
Drakon has abandoned you.
Make him fall.
And with a raging roar.
Make Heaven crawl.
Drakon's wings shall burn high.

- Uriel's inner self

Since the Andromeda War, Tyraz has always been sensetive and vvery close to his friends. For those he truly cares about he has been known to suggest infusing them with Descention energies as they teeter on the brink of death. Uriel Ultanos, being mortal, a state leader and a warrior, has heard this suggestion more than most and has usually remained staunchly opposed to the idea.

But what if one day Uriel, on the brink of death, agreed to such a dark deal. When Uriel was crippled and close to death, he was offered the deal. However with great power comesa great risk of corruption...

The Offer is Made

Aboard Deep core and amidst the wreckage of the battle-worn atation, Tyraz lowered himself in front of Uriel who's limbs had been crippled from a final attack by Angrus Mortarius, before the latter was knocked unconscious by an explosion. Tyraz had ordered for the body of the Dominatus warlord to be dragged away while he attended to uriel's broken body.

Tyraz - Uriel...can you feel your limbs?
Uriel - No. No I can't.
Tyraz - Good, then your mental state is still intact.
Uriel - I could still hear you... y-you wanted to descend me?
Tyraz - A majority of your limbs and body are in a state of...being non-existent...
Uriel - I-its nothing an extended period under stem cell treatment won't solve... although I suppose there is always the option of implants.
Tyraz - Uriel...

Tyraz leaned down and picked Uriel up in his arms. Uriel was somewhat weary from his fight with Angrus and he struggled as he held his own head up.

Tyraz - Do you wish...for immortality?
Uriel - I-i thought you always called such thing a curse?
Tyraz - I can't bear seeing you in pain! Everytime, I see you get hurt and I can't stand it!
Uriel - Tyraz... Are you sure giving me this power is the answer?

Tyraz struggled for breath but looked back at Uriel.

Tyraz - If I lose you Uriel...then I will lose near enough all meaning! My existence is worthless without those around me...You are the first person who has accepted me for who I am...I cannot lose you...I could not bear it...

Uriel sat silently, his eyes darted in contemplation and he thought deeply to himself.

Uriel - And this offer, you are asking a lot of me.
Tyraz - I know...It is a selfish offer...I don't even know why...I contemplated it to begin with...
Uriel - It pains me to see you like this. But if it helps you, then perhaps such an offer is not so bad.
Tyraz - Are you sure...Uriel? Why give up life for a man like me...?
Uriel - You are a good man Tyraz, I have known that for a long time. If I must change my life to make you happy, then I will take that sacrifice. Besides *coughs* maybe it will help me survive against odds like these... But before you do anything; promise me something Tyraz. Promise me you will not let me end up like Volkarus.
Tyraz - Uriel, Volkarus became the way he did because of the person he was. He wasn't like you, you are better...much better.
Uriel - Regardless. Please. Do not let me slip down the same road as him.
Tyraz - I shan't, Uriel, I promise.

Uriel smiled and nodded to Tyraz. At this signal Tyraz grabbed his Firesword and stood over Uriel. He looked to Davius with an expression of sadness.

Davius - My task is to protect his majesty from threats to hs person. If he made this choice, who am I to argue with him?

Tyraz shook his head briefly and pierced Uriel's torso with the tip of his Firesword. Tears streamed down Tyraz's face as he painfully ended Uriel's life, only for this moment.

Davius - Grandmaster....?

As several Blood Dragons approached, Davius raised his hand and called for them to stand back. Tyraz had finished ending Uriel's life. He looked at Uriel's corpse, a smile seemingly on the Paragon's pained face. Tyraz knelt down and placed his hand on Uriel's chest, directly over his heart. Black, vapourous energy flooded from Tyraz's arm into Uriel's body. As he did so, Uriel's wounds began to heal. Tyraz closed his eyes as the process was almost complete. The disturbing sound of bones repairing back into placed filled the air as well as the wet sound of flesh coming and fusing together. Physically, Uriel was almost completely Descended, a power filling his body. However, inside Uriel's mind, he could feel torment and pain as his brain began to corrupt and rot from the dark energies.

In Uriel's mind things were completely different. He found himself wandering down a large cave. Green and orange moss clung to the rock as he approached a white light. As he walked closer he smiled, as the light became less intense he saw the lush forests he had always dreamed of - rotting and withering as dark energy seeped up from the ground. Looking up into the sky he saw a huge pair of lowing eyes narrowing as a black subsance seeped into the cave. Stepping back, tendrils of the same material shot out from the walls and wrapped around his wrists, lifting him up. He strugggled to escape as the black susbtance crept up his arms and legs, he grew ever more frightened as the susbatance reached his torso. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain as it bled through into his heart and crawled down his mouth and nostrils as everything faded to black. His last sight was the forest, black and withered with decay.

All Just a Dream?

Uriel Jolted awake. He found himself in his room and he sighed with relief. There were golden rays of light as the sun shone through the windows.

Uriel - It was all a dream. It was all a dream.

Uriel sat up out of bed and walked into his bathroom. As the smell of forests entered his nostrils he washed his face and looked into the mirror as he lowered the towel from his snout.He was startled as his eyes, instead of an emerald-green liek he was known for, were now a blood red. He reached in to check them and pulled the eyelid down. Looking down, Uriel noticed his scales ahd turned tan. He took several deep breaths and changed his clothes. He decided a walk around hte palace would calm his mind

As he passed one of the drawing rooms he peeked inside and saw Tyraz sitting by a table and looking out of one of the windows. He put on a smile and walked inside.

Uriel - Good morning.

Tyraz stayed silent and sighed. Said it again, slightly agitated but it was not enough for him to notice. Tyraz slowly turned to Uriel and put on a sad and pained smile.

Tyraz - 'Good morning, Uriel. How are you?
Uriel - Not too perfect. I had a bit of a rough night.
Tyraz - Yes...I was expecting that.
Uriel - You were?

Tyraz sighed again and looked away. He had noticed Uriel's red eyes and tanned scales.

Uriel - I saw my eyes when I washed. I am guessing they are more than bloodshot.
Tyraz - Yes...They are a side effect of...well...
Uriel - Descension? So what other surprises can i expect?
Tyraz - It all depends on how far you're willing to go...Mainly grow in claws and horns, as well as maybe the appearance of a few more...The further darkening of your scales... Your dreams shan't return...only either nothingness or nightmares...
Uriel - What do you mean eaxactly by 'how far I am willing to go'? I am not sure I fully understand.
Tyraz - It means...how often you use your Descension power...How weak you are to give in to its power...
Tyraz - The more it is used, the further your appearance and spirit change.
Uriel - So you mean...Rather literally...Power corrupts?
Tyraz - I am afraid so, Uriel...There comes a time where you are corrupted so much, you become so powerful that you begin to deny even yourself...But only if you allow it too. Tyraz - At first, you begin to deny a part of your mind...but because you deny it, you are vulnerable to it taking control of you at times. I can only assume that there comes a point where you deny it for so long, it takes control of you.
Uriel - Surely you know I would never go so far? I accepted descension so that you no longer have to worry about my death. I did not accept it for the power it promises.
Tyraz - Of course...Yes, you're right. I know you wouldn't go so far. You are a good man.

As they talked, Septis was play-fighting with one of his siblings as they stumbled into the drawing room Tyraz looked to Septis and his sibling with a little surprise, not expecting them to stumble in.

Septis - Got you, now I will take you to the dungeon!
Infant - I will not be taken alive!

With a smile the other infant jumped on Septis who fell backwards. They both wrestled each other, and the sounds they made were a mix of grunts and laughing. Tyraz was aware of the sounds they were making, disturbing him slightly. Uriel also became more aware, he was no longer so oblivious and began to imagine twisted, violent scenes. he blinked repeatedly and shook his head rapidly as if to shake-out a bad image. As he did, Septis managed to push the infant off him. Septis turned to his father and outstreched his arms with a broad smile on his face. He lowered himself and picked his son up, who's smile dropped when he saw his father's eyes.

Septis - Daddy, why are your eyes all red?
Uriel - I have been sleeping rough for the past few days, don't worry.
Septis - Oh okay, it makes you look all scary and stuff seeing your eyes like that.

Tyraz looked to Uriel for a moment. After they exchanged looks with each other, Tyraz took Septis for a moment.

Tyraz - Hey, why don't you go play with your brothers and sisters? Your daddy and I are talking about some important stuff. Very boring.
Septis - Are you sure? Sometimes daddy and Larnus say that when I wander into Daddy's study.
Tyraz - What are you doing in Daddy's study? Aren't you supposed to be banned from that room?
Septis - Sometimes daddy lets me in if he's not too busy. But I'm not allowed inside on my own.
Tyraz - Huh, well, run along. Me and daddy will be discussing boring stuff and uhh...Tenday of Twilight.
Septis - Oh okay. I won't bother you.
Tyraz - Thanks, child. I may bring Kezoreg along again one of these days.
Septis - Yay!

As Tyraz put Septis down he joined his sibling as they ran out of the room giggling. Tyraz looked back to Uriel with a sad stare.

Uriel - 'You've been looking at me like that since I said hello. Its like I have a terminal ilness that you are not informing me about.
Tyraz - Oh, I'm sorry...Uriel.
Uriel - Is there anything still on your mind?
Tyraz - No, it is fine...Just a little concerned for your welfare.
Uriel - I feel fine. A little odd but otherwise fine.

Uriel walked up to Tyraz with a comforting smile, but secretly unsure if it was enough.

Uriel - I let you descend me because I wanted you to stop worrying about me, don't make me regret it because I replaced one convern with another.

Tyraz smiled and chuckled.

Tyraz - You're right Uriel, I'm sorry.
Uriel - ...Was I right to keep this a secret from my own son?
Tyraz - I am more concerned of the Inquisition.
Uriel - You have a point... WHat would they think if their own paragon chose to become... well... like Volkarus?
Tyraz - You are not like Volkarus, Uriel. You are a better man.
Uriel - You are right. Let's hope they can understand that.
Tyraz - The Inquisition disliked me for my original supposed inability to control my actions...You are not like that.
Uriel - Let's hope it stays that way. One last thing. When Septis and his brother were playing... I felt something.
Tyraz - You will. Your senses become heightened, and your spirit becomes more...open to symbolism and thought.
Uriel - 'I saw... blood, savagery, teeth. It was like they were no longer playing...

Tyraz looked away from Uriel.

Tyraz - Yes... Uriel - Care to explain?
Tyraz - Your soul will tend to see things differently.
Uriel - And how frequently is this going to occur? Can I no longer watch my own children enjoy themselves without seeeng them ripping into each others' throats?
Tyraz - Only for a short while until you grow accustomed. Like I said, it will take some getting used to.
Uriel - I can imagine.
Tyraz - P'eople will eventually notice your change, however. And under no circumstances, no doctors.
Uriel - 'Because I would be considered dead?
Tyraz - Yes, exactly.
Uriel - I will take your word for it.
Tyraz - I must depart now, Uriel...

Tyraz walked out of the room without a word.

Everything is different

Three days later

Uriel and Davius met each other within alarge hall as the sun was rising. Lining the far wall were various blunted weapons and the two of them wore minimal armour.

They were wearing very practical clothing that day. Both of them drew longsabres from the weapon racks and headed to the centre of the room where a large mat was spread across the centre of the floor. Both of them lossened themselves up and readied fencing stances.

Davius - How have you been feeling lately?
Uriel - I've been fine, a little difficulty sleeping though.

They both took elegant strikes toward each other

Davius - You don't have to hide your new state from me, I saw the ritual.
Uriel - I remmeber.
Davius - So, what does it feel like?

Uriel pushed Davius out of the lock, and he staggered backwards.

Uriel - Exhilerated is one way to put it.

Davius swung again and uriel parried him.

Davius - You're certainly more energetic compared to when we sparred before.
Uriel - I can concur with that. I feel more energised.

The two kept dueling, Uriel however, despite using a more energetic style, appeared less tired than Davius. After 20 minutes of fighting Davius was starting to loe breath from Uriel's assaults.

Davius - Wow. You were not kidding when you said you felt more alive.
Uriel - I really do feel I could do this all day.
Davius - Not even a raised heartbeat?
Uriel - That's the thing. I can't feel my heartbeat, or anything in my chest.
Davius - Nothing at all?
Uriel - Nothing.

Davius tilted his head with interest. He beckoned to Uriel who, lifting his swordcharged at the captain who lifted his sword to parry. With a strong downward swing, Uriel's blade collided with Davius's and the resulting blow shattered Davius's blade and sent him toopling backwards. Uriel wlaked over and helped him back onto his feet and the captain looked at the shattered blade.

Davius - That is... Impressive.
Uriel - I guess I don't know my own strength.
Davius - You did, but with this descention energy you appear a lot stronger.
Uriel - Has this ever happened to you before?
Davius - Never. Sertainly, Korr was laways stronger than you but he never hit like that.
Uriel - Really?
Davius - You broke my sword and knocked me over with the same strike. Doing both at the same time is next-to-impossible msot of the time.
Uriel - I'm sorry, not entirely sure how that happened.

Once he stood up, Davius patted Uriel on the shoulder and smiled.

Davius - Relax sir. I get that everything is different for you. Just...try not to get carried away.
Uriel - I only wanted to be immortal for him. I don't want these extra powers.
Davius - How come, think of the respect.
Uriel - Do I really need it? Did I really have to die for this?
Davius - One thing Tyraz told me while you were... dead. Keep calm, don't let yourself get worked up, find something to calm yourself dring the day
Uriel - Tyraz talked to you first?
Davius - Only because you were out cold, also he wanted me to pass this on.
Uriel - He did?
Davius - Tyraz cares a lot about you, sir. Enough that he has been doubting descending you in the first place.
Uriel - It was his idea.
Davius - Don't take this the wrong way, but you were the one who agreed to it.

Davius gave a friendly smile and returned the broken sword pieces to the rack. He donned a coat and left the rom, leaving Uriel standing in the middle of the mat and staring blankly at the door.

Uriel - I would never have agreed unless he was comfortable...

Night Terror

That night

Uriel still clung to his life before, he wanted to remind himself that everything was normal. However nothing could ever be normal again.

One night, Alensia stirred as she heard Uriel thrashing in his sleep. Fluttering her eyes open she moved closer to him to ocmfort him.

Alensia - Uriel it's late, are you alright?

She felt his hand brush against her neck. For a moment she smiled beleiving this was his attempt to comfot her. Witohut warning, Uriel gruipped tightly, he continued to grunt and toss in his sleep, completely unaware of what he was doing. Alensia woke up and screamed as best she could, but Uriel was choking her. She struggled to pull herself away but Uriel kept an unnaturally firm grip. She gasped desperately as she felt her life fading from her. In screaming out his name, Uriel came to his senses, the lights slowly activated and Uriel opened his red eyes as she managed to pull ehrself away from him.

A pair of Blood Dragons stromed in and stood between Uriel and Alessa. Uriel looked confused, having no idea what just happened.

Alensia - What in Drakon's name were you doing!
Uriel - Alensia... what happened?
Alensia - You almost throttled me in your sleep!
Uriel - ...I did? I was unaware, please forgive me.
Alensia - I will be sleeping in one of the gueest bedrooms tonight.
Uriel - Alensia wait--!

She was gone. Uriel sighed as he sat in the bed, alone. One minute, Alensia was sleeping soundly next to him, the next she was screaming and forcing herself out of his violent hand. he looked at the hand he had used and noticed that there were traces of black energy lying as residue on his hand, which passed into vapour before his eyes. He widened his eyes in horror and clenched his fist before he lay back in his bed. A sense of fear washing over him as he contempalted what he had just done.

Uriel - I didn't mean to hurt her... I swear.

Uriel lay in bed with his eyes open for the reest of the night, too concerned overrecent events to go back to sleep.

Botanical Comforts

The next morning

Alensia was in a conservatory studying one of the exotic plants. She hummed quietly to herself, albeit feeling somewhat down. She wasn't sure waht had coem over Uriel that night, but something inside her nudged for her to keep her distance from him for now. Tyraz was strolling around outside, looking for Uriel before peeked into the conservatory and found Alensia by herself. Alesnia was sitting on a bench taking notes on an electronic notepad. The conservatores was one of her favourite places to work. She loved plants and it too kehr mind off the incident. Tyraz walked in quietly. He didn't talk to Alensia often, although he had seen her enough times to know she wasn't feeling bright.

He tilted his had in worry when he noticed that on the left side of her neck the scales appeared damaged; visibly singed and dulled in a mark that formed a three-fingered handprint. On this day Alensia wore a silken collar to hide it but the markings stretched up to the base of her jaw.

Tyraz - ...Mistress Alensia?

Alensia was busy studying a reddish-leafed plant. When she heard Tyraz's voice she continued humming, although lowering the volume of her tune, and looked up from her notes. here was a slight quiver in her voice as she spoke. Tyraz approached her a little more before stopping.

Alensia - Oh- hello Tyraz.
Tyraz - Mistress Alensia, are you okay...?
Alensia - I'm fine. Lovely and sunny day isn't it?
Tyraz - Alensia, it's raining outside.
Alensia - *Blankly* Oh.

Tyraz walked a little closer.

Tyraz - You seem shaken...What's wrong?

Alensia appeared rather hesitant to answer

Alensia - I-I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? Evrything is going splendidly and I am glad Uriel helped sort out that incident in the core...

Tyraz tilted his head and sat beside her on the bench, looking into her eyes.

Tyraz - Please, Alensia, tell me the truth. I don't like seeing women in distress.

Alensia sighed and lowered the collar hse was wearing to reveal the marks on her neck. Tyraz's eyes widened slightly and he examined them. He didn't want to believe what he saw. What's more, he could detect a similar Essence signature emanating from the scars.

Alensia - Uriel was tossing around last night....
Tyraz - Did you and him...fight?
Alensia - I'm not sure what he was dreaming but.... There was a point in the night where he was tossing and muttering. When I noticed it he....

Alensia became more distressed as she spoke.

Alensia - before I could say anything he suddenly latched onto my throat with... with his hand.

Tyraz did not want to be hearing this. He knew something was wrong. He didn't want to believe it but if Alensia was telling the truth...

Tyraz - H-He did? W-Why on earth did he do that?
Alensia - I-I don't know! I tried to get him to let go but he had a strength I have never known before!
Tyraz - H-He is a strong man. Perhaps he has a sleep disorder or something along...those lines.
Alensia - As I tried screaming something snapped in him and he just... stopped.
Tyraz - *nods* I see...Have you spoke with him about it...?
Alensia - The night it happened, he acted like he had no idea. I thought I was going to die, before he let go I felt as though my life was slipping from me.

Tyraz placed a hand on hers to try and calm her down.

Tyraz - Listen. Don't you worry about about Uriel. It may have just been a sleeping disorder or a bad dream...
Alensia - I've known him for over a hundred years, he has always been a sound sleeper.

Tyraz - Well...you know what they say about age.
Alensia - For Draconis he is still somewhat young. T-these singe marks. When it happened there was some kind of material on his arms that I have never seen before.
Tyraz - W-What did it l-look like?
Alensia - It was dark but...I'd say black, potentially vaporous. Something that would never have come from my species naturally.
Tyraz - I-I see...Alensia...I t-think you may need to s-sleep away from Uriel for a little while.
Alensia - I plan to, not liek the palace has a shortage of rooms.

Tyraz smiled at Alensia calmly and stood.

Tyraz - Good day to you, Mistress Alensia. I need to be somewhere, unfortunately. It has been a pleasure.
Alensia - Thank you, Tyraz.

Tyraz smiled and turned round. Walking away, he had some idea where Uriel would be. As he left the conservatory, his body turned into black vapour, which began to appear in Uriel's study. Uriel was siting in a chair looking out at an image of the outside. His wine cabinet was open and there were several empty bottles on the desk. Tyraz materialized inside the study. Uriel knew of Tyraz's presence as he could detect his Essence signature but did not turn around. He continued to look at the scene outside.

Tyraz - Uriel...
Uriel - I'm here, not that it matters too much.
Tyraz - Uriel, what happened last night...?

Uriel grunted and lowered his head.

Uriel - I nearly killed her. I nearly killed one of the msot beautiful, intelligent and caring women in the galaxy and I didn't even realise I had her life in my hands!

Tyraz - Uriel, you shouldn't feel ashamed. It was a mistake.
Uriel - She won't talk to me. Since that one night she's worried about coming near me.
Tyraz - Let it settle, Uriel. She will eventually regain her trust in you...you just need to control it.
Uriel - Control what? I had a nighmare, heard her screaming and begging and when I woke up I found my hand on her throat.

Tyraz sighed and sat down in one of the chairs in the room. They were designed for Draconis but it mattered little, Tyraz turned one and sat sideways on it. Uriel turned to him and stood up.

Tyraz - This was never going to be easy from the start.
Uriel - At what point could I have known I was in or out of control? Do you know what the worst part is? I burned her. Those energies leaked from my body and burned her neck.
Tyraz - Uriel, don't worry about it. The more upset you become...the worst it will become.
Uriel - What can I do then?
Tyraz - I don't know how to say it...but you've got to remain calm. Do not let things bother you.

Uriel gestured towards the empty bottles on his desk.

Uriel - Usually a few drinks by myself clams me down. It allows me to gather my thoughts. it's jsut not the same anymore.
Tyraz - Are you still social with Larnus and Davius?
Uriel - Yes. Although Davius is the only person I talk to about... well...

Uriel pointed to his eyes to indicate his descension.

Uriel - I assumed it was safe because he saw you perform the ritual.
Tyraz - Have you two told anybody else?
Uriel - No.

Tyraz nodded and looked away.

Tyraz - Uriel...try and stay calm today.

Uriel nodded quietly. Tyraz took another look at him and as he passed through the door his comforting smile dropped to become a face of worry. He didn't want to worry about Uriel's condition but it was clear that Uriel needed all the help he could afford. There was no way Tyraz would want for one of his oldest friends to fall, but without help things were going that way.

Inner Demon

Three nights later

Uriel found himself on an ancient battlefield. The history of warfare was an interest of his however since his decentsion he saw less of the old Miminan cities in their glory and more death, destruction and brutality. Uriel himself was clad in the blood-stained armour of an ancient Minosian general as he stood on the high-ground. h could see two armies clashing in a bloody mix of chaos, violence and death. Uriel felt strangely pleased by this experience. As far as the eye could see soldiers clashed, sword upon shield, a seemingly-endless sea of soldiers. However, as Uriel watched the battle, an assassin approached behind him and rammed a sharp blade into his back. Uriel collapsed to the ground, a longsword through his back and torso. The assassin walked in front of Uriel and lifted him up by his throat rather efforrtlessly, like Uriel was some sort of light rag doll. Uriel grasped the arm as he was lifted up and he grunted in a bid to free himself. As Uriel looked at the assassin, he could make out the features on his face. Very familiar features, yet twisted and corrupted.

Uriel - What?

It was as if Uriel was looking into a mirror; the asssassin was a larger, more demonic-looking version of himself. It wore a thick blac kcape that flowed from a jagged and twisted form of the armour Uriel know so well. A demonic version of his own armour.

Demon - Uriel...
Uriel - I demand you let go of me!

The demon smiled and laughed in Uriel's face.

Demon - Or what...?

Uriel lowered his arm and reached for the longsword strapped to his waist. He could not feel anything however. His armour, gone, his weapon, gone with it. He wore nothing but a loincloth and upon realising stopped and not a single word came out of his mouth

Demon - It's a familiar feeling...isn't it? The feeling that you can't do anything...What are you going to do, Uriel? What are YOU going to do?!
Uriel - I will always find a way.

The demon laughed and slammed Uriel into the rocky ground.

Demon - What...Relying on your armour to keep you alive...like the last time...

Uriel coughed as he pulled himself up from the dirt. He lay there on his hands and knees. The demon, however, simply kicked Uriel down again.

Demon - So, this is the fate of the Paragon...reduced to lying in the dirt...
Uriel - Why do this? what do you want from me!

The demon simply stared at Uriel with blank eyes, before a smile appeared.

Demon - Question is, what do you want?
Uriel - Excuse me?
Demon - You heard me...What do you want, Uriel?
Uriel - You attacked me, and threw me to the floor, I demand to know why!
Demon - You desire an explanation...?
Uriel - All I see is a brute.
Demon - Ha! Anything but, Uriel! Anything but! I am no brute! I am weak and pathetic! I put myself in danger!

Uriel scrabbled up from the floor and with a roar he charged at the demon with his claws out. The demon smirked and threw a fist at Uriel. The punch that was delivered felt like the one Abaddon inflicted upon Uriel some days ago. Bone-breaking. Uriel was thown back and rolled on the floor before settling. The force of the blow and hitting the ground dislocated his wings. His body was bruised and his scales were chipped.

Demon - Uriel Ultanos! Always throwing yourself in the heat of a fight! No consideration for yourself, or the people around!

Uriel could not answer, he spluttered as he reeled from his injuries. The demon approached Uriel closer and knelt down.

Demon - Your dread...it goes on... Do you remember...when we were younger...?
Uriel - You will have *cough* to narrow it down.
Demon - We said...we wanted to be a great warrior...We dreamed. We dreamed of becoming warriors, Paragon! Yes, adventurers...
Uriel - "we"?
Demon - Do not deny me. Who was the better warrior...who was more suited for the heat of battle...Who was it...? Who was it?!
Uriel - Korr.

The demon nodded and stood.

Demon - Yes...Do you remember, when we would wrestle with him...and we would lose, almost every time...?
Uriel - He was always the better fighter. Always... always scoring better than me at the academy.
Demon - And you remember our father...?
Uriel - How can I forget him?
Demon - That old bastard filled our head with dreams and hopes! Hopes of becoming great fighters! But...he didn't believe in us. He didn't believe...we were ready.
Uriel - Korr always told us, after father's passing, that we needed a little more time.
Demon - Do not deny...you hated him for it...The old man...
Uriel - No! I love my father, without him I would never have such wild stories to drive me forward!
Demon - Forward to what?!

The demon kicked Uriel again, painfully. uriel was bleeding, he reeled in pain at the Demon's attacks.

Demon - Forward to what, Uriel?!
Uriel - *splutters* To our true potential. Like Drakon always wanted!
Demon - You speak of true potential...You do not DARE speak of true potential! How many times, Uriel...How many times?! How many times have we been hospitalized, broken?!
Uriel - That is the risk of a warrior! Sometimes thare are battles we cannot emerge from without pain.
Demon - We are no warrior! You try to tell yourself that! Yet, what have we really achieved...Victory over a race of AIs...And what?! Nothing more! The Khaxvis, they nearly killed us! The Andromeda War...? You'd take credit for something IMMORTALS had finished?! How does it feel, Uriel...You walk...no, WE CRAWL at the feet of demigods! And what are we...? A liability... We are not strong, we are weak! We are not brave, we are stupid! We are easily broken in their eyes!
Uriel - No, Tyraz would never believe that. And Iovera accepts us, she values our efforts!
Demon - The Clericarch is an insane bitch and you know it! Why should we recieve ACCEPTANCE from an INSANE ALIEN?! And why we're on that topic...Tyraz!
Uriel - How dare you accuse Iovera of insanity!
Demon - You mean, how dare WE!
Uriel - No. I don't. You think she's insane, I don't!
Demon - No, you try to tell yourself she isn't. She slaughtered her own parents, she is a zealous harlot! You would want acceptance from that?!
Uriel - She never did it intentionally, we both know that!
Demon - How do we know...she isn't lying...to gain our trust...?
Uriel - And what abotu Tyraz. We helped him, we saved him from the brink. I accepted this curse of his just so I could be there for him!
Demon - Uriel...because of him, our passage to Drakon...has decayed and rotted away to nothing. You have given up your life...for this insane monster...a man who WE know...cannot control himself...
Uriel - He can control himself. I know it!
Demon - Uriel...ever wondered...WHY he offered you this curse...
Uriel - Because he could not bear to see me perish..
Demon - He sees us...as weak...and frail...
Uriel - You lie...
Uriel - Why do you seek to turn my allies against me then!
Demon - You deny! You lie to yourself, and it hurts! You DENY you are weak, you DO NOT ACCEPT that you are pathetic! We shall always be weak unless we reach our true potential! And our true potential...COMES FROM ACCEPTANCE!

The demon picked up Uriel by his face and slammed him against a wall. he could feel the demon's hot breath on his face as it loomed close.

Uriel - Why should I accept you? Your preaches of weakness make you sound just like 'him'.
Demon - You felt sorry for Tyraz...you heard his pleas of sadness...his fear of losing you...it is obvious he sees you as nothing more than a weakling... Admit it, Uriel...ADMIT IT!
Uriel - P-perhaps you're right. Why else would he suggest his way?
Demon - Uriel...

The demon moved closer, he was now mere inches from Uriel's face

Demon - He wants to keep you alive...as his puppet...Do you really think you rule your Imperium anymore...Or rather...Korr's Imperium...
Uriel - How can you possibly think I would believe he is in control?
Demon - Why do you think he's your friend. Why, Uriel...Why would a warlord want to make friends with you...one of the most powerful men in the galaxy...
Uriel - We nearly died because of a mistake he made, he regrets it, and he wants to make up for it.
Demon - Is that waht you think. He used Volkarus. He used Volkarus to get close to you...
Uriel - He wanted me to stay alive...
Demon - Uriel...you are aware he spoke to your wife, no...?
Uriel - About what.
Demon - She spoke words of fear...Tyraz inflicted this fear upon her through you. He wants her under his control...He has already made the Inquisitor Arsac and the Clericarch fall at his knees...
Uriel - The night I throttled her.... She told him about it, It would never have happened withot him.
Demon - And now she seeks HIM for comfort! Not you!
Uriel - What of Davius; the man who swore to protect ym body as long as he lived?
Demon - Did you not see how Tyraz treated him...? Davius is the man entrusted with your life...Tyraz threw him away...discarded him without care...
Uriel - You're sounding like Taremanon...
Demon - And wasn't Taremanon your best friend...and a good political ally...? Tyraz made you turn away from his reason. And I'm sure I don't have to bring up the execution of his nephew...
Uriel - Enough!
Demon - NO! I shall have you see sense! I shall have you live in darkness no longer! Open your eyes! The eyes Tyraz has shut! The veil he has pulled over your face!
Uriel - ...What must I do?
Demon - Accept me, Uriel...Accept you have lost everything...Accept you have become weak and pathetic...Accept that you shall get stronger...Accept that you shall strike down anybody who says against you... Korr was a real warrior in father's eyes...prove to the old man that he was wrong about us...
Uriel - I will prove everything. All this time I thought I was proving myself an exemplar, when in reality I am still. nothing.
Demon - This hour's ours...With open arms, go on...

The demon released Uriel from its grip, dropping him. The demon turned away into the darkness, a pitch black cape flowing from its demonic armour. Uriel held his throat as the demon retreated. He panted heavily. Unknowingl around him, the carnage of the battle had increased to even more hellish proportions. As Uriel panted, he could still hear the demon's voice in the air, ringing in his ears.

Demon - Drakon...has abandoned you...Make him fall...

Uriel's pants gradually changed. They sounded less and less like the pants of a terrified man, and more like the pants of a furious one.

Demon - And with a raging roar...make Heaven crawl...Drakon's wings shall burn high...

Uriel's vision faded further to black. And as the last inch of his vision faded his eyes opened and he found himself in his bedroom. He tried to remind himself it was all just a dream, but he could not forget the images he had endured.

Something Stirring

The next morning

In one of the palace's dining halls, Tyraz and Alensia sat alone, facing each other. It was rather early in the morning, Alensia had been able to sleep much without her husband although Tyraz knew she wasn't feeling very well. They were both eating a well-cooked meal of Krann leg served with chopped intestines seasoned with a herb grown in one of the greenhouses. He sighed and looked up at her and sh looked back.

Tyraz - How was your sleep last night? Alensia - It was acceptable for the most part... until Uriel started screaming. He was...quite loud, I have to say.
Tyraz - S-Screaming? How did you know it was Uriel? Doesn't sound like him to, well, scream in his sleep.
Alensia - When you live with someone for as long as him and I have done, you can instantly recognise their voice. I admit I found i odd myself but-- Ever since he cam back from Deep Core he's never had a comfortable night's rest.
Tyraz - Really...? I guess that explains why you're up so early.

Tyraz sighed and smiled at Alensia reassuringly. He needed to change topic, then something hit him. His face lit up with a smile.

Tyraz - Hey, that time in the conservatory. What's your favourite exotic plant?
Alensia - Oh I would have to say it would be Gallendro's bloom, a plant native to Galarad IV. When it flowers it opens out to show a beautiful vine pattern on deep red petals. Petals as large as your hand.
Tyraz - That's impressive, heh, I wish they had plants like that on Daedalus.
Alensia - Would you mind if I considered a research trip there one day?
Tyraz - Hehe, well, Zazane on Daedalus don't take too kindly to aliens but while I'm still Lord Councillor, they shall have to tolerate it. I think you'll enjoy one plant, Zanoferia.
Alensia - You have me intrigued.

Alensia smiled at Tyaraz as she swallowed a piece of intestine. Her face lit up as well and she now had a soft smile on her face.

Tyraz - It resembles Terran roses. The name means "Warrior's Plant". Zazane males take more interest in collecting them than females.
Alensia - Does it have the same value in Human culture?
Tyraz - Zanoferia are given amongst each other as a sign of appreciation and trust. So yes, I guess they do.

He chuckleed and chewed on some sausage from his plate. As they talked happily Uriel walked in. Alensia kept her eyes to her meal as he entered. Tyraz looked up from his meal and looked over at Uriel with a concerned look. He took notice of two small horns that had sprouted from the back of Uriel's head.

Tyraz - Good morning.
Uriel - Urgh. Good morning. How have you two slept?
Tyraz - I didn't sleep. Well, I don't sleep often. I tend to stay up and either train, read or meditate.
Uriel - Maybe I should try a few of those things.
Alensia - *quietly* Another bad dream, dear?

Uriel sat down at the table. He called for a servant to bring him something to eat.

Uriel - You could say that.
Tyraz - I heard you were...screaming through the night.
Uriel - --I'd rather not talk about it.
Tyraz - Uriel...you sure you're okay?
Uriel - Tyraz I keep telling you I'm fine.

Tyraz raised an eyebrow and looked back at Alensia as a servant returned with a hot meal of diced intestinces garnished with herbs and placed the food in front of Uriel. With a lick of his lips he bega nto eat, trying to forget the nightmare he endured.

Tyraz - So, you may wanna talk about it with the Grand Inquisitor Arsac.
Uriel - Talk about what?
Tyraz - About a flower. I gave one to Arsac after we eliminated the Khaxvis.
Uriel - I take it you two have talked about one of Alensia's passions. I won't pry.

Alensia looked towards Uriel without moving her head and her eyes quickly darted back as though she had seen something unpleasant. Tyraz remained quiet and finished his food. He had eaten relatively quickly, even though he didn't feel hungry.

Alensia - I will talk to Arsac about the flower, yes.
Tyraz - Heh, I'm sure she has plenty to talk about. I've been trying to get her to be more...outgoing and social.
Alensia - I wish you luck, Inquisitors are notoiously stubbourn and focused on their duty.

Uriel appeared frustrated at something as he swallowed his food. Tyraz chuckled and nodded. He kept an eye on Uriel as they talked.

Uriel - Tyraz... please stop looking at me like that.
Tyraz - You appeared frustrated.
Uriel - Like I said I had a rough night.
Tyraz - You want to talk about it?
Uriel - What could there be to talk about?
Alensia - Uriel, Tyraz is simply curious.
Tyraz - It's alright, Alensia.
Uriel - I am simply not in the mood...
Tyraz - *quietly* Might want to control that anger, Uriel...
Uriel - *mutters back* I can handle it myself.
Tyraz - Well, you're not handling it very well...
Uriel - It would help if you weren't bothering me so much.
Tyraz - Hmph, sorry if you're taking my concern the wrong way.
Alensia - Uriel, Tyraz means well. Can't you accept that?
Uriel - Tyraz, I don't see why you are so worried about me. I said. I am fine.
Tyraz - Your mood and attitude suggests otherwise.
Uriel - I have been under pressure lately.

Tyraz remained quiet and looked away from Uriel, still looking concerned.

Alensia - Should I leave you two to settle things?
Tyraz - It's fine, Alensia. I can control my temper.
Alensia - Uriel, I've never seen you like this.

Uriel stood up swiftly and headed towards the entrance of the dining hall. Tyraz watched as Uriel began to exit the room, and sighed heavily. Loud enough for Uriel to hear. Upon hearing this, Uriel frowned and stopped.

Uriel - I will be in my study.
Alensia - Uriel--

Uriel simply walked out of the room. Not wanting to hear Alensia's plea. He firmly closed the door behind himself and left Alensia and Tyraz alone Alensia rested her arms on the table and sighed heavily.

Tyraz - Alenisa, I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me.
Alensia - I don't know what's coem over him! I always rememebr him ans calm and reasonable...
Tyraz - Gaah...I'm sorry, I need to leave...
Alensia - Oh...As you wish.

Tyraz he nodded to Alensia and stood up, leaving an empty plate. he needed to clear his head and took a stroll down the corridor, wehre he bumped into Septis who had been skipping down the hall, Tyraz grunted as the two collided with each other.

Tyraz - Oh, hello there, Septis. How pleasant it is to see you this morning.
Septis - Daddy was making noises, I couldn't sleep.
Tyraz - You get nap times, right?
Septis - Yeah. Sometimes Alessa reads me a story.
Tyraz - Heh, don't worry, daddy shouldn't be making noises by then.
Septis - Okay... sorry I bumped into you mister.
Tyraz - Aww, don't be sorry.

Tyraz afectionately petted Septis' head. The boy smiled at this display. His tail waggled a little as a result.

Tyraz - Heh, tell you what, you can make it up to me by chatting with your mother.

Septis nodded energetically and skipped down the corridor towards the dining hall where Alessa was sitting. Tyraz looked at him and smiled fro a moment before he continued on his way.

Inner Conflict

Five Hours Later

As Tyraz walked past Uriel's room he felt something was off. He could hear sobbing from the other side of the door. Peeking through the door he saw that the room had been destroyed; tables and chairs overturned or smashed, pillars cracked, bookshelves toppled. Laying flat on the bed was what was unmistakeably Uriel. He had his wings open and obscuring the upper part of his body. Hiding his face as he lay facing the wall. Uriel felt Tyraz nearby and, underneath his wings, he looked away out of shame. Tyraz approached back to Uriel's room slowly. The door was partially ajar as he looked in. The look on his face changed from his usual stern, casual expression to a more concerned appearance as he saw his friend in such a state. His wings folded as he slowly knocked on the door several times.

Tyraz - Uriel...Uriel, it's me, Tyraz.
Uriel - I don't want you to see me this way!
Tyraz - You're a grown man, Uriel! No need to hide away like a pre-adolescent!
Uriel - I'm not sure if...you can help me...this time.

Tyraz grunted and swung open the door, stepping inside and looking down at Uriel before he slowly closed the door behind him. TYraz was concerned fro his friend and he took a couple of steps towards the bed.

Tyraz - Why are you cowering?
Uriel - Apparently you already know why I would.

Tyraz approached the bed knelt down to Uriel's right and examined him. Peeking under Uriel's wings he could see the red shade of Uriel's eyes.

Uriel - This voice inside my mind...this entity. It told me everything, how you see me as pathetic!
Tyraz - ...Uriel, why would I think that of you?
Uriel - Because before the Deep Core incident I was mortal. I was fragile, easily broken.
Tyraz - The enemy was no mortal, he was but a monster. It is nothing to be ashamed of. You have performed many feats beyond mortal capability.
Uriel - Y-you're not really ashamed?

As Uriel lifted his wing to look at Tyraz with relief, a familiar voice emerged within his skull.

Instict - He lies. He merely wishes to keep your happiness upon his ropes.
Tyraz - Why would I be ashamed of such an accomplished leader?
Uriel - If you're injured you can simply fix the bone or rib back in place. me, I require surgery. It says I am nothing compared to you.
Tyraz - Who? Who is saying this?
Instinct - He notices your realization, he notices your resistance. He will try to do everything in his power to keep you attached to his ropes. Break free.
Uriel - ...He's inside my head. The other night it approached me...It...looked like me. It talks ot me even now... it's trying to convince me that--
Instinct - We are nothing Uriel...He thinks you are delusional...Convince him that you are strong, convince him that you are more than what he sees you as!
Uriel - Rrrargh, stop it!
Instinct - You fight to further his goals?! Have you not accepted that before him, you are weak?! Break it, break it! Break his chain!

Tyraz moved closer to Uriel, outstreching his hand to comfort the traumatised paragon.

Tyraz - Uriel, please, remain calm!

Uriel tossed his head about, as if trying to shake Instinct out of his mind. As Tyraz's hand reached closer, Uriel's wing lifted up, his hand rushed out and grabbed him tightly by the forearm. Tyraz's eyes widened in disbelief and looked directly to Uriel's own eyes, seeing a pained yet angry expression upon his face.

Instinct - Wrench it...give him an example of our defiance!

Uriel's gripped tightened. But he was hesitant in doing so. He looked at Tyraz with a pained and saddened expression on his face.

Tyraz - Uriel! What are you doing...?
Instinct - If you shall not wrench it from his corrupted body, he shall never accept our defiance as genuine, your pain as real!
Uriel - I'm sorry...but it hates you!

Tyraz growled and then pulled his arm back, pulling Uriel forward as he did by mistake rather aggressively.


Uriel was tugged, he pulled back, strong as he could. In pulling Tyraz's arm uriel rolled off the bed and onto the floor. Throwing Tyraz over him. When he stood up, Tyraz looked down at Uriel and approached again, more concern apparent in his expression.

Tyraz - Uriel, please! Let me help you!
Instinct - Do not let him come any closer!

Uriel looked away from Tyraz. He was doubting oen of his closest friends, the creature's words were digging into his mind, coercing him. But the adverse effect was he did not knowwahich to believe; the "demon" inside his mind, or the "demon" standing in front of him.

Uriel - I can either trust you or it, and I have little idea which!
Instinct - Who would we rather trust...? Ourselves...or the demonic warlord who keeps us upon strings?
Tyraz - Do not tell me you trust the demonic presence inside that head of yours! I'm your friend!
Uriel - It says it is me, what am I supposed to do!
Instinct - Accept me...accept yourself...He is not you!
Tyraz - Ignore it! It attempts to trick you, you must suppress it!
Instinct - He seeks to restrict us! He seeks to make us weak!

Uriel stood up by himself, panting with frustration. He clenched his fists and lifted his arm, only to spin around, past Tyraz and punch into a nearby wall with a bellowing roar. Tyraz stepped back. The force of Uriel's punch shattered part of the wall and knocked objects from their stands, causing the whole room to shake as if a quake had occured. Tyraz, for the first time, had been scared of a former mortal. Uriel panted with his fist firmly planted in the wall. Plaster was shattered but there was something...different. In the instant he hit the wall, the second pair of horns grew futher outward and his muscles had swelled a little. Tyraz watched as the muscles around Uriel's arms and chest began to expand and bulge further. Alongside this change, he saw a similar black substance leak from the scales of his chest and wrists. Uriel's eyes blazed like red-hot embers for a few moments. The transformation was like a pulse across Uriel's body, starting from his fist.

Tyraz - Uriel...Stop this! I am not your enemy!
Instinct - HE LIES!
Uriel - One of you...is lying to me! I WANT A STRAIGHT ANSWER!
Tyraz - If you allow me to help you, I can suppress that voice, that violent urge! I can make you calm again! We shall get through!

Uriel looked at his arm and up to his bicep. The fabric of the once-loose-fitting garnament he was wearin was now tightly pressed agaisnt his scales.

Uriel - What...just happened? How did I do this?

Uriel pried his hand fro mthe wall and felt his arm. Somewhat unsettled by the change. Lowering his head, Uriel slowly turned to look at Tyraz with worry.

Uriel - It is like you said...the further I go...the more I will change...
Tyraz - ...You must allow me to help you Uriel. Your mind...it threatens the very being of who you are.
Instinct - We are not his puppet, or toy. We shall not change for him or his will, we shall not change ourselves to suit his restrictions. We. Are. Uriel. Ultanos. We are not a slave!

Uriel paced about, frustrated. Tyraz was telling him one thing, Instinct was telling him another. He was finding it hard to believe either one.

Uriel - Taremanon...both it and he call me out as YOUR puppet! Are they both wrong?
Tyraz - They are wrong Uriel! I do not consider you a puppet! I consider you my friend, my closest friend!
Instinct - ...He considers us nothing more than a means to control your Imperium...He only tells you what he wants you to hear.
Uriel - It, Crispy, him... In fact the entire praetor system sees it!

Uriel stepped up to Tyraz and opened his wings out he grabbed Tyraz by the collar and pulled him up, lifting him off the ground. As he did so his face dropped. He dropped Tyraz and turned to look away from him.

Uriel - One voice calls for my freedom...the other for restraint.

Uriel then looked back at his arm and sighed. Tyraz approached Uriel closer and he saw the red in his eyes glaring brighter and brighter.

Uriel - But this isn't me...Tyraz...please help me!
Tyraz - Uriel...Please, understand I am not here to harm you, or enslave you. I am here to assist you because I am your friend, you are my friend! I am not your enemy, I was never your enemy. You must resist what it is telling you!
Instinct - He lies, he lies! He denies all of it! How many people have told us of his monstrous and tyrannical reputation...? Tarenamon, Crispy...even yourself!
Uriel - Not all of us are forced ot live up to our reputation...But...why would it lie to me?
Tyraz - Uriel, do you doubt me...?
Instinct - We doubt him, we resist him! We hate him! We want...to kill him! Destroy every particle, every atom of his body! Uriel - Please...Tyraz...make the torment stop!
Instinct - The torture goes on and on and on...for you do not accept who we are! You do not accept us as a whole! Accept me! ACCEPT!
Tyraz - Uriel...I'm...not sure...how I can remove this beast. All I can say is you must retain control of your senses! See rationally!

Uriel nodded nervously.

Uriel - Tyraz...can you leave me alone for a few minutes? I...need time alone.

Instinct roared inside Uriel's head in a massive bout of anger. Tyraz approached Uriel again and outstretched his hand once more. Uriel clutched his head and bared his teeth in discomfort. Staggering forwards he grasped Tyraz's hand.

Tyraz - Uriel...I won't leave you to fight this alone.
Instinct - Fight it...fight it! Fight him!

Uriel fell to one knee, overcome with Instinct's rage. He wanted the beast to stop screaming, he looked into Tyraz's eyes and realise this man coudl help him, Tyraz did not want to give up on him.

Was this genuine concern for his friend? Or was it as Instinct said, that he was secretly determined to keep Uriel on some kind of leash, ruling the Imperium with Uriel as a proxy.

Alone In Darkness

Six Hours Later

It was night in the palace. Uriel was up late, looking over admin documents and letters from relatives in his study. It was late and he had some soothing classical music playing to help him relax along with a cup of herbal tea. He sat in his desk with his back to the viewscreen window which had been set to reflect outside overlooking a white mountain range. For the past few hours, Tyraz had helped him to regain his sanity. Some techniques wereTyraz's own, others were techniques that had been handed down from Arsac.

As he was searching through he discovered a letter written by Paronus, oen of his eldest sons. He smiled, reading of how his son had managed to please some alien dignitaries yesterday. He picked up the letter and held the cup of tea in his hand, he twisted his chair to look out into the mountainscape as he read the letter quietly to himself. Tyraz's techniques had improved his condition and he had been reasonably restored to his former self. But the process of Descension is permenant, shown by how despite his best efforts, Uriel would never regain his verdant emerald eyes. Instead, hellish red eyes sat like rubies inside his eye sockets. As Uriel immersed himself in the landscape outside and the words written upon the letter, something caught his attention. He heard a *clink* sort of sound, as if something had just been moved. It wasn't usual somebody would be in his study this late at night, nor would anybody really be awake this late. And what's more, he had not heard the door open or close, nor a knock or a voice asking for permission. Somebody was in there with him, it was if they were simply waiting for this moment.

Uriel looked up and frowned, he tilted his head slightly to the side to see who it was. Glaring into the softly-lit room. He called out but there was nobody he could see. Not even a trace of a soul. It must have been a rodent that managed to find itself inside the study. However, rodents were not entirely capable eliminating the sources of light within the room by themselves. Whatever light sources were on were now off, with only the moon's glare lighting just a small amount of the room. Uriel was supicious. he set the tea and letter down, his eyes darted about the room.

Uriel - ...hello?

It was only within the last few seconds that he noticed something. Something dire, something serious. His prized sword, the one that he kept upon the wall, the one heoften took into battle. It was gone. Uriel stood out of his chair and darted for the rack, he felt the area, amknig sure it was not invisible and stepped back in panick. A voice called out from the blackness, eery and deep yet detached from any form of visible body.

??? - ...Paragon Uriel...sat on a wall...???...Paragon Uriel...had a great fall...

Uriel felt a chill down his spine. Grasping the handle of the sword strapped to his belt, the sword he had earned from graduating the Imperiums' military service programme, he turned around 180 degrees, he drew it out and directed his sword into the darkness. From the darkness, there was a gut-wrenching *CRACK*, followed by a short round of silence aside from Uriel's own panicked grunts and panting. And then there was a deep gasp, the voice spoke out again.

??? - ...All of his horses...and all of his men...
Uriel - Show yourself!
??? - ...Cannot...put...Paragon Uriel...together...again!

And then it lashed out. Uriel's sword was met with a powerful, striking blow. From the darkness glowed the sword that Uriel knew so well, but alongside it was something more. A pair of burning eyes that, like the voice, seemed detached from any form of physical body. Uriel braced from the sword clash, he felt a chill as he stared into the burning eyes. He stepped back cautiously. The plasma field activated around the entity's sword and Uriel saw the wielder in striking detail. A Draconis, covered in deep, gashing wounds and slashes all across the face, neck and torso, it's upper lip torn to bloodied shreds to reveal its sharp, baring jaws that portruded from its blackened gums. It wasn't the Instinct Uriel saw from his dreams...Uriel grasped his sword with the otherhand and stepped back/ Keeping the blade pointed at the entity.

Uriel - Whoever you are...go away!

Uriel's sword was met with another devastating blow. However, this figure did not appear as physically strong as the Instinct before. Instead, it threw the sword around in its scarred, bloodied hands, with its fingers having been worn down to just bone.

Instinct - Why...Why do you deny yourself...Why do you deny your weakness and strength...
Uriel - I do not fear you anymore! I am denying a monster. You wanted me to kill the man who saved my life! Worse, I saw what you "offered". I would have become a monster myself. A killer, a creature of rage! It was a form I did not want.
Instinct - He need not save us further if you ACCEPT! Acceptance brings strength! Acceptance brings us SURVIVAL and FREE WILL! Has Tyraz broken you...to the point where...you depend on his words and presence...to deny me further?
Uriel - You're not exactly an image of strength yourself.
Instinct - This...This is what you shall become...if you continue to deny yourself...!
Uriel - You lie!
Instinct - You lie to yourself, PUPPET!!

Instinct lunged for Uriel once more, it raised the sword above his head and slammed it down towards Uriel's position. Uriel swung his own blade at Instinct. clashing with and lifting the sword to parry the blow.

Instinct - I promise strength...and you throw it back in your own face! You have the power...to save your Imperium from Tyraz's claws...and yet you continue to refuse it...
Uriel - You make it sound as though Crispy's and Taremanon's lies are true!
Instinct - Listen to yourself...you surround yourself in denial... You deny your allies...your friends...in favour of a warlord...a demon...a deathbringer...
Uriel - I have helped him, he has become a more confident man because of my efforts.
Instinct - Because he has the knowledge...that so long as he controls you...he has the power of Andromeda's greatest...empire behind him! He murders our people...he murders Taremanon's nephew just to satisfy his own bloodthirst and yet you continue to deny...that he is a madman!

Uriel lowered his sword when Instinct told him this. URiel had been telling himself for years that the execuion was an act of jutice, the only corruption going on was the sense of favouritism from choosing Tyraz to be his executioner. The ocurts did not realise at the time that Tyraz had panned for such a painful and humiliating death but it no longer mattered. Tervos was head, his blood had coated a plaza and he ahd been reduced to a sack of meat before Tyraz physically tore him in two.

Uriel - Tervos made himself an enemy of the Imeprium by siding with the Tybusen! His death was just under the terms of Imperial law.
Instinct - So...Tyraz has made himself part of the Imperial law now...?
Uriel - He requested to be Tervos' executioner, that means nothing!
Instinct - Tervos was no enemy...He was a criminal under Zazane tradition...but not OURS! And yet you allowed Tyraz's customs to take place...inside OUR court! And yet...you favour the murder of Taremanon's nephew over Taremanon himself!
Uriel - He...he commited High Treason he...offended an... ally of the... throne...

Uriel lowered his guard, suddenly realising something: Instinct was right, the courts had put Tyraz's status above that of a noble. Even then, Tyraz had integrated himself.

Instinct - That was never an offence before...he could have offended Iovera...and you would have done nothing! Yet when he insults your "master"...you allow the demon to have him suffer...in the eyes of ALL of your people!
Uriel - No...No he chose death over exile for what he did! He would have decided otherwise...
Instinct - If he knew the demon would be his killer...and yet you never gave him the opportunity...You cornered him into something he could not escape! And you sit blind to his murder!
Uriel - No, you're twisting the truth! He preferred to be dead than living houseless. I knew nothing of this I swear!
Instinct - I know this because YOU KNOW THIS!

Uriel growled and swung his sword at Instinct with the intent to hack at an arm. Instinct lifted his sword upwards and blocked Uriel's swing, before meeting Uriel's face with a strong, skeletal scratch, tearing flesh and scales away from Uriel's cheek with his clawed, bone fingers. Uriel staggered back fro mthe attack. he pressed his hand to his wound and lifted it off to check for blood. Seeing dark red stains on his hand. The figure stepped into the moonlight, revealing a fresh, bloodied scar across his own cheek that wasn't there before the attack. When Uriel saw this, he felt a wet substance trickle down into his mouth.

Uriel - No...you're not real!

Instinct lunged forward and embraced Uriel in a strong grapple, slamming the Paragon back into several shelves of books and papers. As he grappled Uriel, Instinct sunk his sharp, blade-like teeth into his pec. Uriel roared in pain from the attack and slammed his fist agianst Instinct's skull, he was thrown back and collapsed to his stomach as he hit the shelves but when Uriel threw his punch against Instinct, he had made a considerable bruise. It wasn't long until Uriel began to feel a bruise on his head as well, exactly where he had punched Instinct. He then also noticed bite-like wounds appearing violently on Instinct's pec as he attacked. Uriel panted at his aggressor as he stood up.

Instinct - ACCEPT ME!
Uriel - After what you are doing to me, I'd rather die!

Uriel charged and plunged his sword intended to strike deep into Instinct's stomach. Uriel's sword slashed itself into Instinct's stomach, although Instinct moved to his side at the same time, causing his torso to rip nearly completely away from his waist. Uriel felt this as well, he had to looked down to notice he had achieved the exact same wound. However, before he could take it all in, Instinct delivered a strong headbutt, staggering the Paragon. With the wounds that had been inflicted, Uriel held his head as he staggered back. He was bleeding from the pec, cheek and now the stomach. While he was crippled, Instinct appeared unaffected dspite having almost been bifuricated.

Uriel - Enough with this madness!
Instinct - The only madness here...is the denial that you allow to run free...
Uriel - I do not want to become a monster...
Instinct - A monster...you shall become a savior! You will not become...a murderer, you will...be the Imperium's salvation! Its freedom! Eliminate the devil...and prove your worth to your people...Lead them into a new age!
Uriel - But...Surely I can do that with Tyraz by my side.
Instinct - No!

Furious, Instinct delivered another scratch to Uriel's face. Cutting deeper into Uriel's cheek and creating new marks, which appeared on hos own body.

Instinct - The demon controls you even now!
Uriel - And what if I end up swapping one demon...for another?
Instinct - ...Not only do you continue to deny yourself...you outright insult your own instinct...
Uriel - Heh, we all have...our "internal demons" don't we?
Instinct - ...Korr would not have been like this...Korr would have realized the demon is bad news...Our father was right after all, you are not fit to lead this Imperium...
Uriel - Do not bring my father into this!
Instinct - OUR FATHER WAS A MUCH BETTER LEADER THAN WE'LL EVER BE! You rely on the words of warlords and tyrants, rather than yourself! This is YOUR Imperium, not Korr's, not his, NOT TYRAZ'S!

Uriel panted. He didn't want to believe it but it was becoming more and more clear to him...

Uriel - Angrus's execution...Tyraz wanted to kill him and I let him... When Volkarus attacked the palace. He was a servant he had created, "he" just so happened to come and rescue me and "he" was the last face I saw as I slipped into limbo...
Instinct - He exploited our death...to manipulate us! To make us feel as if we had to be grateful! The whole Khaxvis invasion...was a setup!
Uriel - And Deep Core...he was there when Angrus crippled me, I chose to be descended because...I didn't want to...upset--

In realising, Uriel gripped his sword even mroe tightly, he looked down and snarled.

Instinct - And let us not forget...whose brother caused our beloved Korr to come back...and try to eviscerate our family...

Uriel threw his sword to the ground and looked up at Instinct with somr sadness, but also a deep-burning anger.

Uriel - Why did I doubt yo-- myself.
Instinct - Tyraz's control...We are not to blame...it was the demon who pulled the veil over our eyes and hid the truth from us for so long...
Uriel - All this time...you wanted to help me. Save me. I'm sorry I doubted you.

As they talked there was a knock on the door. Davius' voice could be heard on the other side, he was concerned what Uriel was doing inside. Instinct approached the door slowly and calmly, a grim look upon his face as he reached for the door to open it.

Davius - Uriel are you alright in there? I'm hearing a lot of noise.
Instinct - He doubts us...He accuses us of insanity...He feels that because we have broken Tyraz's veil...that we are mad! We are NOT mad!
Uriel - ...what are you going to do?
Instinct - He is controlled by Tyraz's veil too...but there is no saving him. He fears Tyraz, he fears him too much to be at our side...

Instinct rested his hand upon the doorknob and looked back to Uriel, a dreaded smile spread across his scarred and bloodied face.

Instinct - ...We must show defiance against the demon.

Uriel gupled and nodded, fully aware of waht Instinct was suggesting. Davius continued to bang against the door in frustration as Uriel had been quiet. The door opened and shut in a quick process. Before Davius could even note Instinct's grim and disturbing appearance, he was thrown across the room and into Uriel's desk, The door locked, there was no in or out. Before Uriel knew it, Instinct had passed him his plasma-covered sword and pointed to Davius. Uriel clutched the sword and slowly walked towards Davius with a disturbing look in his eyes. Uriel's eyes shone red on the darkness as Davius climbed out of the splintered remains of the gilded wooden desk.

Davius - Urgh Uriel you should have said if I was disturbing you...

Before he could react, Uriel knocked him back down pressed hsi foot firmy on Davius' arm. To davius he was alone, but with a muderous look upon his face.

Instinct - We must eliminate him now...he has become a threat. He would accuse us of insanity for speaking against the demon...his voice must not be heard!

Uriel nodded and lifted the sword up. Davius tried to reach up with is other arm but Uriel trod on that one as well with the strength to break both his arms. Lying helpless, Uriel plunged the sword into Davius' torso. As bright red blood gushed from the wound, Uriel then twisted the blade, making sure Davius could not survive. As one final precaution, Uriel pulled out the sword and swung the blade across Davius' neck, blood spraying everywhere and onto Uriel's clothes. Looking behind him, he could have sworn Instinct had savoured the moment, a few specks of Davius' blood resting on his snout while Uriel was now covered in darkeneing, drying Draconis blood.

Instinct - We must now dispose of this body...Our defiance shall be revealed when our time is right...For now, we must keep the demon under the illusion that we are his puppet, that we are his plaything...And nothing shall stop us. We shall save this Imperium and no agent of Tyraz shall halt our path! If a rock appears, we must crush it! If a obstacle appears, we must remove it! If somebody speaks against the salvation of our Imperium, we must silence them!
Uriel - Yes...Nothing should stop us. But when would the time be right?
Instinct - You know the answer...We know the answer.

With that, Instinct vanished into the darkness. Uriel's wounds were gone, they had healed at some point during the execution or his confession. Not only were his wounds healed, but his eyes now burned greater than ever before. The light of the room returned but the light illuminated a new body. Taller, darker, stronger, more powerful. As with the strike a mere six hours ago, some horrific event had transfromed him. The windows were programmed to reflect the view from the interior and Uriel saw waht he had become. he pressed his hand against the screenand looked intently at his new look. As he did, a terrible smile spread across his face. Revealing devilish fangs of an unantural sharpness as air was blown in an amused tone out of his nsotrils.

And with a mere twitch of his fingers, the entire screen cracked from some unkown yet immense pressure.

Donning The Veil Of Deception

One week later

Tyraz was walking down a mossy flagstone path within the tended jungle grounds of Alcanti's palace. The Zazane felt the warm breeze brush against his scales. It was not often he found himself in environments like this, but he enjoyed it. It was a rare opportunity for him, definitely different to the mostly barren, desert-like landscapes of most Zazane worlds, or those with plants that were fertilized with blood. This place was completely natural. Along with him, he brought and old personal weapon; a moderately-sized Shidium katana that had been modelled for his size. He narrowed his eyes to see past the trees, looking for any trace of his good friend. Uriel was deep in the grounds and was next to a flagstone path, crouched low as he tended to an athletic-looking Krann. His actions appeared to reflet that tending to the krann was opening something primal in him. Uriel was a keen huntsman - a trait he had gained from his father's passions and many centuries of practice. His father enjoyed bringing him on the

After much searching, Tyraz approached Uriel and smiled towards him, it was nice seeing him with an animal, it comforted Tyraz. He knew animals required treatment and care and it was good to see Uriel fulfilling that role. Uriel kept his eyes on the Krann, which looked at Tyraz and slowly walked near him, sniffing him cautiously. At 1.4m to the shoulder it was a little shorter than Tyraz.

Tyraz - Whoa, calm down. I'm no threat.

Tyraz petted the Krann affectionately on the head with a chuckle, smiling as he looked towards Uriel.

Tyraz - It looks like a fine beauty.
Uriel - I think she likes you.
Tyraz - Heh, what's her name?
Uriel - Arvala. She's one of my brood's most keen hunters.

Uriel looked at Tyraz with a friendly smile on his face.

Tyraz - Arvala, huh? Heh, she looks like a fine specimen of a hunter. Back within Brood territory, it's common sport for people to hunt alongside Koda. It means big prey can be brought down easier.
Uriel - We Draconis are...more open to bringing down prey with ranged weapons.
Tyraz - Ranged weaponry? Heh, I have never hunted with such before.

Tyraz gestured to the katana sheathed and hanging from his side.

Uriel - My father used to love it. If I recall i still have his favourite rifle. I could never bring myself to take it up as my own however.
Tyraz - Do you not see yourself as worthy to wield it? It is yours now, I am sure your father would think of you as worthy enough to use it.
Uriel - It goes deeper than that. He tailored that rifle to suit his tastes and his needs. It would have been a perfect weapon in his hands, not so sure about mine.
Tyraz - You are his son, you have him as part of you. And besides, it's not like you have not achieved just as much. In fact, I myself believe you achieved more.
Uriel - Hmm...perhaps you are right. But there is measuring up to someone and then there's using waht was tailored for them.
Tyraz - Do you think my Firesword was tailored for myself?

Tyraz gave a chuckle and scratched the back of his head. The whole situation felt a little awkward, talking about personal weaposn or heritage.

Uriel - I'm not sure... But in my father's case I remember hearing how he modified and atuned every part of it himself. The weapon is unique as far as I am aware.
Tyraz - Well, I guess you're right. Hey, perhaps you should design your own rifle. Make it look more impressive with more power and ferocity.
Uriel chuckled - Maybe. it's not like it's tradition or anything of the sort; my father greatly enjoyed forays into the wilderness.

Uriel stood up, his form continuing to rise as he ascended to stand stand over three metres in height. Unfortunately making Tyraz feel even smaller. Tyraz noticed Uriel's height and he took a step forward, a little suspicious and apprehensive of his friend's new stature.

Tyraz - ...Have you grown or have I got shorter?
Uriel - I recall being past the point in my life where I would naturally get larger...Is something wrong?
Tyraz - No...it's nothing. I think it's just my eagerness.

Uriel looked at his arm for a minute. Smirking. His mind casting itself back to the bedroom when he caused the room to shake from a single punch.

Uriel - Maybe it's the descension. We both recall what it did to my musculature that one time.
Tyraz - I thought you managed to gain control over it, Uriel...Ah, it doesn't matter. If you wish to increase your musculature, I cannot hold it against you. I mean, look at me.
Uriel - Oh I have, i've felt better than ever! Now, how about some hunting?
Tyraz - Of course! Hah, it has been a while since I have killed an animal. I would like to see if my skills compare to yours at all.

Uriel smiled broadly. He walked over and lifted a backpack up from the side of the road. Grabbing a long hunting rifle that was strapped to it. Unlike msot weapons in the Imperium, It was clearly designed for firing solid shots, not lasers or plasma. Magnetic induction technology was ancient in the Imperium. As such, technology had reached the point where a tiny shot could cause as much damage as an armour-piercing round given the chance. Being a Draconis, thismeant the gun was naturally large to someone of TYraz's stature. After slinging the bag over his shoulder, Uriel looked down to Tyraz with an eager smile.

Uriel - Arvala smelled something not far into the jungle. You ready?
Tyraz - When am I not?

Tyraz smiled back and walked with Uriel, drawing his impressive katana that had been covered in inscriptions, detailing stories of war and conflict. These etchings were small and fine, as if carved by a master professional. Uriel followed Arvala and carefully trodded through the jungle, keeping close and having his finger close to the trigger in case he was caught by surprise. --- Tyraz took a good look at Uriel from behind as they trod through the udnergrowth. he noticed things like bumps and perhaps a few small spikes around the jaw and cheek area, as well as more defined facial features such as his eyebrows and patches around his eyes. Even his muscles seemed more defined, and he could not help but take a look at those teeth. Those brutally sharp serrated teeth. There was something about his figure that sligthly unsettled Tyraz. Who wondered waht the circumstances were that had allowed for his friend to willingly undergo such transformations. With Tyraz at his back, Uriel peered diligantly into the jungle, keeping a close watch for movement. There was a sudden rustle from the undergrowth and Uriel quickly tracked it with his rifle.

There was a loud "thump" as Uriel's rifle fired into the jungle undergrowth. Unlike chemically-propelled rounds there was no gunpowder, no explosive chemical to propel the bullet. Only magnets. There was no muzzle flash and the "thump" came from the sonic boom made by the bullet as it left the barrel and streaked towards its target. Hitting something in the brush. There was another thump, as if something had fallen over.

Tyraz - Poor bastard didn't know what hit them.
Uriel - A clean hit.

Satisfied with the kill, Uriel smiled, exposing his jaws. Tyraz could not help but look at Uriel's smile and slowly looked away, putting on a false but convincing chuckle. He saw the brutal-looking teeth that sat within Uriel's gums. He felt apprehensive, he always knew Uriel to be a civilized man and wondered why he would opt for such beastial features. Within seconds of the second thump, Arvala ran off into the undergrowth, returning a few minutes later. Within her jaws was a large cat-like creature with four ears, reddish spotted fur and two long tails. On the left side of it's temple was an indentation.

Tyraz - That looks delicious. Also looks like a headshot.
Uriel - My father did teach me a few things.
Tyraz - Hah, next time we come across something, I'm going to show you how to really deal with a satisfying kill.
Uriel - I'd like to see that. Now, let's bag this and keep moving.

Uriel pulled soem thread from his pack and bound the creature by the paws. He and rested it in a sack which he slung over his back. Tyraz closed his eyes and wore a concentrated expression. He reduced his level of Descension to a point where he relied purely on his natural senses, Uriel watched as Tyraz lifted his feet off the ground and against the trunks of several trees, leaping off them athletically before he raised his katana and slammed downwards towards the ground. There was silence for a few moments.

As Uriel went to see what Tyraz had accomplished, he found a firm hand upon his shoulder stopping him from getting any further. If Uriel had turned round now, he would've seen something absolutely horrifying in most, if not all, cultural aspects; a large, hulking creature that possessed both Draconis and Krann physical traits, as well as several other traits upon its body not seen by either such as large spikes portruding from its body and face. Uriel closed his eyes and turned slightly to see the figure, he knew who it was anyway. It could only have been Instinct, who once again had taken on an image that somehow related to the situation at hand. This time he was even bigger than Uriel. From his lips he bagan to sing another mocking tune.

Instinct - Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye, four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened the birds began to sing, oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?

Instinct began to release a cackling laugh from his horrific jaws, which sounded like a mix of laughter and animal whines. Uriel suddenly became slightly unsettled. He inhaled through his nstrils in an attempt to raise his composure.

Uriel - ...Was there really any need for that?
Instinct - There is always a need! Do not tell yourself that we do not take pleasure and amusement in the demon's downfall...?
Uriel - When he noticed me earlier, he commented on my size, is this a sign he already feels weaker around me? He looks at me almsot in shame.
Instinct - He looks at you in fear.
Uriel - When shall we strike?
Instinct - Get the creature to distract him...then when he least expects it...attack him.
Uriel - He is interested in her. Yes. He will promptly return, and Arvala with him....
Instinct - Send the beast to retrieve his kill...when he is praising her...Shoot him. In the back of his skull. Enfuse our powers within the bullets of the gun.

Uriel nodded quietly. Meanwhile Arvala was stalking the forest, it was making sure Tyraz was nearby. He was cleaning his blade of animal blood. He had managed to strike down a large cat creature, a swift blow to the head. He had closed its eyes out of respect, before he turned to see Arvala looking straight at him. Arvala approached. As she did, there was a *snap* and a flock of birds flew up from the canopy. Arvala turned and let out a low hiss. In response, Tyraz lifted his head and he looked around, standing while placing a hand on Arvala to try and calm her down.

Tyraz - Whoa there.

Arvala stood low. Hissing in the direction of the undergrowth. SOmething was moving, and it was nimble. Amidst the rustling, a slim lizard-like creature with a bony figure and a sharp beak crawled out from the other side of a tree. Its nails dug into the tree bark as it hugged the tree, positioned with its head to be the lowest point but it stared straight at Tyraz. It shrieked. Hugging the tree, it looked about as large as him. He looked upon the lizard and he smirked, taking a firm hold of his katana as he looked towards it.

Tyraz - Get out of here, you're prey in my eyes.

Arvala hissed, two more emerged from other trees. Suggesting the lizards hunted in packs. Tyraz smiled as he raised his katana.

Tyraz - I said get out of here!

One of them leaped at tyraz with sharp claws ready. As it did, Arvala leaped into the air and grasped it by the neck, slamming it to the floor and twisting the throat, isntantly killing it. The other two crawled back slightly. A second shrieked and tried to sneak up on Tyraz but Arvala pounced and crushed its back by slamming its spine with its front legs. The third let out a cowering shriek and scurried away. Tyraz chuckled and placed away his katana. He looked to Arvala and pat her on the head with a chuckle, amused by her effective killing techniques.

Tyraz - You're a good girl, aren't you?

Arvala looked at Tyraz and sat down in front of him happily. He continued to pet Arvala and smiled, while looking at the dead lizards on the ground.

Tyraz - You're certainly impressive, I suppose I must thank you for defending me like that, even if there was no real need.

Arvala let her lower jaw hang loose while Uriel, from within the trees readied his shot. Black energy flowed down the barrel as he prepared, twisting and corrupting the gun in his hands. Tyraz continued to pet Arvala and placed his crest against her forehead, as a means to show he was grateful. He was unaware of Uriel behind him, he had lowered down his Essence senses significantly. He was almost mortal in this state, but as he lifted his head away Arvala tilted her head slightly but with its vision it saw Uriel from within the trees and hissed.

Tyraz - Huh? What is it Arvala? Has something gained your attention?

Arvala nodded and contionued hissing. Uriel squeezed the trigger and Arvala leaped to knock Tyraz over. He found himself knocked off his feet and laying down on his side, he watched in horror as Arvala leaped ahead. The shot whizzed past, grazing Arvala's shoulder and impacting a tree. Causing the bark to shatter and leaving a sizeable indentation. Around the round however the wood appeared to have been burned. It was black as charcoal. Tyraz's senses raised once again as Arvala's blood spilled onto his crest. Within moments, he was standing up and furious, gripping the katana in his hand with immense force that the foundations of the metal began to crack. He turned around while breathing heavily.

Uriel backed into the undergrowth. He slammed his fist against a tree, causing it to crack and bend. The impact from his immense strrength hit like a cannonball against the tree, smashing some of the bark.

Tyraz - Reveal yourself before I truly get angry!

The metal in Tyraz's hand began to crack even more as he grew frustreated from this act of defiance. Only a spaient could have done this, and Tyraz suspected and assassin. He felt furious and Uriel felt hesitant, muttering to himseld.

Uriel - Bah, what now?
Instinct - We made a mistake...We mistook them for prey. Yes, that is our excuse...

Uriel nodded. THe outburst of rage had darkened his scales a little more. After taking a deep breath, Uriel stepped out from the trees, palms open and hands held up by his head as though he was surrendering. Tyraz looked upon Uriel and an expression of both surprise and shock crossed his face. He was confused and angry, yet he didn't want to be.

Tyraz - What...is the meaning of this, Uriel...?!
Uriel - Apologies Tyraz, I thought I saw a Morencus...Actually it seems I wasn't entirely wrong.

Uriel looked to see the dead lizards on the floor. Now knowing who his attacker was, Tyraz lowered his katana and approached Uriel, grabbing him by his collar and pulling him downwards to get face-to-face with him.

Tyraz - "Apologies"?! If it wasn't for Arvala, I swore you would have struck me down!
Uriel - It was an accident I swear to you.

Tyraz pointed his katana towards the injured Arvala, whose wound was both burning and bleeding from being grazed by the impure Essences of the bullet.

Tyraz - Be more careful Uriel! If I didn't know better I'd say you're becoming more and more like what your other side is wanting you to become!

Tyraz budged Uriel away and panted angrily, before turning his head away as he took deep breaths. He had becoem genuinely concerned, both for Uriel's welfare and Arvala's

Uriel - You really think i'd want to kill you? After al lwe have doen for each other?
Tyraz - ...I'm sorry, Uriel. I overreacted...
Uriel - I get it, you're concerned for Arvala.

Uriel walked over to the injured Krann and ested his hand on the wound. Tyraz looked upset but out of his sight, a sly smile ccrept over Uriel's face; he didn't get to kill Tyraz but at least he provoked a negative feeling in him. A weakeness.

Tyraz - I didn't mean to lash out Uriel...
Uriel - It's okay Tyraz. We'd better get Arvala sorted out.

Tyraz nodded and approached Arvala and Uriel, a look of shame and upset was visible. It was obvious he had hurt himself emotionally by lashing out towards Uriel. Instinct, however, simply laughed.

Instinct - He wishes to reinforce our loyalty through violence...Hah!
Uriel - <<I see what you mean now. I am no slave to some master's lash>>

Uriel removed a nanospray from his supply pack and administered a squirt on the graze.

Uriel - <<That Krann though... I could have ended him were it not for her.>> Instinct - We shan't another mistake...We cannot allow another interruption to our plans. When the demon tyrant has gone...we must dispose of the undisciplined animal.
Uriel - <<I will see she is properly punished>>

As Uriel tended to Arvala's wounds, she appeared to hiss belligerently at him. Tyraz patted Arvala's side and tried to comfort her as he tended to her injury. After the application the visual skin trauma from the wound repaired itself and the wound gradualyl closed up. The bullet inside the wound dissolved fro mthe nanomachies, but the nanospray could do nothing for the corruption.

Tyraz - Everything is going to be fine Arvala...don't you worry, you're a good girl.
Uriel - The scarring should heal, but I fear for the residual descension energy.
Tyraz - Hmph...she should grow accustomed to it over time. But I fear as far as hunting goes...
Uriel - So she will have to live with this.
Tyraz - Unfortunately, it appears so. Unless you can find somebody with healing Essences that outmatch the level of Descension within the wound.
Uriel - I don't want to bother Iovera...
Tyraz - Gahh...I say we should call it a day. We've had our fun...I shall talk to her about Arvala when I am able to, but she is a busy woman.
Uriel - Yes I say we call it a day. We have a good hunting yield as well.
Instinct - We have not obtained our desired target...
Tyraz - Indeed. It is always good to get some air every once in a while.
Uriel - I will deliver these to the kitchen. <<Don't worry, his time will come.>>

As they travelled back, uriel was slightly concerned. If he had not succumbed to Instinct his descension potential should have been inferior to if not matched Tyraz's own power. He could tell in the Zazane's voice the man had realised the energies in the wound had surpassed his own abilities, otherwise he would have done something about the injury. Uriel tried not to think about it - HAd Tyraz realised by now uriel had given in? Could has cover be blown?

Hands of the Righteous

Three days later

Word was spreading that Uriel was changing. For weeks Arsac of the Inquisition had been suspecting something. But now she had proof; uriel was clearly transforming in a way she considered similar to demonic corruption.

Escorted by a cadre of inquisitors, Arsac marched through the palace. Her political immunity meant that the Blood Dragons could not actively stop her from walking and she headed straight for the throne room. With furious determination on her battle-worn face. With the inquisitors marching in a stoic manner behind her.

Four Blood Dragons stood in front of the doors to the throne room but Arsac didn't care. She pushed past them and pushed the doors open. At the back of the enormous gilded room was Uriel, on his throne speaking to a few politicians. Arsac and her inquisitors marched odwn the imperial red carpet which was flanked by two dozen blood dragons. Arsac did not pace a glance to any one of the mand simply walked on. Stopping just behind the politicians with the Inquisitors standing at her side. Uriel turned his gaze. His blood-red eyes fixating on Arsac coldly.

Arsac took a good look at him. She saw that he had grown noticeably, his amber scales now a burn umber. His muscles very clearly defined. Numerous small spikes prottruded from his jaw, on his eyebrows and down his forearms. He now sported an impressive quad of large and twisted horns that spiralled from the back of his head. His features were sharper and more pronounced and his claws were mroe savage than they were with most Draconis. Arsac took in a deep breath and spoke in a commanding manner.

Arsac - Uriel Ultanos the Sixteenth. By the wisdom of the Inqisition you have been suspected of demonic posession. We are here to help you.

Uriel blinked and slowly stood up out of his seat. Two of the younger inqisitors looked nervously as Uriel was now a massive three-and-a-half metres in height. He opened his huge wings slightly, agitated at the accusation.

Uriel - And how am I posessed?
Arsac - One needs only to look at you to see something is wrong with you.
Uriel - You're starting to sound like Tyraz. I would watch your words.
Arsac - Despite the peoples' claim of your divinity. I do not fear you. And I will engage in nesseccary force if I have to.

Uriel chuckled to himself, his mocking laughter echoing between the walls and pillars of the enormous and grandiose room.

Uriel - I doubt you could.
Arsac - I am a member of the Grand Inquisition. My demands are mandate and you know that.
Uriel - You are no lawmaker Arsac. In fact you are as much a tool to him as I was.
Arsac - What in the void are you talking about?
Uriel - It is no secret how much you two spend time amongst each other. It is no secret how he would die for you, no matter how much you deny it.
Arsac - I don't need a knight in armour.
Uriel - Then go.
Arsac - No.
Uriel - I said...GO!

Uriel slammed his fist into Arac's chestplate and she went flying backwards. Her armour dented inwards. As hs tood, the other inquisitors pulled out their weapons but Uriel pulled out his; a long, brutal slongsword tainted with descesion energy. With a swing of his arm, he knocked one of the Inquisitors int oa colum. Smashing the amrble but slamming the inquisitor into the steel support beam inside and breaking his back. Another Inquisitor lunged at him and he dodged, grabbing the upper arm and with a strong tug ripping the arm out of its socket before plunging his sword into the open wound, tilting downward to slice inside and thentwisting and pushing to his right to cut the sword out of the Inquisitor's back, destroying his torso in the process. Heated blood spilled everywhere as the gash was opened and the inquisitor, bleeding fro mthe bouth and torso collapsed on the floor.

Antoher inquisitor charged. This time Uriel plunged hiss word into the Inquisitor's stomach and pulled upwards, slicing the core body of the inquisitor literally in half. Joined at the crotch the two pieces fell apart fro meach other, tearing the body further apart with them. Arcac coughed as she stood up Three of the six inqusitors she had taken as a retinue were dead. Uriel threw his wings open and sent the other three flying backwards, the gust of wind was powerful enough to smash the pillars it hit. The Blood Dragons stood back. While normally they would have intervened, they soemhow knew urie lwanted to do this alone. As Arsac stood up, she was gradually surrounded. She was bleeding from the nsotrils.

Two of the inquisitors stood up, weakened from the blast and limped towards Uriel. The servos in their power armour kickedi n and suddenly they were back to full strength. As they charged, Uriel lowered himself and swept his tail, smacking both of them backward and after making a ful ltwist, urie lleaped at one and plunged his sword into the Inquisitor's head, instantly killing him. The rush of blood caked the outfit uriel was wearing, Draconis blood stained him considerably but all he could do was laugh sadistically. The battle awoke something savag in Uriel. His eyes began to glow yellow and his scales darkened further. As the other tailswiped Inquisitor stried to stand up, Uriel walked over to him and grabbed him by the head, lifting him up. His clws dug into the head and pierced the armour. With a terrifying smile, Uriel plunged his sword into the Inquisitor's stomach, jutled it around and then, with a burst of strength, crushed the skull merely by squeezing his hand.

One last inquisitor remained. As he struggled to stand up, Uriel straightened himsels and turned to look at him. Twisting his blade to remove excess blood, Uriel stomped over towards him. The Inquisitor, grippping his weapon in fear stood back. Uriel held tou his sword and with a flash from his eyes, the Inqusitor was suddenly pulled across the room and impaled onto Uriel's sword. Despite the almsot-dead Draconis corpse resting on it, Uriel was not weighted down. He let the body slide off but the servos in his armour were functioning enough for him to stand up, albeit iwth a very large gash in his body. Uriel's sword had jut misse the armour's spinal column. As he stood up, Uriel tilted his head with a smile, swinging his tail to knock the inquisitor into the air he swing his sword and dismembered the body. Legs first ,then the left arm then the right arm, then the wings, the force sent him into an arial cartwheel before uriel sliced waht remined of his body in half.

Gore now littered the throen room. Uriel held the bloodied sword i nhis hand and he looked at Arsac with glowing yellow eyes. However he appeared to have enjoyed that to a terrifying degree. The blood Dragons stepped aside and as they did, Arsac extended her claws and charged at Uriel. She was stopped in her tracks when a powerful foot - Uriel's to be precise - came down on her and pressed her into the bloodstained carpet. He pressed his fot down, bending the metal and pressing down on her ribcage.

Uriel - I will give you one last cahnce Arsac. Back away now and you keep your life!

Arsac merely grunted. The foot lifted itself off but then she was grabbed by the throat. As she felt ehrself lifted up, she plunged her claws into his arm. he bared his savage teeth in pain before throwing her at a wall.

Uriel - Fine. If that is how you wish to end things.
Arsac - Either I die, or you do.

Uriel telported up to her and swung his sword down. She barely caught it between ehr claws, he pushed harder, the muscles in Arsac's armour pulsing and cracking under the extreme pressures of uriels' attack. She bared her teeth and her eye scanned desperately for a weak spot in Uriel's defences. Mustering all ehr strength she pushed the sword away and stabbed her claws into his stomach. he let out a roar, Arsac saw fumes escaping from the wound and hwen she pulled her claws out she discovered her caws had been heated to become soft by the heat of uriel's demonic blood. Uriel swung more, sh eparried and dodged, hoping to tire him. The air fluctuated around Uriel's sword, the heat it generated reached boiling termperatures and the attacks wore away at both her claws and armour.

Despit her training she began to pant, Uriel sent anotherp unch in her direction, this time rupturing the stomach plates and causing her to fly into the air. As she fell, she was grasped by Uriel who, with a roar, threw her at another wall. She slammed into it and in the blink of an aeye Uriel collided with her, pressing her further into the wall. He pulled her out by the leg and tossed her across the room, a tumble enabled her to get back onto her feet before Uriel rushed up and grabbed her by the throat. Lifting her into the air and applying presure around her neck.

Meanwhile, within the dimly-lit corridors of the palace, a Zazane found himself gently stepping through the bare light. His eyes remained focused through the darkness and planted upon the various artworks that lined the walls. All of them changed their angle as Tyraz walked, as though he was looking through a panoramic window. All of them all possessed their own unique style which set them apart from one another, and yet the base of all the pictures seemed familiar; members of House Ultanos, both present and past. He could see quite a few of Uriel, each one plucking a string within Tyraz's fragile heart, although he reassured himself that Uriel was slowly and surely returning back to the appearance he retained before this horrific incident.

Each portrait of Uriel was both a snapshot of his majesty at that time and a fragment of the man he used to be. Tyraz felt a sense of melancholy looking at each one and he sighed. Each one showed Uriel as a great man, in a far mroe heroic light than he ever felt he could be. However, his eyes quickly shifted in unison towards another direction. A short and sudden gasp escaped his jaws as he recognized something very familiar aside from these hallways; the presence of a Draconis, a Draconis emotionally close to him. Inside he was repeating to himself, constantly chanting claims and hopes that it wasn't who he thought it was. At this point, his slow and steady walk transformed into a desperate sprint within moments with almost no transition. He ran fro the central throne room of the palace. His chest pumping in panic as he feared the worst. This presence had beelined for the palace's throne room. As Tyraz paced closer to the doors he could hear frantic combat.

Thirty metres away he heard a baritone scream, ten metres away there was another. Blood Dragons stood at the doors to the room. The Blood Dragons only watched as Tyraz approached in his sprint, manifesting as a terrifying shadow that paced without hesitance or reluctance, charging at them at full speed with no second thought. It would not matter what they had done at this point, they all knew they were not capable of matching the destructive force within this devastating charge. As it approached closer and closer every second, they all heard a single sentence roar from the shadow.

Tyraz - Get out of my way!

Knowing the futility of resisting him, the dragons stepped back and allowed Tyraz to force his way through the massive gilded doors door. Upon entering he bore witness to the carnage Uriel had unfolded; six bodies, horribly eviscerated were scattered about coated the palace with blood and gore. Blood and entrails scattered everywhere, surfaces were either cracked or shattered, the faces contorted from either pain or dread. Standing in the centre was the figure of Uriel. His hand wrapped around Arsac's throat. Through the twisted nature of the energies Uriel now posessed, he stood a clear two heads taller than her. He had his hand wrapped tighly around her throat, her legs dangling high in the air. As Tyraz entered, he was approached belligerently by a dozen Blood Dragons. Who until now rmained passove.

Tyraz's crimson eyes immediately shot towards the Paragon and the Inquisitor. He had no time to deal with the Blood Dragons, yet he didn't want to add to the blood that had already been spilled. Grabbing ahold of the katana he had used for his hunting trip, he messily took out the legs of the guards that surrounded him, no sense of accuracy. Although the attack would not kill the Blood Dragons, it would severely incapacitate them. Throughout this attack, he never took his eyes off the center of the room. His sloppy attacks were deflected, the only ace he had was the aw strength behind each blow. His mind was focused on the figure he thought was his friend and was only partially focused on his bodyguards.

Tyraz - No...No, no, NO! Let go of her, madman!

The Dragons didn't appear to fight back. Instead they blocked and pushed to make sure to keep between Uriel and Tyraz. Arsac tried turning her head but the best she could do was gaze with her organic eye at Tyraz. The commotion caused Uriel to turn his head sharply and dreopped his jaw in surprise. While he expected Tyraz to intervene, he had figured the Zzane was too busy elsewhere.

Arsac - Tyraz what are you doing here!
Uriel - Tyraz...

Tyraz stepped forward and glared at the sight before him, wishing it was just a hallucination or a nightmare. Placing a hand against his crest, his face screwed up and several watery droplets streamed down both his cheeks.

Tyraz - W-What...what are y-you doing?!
Uriel - Arsac...she wanted to kill me! I could not let that happen!
Arsac - Even he can tell you've gone insane...paragon!

Uriel retaliated to Arsac's remark by gripping more tightly, causing Arsac to squirm as she choked and gasped for air.

Tyraz - Enough Uriel! Let her go! Just...d-don't hurt her any further! She wanted to help!

Uriel smiled and chuckled to himself. His laugh echoed i nthe halls and sent a chill down Tyraz's spine. Uriel had truly gone insane.

Uriel - I am done taking orders from you...

Tyraz stepped back in shock and had an expression of both terror and upset upon his face.

Tyraz - What are you t-talking about?!
Uriel - You know very well what i'm talking about! You've tried ot pull the veil over my eyes many times. No longer.
Tyraz - You're mad, Uriel! You're speaking nonsense! I've never tried to control you, not once! And even so...Arsac has no involvement in this affair! Let her go!

s Uriel talked, Arsac plunged her claws into his chest. He appeared, however, to barely notice. He looked at her blankly before he loooked back at Tyraz.

Uriel - ...She just made her choice in this matter.

Uriel looked at Arsac, his eyes glowed intensely as claws of shadow ruptured through her neck. A gargled scream as her throat was destroyed by Uriel's attack.

Tyraz - NO!

Tyraz screamed out and reached out an arm helplessly as he watched her neck erupt from Uriel's dark claws, spilling her blood and parts of her throat - which were now little more than visceral chunks smaller than coins - all over the throne room. Madness began to well up inside Tyraz, but despite all that had just happened, he kept it down for this was still his friend. But confusion began to overwhelm him, he had no idea what to do. He was vulnerable. As Arsac's body went limp, Uriel tossed it aside like a discarded rag and paced over to Tyraz. He made a hand signal for the Blood Dragons to stand aside. Strangely they complied. Blood Dragons had been taught ever since the Second House War to only question orders when they clearly became questionable. Without davius, Uriel had complete control of them. They obeyed his every word.

Uriel - And here I thought you would be happy for me. There's no pleasing you is there. No, the only way I can please you is as your puppet!
Tyraz - Y-You...you KILLED her! I did not command you to do this! You're TWISTED!
Uriel - I did that in self-defence! You of all people know what she is like. She would not have stopped until her task was complete - my death!
Tyraz - She was trying to help you, like she helped me! And YOU KILLED HER!
Uriel - Because her choices were to either spill my blood or isolate me from everything!
Tyraz - You DESERVE to be isolated! You've become little more than...than a monster! YOU are not URIEL!

Uriel clenched his fists, anger welling up inside him. Dark energies leaked from his arms and torso as he swung his arm and smacked Tyraz in the side of the head. Tyraz did nothing to try and defend himself. In his confused and emotionally shattered state, he was launched across the room as if little more than a ragdoll. The force would have been enough to pulverise any normal body. But his body collided with one of the throne room's walls, creating a deep crater within it.

Uriel - No I'm not am I? The Uriel you prefer and the Uriel you want is the one who is a slave to your every word. By defying you I have broken my chains, I no longer fear death or injury. I am no longer pathetic. I no longer have to crawl at your feet.

Tyraz pushed himself out of the crater. he fell to the floor with a thud, pulling himself up onto his hands and knees he spat up several globules of black blood before looking towards Uriel in agony, both outside and in. Keeping a firm hand over his heart, he pointed towards Uriel with his other as Uriel placed towards him with fury.

Tyraz - You sacrificed every trace of yourself for power! I thought you were better than this, Uriel!
Uriel - Very rich coming from a man who desired to control MY Imperium my manipulating me.
Tyraz - I never desired your empire! If I did, I would have killed you long ago! But what have I done instead? I preserved it by constantly saving you from danger!
Uriel - We both know there is more than one way to conquer an empire.
Tyraz - And I seek not to conquer yours!

Uriel stood in front of Tyraz and kneeled down. Looking into his eyes. His hulking form took up most of Tyraz's vision. To look into Uriel's eyes was to see a form of fury that could only come from two hundred years of fury. What made Draconis so dangerous was that msot of the time they hid this primal rage, kept it hidden behind a curtain of civility. It was said that eyes are windows to the soul, and Uriel's eyes burned like a hellish furnace.

Uriel - He told me everything Tyraz. He told me how you were controlling me through pity. How you wanted to make it look like you were grateful, how I would be indebted to you for saving my life. All so you could posess my empire.
Tyraz - He speaks lies, Uriel! You lie to YOURSELF! All I have ever done for you was in good nature, I never sought to conquer your empire!
Uriel - But why would he lie?
Tyraz - Because he strives for power himself!

Uriel looked at Tyraz dissapointedly and leaned in close.

Uriel - He and I want what is best for the Imperium. I need to prove myself to eb a truly strong leader and he showed me the way.
Tyraz - The way you choose is one of butchery and fear! The Uriel I knew would never have desired to stride down such a path!
Uriel - Only because my hand has been forced.

Uriel reached in and scooped Tyraz up by the armpits and held him aloft. Standing up with a look of irritation on his face. Tyraz allowed him. Both too powerless and too traumatised to do anything, his body hung limp as though he were a toddler, both in appearence and size compared to Uriel. It would have been almsot affectionate were it not for Uriel's clearly sinister nature at this moment. As though he held Tyraz lke this not only to bring him close, but perhaps also to mock him. A sign to show the tables had turned perhaps? That Uriel was the demigod and Tyraz was the pathetic being who crawled at his feet. Tyraz looked into Uriel's horrifying eyes and began to blubber ,feeling weaker than ever as black tears stremaed down his face.

Uriel - I only ever wanted what was best for my people.
Tyraz - Then why...Why do all THIS?! You cannot honestly...e-expect to keep your people safe u-under such c-circumstances.
Uriel - But I can. In part thanks to you giving me this power. Arsac and her order saw me as a threat to the balance od power. She wanted to get rid of me.
Tyraz - I regret ever suggesting it to you! I thought you could c-control it...but y-you have spiralled out of control and SANITY!

Uriel growled, unconsciously tightening his grip around Tyraz's shoulders. Tyraz clenched his jaws as he felt the pressur eon his shoulders.

Uriel - So I am simply another mistake?
Tyraz - Urgh...I d-did this to t-try and save you...but you have become t-too powerful for your o-own good...You are a m-mistake, one of mine...I'm s-sorry.
Uriel - Admit it Tyraz. Admit that you now fear waht I have become!
Tyraz - The only thing I fear...is what you shall do to the rest of the people who CARED FOR YOU!

Uriel laxed his grip and his jaw dropped. He tried to ignore waht Tyraz was suggesting. But had he truly become a monster? He didn't want to accept he had sacrificed everything and shut his eyes, as if doubting it.

Uriel - No. I am not so far into madness as to abuse the people I care about!
Tyraz - You strangled your own wife in her sleep! And where the hell is Davius nowadays?! Why do we never see him?!
Uriel - That incident with Alensia was an accident and you know it!
Tyraz - Was it...was it really?! Or did you want to scare her into serving you as well?!

Uriel - I never wanted that from her!

Uriel's grip loosened, Tyraz slipped out of his grip fell towards the floor. As he did. Uriel turned around. Tyraz hit the floor, a drop that would have bruised him. he made no effort to save himself fro mthe fall and he landed on his side. Uriel clenched his fists.

Tyraz slowly stood, coughing up more blood from his jaws and staring towards Uriel. There was a look of hate within his eyes, one that would terrify even the highest of mortals. So full of rage, yet somehow he managed to keep the demon within himself, even if just barely. He pointed as his body began to lose its solidity, shifting to a gaseous form as he began to teleport from the palace.

Uriel - ...I don't want to see you in my home again.
Tyraz - This isn't your home.
Uriel - I am Uriel. The real Uriel. Remmeber that Tyraz.
Tyraz - You are but a demented aspect running loose.

Uriel growled as Tyraz fated. Uriel didn't look back and instead he paced back to his throne, the last traces of Tyraz's essence dissapated once Uriel arrived, rage welled up inside him. He clenched his fists as he looked up at the golden dragon that sat vigil behind the throne. he lifted his fists and with a bellowing roar slammed them down into the throne, completely crushing it; the platinum and gold became twisted and scorched while the marble shattered and velvet burned. Uriel panted and looked at the twisted wreckage. He lifted his foot and crushed the remains. he screwed up his features and slammed his hand into the ground.

The ground shook as his body swelled and his scales darkened. His eyes shone like stars as huge black spikes burst out of the ground into a fan-like structure, some of the spieks opened up and crsuhed the remains of the old throne inside them. Metal twisted like vines and welded together after pusling with black energy. What were a mass of metal vines fused into a metallic black chair. Despite looking liek it was made of obsidian, the new throen was perhaps more impressive - if not at the very least much larger - than the old throne. Uriel smiled at his work. The spikes behind the chair were arranged like a broad spined leaf. A spiked fan of obsidian that penetrated out of the floor. Uriel brushed his hand against his new creaction and sighted before resting his head against it.

With The Setting Sun, Comes Rebirth

Two Days Later

Uriel stood on the balcony of his chambers overlooking the palace grounds. He looked out into the grounds and beyond the metropolis of Minos'Drakon. He let out a heavy sigh as the sun set. He rested his hands on the balcony and peered outward. As the sun set the night sky began to crawl out. After the sun has set beyond the horizon Uriel looked further up above; ribbons of green and yellow light began to dance across the sky, the Aroura Borealis hung high over Minos'Drakon. Captivated, Uriel looked towards it, entranced in the dancing patterns across the night sky. As Uriel watched the angelic ribbons of majestic light cruise and dance through the sky, the beautiful patterns began to change in behaviour. The slow,graceful moving of the lights became more frantic, moving faster until it reached a point that displayed aggressiveness and violence between warring and conflicting ribbons. To Uriel, the aurora bled like an open, torn wound, with yellow and green being replaced with crimson and scarlet. A graceful dance had become a bloody carnage in Uriel's eyes yet somehow, he did not appeaar disturbed. He had grown more used to the violent images his mind was making. He felt a primal joy to the view up above as though the sky was bleeding.

Uriel - It is disturbing, yet it is strangely beautiful...

The echoing voice was familiar, and yet the source wasn't obvious. At first, it appeared as if the voice came from a distance across the room, yet no man or woman could be seen for miles. A voice cut off from its body, a mysterious phenomena. Although, as Uriel watched the sky wail and twitch in pain and anger, he realized; Instinct resided within the bloodied lights above him. The ethereal carnage was borne more than from uriel's own heart, but also his mind, twisted by the monster of his inner desires.

Uriel - Then I thank you for such a generous sight.
Uriel - But even now, while he bleeds, my people still look to him for wisdom. OUR people seek to follow a broken god.
Uriel - He no longer deserves such worship. I was blind to mistake his neglegance for providing space to develop. I used his innate care for our species as a naive shield ot the truth. That he no longer cares for the Draconis.
Uriel - Wisdom, power, majesty, traits beyond mortal achievement. That is what sets a god apart form mere mortals.

Airbrne seeds fluttered past the window. Uriel caught one in his hand and gazed down at the delicate seed in his palm. A small round casing conencted to a gossamer umbrella to which the seed used in order to drift in the wind.

Uriel - Even before the gift bestowed upon us there were those that worshipped me. I respected their inclination, let them dwell on the thought but now...

Uriel clutched his fingers. The sugar-white casing of the seed began to turn black while the tendrils of the umbrella were singed and began ot glow from embers. The shaft blackened and the seed withered in Uriel's palm as the air fluctuated around it.

Uriel - I realise it is not enough. The worshippers are a niche group, a small fraction of the population. A chosen few who saw the light before I did.
Uriel - Their faith must be shown to everyone. The truth must be made public. The god they so desired has awoken. Ready to shield them from the darkness that assults this Imperium and rots it to the core every single day!

The final remains of the seed ignited in a black flame in Uriel's palm. While the seed lasted only a few seconds, the fire continued to burn painlessly.

Uriel - May I inquire as to what angels? The Blood Dragons? They are mortal same as everyone else.
Uriel - The same way Tyraz blessed me? the same way Volkarus was empowered?

Uriel nodded. As he walked back inside he stopped in his tracks once reaching the middle of the room. The room itself was dark, Uriel had spent the sunset gazing outside and the only illumination came from a crack between the bedroom door and its frame and the night sky outside.

Uriel - Tyraz. He accused us of being blinded by power... You speak of me becoming a god, giving my Dragons such power, ruling over my people as a divine...is he still wrong?
Uriel - You are right. To accuse me of being blinded by power is to think I did this FOR power. We use this power to improve our Imperium and make it stronger. That is not abuse, that is justification.

Uriel stepped out of his chambers. Two Blood Dragons stood at the door to it, he turned around and looked at both of them. Towring over even them, who had been selected from the finest Draconis genetic stock as the ideal protectors. Deep in Uriel's mind this prime genetic code served a new purpose. It was a new indicator.

Uriel - These two...shall be the first?
Uriel - You two. Inside, I wish to offer you both a reward for your services.

The two dragons nodded and walked inside Uriel's bedroom. They were obliged to follow his requests and he knew this. As they walked inside Uriel closed his eyes, recalling what Tyraz had done to him as best he could. The last thing he wanted was to deform the first of this new breed with a mistake in the ritual. After he recalled the ritual perfromed. Uriel walked inside and unsheathed the sword strapped to his side. As he did, dark energies coalesced across the surface. It's once silvered and polished shine has been twisted into a blackened steel, it's smooth edge now brutal and serrated. The two dragons looked at Uriel with confusion as it looked like he prepared to attack them. But they knew him too well for this. The dark energies danced off the corrupted blade as he approached Instinct still screaming inside his mind.

Uriel - You two will be the first of a new generation. Immortal, powerful, unyielding. You shall honour your debt to me from now, until the stars themselves flicker and die.

At that, Uriel plunged his sword to just above the heart of one of the dragons. She riled in pain as energies crept down the blade and crawled over hers body. Her companion took a step back, now wary that Uriel had indeed gone mad.

Uriel - Keep calm. The more you struggle, the more painful this will be.
Dragon 2 - Lord uriel have you taken leave of your senses!

The Dragon's flesh bonded with the parasitic, crawling energy that was once housed within the accursed blade. As Instinct had said, the Dragon felt the entirety of his being die a painful and agonizing demise over and over in a cycle, followed by constant glorifying, empowering rebirth until eventually the feelings of death and life were replaced by the twisted amalgamation of immortality, causing the Dragon's once bright scales to become blackened like ash and her eyes filled burning red. As she opened them, her partner looked upon her new form with horror. In the space fo a few minutes, the woman he had lived with and trained with was torturously transformed. But he wondered if she was really an angel, or a demon.

Instinct - ...SUCCESS.
Dragon 2 - Lord Uriel...what ahve you done to Taralea...

With pride, Uriel pulled the blade from the dragon's chest. As the blade left the wound above the Dragon's heart, the torn flesh forcefully pushed and pulled itself back together, sealing itself. The Dragon's jaw hung opened and bloodied, but slowly closed and turned towards its partner, a twisted smile spreading across its drooling, salivating face.

Taralea - Join me and protect Lord Ultanos for our eternity...it is the highest honour.
Dragon - I would gladly serve Lord Ultanos for as long as I lived...But must I go through such a ritual?
Uriel - I have improved her. She is stronger, fitter, no longer burdened by such menial problems such as sleep or hunger. She will no longer fear the sting of death.
Taralea - Living was a task within itself! Now, we shall exist solely as His guardians and servants without being restricted by such universal laws that apply to mortals!

The dragon took a step forward. Uriel lifted his sword and did the same to him. Plunging the balde into his chest and twisting his flesh with parasitic energies. he felt his life die inside him. His heart slowed to an agonising stop. As the dragon fell to his knees in pain, Uriel smiled, the dark energies flowed through the blade and into his body. In a few minutes it was over. The dragon could feel the pain subsiding, beingr replaced by feelings of rage and power. Inctinct one again screamed out with joy at the result.

Uriel - You two are the first. More will undertake what you two have felt today and you have shown exceptional bravery. But there is one act to follow.

In a flash, Uriel and the two dragosn dissapreared in a cloud of red smoke. They reappeared in a covered gantry overlooking an enormous pool of magma bubbling away, deep iin the heart of the volcano to wuich Alcanti's royal place had been built. Even in the air-conditioned chamber the air was thick and hot as the furnace heat outside abttered at the walkway's shielding. Uriel took a step forward to admire the bubbling sight, recalling waht it was like to be in such a place back when the palace was built.

Uriel - Millenia ago this palace wasa fortress. Our ancestors used the heat and the rock from this place to forge weapons of near-unrivalled quality. Some of House Ultanos' armourers still use the old magma flumes. But now I feel it is suitable to use it as a forge once again.

Uriel nodded. He stood up to the fibreglass observation window and with a descension-fueled punch he shattered the glass, which would have been strong enough to contain any magma flows. Below was rock ledge and once he smashed the window he was met with a blast of hot air. Uriel did not care, standing still as the het of heat engulfed him. As he jumped down to the rock floor at the edge of the magma pool. A jump some eighty metres up and uriel simply hit the rock of the ledge without a care. He landed with a thud and walked to the edge of the pool. The searing heat battered at the fabric of his outfit. Warping it, draining it of softness.

Uriel - Just as I sculpted my throne through will alone. I shall sculpt a divine set of armour from the very metals of this furnace. Such armour should become deserving of legend.

Uriel stood straight and raised his arms. Piping, stored material and magma was forcefully pulled away from where it rested and rushed to levitate in front of him. A sphere of magma rose up from the pool. Uriel focused his mind, trying to picture the armour he desired. One set however stuck in his mind. He recalled the sharp features and demonic faces of Instinct's original armour. The armour he first saw the inner demon wearing. Almost unknowingly the metal shaped itself to conform to this imagined set. Swaying and moulding every plate to fit. The work of an artisan, with thought alone turned a lump of magma and steel into a work of art.

As the armour took shape Uriel smiled. Hovering above the magma pool was a brutal set of armour plates, black as obsidian and decorated with fangs and horrifying visages. Uriel raised his arms and the plates, still warm from the furnace, flew onto his body and latched on. He cringed as the heat hit his scales. He almost laughed.


From behind, Uriel was approached by a familiar figure; it was Instinct's first incarnation, the one who wore the black armour that inspired Uriel's new set. If the Black Angels could have seen Instinct, they would have thought that they were seeing double. Sensing his imagined presence, Uriel turned around to see Instinct and smiled broadly, showing his teeth.

Instinct - You are me, and I am you. We are one, we are us.
Uriel - And together we shall forge the Imperium into something that cannot die. Forged by a people of unshakeable loyalty to their protector. This arour and the rebirth of the dragons will begin a new age.
Instinct - The once holy house, House of Drakon, will fall. To death He goes with music and song! This hour's ours, with open arms!

As though it were a dark mark of celebration, a lump of magma bubbled up behind them plume of magma rose like a sore from burned skin before bursting and sending an infernal plume rising up out of the volcano. Uriel's power made sure the plume did not risk the chamber, the plume rose up and shot out of the mouth of the volcano. Something it had not doen in centuries. The reuption of the magma bubble sounded like a roaring demon, pulling at its now-breaking chains, for there was little to hold it back now.

Uriel - Drakon will fall by our blades. With determination and will, we shall one day cast down the uncaring master who has commanded respect from our society from on high for so long.
Instinct - He denies us of our place within his Garden, then we shall burn it to ashes! Every tree, every shed of grass, even the sky above His damned head will be darkened and shattered, falling atop his selfish form! His crown slips from His unworthy head and upon ours! We shall open His blinded eyes...and wrench them from their sockets.

Uriel nodded solemnly. With exitement on his face he walked past Instinct and teleported back into the main area of the palace. He took his evolved bodygaurds with him. Butthe events of this one day, would change House Ultanos forever.

Silence Her

One week later

Alessa was worried for her father. Late one night in an estate some distance from Alcanti she looked at a holofeed showing Uriel demonstrating his newfound sense of authority. She watched as he drew his sword and with a mere swing, caused an entire group of captured Korkonid pirates to explode in a mass of blood and organs. She held her stomach as she watched in horror. This...butcher, was not the father she knew. She stood up and waved her hand, disengaging the holoprojector as Uriel made another speech. She couldn't bear to watch, she needed to take her mind off the situation.

Then, looking out of the window, out into the expansive countryside that lay before her, she remembered. She turned the screen of another window, using the dialling system and hoped someone specific would contact her on the other end. When the call was accepted she looked extremely worried as Tyraz appeared on-screen. he had a sad look upon his face, although he placed it aside as best he could when he saw Alessa.

Tyraz - Miss Alessa, what ever is the matter?
Alessa - It's Father. I get this feeling something is terribly wrong wwith him... Mother is too afraid to speak, she's been upset for weeks and she won't say anything.

Tyraz looked away from Alessa for a moment before looking back at the screen. Alessa secretly knew; whenever he performed such an action it was usually from guilt or anguish, a tellatale sign he new something was wrong. But Alessa was a kind-hearted woman and kept her silence, hiding such a worry.

Tyraz - Where are you now?
Alessa - One of the House's estates. A good 12,000 parsecs from Alcanti. Father doesn't know I'm gone, ever since Mother became to afraid to speak, I dreaded facing him.
Tyraz - Keep a good eye out, I fear he may have a suspicions of your whereabouts...
Alessa - Tyraz, I want to know what has happened to Father. He's not just changing as a person he's changing physically. Tyraz - Alessa...I cannot tell you.

That was the trigger. Whatever attempts she had made to keep her doubts a secret were now fully open. As a diplomat she knew full-well that those four words meant Tyraz knew something dreaded, something dangerous that he could not bear to inform her about for whatever reason, and this visibly unnerved her.

Alessa - Tyraz you're scaring me.

Tyraz sighed and he looked to her, his sad expression returning. Both masks were cast off; both were concerned, possibly afraid.

Tyraz - Alessa, it is best if you leave Imperial territory. Uriel has become far too dangerous to keep in contact with.
Alessa - He's been saying that you are a bad influence, that you are corrupting us, I've never seen him this way before.
Tyraz - Alessa, you must trust me. The Uriel you know is dead, what remains is a hostile, angry creature. You cannot remain in Imperial territory if you really wish for your life.
Tyraz - Whatever he is saying and whatever he is doing, it is not your father.

Suddenly, as they were talking a servant burst in through the door, a look of panic was clear on her face.

Servant - My lady, His majesty is at the estate's gates!!
Tyraz - Alessa! Get out of there!

Alessa nodded as Tyraz shouted frantically. She turned around fearfully but as she did around Uriel materialised right in front of her and wrapped his hand around her throat, lifting her off the ground slightly. Not enough for her to be in mid-air, but enough that she could no longer feel the floor beneath her toes. Tyraz stood up in anger and panic, he began to yell.

Tyraz - Uriel! Let her go!
Uriel - You never told me that--

Hearing Tyraz's voice, Uriel looked up at the screen. His irritataed mood becoming one of hostility as he saw that Alessa had been in contact with the man he now considered one of his greatest threats. Tyraz growled and clenched his fist as he stood squarely in an attempt to instil some authority in the situation.

Uriel - You! I should have known!
Tyraz - Uriel, let her go! She is scared of you!
Uriel - You have convinced her, my own daughter to fear me!
Tyraz - No, you have brought this upon yourself!
Uriel - This matter does not concern you! She is my daughter! I am her father, she will obey me!
Tyraz - You are NOT her father! Not anymore!
Alessa - Pl-please father... Tyraz meant no har--

She was interrupted when Uriel gave her a firm smack, knocking soem scales off in the process and leaving the wound on the side of her snout to bruise. Tyraz's eyes widened in disbelief and shock. Uriel had smacked his own daughter, his own pride and joy. Possibly the one thing in this entire universe he loved and cared for as much as his own wife, who now walked among the palace grownds with a heart filled with sadness.

Uriel - Do not speak his name ever again!
Tyraz - Uriel...Uriel! Stop this now!
Uriel - I do not follow your orders any more!

Within his grip, Alessa burst out crying. Her nicitating membranes flickering and wailing noises escaping from her jaws. Tyraz could hear her tears, he became more and more distraught with every moment. Any rage he displayed was being overtaken with concern and fear for Alessa's life.

Tyraz - Put her down, Uriel! Do not harm her! She is your own daughter, you have become a monster!

Uriel scowled as two Blood Dragons grabbed Alessa by the arms. Uriel let go and glared at Tyraz through the screen, walking around her to dominate Tyraz's view. His twisted and demonic features dominating the screen, allowing Tyraz to gaze long and account every detail of the demon that stood before him, a visage he could not bear to see.

Tyraz - You know not of what you are doing!
Uriel - I know pwerfectly waht I am doing! I was too soft on her, now look; she speaks kinship with my enemies. You in particular.
Tyraz - I may be your enemy, but she is not!

Uriel gave an angry look to Alessa who continued blubbering. His frustration suddenly being turned into shock.

Uriel - No... Alessa please tell me you did not!

Alessa sniffled and looked away. Uriel stomped over and gripped her jaw firmly, forcing her to look him in those burning, blood red orbs where eyes once were.

Uriel - He is... That is it, you have abused my trust for the last time! And seeing as he's involved, go on, tell Tyraz what I just learned peering inside your mind.

Alessa struggled to look away but Uriel kept a firm grip and forced her to look at the screen,yanking her head and body around so that she was staring right at Tyraz, allowing him to see every detail of distress in her eyes as she continued weeping and sniffing.

Uriel - TELL HIM!
Alessa - S-sept-t-t-tis. I-I s-sent him... t-to... D-daed-d-alus.

Tyraz's angered look appeared more worried and scared. He blinked several times, leaning forward slowly, now incredibly concerned with what had transpired. Uriel continued to scowl, an act of betrayal. It was unclear if the entity holding her up was furious for Alessa's betrayal in his trust, or fearful for losing one of his youngest sons.

Tyraz - Alessa...Why did you not go with him...
Alessa - I-it was t-t-too dangerous.

Tyraz remained silent for a few moments. He looked to Uriel, whose eyes were filled with anger and rage. He grabbed the front of Alessa's snout, covering up her nostrils. She squirmed but Uriel was far too strong for her. His vice-like grip clamping her firmly in position.

Uriel - You cannot speak further of betrayal, when I take away the ability for you to do so...

Tyraz leaned forward with desperation on his face. Something within him terrified for what was to occur next, what monstrous deed would be performed before his very eyes.

Tyraz - Uriel, don't do it!

Alessa however could not hold her breath forever. As she gasped, a force unseen pulled her lower jaw down as Uriel reached his other hand in and gripped her tongue tightly, squeezing it, Alessa could feel the heat from his palm, Tyraz from his screen could see the hellish aura he was emitting, now intensifying from what was to come.

Uriel - Alessa: I take no enjoyment in this, but you have forced my hand.

With a swift tug, he ripped out Alessa's tongue causing her to sceam in extreme pain as the long, bloodied tongue dangled halfway out of Uriel's hand before he tossed it aside and reached in again, this time with his claw glowing he burned the base of the tongue within her throat, preventing any chance of regrowth. Alessa squirmed in extreme pai nbefore Urie lfinally let go. Tyraz looked on in utter shock and disbelief. He had witnessed Uriel, the Paragon of the Draconid Imperium, physically assault his own daughter, as well as remove her ability to speak in one of the most horrific ways possible. Tyraz slumped back in his throne, disgusted and in shock at what had transpired.

Tyraz - A-Alessa...
Uriel - Don't worry dear, I will consider giving the ability back in time, you have such beautiful voice. it is a shame however you preferred uisng that voice to plot agianst your own father!

On his final word the guards let go and Uriel gave her a hard smack in the face, sending her to the floor. Uriel then turned his head slowly towards the screen. A clear sign of anger both burned in his eyes and showed on his face. Tyraz gulped, utterly speechless. He looked upon what Uriel had become. His appearance had changed significantly since the start of his Descension, as had his mind. The once noble paragon had deformed in body and mind into nothing less than a demon, a terrifying insult to the Draconid form. His mind clouded with hatred and fury unending.

Uriel - You forced me to do this Tyraz, you couldn't simply walk away, could you?
Tyraz - Uriel...How could you...To your own daughter, your own kin!
Uriel - Part of being a leader is knowing that the best way is not always the way you desire.
Tyraz - Such irony in the words of a man so obsessed with his own power.
Uriel - Power? I am doing this to make my people better.
Tyraz - You have become a tyrant!
Uriel - Is that what you think? or do you only say that because yo know you can no longer control me?
Tyraz - I never desired control, Uriel! You were my friend!
Uriel - No. I could never have been an equal to you. Not without what you have given me.
Tyraz - Your mind has become clouded by rage and hatred...
Uriel - I have never seen the world more clearly. Those with the strongest legacies msut act to ensure themselves a place in history.

Tyraz shook his head in disbelief at what he was hearing while Alessa continued to sob on the floor, not even this was enough for enough sympathy for her father to give a passing look.

Tyraz - The Uriel I knew would've never desired this...
Uriel - The Uriel you knew knew was a puppet, a pathetic and weak little worm.

Alessa, still barely conscious shook her head, but none of the blood dragons appeared to notice her.

Tyraz - Uriel...you have fallen from grace...
Uriel - You keep saying that, why can't you be proud of me! First you cosntantly worried about me, now you're saying I am a fallen man.
Tyraz - I wanted you to be stronger! But there is a fine line between strength and will! And your will has become tainted!
Uriel - I AM stronger!
Tyraz - No Uriel...I was wrong to have given you such power...

The conversation was partially interrupted when one of the Dragons stepped forward.

Dragon - Lord Breek?
Uriel - Do not listen to him! Take her back to the palace.
Dragon - No sir. You punshed your own daughter in such a savage manner, your protectors fear something is not right.

Uriel turned to the Dragons. Unlike the ones he had Descended over the past week, these two were yet to be converted. They still possessed mortality, conscience and will, remembering an old piece of legislation that allowed them to speak up should the paragon begin performing questionable acts. Tyraz looked on and he yelled out to the mortals in the room.

Tyraz - Run!!
Uriel - I gave you an order!

One of the dragons nodded and Picked Alessa up. He slung her over his shoulder and walked out of sight. Uriel smiled and began walking out of the room.

Uriel - Good Now let us--

But he as interrupted when the other Dragon pressed his hand against Uriel's chest, a feat of confidence that could have crossed with some sense of desire for suicide. The act was enough for Uriel to glare down towards the warrior who stood in his way.

Dragon - I am sorry sir, but I agree with Lord Breek; You have fallen from grace, I will not protect a tyrant.

Tyraz looked on and he blinked. Tears began to stream down his eyes. he had seen enough of the new paragon to see what was coming.

Uriel - You... are defying me?

The dragon nodded. In a split second, Uriel's fist went straight through his head. Tyraz shook his head with distraught at the scene.

Uriel - I will not be defied.
Tyraz - Uriel...
Uriel - I have nothing more to say to you.

Uriel walked over to the console and ended the feed by firmly pressing the "end call" button with his finger, reducing the image of both their screens to a black void indicative that contact had been severed. Tyraz sat back silently, a look of mixed emotions on his face. He knew he had to do something, but so far, he didn't know what. He wondered if Uriel has fallen so far as to become outside of Tyraz's own power...

Spared From Tyranny

four days later

Tyraz sat alone in his study, surrounded by books and weaponry. At his desk, a cup laid on its side with some liquid spilled all over some documents. Rather than sitting at the desk, poring over the documents like one would expect, Tyraz sat alone against a bookcase, crouched and his head slumped into his knees. His mind was being internally torn apart, mentally scarred by the events he had witness not a few days ago. There was a dim light though the office's windows as the parent star of Daedalus set beneath the horizon, bathing the room in a dull orange. As he sat with his head buried within his knees, was a knock at his door and he got up to answer it. Standing outside was a soldier who had his fist pressed against his pec, as if saluting. Tyraz slowly looked up, his eyes were sore, red not simply from the taint that coursed in his body but also dry and sore. The source of his discomfort was reinforced by his cheeks being stained with the trails of black tears.

Soldier - Lord Councillor, you appear to have guests.
Tyraz - ...Guests? At an hour such as this? ...Alright, send them in.
Soldier - I will warn you sir, they appear somewhat upset.
Tyraz - Upset?

The soldier stood aside, allowing the guests to enter the study as Tyraz sat slumped against the wall. Entering the study were Alessa and Paronus, however accompanying them were about ten Draconis ranging in height from Septis's to a little taller than Tyraz himself, who mostly waited outside. Alessa, curiously, wore a veil, hiding her face as she held tightly to Paronus's hand. Completely taken by surprsied by this scene, Tyraz's eyes widened upon seeing the Draconis and he was rendered speechless for a few moments. However, he regained his composure and gestured to send the guard away before turning to Paronus and Alessa. Seeing the two Draconis enter, Tyraz opened up his posture as if to put on a brave face for his guests.

Tyraz - ...You managed to escape, didn't you...?
Paronus - We took what siblings we could. Those old enough to live on their own have tried hiding but... I fear Uriel may be furious.
Tyraz - How...How did you escape? Surely you didn't overpower Uriel, that would be mad...
Paronus - We were as discreet as we could be. Some of us stayed behind to distract the Dragons but...

At that, Alessa moved her head to try and hide it under Paronuss' arm, sobbing. Tyraz stood silent for a few moments and looked down in sadness. He knew about the ferocity of the Blood Dragons and how loyal they were. He was not fully informed but the truth was a clear possibility in his mind. The truth that Uriel had begun converting his bodyguards into monsters like he was becoming, corrupting them into his own personal army of demons.

Tyraz - I...I see, that's...a shame...

Tyraz approached Alessa slowly and cautiously, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her. Paronus appeared distraught himself. From her behaviour, it was evient that Alessa was looking to him for strength and courage, something that was torn from her alongside her tongue and her confidence ot speak, any hope of returning blocked by the despair she bore. Tyraz teared up further.

Paronus - She hasn't said a word ever since our father muted her. Not even a garble.
Tyraz - I cannot believe...that I witnessed him do such a thing...and I couldn't do anything to stop it...I'm so sorry Alessa, if I was there I would've done something to stop him!

Alessa didn't turn around, instead she continued to sob with Paronus comforting her.

Paronus - Tyraz...what has happened to our Father? He's become a monster.

Tyraz looked to Paronus and stepped away from Alessa, holding his head in frustration.

Tyraz - I'm not sure...I never thought he would become this way, he never seemed like the sort of man to become what he has...It just happened so drastically and quickly...

Alessa pried her head from Parous's arms and looked at Tyraz. She gazed at him through her veil, her eyes hidden behind the thin sheet of cloth raped over her head. As they talked, Septis pushed open the door slightly, looking slightly nervous as he peeared inside. He spent a moment watching before he spoke.

Paronus - I've never seen him like this. Never. He's never been this brutal before.
Septis - C-can we come in?

Tyraz looked to Septis and stared for a moment, a sad expression on his face when he saw the small Draconis. He forced a smile on his face and he nodded, answering quietly and making a brief gesture with his hand to Spetis as an indicator for him to come in.

Tyraz - Y-Yes...sure, come in, f-feel free. Just don't...don't touch anything.
Paronus - We managed to smuggle ten of our siblings out of the palace. Are you sure there is enough room in here?
Tyraz - There is more than enough, especially for...especially for you all. It is the least I can do...as well as try and find a way to regain Alessa's speech if she so wants...

Paronus gave a nod to Spetis and some of the other children filed in. They were all careful not to disturb anything as they came in and looked at Tyraz, all of them bearing moods that suggested their ordeal had been far from enjoyable. Alessa lowered herself to Tyraz's level, and gave a timid nod. She could not speak but she did what she could to convey herself. Tyraz wiped the tears from his eyes with his arm and took in a deep inhalation though his nostrils in an attempt to put on a brave face.

Tyraz - ...I owe you all so much...Your family has done much for me, Uriel has done much for me...The man who claims to be Paragon now is not Uriel, he is not your father. That is not the man we know as Uriel Ultanos.
Paronus - It feels...disturbing how I had happily written him a letter a few days ago.
Tyraz - You could not have known, it is not your fault. It is the fault of nobody here...I am just happy that you are all safe, but for those who...who didn't quite make it...I shall spare my thoughts for them...I will make sure they did not die for nothing.
Paronus - Is it too much to ask if we could lodge here? The Imperium has grown too dangerous for us to stay in. And it would be good for Alessa and the younger ones to be around someone who can protect them.
Tyraz - Of course you can lodge here, I was about to suggest that myself. We have plenty of food and water for all of you here, as well as room to play and...and other things.
Paronus - I speak for all of us when I say I thank you immensely for your generosity.

Alessa turned to Paronus and grabbed his arm, brushing his shoulder with her snout. He took this as a silent request from her, her affectionate movements against him indicating that she desired a moment of affection.

Paronus - Oh and...I think Alessa would like to stay with you for a little while longer.

Tyraz smiled and nodded to Paronus, looking to Alessa and placing his hand on her shoulder once more.

Tyraz - She shall be in safe hands...No danger shall come of her while I am within her presence.

Paronus bowed and turned around. He guided the children out of the room, uttering quietly to them that Alessa and Tyraz wished for soem itme alone, which was met with a few disappointed moans from the younger offspring who had not seen Tyraz in a while until now. After he led the children out of the room, leaving Tyraz and Alessa alone together, Tyraz looked to Alessa and stroked her cheek with a finger gently, his finger passing itself over the thin and fine silk cover ALessa had obscured her face with.

Tyraz - I'll get your voice back, Alessa...I shall make him pay for ever trying to silence you...

Alessa nodded and after spending a moment embracing Tyraz's affection shyly removed her veil, revealing she had been considerably upset. Her mouth was curled downwards, it was as though she wore the veil to hide ehr true feelings, perhaps this was for the childrens' sake? It pained him to see Alessa in such a state, he could understand why she wore the veil. If her upset appearance brought him to sadness, he could only imagine what it would have done to Septis and the rest of her siblings. Tyraz placed his arms around Alessa and placed his head against her pec, embracing her in a hug. The immense amount of muscular tissue that wrapped itself over her torso to power her gigantic wings acted as a firmly-padded cushion for Tyraz to rest his burdened head.

Alessa sniffled, she reached for Tyraz's hand and a barely-oticeable smile crept up on her face, largely obscured by the misery that dominated her mood, her aura, everything about her. Tyraz opened his eyes as he felt her hand touch his, but he didn't pull away. He allowed her to hold it, though not just for her sake but for his as well. He too needed some comfort, he needed somebody to be there. The past tenday he had further lost his brother to a monster the source of which he could not fully understand. His years dealing with his own inner demons meant that he knew where such things came from, but to see a man he treated as a brother like this when the many years they had known each other showed him as calm and compassionate, hardly ever raising his voice. As he cuddled Alessa his mind was apace with questions as to where the monster came from, what side did Uriel keep from him?

As he lost himself in the moment, Alessa moved to further embrace Tyraz. Her sobbing breaking the silence of the room.

Tyraz - ...If there is one thing I can do for Uriel...it is to look after his family, especially his daughter...through a time such as this...You do not need to worry, Alessa...an angel of death watches over you and shall protect you from all harm...

Through her sobbing, Alessa opened her mouth and what sounded like a happy but very faint garble escaped her lips.Tyraz heard the garble and he began to sob, resting his crest against Alessa's body as he tried to hold back the tears. He did not need the power to read minds to understand her speech, but her inability to perform this most fundamental form of civilised communication was what broke him into tears, flooding back memories of that gruesome day.

Unlikely Support

Dropping the Hammer

To attack the Imperial Palace was the dream of any enemy of the Draconid Imperium. To storm it room by room for the chance to hold a Paragon's severed head from its parapets was the desire for countless threats. But Tyraz, having been a regular visitor to the Draocnid throneworld, knew its defenses all too well. He had read the stories and seen the measures for himself, that master-kings of the Imperium wanted to make their personal residence as impenetrable as possible.

And yet, that is what the Zazane warlord was preparing for. In times past perhaps he could have simply wished himself to the palace's doors, but a shadow hung over the Palace that made whisking himself in a long-distance journey with no starship or other cosmic vessel possible. The inside of the palace was completely hidden from eyes beyond the scope of what mortals typically possessed. Tyraz had been fortunate that House Khaxvis, once bitter enemies of his, offered their aid. Using what connections that remained, the coalition that had been birthed were able to commandeer a section of an Imperial battlefleet, with enough permissions to get the mas close as Alcanti's orbit. With this fleet, Tyraz led an assault force into Minos'Drakon with only one goal: Uriel had passed the point of no return, it was concluded that he was so far lost to his inner demons that the only resolution was to grand him a merciful resignation. From the defenses however, the paragon had other plans.

Inserting their forces close to the golden gates into the palace grounds, Tyraz led the charge, clutching his Firesword tightly in his hand the great swings threw great waves of fire that relieved the soldiers behind him. Bolts of plasma and high-velocity projectiles weathered hi skin from above, the palace's guardians firing from the parapets around the gate's courtyard in a volley that would surely have reduced any normal man into a mess of gore and riddled organs. But not Tyraz, pushing his determination to his limits he shrugged off every shot as he charged for the gate, great swings bisecting the soldiers in his way until finally he could touch it: The great golden edifice, said to be detailed with battles thousands of years old engraved onto a gold-plated blast door several stories high.

Tyraz took but a minute to study the door, he brushed its hand over the metal to feel the magnetic field holding the door shut, a barrier of invisible power that under normal circumstances would hold even the most resilient of blasts. Tyraz had a different option in mind. Using his Firesword he swung upwards and downwards, sending white-hot waves to cut down the middle of the door. As he continued the swings softened the metal, on the higher points the metal began to sag ever so slightly, swing after swing the metal began to give way, and eventually Tyraz stopped. Attempts to gun him down were so in vain that so had the the soldiers on the parapets stopped. Tyraz responded by running his foot in an arc along the ground, he lifted it from the ground and with a great thrust to an impact so great it rang through the courtyard, Tyraz delivered a breaching kick so powerful the door collapsed.

Beyond was the palace, warped by dark essences. Tyraz could not just feel but see the darkness that had overcome it. A glympse below and the gardens once a beautiful bright crimson this time of year were approaching black. Their trunks twisted and they reached skyward, reaching for the causeway that stretched between the door and the palace's main courtyard. Looking back, Tyraz took note of the soldiers he had come with, he might weather whatever storm the guardians could throw at him, but they would be kettled and massacred in an attempt to cross the bridge.

It took a moment for Tyraz to consider his options, and fortunately for him one emerged: Slamming his left foot against the ground, Tyraz launched himself into a sprint so rapid he was but a blur as he stormed across the causeway. Swinging his Firesword as he ran, the great fiery waves incinerated and cast aside soldiers who stood behind barriers along the ornate causeway. Such speed did he move that he tore up the flagstone under his feet, charring the intricate fractal patterns marked in the tilework until he reached the very end. With oen final swing, he sent soldiers in the courtyard flying back, his final step was a powerful slam across the threshold into the courtyard and with his wings his idea gave full clarity. On both sides of the bridge, portals opened that allowed all those on the gateward side to bypass the chokepoint. With his Firesword, Tyraz aimed to clear the edge of the terrace in front of him, to protect what soldiers he had brought.

He looked back to the bridge and could just make out reinforcements, not his however, approaching from the city. As the last of his allies made it though the portal, Tyraz clenched his fist to collapse the gateways he had opened. He plunged his firesword into his end of the bridge and, gathering air in his lungs, removed the sword with such a mighty roar that the bridge collapsed, starting form his side and cascading to the other. Turning back around, Tyraz saw more of the palace's soldiers arriving, where he now had a good glimpse of what he was facing - these Black Angels lived up to their name: Fully clad in black silver-trimmed armour and each one measuring a head taller than any Draconis in Tyraz's ranks at the smallest. Their helmets were adorned with large curling horns and each one was armed with a wide array of twisted-looking weapons. As he observed his new foes, one of the assault group's officers walked up to him.

  • Capain - What are your orders, Lord-Councillor.
  • Tyraz - They're not firing...

At the far side of the terrace, the great doors into the palace opened. Something strong walked out, Tyraz could smell it. A Black Angel, twice as tall as any of its subordinates and looking more like a coarlatus than a Draconis hosting the grand head-crest that it did stepped out with great pounding steps. Clasped in its hand, a polearm several metres long, It's trunk-sized shaft was black as ash and the metal implement on the head resembled a great curved sword. When the captain spoke, it's voice, while still baritone as the voices of the Draocnis were, was distinctly feminine. Power echoed within as she opened her wings, revealing a span that must have been as great as 20 metres tip-to-tip.

  • Dragon-captain Vaesa - Mortals. You transgress on hallowed ground. The Imperium's savour, Uriel Godsbane, does not approve of your intrusion.
  • Tyraz -Where is Davius! - Fury echoed in Tyraz's response. - Where is your predecessor who commanded the Guard! Who allowed your mutations to proceed!
  • Vaesa - I was the first Angel. He speaks much of you...Tyraz. And you are not welcome in these halls!
  • Tyraz - Your liege has grown mad.
  • Vaesa - SILENCE! You made it this far, Tyraz Breek, but you will die upon these steps. As will the mortal pawns you have led with you like cattle to the abattoir! Their deaths are to stain your hands.

With a roar, Tyraz leaped over the wall into the next terrace, swinging his sword to incinerate any Black Angel that stepped close. Below him, the soldiers he brought ran for cover, disadvantaged by their adversaries' possession of the highground they nonetheless fought for their lives. Were Tyraz not occupying the Angels on the terrace above them, more might have fallen, but losses still occurred as Tyraz had to occasionally swing his firesword towards the railings in an attempt to draw attention back to him.


Beaten, battered and bloodied, the demonic Zazane warlord that brought hellfire down on this infernal palace, marched on as bodies of mortals and immortals, dead allies and slain angels, littered the corridors behind him. The weight of his Firesword grew heavy as he approached the final doors. To his surprise, the dark angels who guarded the way did not stop to confront him. Instead they saluted him, pushing the doors inward much to his confusion. Tyraz gave brief glimpses to these warriors, evidently transformed by the dark energies he cursed under his breath, as they were easily a head taller than their more mortal kin. The stink of their cursed nature hung to their armour as though their bodies refused to betray an impression they were dead inside. He could smell it too, gone were whatever souls occupied that once-magnificent armour. Gone were the courageous hearts, all that occupied them now his senses were telling him, were corpses motivated by hate and duty.

Tyraz winced as he turned his attention to the chamber he now entered. The stink of Sin was omnipresent, twisting and blackening every gilding, every marble pillar and tile. Mere months ago this chamber was one of the most magnificent in all of Andromeda, the taint of Sin however had corrupted it into a chamber as black as the heart of the beast he knew without question was responsible. As he closed the distance towards the paragon's new corrupted throne, his eyes caught a sight that he momentarily blinked for: Sitting in the middle, relaxed and smug, Uriel was almost free of his transformations, with few exceptions: His eyes burned like furnaces, his crown was adorned with six enormous twisting horns, and his claws were black as obsidian. He was clad head to toe in a new shimmering black suit of armour, marked everywhere with hostile faces and flourishes of silver.

Seeing Uriel caused Tyraz to restore the grip on his Firesword, holding it tighter than ever as his features narrowed in fury. Uriel didn ot react, he even looked pleased as he stood up.

  • Uriel - I've been waiting for you to arrive, Tyraz.
  • Tyraz - Is this blodoy gauntlet what you call "waiting"? How many died to sate your bloodthirst this time.
  • Uriel - Does it matter?
  • Tyraz - The Uriel I knew would never be so callous about life. Whoever you are, monster, you can never be him.

Tyraz held his sword up to aim at the demon king in front of him.

  • Uriel - Oh but I am. I just never told you much of my life before I met you. Campaign this, massacre that, not exactly exciting.
  • Tyraz - You. Are not. HIM!

Swingign the sword, Tyraz charged. He prepared a downward blow, the great four-metre blade descending on its foe. That was if it were not suddenly stopped. Uriel had drawn his own dark blade in a split second, and was holding the Firesword, a weapon of arcane origins that was said to cut even the greatest of blades, was locked in place with the sabre Uriel had drawn. Tyraz's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "I-Impossible" were the words he uttered before Uriel disengaged and with a great kick sent Tyraz though several pillars and colliding with a far wall.

There was something strange going on - Tyraz could see Uriel, but beyond that he was as if a spectre, a shadow that was hard to make out. His thoughts were impenetrable, his movements were impossible to read beyond what most mortal men could perform. But this could not be a limitation, and on recovery the Zazane charged back into the fray. The clashes exchanged by the two demigods rang though the halls, cracking stone and puncturing eardrums. Tyraz hacked feverishly, trying his best to break Uriel's defenses, who blocked each one and did so as if he was not that strained. There was a lapse, then a shooting pain rushed though Tyraz's leg, looking down behind him he saw that Uriel's armorued foot had collapsed his left shin in between parries. The pain was immense, powerful enough that he fought to maintain his focus as Uriel struck several more times. Tyraz missed a swing, Uriel grapped his right arm and with a twirl send the Zazane sailing over Uriel's head and into the floor with a mighty, bone-shattering crack against the marble. The first thing he saw as his vision clared was Uriel standing above him, looking disappointed.

  • Uriel - Even as absconding with my favourite daughter gave you a new level of courage you are still a terrible swordsman.
  • Tyraz - Your favourite? You ripped out her damned tongue withotu a thought for her pain, you Shyrak-eating abomination!
  • Uriel - Because she was talking to you.

Uriel slammed his sword mere millimeters away from one of Tyraz's horns, close enough that he could feel the heat escaping the surface of the blade. The fizzle and crackle of the energies obscure his ears to the sounds of bones repairing and fixing themselves back into place.

  • Tyraz - Is that how you rationalise it? That thing in your head. It's been lying all along! It's the one talking right now, isn't it?

Imperceptible to Tyraz, Instinct stood opposite Uriel in his fully demonic appearance, a disgusted look upon his face.

  • Uriel - You don't even know what he's been talking to me about.
  • Instinct - How disgraceful. He could never accept his own inner voices and so even as he lies like game to be carved he tells you the same shit over and over again.
  • Tyraz - I know it wants your body, and resents what you were. It's shaping you into something you're not, Uriel. Something the old Uriel would never refuse to be.
  • Uriel - He told me what I needed to hear, clear of any whispers.
  • Tyraz - It-- It told you what it wanted you to hear!

Tyraz tossed himself into the air with a powerful jump. Landing near Uriel, he gathered Descension energy into his fists and made repeated blows into Uriel's torso, bending and warping the armour as his punches became faster and faster. Something was getting though as after the first few punches, Uriel began to buckle, but it got difficult as something, almost the metal itself, began screaming. It took a while for Tyraz to notice, but when he did, he was both disturbed and confused. This momentary lapse was followed though with a punch into the air from Uriel, who sent him sailing into a column.

Tyraz was not disoriented for long, and wish a push from his legs was back on the ground. Now the two exchanged flurries of punches and kicks, cracking bones and bending armour with each blow. It was evident as the punches continued that Uriel's armour was screaming with every hit. The wearer was not noticing, but the shrill screech made it difficult to keep up the barrage. By this point the two were fighting at speeds difficult to recognise, their arms and legs were a blur as they moved faster and faster in order to hit earlier. Something about Uriel's fall however made him noticeable stronger and faster than his opponent, to whom he gained these powers. Tyraz had to avoid whenever Uriel's legs swept around, he could almost see the dark energy gathering in the enormous muscles Uriel possessed, which were not only enormous due to natural traits in Draconis physiology, but further swelled as an entity transformed by the warping effects of Sin.

Tyraz finally landed a hit strong enough to knock Uriel back. He took a moment to notice the strain of battle had worn down what was likely a disguise. The amber scales that were restored had now returned to their blackened colouration, bony growths were starting to emerge along his forearms and his face had now lost the chiseled sculpture-like charm he was famous for, replaced with the more pronounced and demonic features he had come to adopt.

  • Uriel - I have had enough of dancing around!

With a massive swing of his fist to the floor, Uriel sent out a shockwave that sent Tyraz off his feet and to the floor, which was now horribly cracked from Uriel's blow and the strain of the fighting. When the dust cleared, Tyraz first saw two burning lights several metres above the ground. This dust cleared further to show Tyraz just what he had dreaded. The titan that stood in Uriel's place was the worst that could have happened, every feature he had seen on Uriel was now twice their proportion - the six great horns were now dwarfing his head, the claws on his hands and feat curled like obsidian scythes, his teeth were liek brutal sawblades, his eyes burned like the hottest of furnaces, and what musculature Tyraz could spot though the armour was carved like a Herculean warrior.

Tyraz could not speak, perhaps he could cry, but there were no tears. Uriel, as he saw it, as dead. This was the demon inside of him, it had won, and now mocked the accomplishment to his blood-brother with its demonic visage. Tyraz was slow to stand up, struggling to comprehend that no matter how low he had previously seen Uriel sink, the monster inside him managed to sink much lower the next time they met. At the back ,the throne had also changed - it was now much larger, likely to accommodate the true size of its current occupant.

