
The Proditkar have arrived. Submit.

- Declaration made by the Movement in every battle/invasion.

The Proditkar Movement are a supposed rebel group of Multus Esse, in reality, faulty clones, and aberrations of the Chassin'ra, created as hybrids mixed with the former, along with Locrin'Noth, Alibix and other species to cultivate the ultimate Species. Ruled by a Cabal of True Multus Esse, collectively referred to as the First Born, their will is seen to by the highly powerful Second Born, whose genetic impurities are less obvious and their powers greater, while the bulk is made up of the Third Born, the warriors and frontline fighters, who lead masses of captured slaves and genetic engineered beasts into war against their foes. All of this is designed to subjugate and bring the galaxy to heel under their will.

The Proditkar is single-minded and dehumanizing to both it's members as well as those that cross them, few given any comfort, even those among that gain or are born into the position of the Second and First Lords. Their focused, tunnel-vision eyes care little for any other power or whatever else occurs, only desiring the complete subjugation of the galaxy above all else.

Their attitude and policies put them at odds with the Unified Alliance of Enlightenment, the True Multus Esse, and countless other powers. Among the powers of Mirus, they are widely regarded as savage and utterly uncaring, though they seemed to have avoided the colonies of the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus, refusing any contact with them, and seemingly fearful of them.



Coming very soon
