithworto - You have some nerve trying to do this to me.

A smile crept across Kithanan's face as he then swung the blade - a ribbon of ethereal, black fire vapourized the Ryketian and reduced him, and a majority of the counter, to mere ashes and burning dust.

  • Nu - Ooh. I could do with a sword like that.
  • Koluap - I'm pretty sure my axe can do that. Ask Kithworto to give you one!

Psi fell forward as the counter vaporised, hitting his head on the ground. The Ryketian barely let out a scream as he was thrown back and burned to ash, the blast destroying him, obliterating his antiquated gun and blasting the counter apart.

  • Kithworto - Koluap. Give me your axe.
  • Koluap - Don't get dirt on it!

Koluap grabbed his axe and tossed it to Kithworto. Kithworto grabbed the axe in his hand as the energies from his body channelled into it.

  • Kithanan - So now you need help do you, old man? How fucking senile have you got? I tell you what; I'll make sure that father has a goddamned wheelchair prepared for you when I obliterate your fucking corpse!
  • Sarec - It's here...Everyone look around and Vailisa try not to smash too much.
  • Grukarb - What are we looking for again?
  • Koluap - Wait a minute...the sword...the Zazane...the hating on Kithworto...I get it!

Koluap pointed up.

  • Koluap - It's Tyraz! Man, he really let himself go.
  • Tau - It's Kezoreg, dammit.
  • Kezoreg - What did I do?!
  • Koluap - Eh? Kezoreg?
  • Eta - Yeah. We figured that out like five minutes ago.

Koluap turned to Kezoreg, then back to Kithanan.

  • Koluap - Wow, kid. You're gonna grow up to be an ugly man.
  • Kezoreg - I look nothing like that guy!
  • Grukarb - Well apparently kid you became even more of a cloaca than you are now.
  • Kithworto - I don't really want to kill you. But considering this seems to be an alternate timeline...I guess I can.

Vailisa stepped in front of Kithworto and roared in a booming voice.


The Zazane woman gasped as she clamboured up from a table at the far end of the club, growling.

  • Kithanan - I remember the last time you fought me, old man. Remember how many people died? Oh, of course you wouldn't. You're a god of death, you don't care. It only satisfies you as it does me.

Kithanan looked towards Vailisa and smirked, beginning to raise his Firesword once more.

  • Kithanan - I suggest you move out of my way, insect.
  • Vailisa - I not move! THINGS MOVE FROM ME! I SMASH!

Kithworto grabbed Vailisa by the arm, and threw the warrior across the room. Vailisa fell back, and tried to get back up.

  • Kithworto - That's for your safety.
  • Quendor - Damnit Kithanan!
  • Kithanan - Quendor. Get out. Come back for me.
  • Vailisa - The Fist...will smash...
  • Dalverat - Shut. Up.

Vailisa roared, and tried to run towards them.

  • Vailisa - THE FIST SMASH!!!
  • Nu - Right. I've had enough.

The Zazane woman sprinted across the club and towards the backroom, barging past a few of the team mebers surrounding the duo. Despite her size compared to Kalcedia, the woman displayed enough force to knock even sturdy opponents down. Nu tripped up Vailisa, knocking him to the floor. He then dragged him backwards by the legs.

  • Vailisa - STOP! OR THE FIST KILL!
  • Nu - Yeah?

The Fist got up, and glared at Nu.

  • Vailisa - The Fist not forget this...
  • Nu - Alright then.

Kalcedia raised herself from the floor and glared towards the path the Zazane woman had ran down. With a narrowed glare, she took pursuit, ignoring the events around her. The woman smashed through the backroom door and ran for the manager's office.

  • Grukarb - Guys maybe somoene should follow the tit-sisters?
  • Hachi - Umm, I will!

Hachi nodded to Grukarb and ran after Kalcedia and the pink Zazane excitedly, going as fast as he possibly could. Kithanan approached Kithworto with another step, his very footprints reducing the floor to little more than ash. Miniature craters of death.

  • Tau - Right...I'll go help Hachi.
  • Tharaqím - What a bothersome reality.

Tau ran after Hachi, albeit many seconds behind him.

  • Kithanan - Go ahead. Kill me.
  • Corteus - I may as well join him.

Arkarixus and Tharaqím walked off after Tau. Corteus nodded and ran off, following the trail of destruction the Zazane women wer eleaving behind. The woman was already in the office and was searching around the room ,throwing furniture over, punching walls, smashing drawers to pieces.

  • Zazane - Where the fuck is-- Oh you clever bastard...

The Zazane felt the wall until she felt the seams of something within the wall. Using her nails she carved away the plaster, making a gouge deep enough to fit her fingers around before tearing off the chunk of wall, grinning at the small compartment hidden inside. Kalcedia roared and slammed herself into the pink Zazane, throwing her against the closest wall and through its foundations.

Battle in the Club[]

The Zazane went flying int othe dressing room. But after she used her claws to stop her momentum she tried ot step back through, cricking her neck.

  • Zazane - This doesn't concern you bitch. Piss off before I consider crushing you small enough to actually fit inside some fat shit's cloaca.
  • Kalcedia - Get fucked! Oh wait, I forgot, you're too damned grotesque to even pay others to fuck you!
  • Zazane - This is corporation property. Always has been, now I suggest you al lscurry off to your decrepit little holes before I get *really* angry.

The Zazane reared before smashing her fist into the floor, sending a shockwave to knock Kalcedia upwards before rushing to the compartment and scooping iout its contants. Meanwhile, Kithworto and Kithanan exchanged glares.

  • Kithworto - Believe it or not, 'Kithanan', there's something more important than you going on.
  • Kithanan - Oh, I know. The Syndicate, the Corporation, the Imperium. Your home in Borealis. I don't give a shit. The only thing I care about right now is making sure I send you back to Borealis in a fucking box.
  • Kithworto - And what if I said that I've been sent one hundred years into the future? Because the Mali'Nar sent me here? Sent us here?
  • Kithanan - I still wouldn't care. There's more important things than you going on.
  • Koluap - Yeah, sure. Like what? Getting drunk and going to whore houses? Man, adult Kez is a douchebag.
  • Kithanan - ...What did you just call me?
  • Koluap - A douchebag! I ain't repeating myself!

Kithanan turned towards Koluap with burning eyes, tensing his muscles while his bones mutated, emerging from his flesh. The Firesword blazed ever more furiously.

  • Kithanan - Don't ever. Call me. By that name.
  • Koluap - Douchebag douchebag douchebag!
  • Kithanan - You're deficient.

Kithworto grabbed Kithanan by the chest; his deathly touch reducing his flesh to dust.

  • Kithworto - Don't threaten my friend.

In a sudden, deathly blaze, Kithworto was thrown across the establishment and the walls, the floor, even the ceiling was reduce to what looked like black sand. Kithanan's image now appeared obscured by pure heat as it emanated from his form, a form which appeared eerily similar, perhaps even related, to a demon of the depths of Hell. Or their masters.

  • Koluap - Pff. So you're a demon too? You just keep getting worse every second. Horrible.

Kithworto laid embedded in the ground, looking at Kithanan with surprise.

  • Kithworto - ...Right. So you are going to give me a challenge then. Nu, give me some assistance.

Kithanan said nothing as his multiple eyes glared in different directions; a set focussed on Koluap, a set focussed on Kithworto, a set focussed on Nu.

  • Kithanan - You are nothing.
  • Koluap - And he has eyes everywhere too! Like a Corruptus demon! Disgusting!
  • Nu - Ooh boy. C'mon. Come to uncle Nu.

Sarec emerged from the shadows and glared at Kithanan disapointedly, his arms folded.

  • Sarec - Kezoreg, Kithanan, whoever you are, is this the attitude you wish to display to the man who supported and raised you in a way your true father could not?

Kithanan in fact did the opposite of what Nu had been eager for; travelling at near-enough the speed of sound or even faster, perhaps closer to light, he stood over Kithworto with his Firesword embedded in the Kicath's left shoulder, eviscerating and melting his flesh while keeping him pinned to the ground. Kithworto let out a pained scream; loud enough to fell the already destroyed building over them as Nu took shelter. Koluap fell over and shielded himself with his wings.Nu pondered for a moment as he looked at Kithanan, and then Koluap.

  • Nu - Hey. Fruitcake. Gimme your head.
  • Koluap - ...What?
  • Nu - Well let's put it this way. You're possessed, I get that in me, and boom!
  • Koluap - ...I'm possessed?!

Koluap screamed and began rolling around the floor.

  • Nu - Just get over here before Kithworto dies or something.

Koluap rolled over to Nu and then got back up.

  • Koluap - Alright.
  • Kithanan - Father. Theruskrayathos. Itrāvahilītrā.

Nu leaped over to Koluap. Using his immense Kicathian claw, he engulfed Koluap's head as streams of demonic energy flowed into his body. Kithanan stood up, leaving his Firesword embedded into Kithworto's shoulder while he turned towards Sarec, Nu and Koluap. He was now barely recognizeable from when he was first seen, as he appeared all the more twisted and demonic as time went on.

  • Kithanan - You shall be returned to zero and decimated a thousandfold.

Nu stood up also, looking at Kithanan as his body turned pitch black and his eyes a fluorescent white. Sarec's eyes began faintly glowing as he glared at Kithanan in his demonic form. Kithworto, however, held his shoulder in pain as he writhed on the floor.

  • Koluap - Woah, feels tingly!
  • Nu - You're not very nice to your dear old father.
  • Kithanan - The Monster of Occasus. You have come to die.
  • Nu - Right right. So you have Angazhar's power in you, and I have Santorakh's power in mine. If only my sister was here to see me now.
  • Kithanan - Die.

Nu raised his hands and flourished them in a motion to beckon him. Kithanan travelled at an unstoppable pace, throwing himself at Nu with his shoulder prepared in a form of tackle motion. Where he stepped, he left little more than ash.

  • Vaktyl - I'd take cover if I were you...

Nu returned his rush with a roundhouse kick, trailing black energies with his foot. As his foot impacted against Kithanan's face, debris from Kithanan's body flew back as his ridges and spines broke. Growling in pain, he grasped ahold of Nu's foot and threw him across the area with brute strength. Koluap let out a laugh, muffled as he was held by Nu. Kithanan threw himself forward once more, fire in his trail, as he aimed to score a devastating punch towards the Kicathian Agent with no hesitation. Nu grasped the punch with the matching hand. His essences counteracted Kithanan's as he held him.

  • Nu - Bah. Didn't Kithworto teach you anything?

Kithanan roared towards Nu and delivered a powerful scratch against his armour, tearing it asunder and exposing the underlying cybernetics and organs, or what was left of the latter, in a devastating swoop. The majority of Nu's body fell from its position - under the casket of synthetic flesh and muscle, black shrouds of energy shielded his body.

  • Nu - Now that was a low blow.

Nu moved his hand to grasp Kithanan's throat, clenching it tightly with the intention to rip it from his body. Kithanan screeched as Nu's hand engulfed his neck, although he showed resistance in turn; his hand was clenching around one of Nu's eye sockets, openly possessing intent to rend it from his face as pain swallowed Kithanan's anger.

  • Kithanan - Ormenthdraverang. Itrāvahilītrā.
  • Nu - Hi.
  • Koluap - Quit talking gibberish, stupid kid.

Behind Kithanan, he could feel a towering presences as Kithworto stood back up. His appearance fully transformed into the Omega State as he looked down at him. Nu looked up as his face was clenched in Kithanan's grasp.

  • Kithanan - ...Maktanshatinaknatazán.

Kithworto's fist drove through Kithanan's torso, and hurtled Nu across the room as it came into contact with his body. Kithanan released an unhallowed, ungodly scream as the energies that encased his body vanished within seconds, and he was returned to his standard state of being. He bled, viciously, and he could barely manage to talk as Kithanan's fist remained inside his body, his spine shattered and broken.

  • Koluap - What's going on there? Did we win?
  • Kithanan - ...D-Damn you... o-old man... Hehe, eugh... What a... a-a night, huh...

Kithworto ripped his hand out of Kithanan's body, continuing to look down at him. Kithanan fell forward and lay unconscious against the ground, unmoving. No more energy poured from his body and it was clear that he had been defeated. Kithworto's body slowly faded away as he returned to his normal state of being. He looked despairingly upon Kithanan's body as it laid on the ground.

  • Kithworto - What did you do to deserve that?

Kezoreg approached, having watched the fight, and stood beside Kithworto.

  • Thr'aloy - I have no idea what is going on. fukin hell
  • Kezoreg - We're leaving.
  • Kithworto - Yes. Yes we are.
  • Koluap - So we won. Cool. My head burns a lot.
  • Nu - Heck. Essence helped on that one. Not.

Nu on the other hand, stood back up as his body slowly regenerated. Before the team could leave, a large, slender being appeared and looked down on Kithanan. It pointed at him and started laughing.

  • Kolossus - What a beat-down!
  • Thr'aloy - Really? FUK OFF MAN
  • Kolossus - ...Woah. UNOC? I've not seen you in 100 years. Kithworto, and Nu, and Koluap too! Time flies, eh? Don't mind me though, I was just watching Kezzy getting his ass handed to him.

Kolossus leaned down and held Kithanan against his own face.

  • Kolossus - Sweet dreams, Kezzy.
  • Nu - Hey. Kolossus. Angazhar.

Kolossus threw himself back with a screech and vanished. Nu laughed as he brushed off the ash from his armour.

  • Sarec - One distraction out of the way.
  • Koluap - Alright, where's the rest of the team? Bunch of good-for-nothing cowards.

As Kithanan and Kithworto and Nu were fighting, the Zazane held a small box in her hand, standing in the shattered remains of the manager's office with a sadistic grin on her face.

  • Kalcedia - What do you think you have there, bitch?!
  • Zazane - Nothing you would ever wrap your head around.
  • Kalcedia - Really? I've wrapped my head around plenty of things! And they all enjoyed it!
  • Hachi - Fight! Fight! Wrestle! Tear of her clothes! Fight in the mud!
  • Zazane - What I have here is now Corporation property. That's all your pathetic fluid-soaked mind should be able to comprehend.
  • Kalcedia - Corporation property? Whore, you're Corporation property!
  • Zazane - In a sense yes...
  • Kalcedia - Hand over that box and I won't have to gouge your eyes out!

The woman clenched the object into her palm, the box sinking in as her body began to ripple and swell, her slender figure bulging into more grotesque and monstrous proportions as her own size expanded, reachign a height clearly over Kalcedia. Those glossy eyes Kalcedia had just threatened to tear out sank into ehr skull as her horns enlargened and spines of Shidium erpupted from her back.

  • Kalcedia - ...Damn, girl.
  • Zazane - Come and take it, skank.

Hachi noticed as the pink, now purple, Zazane's breasts also increased in size, his eyes widening as they did and he became ever more excited.

  • Hachi - Fight! Fight! Mud! In the mud!

Grukarb walked in and bulged all three of hie syes as he saw the now-monstrous Zane figure, seeing Hachi, he lifted his hand to obscure the boy's vision.

  • Grukarb - Kid where's the stripper we chased?
  • Hachi - Hehehehe....
  • Grukarb - No I'm serious.

Kalcedia smirked. Instead of charging forward as the others usually would have done, she pulled out her sniper rifle and began firing hypermatter rounds at the monstrous Zazane.

  • Kalcedia - Bitch, this baby has enough firepower to level a spaceship! Give me the damned box!

The woman felt some of the shots hit, her ,tearing out large chunks of flesh. The Zazane paced up and set a large foot into Kalcedia's stomch in order to punt her through the wall and out of the building. Kalcedia threw her hand into the woman's leg and knocked her off balance, while Hachi hopped onto the woman's back, squeaking excitedly as he kept his eyes on the box in her grasps. And on her titanic breasts.

  • Kalcedia - You're outnumbered and underpowered! Surrender and I won't rip those obvious implants from your chest!

The woman staggered back, smashing though the room and to the outtside, both staggering from Kalcedia's retaliation and the small Rianth on her back.

  • Zazane - I'll crush you into the concrete for that!

Kalcedia ran forward and clenched her hands around the woman's massive bosom, squeezing and groping her breasts while Hachi continued to pester the woman from behind, struggling to stay attached to her as the two Zazane woman came to blows. The woman scremaed as Kalcedia's claus dug in She slammed her fitst against Kalcedia's head and swayed about with the intent to sen both of them flying offher Hachi leaped and aimed for the box that the woman held in her grasps. Grabbing ahold of his sword, he dismembered a section of her fingers and grabbed ahold of the object she had so keenly been protecting, while Kalcedia screeched and, in retaliation to her fists, sent her own sharp-nailed claw in between the woman's legs at full force.The owman screeched in pain, bith from the claws and from the sword cut, falling to her knees and attempting ot crush Kalcedia underneath herself. As she fell she also made another swing at Hachiman in an attempt to grab him, dark energies coalesed around her hand and he suddenly felt himself floswing down. Kalcedia gasped as she saw the colossal woman fall towards her. With Hachi close to being subject to her grasp and herself at risk of being crushed beneath her, she made an immediate decision; she threw herself at Hachi, throwing him, along with the box, away while she was grabbed.

  • Kalcedia - Take it and run, you little pest!

The Zazane wrapped her hand around kalcedia's leg and snarled as she levitated up, holding Kalcedia upside down. After a sinister grin the woman flailed her about, slamming her into the floor epeatedly. Grukarb saw all of this and panicked, he raised his shotgun and fired several blasts, causing minimal damage to her. Hachi grabbed ahold of the box out of desparation and scurried, running towards the rest of the group. Kalcedia screamed and squealed as she was thrown about, forced to experience the suffering that was the giant Zazane woman throwing her about. In an attempt to free herself, she grabbed ahold of her sniper rifle and aimed quickly but inaccurately; she fired several times, the bullets erupting through the woman's breasts and causing them to explode violently. The woman screamed as the bullets penetrated her breasts and in her pain she let go of Kalcedia, sending her soaring hight into the air. Grukarb smiled for a moment, before reaslising that there was just him left and ran out the door and back towards the group as the woman fell onto her knees. Kalcedia gracefully danced through the air until she reached the ground, standing on the tips of her toes as she posed and bowed, smiling. Placing her sniper rifle away, she ran out of sight of the woman, who reeled in pain and agony from what Kalcedia had inflicted upon her. The box was gone, as was her opposition. Grukarb came running back, panting to himself.

  • Grukarb - Can we all get out of here because Kalcedia made that pink lady VERY angey.
  • Mu - Hell, I barely remember where we are.

All of a sudden, Nu could be heard of the team's coms.

  • Nu - Hey. Time to come back now.
  • Kalcedia - It's not my fault that the dumb bitch couldn't keep her tits inside her dress.
  • Arkarixus - Finally. I have grown tired of this place.
  • Grukarb - Let's jsut get the guck out of here before she comes plowing though looking to destroy your breasts.
  • Kalcedia - Pfft, oh please. Mine aren't as fragile as her fakes.
  • Grukarb - She almost crushed you though...where's the bunny?

Hachi rushed towards the rest of the group with the box in his hands, eager to show them what he had achieved.

  • Hachi - I got it! I got it!

Tau appeared, followed by the rest of the Agents.

  • Sarec - Hand it to me, hurry.
  • Tau - ...I missed the fight?
  • Mu - Hell, who cares. Let's just run off.

There was a thump, standing on the rooftop was the woman, her breasts partially-destroyed and in the mprocess of healing. She clenched her fists as the buildings around her began to crack and split. Hachi threw the box to Sarec and sat in the middle of the Agents, sliding across the floor. Kezoreg walked with an indifferent expression beside Kithworto. Sarec grabbed the box and opened it, revealing an obsidian-black article that appeared twisted and complex. He held it above his hand and left it to levitate. The moment he exploded it into thousands of fragments, a black void expanded form the epicentre. At the same tome, the woman leaped from the building and descended towards their location.

  • Sarec - Everyone jump in. Now!
  • Mu - Home. Now.
  • Nu - Why?

Mu leaped into the void.

  • Grukarb - Because no-tit lady?
  • Nu - Fine. Shotgun.

Nu jumped in, following Mu. The Agents then followed suit, with Kithworto walking in. Tuolog jumped in, and urged UNOC to follow. Grukarb and Corteus ran and jumped inside. Vailisa fell threw it, however, wounded. Kalcedia picked up Hachi and leaped into the void, with him happily letting her handle him. Kezoreg jumped in shortly afterward. Koluap rolled his way into the void, followed by Arkarixus and Tharaqím. Sarec was the last to walk in, and the moment he did the void closed up in a flash, impacting the ground lik a meteorite and sending debris sailing outward.

As they all went through the void, and the hole disappeared, a figure emerged. Antagonar.

  • Antagonar - The firesword! I will finally claim it as mine! Challenge me to a duel, mano-a-mano, and...

But he soon noticed that no-one was there.

  • Antagonar - Am I too late?

He looked around, and saw a portal.

  • Antagonar - Well...that's awkward. Ahem. I will still continue my quest looking for the sword!

And he vanished.


Battle for Purgatory[]


The team stepped out of the portal. As their vision returned to them, it was incredibly clear that they were, by any definition, not home.

  • Mu - FUCK.
  • Nu - ...Either I forgot what home looks like, or home has had some real good landscaping done to it.
  • Grukarb - I preferred the titty-bar.
  • Sarec - Even with the homicidal Zazane trying to kill you?
  • Grukarb - ...Yeah.
  • Hachi - ESPECIALLY the homicidal Zazane trying to kill us.

Hachi felt a jolt through his arms as part of his energy came back to normal.

  • Grukarb - Admit it kid, you were after a queen-sized grope.
  • Hachi - Exactly! ...Oof!

Hachi looked to his hands as he noticed familiar white vapour manifest at his palms. With a smile, he nodded acknowledgingly and he clenched his fists with confidence.

  • Hachi - Thanks, Macin.

They stood upon a warped platform, made of weak, frosty black ice. The very skies that surrounded them was a coalescence of lavender, maddened energies that gazed upon them unfavourably.

  • Nu - Oh yeah. Definitely some landscaping done here.
  • Koluap - What is going on now?
  • Sarec - Purgatory.
  • Arkarixus - Problematic.

Directly in front of the team, it was perhaps the first sight of the Dominion in days. It was a lengthy, streamlined installation with Rectifiers stationed along the edge in the thousands.

  • Hachi - ...Fuck.
  • Koluap - Too many. Don't like it.

Grukarb stared at the ships being assembled. Thousands of them, his jaw dreopped in horror.

  • Grukarb - Can we call the ITN to clusterfuck this place now?
  • Mu - Hell, I want to clusterfuck everything at this point.
  • Kalcedia - Oh really?
  • Mu - Not that kind of clusterfuck.

And, at the very end of the station, positioned in the centre, was an exceptionally large one. What seemed like numerous wires of sorts plugged the Rectifier to the installation. Even from that distance, the team could hear thin, elastic screams traversing through the wires.

  • Koluap - What to do we do? We can't fight all of these!
  • Vailisa - The Fist...is too beat...to smash now.

Vailisa looked away from the fight in pain.

  • Tau - Looks like an installation to me. Probably the same principle with Draynia and whatnot.
  • Upsilon - Draynia? That was ages ago. Good times that.
  • Koluap - Hm...do we have a fourth lunchbox?
  • Sarec - We are in the realm of thoughts. Imagination, can become reality.
  • Koluap - Like in the fight with Shu'ytrogarva? Neato!

Nu laughed contemplatively as he began to think of things.

  • Tau - Please don't.
  • Nu - For you sweetheart, of course.
  • Sarec - It is the essence of thought that weaves this realm. It is the essence of thought that builds it, with it, its dwellers can make the impossible, possible.

Nearby, a large Dominion ship docked at the same installation was herding passengers, or slaves, into the installation.

  • Eta - So, how do we get down there?
  • Tharaqím - If we can think and make anything real, we could perhaps just imagine ourselves in there.
  • Nu - Sounds like a fairytale. Then again you are the million-year-old alien from a different universe.
  • Tharaqím - You're a living fairytale to me, Essence sponge. No offense. It is in fact very interesting.
  • Nu - Heh.

Hachi laughed at Tharaqím's words and rolled across the floor.

  • Hachi - E-Essence sponge!
  • Arkarixus - Keep your eyes open. This place is bound to have guards. And Mali'Nar.
  • Nu - Hell, so do we imagine ourselves at the front door or something?
  • Sarec - You must see it to create it.
  • Nu - ...I'll leave that to you then.

Sarec nodded and held out his arms, closing his eyes and ocncentrating. The group vanished from the spot they arrived, rematerialsing at a discreet location within the facility.

  • Tharaqím - My theory was correct.
  • Koluap - Tingly!
  • Tau - Now to figure out where to go exactly
  • Hachi - Couldn't we imagine ourselves a map?
  • Zeta - Theoretically. But wouldn't that map cause the entire structure to reform and quite possibly destroy it?
  • Sarec - The Mali'Nar would also feel our presence here.
  • Nu - Ngh.
  • Koluap - Alright then. Let's take baby steps.
  • Hachi - Do I look like a baby to you?
  • Koluap - Yes.
  • Tau - But where to go?
  • Kithworto - I have an idea, but it is definitely a dangerous one.
  • Mu - As usual.
  • Thr'aloy - Tell us. I DONT WANNA HEER IT
  • Kithworto - Board the ship. Use the weapons to destroy the installation.
  • Koluap - I wanna pilot the space squid!
  • Tuolog - Let me know, I teleport us in.
  • Kalcedia - Same, space squid seems far more enjoyable.
  • Kithworto - Very well. Teleport us inside the cruiser. Preferably closer to the front of the ship. I don't fancy fighting Dominion soldiers.

Tuolog created a vacuum of space around him and invited everyone to gather close. Soon as they all got in range, he teleported inside the cruiser. The team materialized into the ship. The architecture was familiar to them from their past exploits in Dominion ships, seemingly finding themselves in barracks close to the captain's bridge.

  • Kezoreg - Teehee. Captain's log, star date--
  • Hachi - There's a time and a place.

Kithworto lead the team out of the barracks. The ship was seemingly empty, quite possibly the crew of the ship outside involved in carrying slaves to the installation. Koluap prepared his shotgun as he walked on, followed by Arkarixus and Tharaqím who kept their essences ready. Hachi arcanized his katana once more with Dream Essence after so long of not being able to use it, while Kezoreg kept his fists clenched.

She Lives[]

It was a short traverse before the team entered the captain's bridge. On the far end, about a hundred and ten metres away, was the captain's chair, apparently Tandava-sized, with the controls directly in front. The room was borderline spherical in shape. Sarec kept close to the door, his mind alert in case there were any surprises. Grukarb and Corteus walked to cover the flanks of the room.

  • Mu - All seems well so far.
  • Eta - Don't spoil it.
  • Tau - Expect an ambush.
  • Hachi - How we gonna maneuver this thing?
  • Psi - ...Like any other big ship?
  • Grukarb - Hey maybe its li one of those chairs on those new Imperial ships?
  • Corteus - I don't think anyone apart from us knows about that.
  • Mu - So let's do this before a Tandava inevitably shows up.
  • Thr'aloy - I agree. ENNIT MAN

As the team moved in closer, the chair swivelled around to face them. It was a female, Kicathian figure clad in ancient gold armour.

  • Grukarb - --Okay no one noticed the gold lady in the chair!?
  • Hachi - There must be something wrong if I didn't notice that.
  • Psi - Oh god, it's her again!
  • Mu - ...Oh hell.

Corteus swivelled his head and growled.

  • Kilrasinnyá - You didn't think you would kill me that easily, did you now?
  • Corteus - I will happily kill you again!
  • Koluap - Damn...Corteus, you're pretty bad at killing women.
  • Kilrasinnyá - I don't know about that.
  • Corteus - Oh I will, you had better hope that being killed is grounds for promotion in this twisted empire of yours!

Nu growled as he aimed his weapon at her.

  • Nu - I don't have any qualms about killing traitors. Family even.
  • Kilrasinnyá - You might change your mind, big brother.

Corteus converted his hands into plasma cannons and fired a volley at Kilrasinnyá. Kilrasinnyá herself stopped the pulses of plasma before standing up.

  • Kezoreg - Death equals promotion? That's really inefficie--- What are you doing?! You'll damage the controls!
  • Corteus - Screw the controls I want her head!

Around the outline of the captain's chamber, numerous beings materialized - Tandava, all armed with large, supernaturally-designed spears.

  • Tharaqím - Uh-oh.
  • Kilrasinnyá - Well. You knew it was an ambush and you still walked into it.
  • Upsilon - ...Any plans?
  • Tharaqím - Use the realm's powers?

Sarec smiled and clasped his hands in front of his stomach.

  • Sarec - You are alien here, Kilrasinnyá.
  • Kilrasinnyá - I think you would find that, even in Purgatory, Inferno will burn right through it.
  • Mu - We've been through worse than Inferno, gal. Prepare for a beating.

As Sarec smiled and calmly talked, ghostly figures emerged from the walls were ghostly figures that began charging at the Tandava, casting lighting and blasting waves of concussive force. Nu vaulted towards Kilrasinnyá, in which the Tandava lunged towards the team with their spears in hand. Alien creatures, some with forms difficult to recognise surrounded the group Koluap grabbed his Xhodocto Axe and growled at the Tandava, while Tharaqím and Arkarixus prepared their energies. Sarec however remained still, Subtle flicks of his fingers and he appeared to be controlling the spirits liek puppets on a strong.

Hachi launched balls of Dream Energy at his opposition while Kezoreg unleashed blasts of Descension. Kalcedia drew her sniper rifle and fired upon the Tandava, roaring loudly. Nu grabbed a hold of Kilrasinnyá, hurling her to the floor. She launched back up from the ground, delivering vicious fists at her brother, and vice-versa. The spirits continued to assault the Tandava, sending a chill through the air as they battled. Mu fired his Death Energy at the Tandava while the rest of UNOC attacked with their own weapons. Koluap swung his axe, launching a blast of fire at their direction.

Kithworto supported the team by delivering bolts of essence at the Tandava, flooring two or three of them. Other Tandava were occupied by the spirits whilst trying to defend from the rest of the team. Kilrasinnyá hit Nu directly into the face, before throwing him on to the panel for the ship controls. The ship detached from the installation, thrashing into the side of it. The Agents fell to the ground, as the Tandava jumped into the air. Corteus and Grukarb lost balance, despite the ship tilting, Sarec remaind perfectly stationary. Arkarixus and Tharaqím both kept on their feet, while Koluap was thrown aside.

  • Sarec - Perhaps we should turn things up a notch?
  • Koluap - Kill her harder!

As Sarec smiled, bearing teeth, a psionic screech resonated throughout the minds of Kilrasinnyá and her Tandava. Kilrasinnyá loosened her grip on Nu, before Nu grabbed her, slamming her head into the controls. The Tandava lost control and stumbled. Tharaqím charged at one of the Tandava and delivered a kick to it, while Koluap attacked another with his axe. The ship flew further into the installation, bashing at its side again. The Rectifiers were released from their hangars, and flew over to examine the ship. The larger rectifier, however remained attached.

  • Koluap - I said kill her harder, holy crap!

One of the Tandava fell to the floor as Koluap drove his axe into the back of it, whilst the other Tandava fell to the floor. The remaining Tandava swung their spears at the team in hopes to cut them to pieces. Arkarixus created a barrier in front of the team to protect them from the spears. The spears cut through the barrier, as the Tandava teleported behind them, using the same tactic.

  • Arkarixus - Gah. Watch out!

The Agents fired their weapons at the Tandava, as one of their spears slashed at Upsilon's armour, causing him to fall to the floor. Sarec outstretched an arm, sending a horde of spirits to collide violently with the Tandava behind the barrier.

  • Upsilon - Gah!

Koluap's skin darkened and let out an almost demonic growl at the Tandava. The Tandava all weakened their grasp as they stumbled again to their right. Kilrasinnyá deflected another blow from Nu's fist, as she picked him up and slammed him into the controls again. The ship was diverted sharply to the right, breaking them from the installation. The Rectifiers latched on to the cruiser, pulsing numerous lasers of sorts into the ship.

  • Mu - Ah crap. We're in deep shit. As usual.
  • Zeta - Chances of survival aren't looking good!
  • Koluap - Survival is meaningless.

Sarec held out his hands, warping space around the smaller rectifiers with the intent to cripple them or tear them apart, his aura began to show as he focused. Two of the Rectifiers lost their grasp and slid off the ship in a contortion; others remained on the ship.

  • Sarec - Order is effort. Chaos is dissatisfaction and disruption. I will not allow this realm to collapse into disorganisation.

As the Tandava moved forward, Upsilon tripped one up by grabbing its leg. He lunged forward and smashed at its head continuously before the Tandava ceased movement. Sarec intensified the anomolies that surrounded the lead rectifier by clenching his fists. Corteus and Grukarb continued firing at the Tandava.

  • Grukarb - Guns beat spears bitches!

Mu kept firing his Death Energy to keep the Tandava off, while Koluap swung his axe again, creating an even larger wave of fire to hit the Tandava.

  • Grukarb - Hey I know. Sarec said this realm is one where thoughts become reality right?
  • Mu - Yeah.

Grukarb concentrated really hard as he held his shotgun, squinting. In a flash, his shotgun became a minigun with three rotating barrels. He opened his eyes and apread his froglike mouth very wide.

  • Grukarb - SUCK ON THIS!

More of the Tandava fell as their bodies hit the ground, as their numbers dwindled down to four. Kilrasinnyá and Nu continued fighting. After blocking a punch from Nu, Kilrasinnyá grabbed Nu's arm, and, with considerable effort, tore it from his body and beat him continuously with it.

  • Tau - Nu! Someone help him!

Mu turned to Nu's direction and leaped at Kilrasinnyá, throwing his foot at her back. Kalcedia aimed her rifle towards Kilrasinnyá and fired repeatedly, growling as she angrily marched towards the Kicath woman with an intimidating glare.

  • Kalcedia - Get away from him you BITCH!

Kilrasinnyá flew into the air as she became pinned on the screen of the bridge. Grukarb activated his minigun in Kilrasinnyá's direction, after revving up fast enough, he fired a triple hail of bullets that distorted the air around them, the thunder of three repeating barrels almost deafening him as he roared with delight Arkarixus concentrated until an Alvino particle beam appeared on his grasp. He looked at it with satisfication.

  • Arkarixus - Prepare to be vapourized.

Nu then rose from the floor, picking up his severed arm in the process. As Kilrasinnyá fell to the floor, he then hit her accordingly until blood began to jet from her body at the same rate liquids did from his wound. Arkarixus aimed the particle beam at the Tandava, firing a stream of yellow energy at them which grew in size and power the more he fired. Mu ran up to Kilrasinnyá and helped Nu by stomping on her.

  • Mu - Real talk, you're a bitch.

Corteus converted his arms into blades and charged for Kilrasinnyá concentrating hard. As he jumped to a lower platform, two copies of him appeared and ran forward in unison, the trio charging forward ready to stab the demonic Kicath. Kilrasinnyá let out a powerful shockwave from the floor, as Nu and Mu were thrown aside. However, she did not prepare for Corteus' oncoming assault. The Tandava had their bodies severed by the blast as they all fell to the ground, in pieces. Mu hit a wall and fell on the floor, grunting. Arkarixus smirked as the Tandava fell.

  • Arkarixus - My favourite weapon. I have no idea why I didn't bring one to the mission from the start.

The trio of Cortus jumped up and dived for her body, their blades falling to bury themselves in her flesh. The three of them twisted and directed their blades, cutting int oher armour and slicing her insides. Kilrasinnyá screamed out as the blades cut into her, before she eventually succumbed to her wounds again, dropping on the floor in a ludicrously large pool of black blood. Koluap's skin returned to normal as he looked at the defeated Kilrasinnyá.

  • Koluap - And that'll teach you not to mess with us again!...Even though I don't quite remember most of the fight.
  • Nu - That was...surprisingly...easy.
  • Mu - Easy? You didn't have Tandava on your tail.

Sarec's aura died down and the spirits dissipated into the walls. He had a very smug expression on his face as he jumped down.

  • Sarec - Despite the damage, I can still fly this vessel.
  • Hachi - Nu, I think you need a "hand". Heehee.
  • Nu - Says you.
  • Koluap - Okay, pilot the ship and explode the place so we can go home.
  • Mu - Yes. Home. Urgent.


Kithworto walked up to the controls. Most of it was severely damaged by the fight between Nu and his sister, however found that the weapon controls remained mostly intact. Sarec walked up to the chair and looked at it closely

  • Sarec - Kithworto, I think I can fly this if you man the weapon controls.
  • Kithworto - The controls are far too damaged to pilot. We will have to fire through the installation to destroy it.
  • Sarec - I do not need a control panel.
  • Kithworto - Very well. I should have guessed.

As Tau looked outside, she noticed that the larger Rectifier had disappeared.

  • Tau - ...Uh, the big Rectifier is gone.
  • Koluap - Gone? Something that big can't just "leave".

Sarec walked up to the chair and levitated to sit down within it. Positioning himself in a meditative position he closed his eyes and began taking deep bregular breaths. The very colours of the ship turned from the Dominion gold, to the Isio'Nar purple as Sarec's consciousness took command of the ship. As that happened, the very Rectifier appeared directly in front of the cruiser.

  • Sarec - I see it.
  • Mu - So much for gone.
  • Koluap - Kill it kill it kill it!

Sarec gained control of the ship and maneuvres it to back away from the larger Rectifier. A massive beam from the Rectifier severed through the rear of the ship, sending the front upwards from the force.

  • Koluap - What are you waiting for? Fire at the thing!

Sarec moved the shi paway from the beam and commanded the ship to fire its own weapons back at the Rectifier, blasting with a different colour to the beams that other Rectifiers projected. The Rectifier absorbed the damage as it returned with another beam, this time attacking further up the ship.

  • Eta - Agh! Abandon ship!
  • Mu - But we gotta destroy the place!

Sarec banked the ship to avoid the beam by having it drop in altitude, firing more beams acompanied by Sarec's control over the fabreic of reality. The Rectifier, however seemed to take little damage from any of these blasts. A third blast was delivered to the ship, reducing the ship to only half its original structure.

  • Sarec - Damnation!
  • Kithworto - ...Eta's right. Abandon the ship.
  • Sarec - Right. But first.

Sarec banked the rectifier and had it fly towards what he presumed was the primary facility powering the superstrucutre.

  • Zeta - What are you doing?

Sarec began to smile in his meditative trance. Using his powers he attempted to increase the ship's speed, having it fly faster

  • Upsilon - Is he doing what I think he's doing?
  • Mu - I think he's going to crash the ship.
  • Kezoreg - Old man is right, get us out of here!

Sarec nodded and as they passed close to the reactor chamber, the crusier fired multiple shots at the module, causing it to go critical as they passed low. The installation underneath began to pulse in explosive energy, before it collapsed in an fiery ball, sending the cruiser further out into space. The Rectifier, however, turned and followed them.

  • Eta - Right, had your fun, abandon the damn ship!
  • Tau - Any escape shuttles?! We're not gonna survive this without an escape shuttle!
  • Sarec - There are shuttles lower down.
  • Koluap - Run, run, run!
  • Upsilon - Well, let's go!

The Rectifier continued to fire volleys of beams at the ship as the team made their exit.

  • Kalcedia - Stop wanking and let's go!
  • Hachi - Nnngh!

Sarec ran with Wraith legion rowards the escape shuttles, fortunately the compartment was still intact. Not far down theycould see the ship's burning remains however. However, Nu looked back. He saw that the Rectifier ship was consistently firing, and, by that, there was little chance of survival. As the team left the Captain's Bridge, he remained solitary on the other side of the entrance. As the team ran on, he pressed the panel to the side, sealing the door in front of him. It was not long before the Agents realised that Nu wasn't with them.

  • Mu - Where's Nu?
  • Eta - Dunno...where could he-- Oh no.
  • Upsilon - What?
  • Eta - Fucking idiot's trying to be a hero.
  • Grukarb - Eh?
  • Mu - Nu. A hero. Right, he must have completely lost his mind now.
  • Hachi - Nah, don't be silly. He probably fell out of the ship.

Nu's voice was heard over the coms.

  • Nu - Keep going you idiots.
  • Mu - Nu, what the hell are you up to?
  • Nu - Just keep moving. We're not gonna get outta here alive like this.
  • Kalcedia - Nu-uh, can't afford to lose you Nu. Come on, stop being a psycho and let's go already!
  • Kithworto - ...Do as he says. Keep moving.
  • Arkarixus - Hm. I respect your decision.
  • Kezoreg - Goddammit, Nu.
  • Sarec - GO!

Kezoreg grabbed ahold of Kalcedia's hand and ran while Hachi, reluctantly and with a saddened expression, ran behind them. As the team continued further on, Nu's intercoms picked up another voice. Kilrasinnyá's. Another fight ensued as the ship struggled to remain stagnant. Tau seemed rather distraught at Nu's decision as she kept on running. Nu let out a vicious barrage of insults in Kicathian, which caused Psi and the other Agents, except for Tau, to chuckle slightly. Numerous crashes could be heard as Nu and Kilrasinnyá fought, as the ship turned around in direction of the Rectifier.

  • Psi - Where's the damn shuttles?!
  • Kithworto - ...Sarec?
  • Koluap - Shuttles, I summon you!

Sarec spread out his arms, creating a portal in front that took them directly to the shuttlebay.

  • Psi - That's convenient.

The team walked into the portal, and as they arrived at the shuttlebay, there were numerous screens on the walls. All of them displayed the same image: the entity the team had seen several times through their journey. A few seconds later, the screens all turned into static. They entered a slightly damaged escape shuttle large enough for the entire team to conveniently fit in. The hangar doors were burst wide open from the Rectifier's attacks, allowing for a quick exit. As the ship turned again, the shuttle was hurled out of the hangar by the sheer force. Tau quickly got to the controls of the shuttle and stabilized its course as they flew far from the scene.Continued heavy sounds from the fight was still heard on the coms, before Nu's voice could be heard.

  • Nu - I have no real clue why I am doing this, really.
  • Koluap - Give her a punch to the jaw for me!
  • Nu - Oh no, she's dead again. I'm not having another arm pulled off.
  • Grukarb - We're in the same boat.
  • Tharaqím - If you don't get out of there now, you'll crash into the Rectifier.
  • Nu - ...That's the plan.
  • Tharaqím - ...I see. In that case, it was a pleasure serving with you.
  • Kalcedia - You're a fucking psycho! ...Goddammit, Nu...
  • Nu - Yeah. Nice meeting you and all that, mystical man. This is probably the stupidest thing I have ever done.

Mu stood in silence until he spoke.

  • Mu - I should be finding this amusing but I actually feel really bad.
  • Nu - Haha. Go fuck yourself.
  • Mu - Well go explode yourself, idiot.

Tau, however did not speak. She, instead, held her head in her hands as her gun was on the floor.

  • Sarec - You will not be forgotten Nu.
  • Hachi - Nu! Don't talk like a dead man!
  • Arkarixus - At least you are taking death with some optimism. Let us hope you don't end up at Inferno.
  • Nu - After what I've done to Hyperborea? Heck, they're going to carve my name outta history. And if I do end up in Inferno, well, you'll know where to find me.
  • Hachi - You're gonna crash this damned ship and you're going to survive like you always have! You're not going to die!
  • Nu - I don't think I'm gonna survive this one.
  • Hachi - Since when did you start thinking?!
  • Psi - Great. Now I can't go around terrorizing Hyperborea. No offence, Councillor and Warmaster.
  • Koluap - Aww...we could've been a cool duo. Two mad men full of weird powers.
  • Nu - I dunno. Since my sister ripped my fucking arm off I think.

The ship neared collision as Nu spoke again -

  • Nu - Oh yeah. Kalcedia? Never really got to say this in person.
  • Kalcedia - What is it?
  • Nu - Get some new perfume.
  • Kalcedia - Hehe, go die already, you hunk of shit.

As Nu finished his sentence, a vivid, blinding light caused by the collision of the ship occurred, sending the shuttle of course as debris from the Rectifier and the cruiser. Nu's coms ceased contact.

  • Psi - ...Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. ...Fuck. That's a pretty hardcore way to go.

Mu lowered his head and saw down, while Koluap held on his head in sadness. Kalcedia collapsed to the floor on her knees and looked down, her eyes pointed directly to the floor. Hachi curled into a ball and sobbed loudly, Kezoreg remained silent with his face hidden from the group. Kithworto appeared rather solemn at the passing event, but not distressingly so as Tau. Tau's hands were trembling in either sadness, or anger. Sarec sat down in contemplatino next to Hachi and sighted, keeping his head low.

  • Kithworto - Sarec. Get us out of here.

Grukarb raised his hand as Sarec walked over to the cockpit and sat down, taking the controls and flying the shuttle away.

  • Grukarb - Now can we call in some heavy firepower?
  • Zeta - I think we're done here.
  • Eta - Why did he have to do that?
  • Upsilon - I dunno. Psycho-trip of grandeur probably.
  • Mu - He's an idiot...was, an idiot.
  • Psi - You loved him really.
  • Mu - I suppose I'll miss him, yeah.
  • Hachi - "Is". He isn't dead, numbskull.
  • Tharaqím - I'm sorry, but we cannot feel his presence or energy anymore. Nu is gone.
  • Kithworto - As soon as we leave this place, the better. I can feel the Mali'Nar looking at us.
  • Mu - Home. For Nu's sake.
  • Zeta - Yeah.
  • Upsilon - You know, I've seen many Agents die in battle. Why Nu's death is going to leave a lasting impact on me, I don't know.
  • Koluap - Because we fought demons together and all.

Sarec nodded and as they distanced themselves from the scene, reality shifted around them, the clouds dissipiated to become starlight, purples and blacks flowing in torment were erplaced with a still monocromatic black.

  • Kithworto - Take us to Hyperborea. We need to update the situation.
  • Hachi - I need a drink.
  • Grukarb - Uhh don't you think both governments should be informed?
  • Kithworto - Hyperborea first. I have a feeling I might have to...prepare for Andromeda again.
  • Corteus - We could always summon them via a holoconference. Senators do it al lthe time
  • Kithworto - I'd rather...take a break. For now. I am, for one, lost on leads.
  • Tharaqím - I think we all need a rest after all we went through.
The shadow that will be cast over your souls shall be that of death. All you can do is watch your world crumble.
Tur'ina'iad a'eldgar kal'tor thr'ranach. We declare war.