
The Realm of Dreams is an alternate dimension where all the dreams of living creatures are created. It also serves as Shu'ulathoi's prison. In this dimension, time doesn't flow, and all things in it never age.

The Realm is separated in two regions: the Dream Region and the Nightmare Region.

The Dream Region

The Dream Region is the part of the Realm were dreams are created. To mortal eyes, this region appears as a beautiful land full of life, with several flora and flowers. All kinds of early creatures live in the Dream Region peacefully.

Scattered around the region, there are several miniature stars and energy pillars. These stars are the material form of dreams, and the pillars are the links between the Realm and the rest of the omniverse. Rainbows and small white clouds can also be seen in this region.

The Nightmare Region

The Nightmare Region is full of death and fire

The Nightmare Region is the part of the Realm where Shu'ulathoi resides. It originally didn't existed, being part of the Dream Region. But when Shu'ulathoi arrived, he started to leech the energy from the dreams, causing the land to die, the sky to turn red and the water to become lava. This region is slowly growing.

Scattered around the region are multiple floating green spheres. These spheres are the material form of nightmares, and they are highly poisonous to all kind of life, except for their creator and creations. The only kind of life found in the Nightmare Region are Skulldudes.

Acessing the Realm of Dreams

The Realm of Dreams is unnacessable to most creatures, as it is separated from the rest of the universe. However, deities of immense power may be able to create gateways to the Realm of Dreams. However, only one being can enter the Realm at a time, with the gameway closing as soon at the being enters.

Exiting the Realm of Dreams is a much harder job than entering. While it takes an immense amount of energy to enter the Realm, it may take about thirty times more energy to leave. This happens because of the altered laws of physics in the Realm, which can't be altered by any deity. As with entering, only one being can leave the Realm at a time.

While it's hard to enter or exit the Realm, creatures inside it can use the mentioned energy pillars to communicate with anyone on any part of any universe.

One may also enter the Realm by contacting the guardian, Carmetego.


  • While Shu'ulathoi is considered the most powerful creature of the Realm of Dreams, the Realm has no real "leader" or "god".
  • The Realm of Dreams has no sentient life, being composed of only wild animals, mostly early creatures
  • When a creature trips in the Realm of Dreams, someone is having a dream about falling.
  • Shu'ulathoi himself can't go to the Dream Region, as the positive energy damages him heavily. He must wait until his dark influence engulfs the area with nightmares before he can go there.