
The Shymiran Divisional Federation or the SDF is a nation set up by the remaining Sylits and Gatorsapiens who survived the Annihilation, along with any hybrid Shymirans who survived also. The SDF is divided into divisions to organize their country.


The United Veatrex Federation was a prospering nation, the bulk of which was made of the Sylit species. However, during the Annihilation of the Universe by the Xhodocto, Ramvelkys Galaxy was decimated and all citizens of the UVF were killed as their nation and galaxy fell. However, the UVF had many colonies out of their home galaxy and many Sylits survived the fall of Ramvelkys Galaxy, but many were killed by Xhodocto in their colonies in other locations in the Universe.

The Sylits and Gatorsapiens, another UVF species, who survived were called to a Andromeda planet named Aykay by Aemeus Aturox, son of the former leader of the UVF. Around 90% of the surviving Sylits and Gatorsapiens came to the planet Aykay. When they arrived, they planned out the government, economics, laws, and other important issues through electing individuals to meet and discuss these. After a month of this, the Shymiran Divisional Federation, named after the Shymir family of the Sylits, was born as a federal republic.

For five human years, the nation lived in seclusion as they rebuilt and prepared for their return to the outside world. In this time, dozens of millions Sylits and Gatorsapiens reproduced to make the hybrid species Specicrucis hybridum, which were also named after the Shimyran family, from which Aemeus Aturox, the first Shymiran, had been born. The Shymiran population soon overcame the amount of Sylits and the SDF quickly had their entire Kazmyr System colonized, and the surrounding few systems were colonized.

In 5 AF (After Founding), the SDF colonized dozens of more star systems and sent out transmissions to former allies of the UVF. They also joined a few alliances, such as the Seven Starr Alliance and the Andromedan Galactic Commomwealth. After their break of isolation, the Council was contacted by a former UVF laboratory at a secret location, who informed them they had finished creating a clone army and space fleet that was originally planned to go to the UVF. They decided that the SDF should get this army and the SDF military was bolstered.

Near the end of that year, the SDF began to build Resmirprekom, a massive mobile planetoid city capable of hyperspace travel. It was planned to be slightly smaller than the size of Earth's moon, with the inhabitants living inside the shell. It was planned to be able to fit 500 trillion in times of crisis, although it's set up to continuously function perfectly at around 500 billion.


Fiction:Shymiran Divisional Federation/Government

The SDF's government is explained in the Veatrex Document of the Shymiran Divisional Federation.

The Shymiran Divisional Federation is a federal republic. It is led by a council that is made up of one representative for every division of the SDF. These representatives are elected based on votes from the citizens of their division. All councilors are equal, while the High Councilor is elected from within the Council. The High Councilor's only difference is that he is the main representative to other countries and is the figurehead of the government.

The federal/national government has the right to create laws that all divisions must follow. However, it is the divisions' job to enforce said laws. If the national government feels a division has an inadequate law enforcement, it can reinforce the division with National Law troops to arrest violators of federal laws.


Fiction:Shymiran Divisional Federation/Military

The military of the SDF is divided into two main branches: the Red Force and the Blue Force.

The Red Force is made up of ground troops that the SDF puts in place during ground operations.

The Blue Force consists of the space fleets under control of the SDF.

There is another small section of the SDF's Armed Forces, the White Force. The White Force is a unique division of special operation soldiers trained for missions that include anti-terrorist ops, hostage liberation ops, and reconnaissance objectives.


These are the relationships the SDF has a few other nations of the First Gigaquadrant.



  • Kicath Empire


None, yet.


(Original idea by MushrumKing)

Full Military Forces: About 14.5 million gunships, 500,000 fighter ships, 151 billion soldiers
Active Military: About 14.5 billion spaceships, 500,000 gunships, 151 billion soldiers
Galactic Trade State: Weak intergalactic trade, strong galactic trade
Ruling Body: Council
Official Currency: Sporebucks (extragalactic trade)- (§)
Trade Exchange Rate: N/A
Colonial Extent: Galactic
Total Number of Colonized Systems: 115 systems

Shymiran Divisional Federation